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|Status=First cut transcription completed on 01/04/13 by Jill Wilcox; pasted into wikispot on 17/04/14 and edited on 28/07/14 by Colin Greenstreet
|Status=Transcribed on 01/04/2013
|First transcriber=Jill Wilcox
|First transcriber=Jill Wilcox 01/04/13
|First transcribed=2013/04/01
|Editorial history=Edited on 28/07/2014 by Colin Greenstreet
|Editorial history=Created 11/04/14, by CSG
|Transcription image=P1140541
|Transcription image={{#transcription-image: P1140541}}
|Transcription=that the sayd Marshall was for his service to have four pounds per
|Transcription=that the sayd Marshall was for his service to have four pounds per
month, and by reason of the sayd seizure lost elevn monethes
month, and by reason of the sayd seizure lost elevn monethes
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|Suggested links=[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AoNoOr05QRMtdHAyNmxuVnNmYkJ3Q0ZiNEQ0R0V2S3c#gid=0 HCA 13/71 Page Log & Planner]
[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AoNoOr05QRMtdFlXNjQ3ekM0WW5NS1oyN250QUpJd0E#gid=0 HCA 3/47 Page Log & Planner]

Revision as of 14:51, May 20, 2015

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P1140541 (Image not found)


that the sayd Marshall was for his service to have four pounds per
month, and by reason of the sayd seizure lost elevn monethes
imployment whereby he is further endammaged forty four pounds

To the fifteenth article he saith the sayd ffrancis Hurdidge was possest
of sylver plate, bookes Instruments and Clothes and a Jewell to
a good value all which the hollanders tooke from him, and that
losse also happened and thorough the sayd shipps seizure att Bahia
by the Portugalls as aforesayd; the value of his losse in this particular
estimated in this article to a thousand pounds and upwards
he this deponent cannot truly value. noe can further depose
saving that the sayd ffrancis Hurdidge allso lost eleven moneths tyme
by reason of the sayd seizure by the Portugalls whereby he lost his
owne and two servants wages besides other losse in dyet and the

To the sixteenth article he saith that there belonged to the sayd shipp
when she was so seized by the Portugalls, over and besides the foresayd
Captaine Hurdidge and his servant and the sayd Marshall, twelve English
mariners whereof this deponent was one, every of which twelve
had goods or Cloathes or both that were lost to them by the meanes
of the said seizure made by the Portugueses, and lost each of the
eleven monthes tyme att the least, and were forced to live all
that tyme att their owne charge and suffered much hardshipp
so as their whole losse in wages dyet and Cloathes (besides
their negers which they had for their owne accompt) did and
doth amount to five hundred twenty four pounds sterling.

To the seventeenth article he saith that the sayd Captaine Hurdidge
was constrayned and did keepe his masters with dyet att Angola
during the 40 days as aforesayd in which the sayd shipp lay att Angola
after returne from the sayd warlike expedition; but what dammage
he thereby sustayned knoweth not.

To the eighteenth article he saith that the sayd Portugueses did upon
the sayd seizure take away from Thomas Wise Purser of the sayd
shipp seven Elephants teeth worth eight and twenty millrees
or thereabouts, from John Cobb her masters mate one neger worth
fifty millrees, and from John Haynes Boatswaine one neger
worth fifty millrees or thereabouts, and from this deponent one
negar worth forty eight millrees or thereabouts, and from
Robert Pearce and James Large mariners of the sayd shipp one
negar worth fourty eight millrees. the premisses he deposeth seeing
the sayd goods so seized and well observing the quantity and value
and price of the sayd Negers att Bahia. and saith this deponent and
his sayd fellowes have had noe satisfaction att all for their sayd
losse. And further deposeth not.

To the last the saith that the Interest of the sayd summes of money
wherein all or any the persons aforesayd have suffered dammage
was and is really worth six per Centum per annum from the tyme
of the sayd seizure which was made by the Portugalls on or about
the seventh of ffebruary 1657. English stile And more deposeth not