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|Transcription image=[[File:IMG_0174_copy.JPG|thumbnail|800px|none|HCA 13/73 f.481r Right click on image for full size image in separate window]]
|Transcription image=[[File:IMG_0174_copy.JPG|thumbnail|800px|none|HCA 13/73 f.481r Right click on image for full size image in separate window]]
|Transcription=[INSERT TEXT]
|Transcription=To the last hee saith his foregoeing deposition is true.
To the Interrogatories. [CENTRE HEADING]
To the first hee answereth and saith that the names of his respective
owners with their shares and habitations are as followeth videlicet the said
Warren hugeson of dover in England subiect of this Commonwealth owner
of a fourth par, Jacob Bourmans of Middleborow, owner of a fourth
part, Raynier Martinson of the same owner of another fourth part
and Jacob Lievveson of the sae owner alsoe of a fourth part, which last three
persons hee saith are subiects of the Lords States of the United Netherlands
And that hee this examinate is [?one] part owner thereof, And it
is donne as required.
To the second hee answereth that the shipp the ''ffortune'' at the time
of the said seizure was of the burthen of sixtie tonnes or thereabouts,
And was with her tackle and furniture then well worth the summe of
one hundred and twenty pounds sterling at the least in his estimation,
and hee beleeveth his owners would then have given more money,
then have lost her. And saith that hee is soe well knowne and esteemed
at fflushing that hee could long since have bin put master of another shipp,
since the ''ffortune'' was soe seized, if hee would have left her and his
owners to have looked after it, which hee knoweth hee ought not to doe
And saith that after his comming home after the said seizure hee was
by some of his said owners and others sent to [?Sluce] to buy another vessell
of which hee was to goe master, and had agreed for her when the [?meanes]
came that the ''ffortune'' was found at Wivenhoe, upon which his said owners
of Middleborow would needs have him come over to looke after her, and
therefore hee saith hee need not violate his oath and dorsweare himselfe
(which hee abhores to doe) for want of a shipp to goe master of, as in this
Interrogatorie is uncharitably intimated. And further answereth not.
To the third
To the fourth hee saith that the ''ffortune'' was in his esteeme about halfe
a dutch mile from the South end of the Goodwin sand, and about two dutch
miles from the English shore when shee was soe seized, being much neerer

Revision as of 19:36, August 9, 2014

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Annotate HCA 13/70 Volume Page
Annotate HCA 13/71 Volume Page
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Annotate HCA 13/73 Volume Page
Annotate HCA 13/74 Volume Page
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HCA 13/73 f.481r Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the last hee saith his foregoeing deposition is true.

To the Interrogatories. [CENTRE HEADING]

To the first hee answereth and saith that the names of his respective
owners with their shares and habitations are as followeth videlicet the said
Warren hugeson of dover in England subiect of this Commonwealth owner
of a fourth par, Jacob Bourmans of Middleborow, owner of a fourth
part, Raynier Martinson of the same owner of another fourth part
and Jacob Lievveson of the sae owner alsoe of a fourth part, which last three
persons hee saith are subiects of the Lords States of the United Netherlands
And that hee this examinate is [?one] part owner thereof, And it
is donne as required.

To the second hee answereth that the shipp the ffortune at the time
of the said seizure was of the burthen of sixtie tonnes or thereabouts,
And was with her tackle and furniture then well worth the summe of
one hundred and twenty pounds sterling at the least in his estimation,
and hee beleeveth his owners would then have given more money,
then have lost her. And saith that hee is soe well knowne and esteemed
at fflushing that hee could long since have bin put master of another shipp,
since the ffortune was soe seized, if hee would have left her and his
owners to have looked after it, which hee knoweth hee ought not to doe
And saith that after his comming home after the said seizure hee was
by some of his said owners and others sent to [?Sluce] to buy another vessell
of which hee was to goe master, and had agreed for her when the [?meanes]
came that the ffortune was found at Wivenhoe, upon which his said owners
of Middleborow would needs have him come over to looke after her, and
therefore hee saith hee need not violate his oath and dorsweare himselfe
(which hee abhores to doe) for want of a shipp to goe master of, as in this
Interrogatorie is uncharitably intimated. And further answereth not.

To the third

To the fourth hee saith that the ffortune was in his esteeme about halfe
a dutch mile from the South end of the Goodwin sand, and about two dutch
miles from the English shore when shee was soe seized, being much neerer