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Company might rest and refresh them selves, and after they had continued
Company might rest and refresh them selves, and after they had continued
soe fast about eight howers the sayd damerell came upon the
soe fast about eight howers the sayd damerell came upon the
deck and there openly before this deponenta nd divers others of the sayd
deck and there openly before this deponent and divers others of the sayd
shipps Company sayd to this effect, that if the other fower shipps whose
shipps Company sayd to this effect, that if the other fower shipps whose
company hee had lost did endeavour to worke in after him, then
company hee had lost did endeavour to worke in after him, then

Revision as of 08:37, August 31, 2013

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the tyme that the sayd shipp was soe in workeing further into the Ice towards
shoare then the other shipps whose company shee had lost, did take great paines
to p?oye off Ice and worke about getting the sayd shipp further in, and did
not in any manner disobey the Commands of the sayd damerell or
refuse to worke, nor (soe farr as this deponent heard or observed) speake to
or encourage any of the sayd shipps Company to disobey the sayd damerells
Commands or to refuse to worke, And saith the sayd shipp being wrought
in the sayd fower myles further or thereabouts, the company being much
wearied therewith by reason of the thicknesse of the Ice, the sayd damerell
commanded the sayd shipp to bee fastned to the Ice that the
Company might rest and refresh them selves, and after they had continued
soe fast about eight howers the sayd damerell came upon the
deck and there openly before this deponent and divers others of the sayd
shipps Company sayd to this effect, that if the other fower shipps whose
company hee had lost did endeavour to worke in after him, then
hee would strive to worke in further towards shoare, but if they wrought
out to sea againe hee would worke out alsoe, and bidd some of the
Company goe up into the shrowdes and see which way the heads of the sayd
shipps stood whether they followed or stood to sea wards, and being told
they stood to sea wards hee the sayd damerell went up into the shroudes
him selfe, as alsoe did one mr Covell, and the sayd damerell having taken
a view and coming downe againe sayd upon the open deck in presence of this
deponent and others of the sayd shipps Company thus or to like in effect
I see they are goeing out to sea, therefore turne our shipp and worke
out after them, whereupon the Company accordingly did begin to worke
her out towards sea, And then the arlate Maundrie sayd I am willing
to helpe worke in, for I did see it was to noe other purpose but to
satisfie the Masters humour, which was all the words this deponent
heard the sayd Maundry saye to expresse any dislike of workeing in,
And saith that soe farr as hee this deponent could or did observe
nothing spoken or done by the sayd Gosling or Maundry were any
cause of the sayd shipps not being then or at any tyme after put
into Port but In this deponents Judgment the extreame thicknesse
of the Ice towards shoare was the cause that hindered the sayd shipp
from getting into harbour or shoare, it being in this deponents Judgment
for the reason aforesayd, a thing impossible to gett her to shoare or harbour,
And saith the sayd shipp was by the order of the sayd damerell wrought
out to sea againe, and being come out, the sayd damerell standing
upon the quarter deck sayd in presence and hearing of this deponent and
others who were upon the deck thus or the like in effect,
that hee was glad hee was out, and they would not bee soe farr in the Ice againe as hee was for
five hundred pounds And further hee cannot depose/

To the 9th hee saith that hee this deponent hath gone severall voyages to
Greeneland with in these tenn or eleven yeares last past and during that tyme

Suggested links

HCA 13/71 Page Log & Planner
HCA 3/47 Page Log & Planner