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|Editorial history=Created 11/04/14, by CSG
|Status=First cut transcription started and completed on 18/02/13 by Alex Jackson; pasted into wikispot on 17/04/14 by Colin Greenstreet
|First transcriber=Alex Jackson
|First transcribed=13/02/18
|Editorial history=Created 11/04/14, by CSG
|Transcription image=P1140527
|Transcription=1. ˹Colours˺ and seeing an other shipp with English Colours lye neer then, tooke
2. them for freinds, and came a Sterne of the March, and thereupon the ˹arlate˺ John
3. Scroll the Master of the Mary and Commander (as afterwards appeared both
4. of her and the Unicorne) did (as the manner is at Sea) hale the Sarah and
5. salute her in freindly Port with a peere of Ordnance, and asked from whence shee
6. was and whether bound and was answered that shee was of London
7. and them the Master of the Sarah haled the sayd Scroll and asked him
8. whence his shipps were and he replyed of Middleborough in Zeland
9. and thereupon the Master of the Sarah conceiving them to bee friends and
10. seeing they bore dutch colours flying and were dutch built shipps XXXX
11. saluted them againe with a peere of ordanance and dwer neere and
12. rains to Anchor by them and began to prepare their casks in a readinesse
13. and bring it upon deck in order to carrie it a shoare in their boate
14. to take in fresh water and while they were soe doeing and busied
15. thereabout and not mindeing what the sayd Scroll and his Companys of
16. the Mary and Unicorne were about to doe, the sayd Scroll manned out
17. a boate with about forty armed men, who suddainly came on board
18. the Sarah and surprized her and her ladeing, pretending that they
19. the sayd Scroll and his Companyes had commission soe to doe from the
20. King of Spaine XX XX XXX, but being required to show such their
21. Commission they refused to shewe it, and having in this trecherous
22. manner surprized the sayd shipp Sarah and all her ladeing of Negroes
23. Elephants teeth and other goods aboard her they couveted the same to
24. their owne use and dispoiled the Master and Company of the
25. Sarah of all their ladeing and the sayd shipp Sarah, and of their
26. Cloathes and other Adventures they had on board, and kept them
27. prisoners, And hee saith that while hee was a prisoner hee heard
28. the sayd Scroll and others of the sayd ship the Maries Company
29. Confesse that hee the sayd Scroll was a dutchman and subject of
30. the states of the United Provinces and bound and lived ˹at or˺ neere Minikin
31. damme arlate, and that the XXXX Mary belonged to Amsterdam and was
32. a dutch shipp and that ˹one˺ Vandergoofe a dutchman subject of the sayd
33. states was one of her Owners, and that shee came from Amsterdam
34. Victuale named and cargoes from thence ˹bound˺ upon a tradeing voyage to
35. Ardo in Guinney and other places for Negroes, and that the Unicorne was
36. alsoe a dutch shipp belonging to subiects of the sayd states, and bound in
37. Company with the Mary upon the like designe, and was alsoe under Command
38. of the sayd Scroll, and did heare the Mates and Gunners and other Officers of
39. the sayd shipps confesse that they were all dutchmen and borne in the
40. dominions of the states of the sayd United provinces, and by their lingua and
41. habbitt XXXX alsoe appeared to bee so, And furtehr to this article hee cannot
42. depose saving hee saith that about sixe weekes after the surprizall of the
43. Sarah the sayd Scrawle did with the sayd shipp Unicorne (hee goeing ˹then˺ as Commander
44. in her) seizure XXX Rapahannack arlate (neere Cape Lopez and all her ladeing
45. but whether the Unicorne then boare the dutch Colours or how many negroes or
46. what other goods were surprized aboard the Rapahannack hee knoweth not
|Suggested links=[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AoNoOr05QRMtdHAyNmxuVnNmYkJ3Q0ZiNEQ0R0V2S3c#gid=0 HCA 13/71 Page Log & Planner]
|Suggested links=[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AoNoOr05QRMtdHAyNmxuVnNmYkJ3Q0ZiNEQ0R0V2S3c#gid=0 HCA 13/71 Page Log & Planner]

Revision as of 13:17, April 17, 2014

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1. ˹Colours˺ and seeing an other shipp with English Colours lye neer then, tooke
2. them for freinds, and came a Sterne of the March, and thereupon the ˹arlate˺ John
3. Scroll the Master of the Mary and Commander (as afterwards appeared both
4. of her and the Unicorne) did (as the manner is at Sea) hale the Sarah and
5. salute her in freindly Port with a peere of Ordnance, and asked from whence shee
6. was and whether bound and was answered that shee was of London
7. and them the Master of the Sarah haled the sayd Scroll and asked him
8. whence his shipps were and he replyed of Middleborough in Zeland
9. and thereupon the Master of the Sarah conceiving them to bee friends and
10. seeing they bore dutch colours flying and were dutch built shipps XXXX
11. saluted them againe with a peere of ordanance and dwer neere and
12. rains to Anchor by them and began to prepare their casks in a readinesse
13. and bring it upon deck in order to carrie it a shoare in their boate
14. to take in fresh water and while they were soe doeing and busied
15. thereabout and not mindeing what the sayd Scroll and his Companys of
16. the Mary and Unicorne were about to doe, the sayd Scroll manned out
17. a boate with about forty armed men, who suddainly came on board
18. the Sarah and surprized her and her ladeing, pretending that they
19. the sayd Scroll and his Companyes had commission soe to doe from the
20. King of Spaine XX XX XXX, but being required to show such their
21. Commission they refused to shewe it, and having in this trecherous
22. manner surprized the sayd shipp Sarah and all her ladeing of Negroes
23. Elephants teeth and other goods aboard her they couveted the same to
24. their owne use and dispoiled the Master and Company of the
25. Sarah of all their ladeing and the sayd shipp Sarah, and of their
26. Cloathes and other Adventures they had on board, and kept them
27. prisoners, And hee saith that while hee was a prisoner hee heard
28. the sayd Scroll and others of the sayd ship the Maries Company
29. Confesse that hee the sayd Scroll was a dutchman and subject of
30. the states of the United Provinces and bound and lived ˹at or˺ neere Minikin
31. damme arlate, and that the XXXX Mary belonged to Amsterdam and was
32. a dutch shipp and that ˹one˺ Vandergoofe a dutchman subject of the sayd
33. states was one of her Owners, and that shee came from Amsterdam
34. Victuale named and cargoes from thence ˹bound˺ upon a tradeing voyage to
35. Ardo in Guinney and other places for Negroes, and that the Unicorne was
36. alsoe a dutch shipp belonging to subiects of the sayd states, and bound in
37. Company with the Mary upon the like designe, and was alsoe under Command
38. of the sayd Scroll, and did heare the Mates and Gunners and other Officers of
39. the sayd shipps confesse that they were all dutchmen and borne in the
40. dominions of the states of the sayd United provinces, and by their lingua and
41. habbitt XXXX alsoe appeared to bee so, And furtehr to this article hee cannot
42. depose saving hee saith that about sixe weekes after the surprizall of the
43. Sarah the sayd Scrawle did with the sayd shipp Unicorne (hee goeing ˹then˺ as Commander
44. in her) seizure XXX Rapahannack arlate (neere Cape Lopez and all her ladeing
45. but whether the Unicorne then boare the dutch Colours or how many negroes or
46. what other goods were surprized aboard the Rapahannack hee knoweth not

Suggested links

HCA 13/71 Page Log & Planner
HCA 3/47 Page Log & Planner