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|Transcription image=P1140443
|Transcription image=P1140443
|Transcription=1. The 13th of March 1656/
|Transcription=The 13th of March 1656/
2. <margin value="Left">A busines of Examination of witnesses on the behalfe&#125;
3. of John Neavyne and John Kerr and others late Mariners&#125;
A busines of Examination of witnesses on the behalfe&#125;
4. of the Speedewell of which John Kerr was Commander&#125;
of John Neavyne and John Kerr and others late Mariners&#125;
5. against Captaine Adrian VenXXimon Swart now or&#125;
of the Speedewell of which John Kerr was Commander&#125;
6. late Commander of the vessell called the Saint Patrick and&#125;
against Captaine Adrian VenXXimon Swart now or&#125;
7. Captaine Jacob Johnson Governour late Commander of&#125;
late Commander of the vessell called the Saint Patrick and&#125;
8. a smale ffrench ffrigott in speciall and all others in&#125;
Captaine Jacob Johnson Governour late Commander of&#125;
9. generall that will take upon them the Justification or&#125;
a smale ffrench ffrigott in speciall and all others in&#125;
10. defence of the sayd seizure: Suckley&#125;</margin>
generall that will take upon them the Justification or&#125;
11. examined upon an allegation given in on
defence of the sayd seizure: Suckley&#125;
12. the behalfe fo the sayd Neavyne and others./
13. <margin value="Left">Rp. jus</margin>
examined upon an allegation given in on
14. John Smith of Erevin neer Ayre in
the behalfe fo the sayd Neavyne and others./
15. Scotaldn Mariner aged fifty yeares or
16. thereabouts a wittnesse sworne and
'''Rp. jus'''
17. examined saith and deposeth as followeth
18. To the first hee saith that for that hee was one of the Company of the arlate
'''John Smith''' of Erevin neer Ayre in
19. shipp the Speedewell the voyage in question hee knoweth that the arlate John
Scotland Mariner aged fifty yeares or
20. Kerr was Commander of the sayd shipp and ˹the sayd voyage and˺ XXX commonly acompted during the
thereabouts a wittnesse sworne and
21. tyme arlate, and before, to bee a part Owner (videlicetof one halfe) of the sayd shipp and
examined saith and deposeth as followeth
22. one Theophilus Rankin (both subiects of the Commonwealth of England and Scotch
23. men by Nation and habitation ˹dwelling both in Eyre˺) were was commonly reputed the owner of the other halfe
To the first hee saith that for that hee was one of the Company of the arlate
24. of the sayd shipp, And further to this article hee cannot depose/
shipp the Speedewell the voyage in question hee knoweth that the arlate John
25. To the 2 article of the sayd allegation hee ˹saith hee˺ being one of the Company of the
Kerr was Commander of the sayd shipp and the sayd voyage and XXX commonly acompted during the
26. Speedewell as aforesayd the voyage in question knoweth that the arlate John Neavin
tyme arlate, and before, to bee a part Owner (videlicetof one halfe) of the sayd shipp and
27. and Company did at Bordeaux (besides one tonne whoch was then and there laden
one Theophilus Rankin (both subiects of the Commonwealth of England and Scotch
28. aboard for Accompt of the sayd shipps company) cause to bee laden aboard the sayd
men by Nation and habitation dwelling both in Eyre) were was commonly reputed the owner of the other halfe
29. shipp for their proper Accompt nyneteene tonnes of ffrench wines, every of which
of the sayd shipp, And further to this article hee cannot depose/
30. twenty tonnes of wyne hee saith were at Burdeaux accounted commonly to be
31. then worth thirty five pounds sterling per tonne and soe much this deponent in his
To the 2 article of the sayd allegation hee saith hee being one of the Company of the
32. Judgment and estimate beleeveth them to have then bin worth XXXXXX And alsoe
Speedewell as aforesayd the voyage in question knoweth that the arlate John Neavin
33. knoweth that the sayd Neavin and Company did ˹then and˺ there alsoe lade aboard the
and Company did at Bordeaux (besides one tonne whoch was then and there laden
34. sayd shipp for their Account severall lookeing glasses ribbons hatts and
aboard for Accompt of the sayd shipps company) cause to bee laden aboard the sayd
35. other smale goods which this deponent helped to lade on board, but as to the worth or
shipp for their proper Accompt nyneteene tonnes of ffrench wines, every of which
36. value of them hee saith hee cannot depose And to the sayd wines and ˹other˺ goods being
twenty tonnes of wyne hee saith were at Burdeaux accounted commonly to be
37. soe ˹there˺ laden hee saith the sayd shipp departed from thense with the sayd wines and
then worth thirty five pounds sterling per tonne and soe much this deponent in his
38. goods on board her bound thense to London derry in Ireland and was with the sayd
Judgment and estimate beleeveth them to have then bin worth XXXXXX And alsoe
39. goods on board her in her passage from Bourdaux to London derry neere the
knoweth that the sayd Neavin and Company did then and there alsoe lade aboard the
40. Coast of ffrance upon the back of the Seames mett with and surprized by
sayd shipp for their Account severall lookeing glasses ribbons hatts and
41. two ffrigotts Brest men of Warr of which ffrigotts the arlate Adrian Vandimon and
other smale goods which this deponent helped to lade on board, but as to the worth or
42. Jacob Johnson GXXXXXX ˹Governor˺ were Captaines, who and their Companyes did by violence
value of them hee saith hee cannot depose And to the sayd wines and ˹other˺ goods being
43. and contrary to the articles of Peace betweene England and ffrance about the
soe there laden hee saith the sayd shipp departed from thense with the sayd wines and
44. twenty fowerth of November one thousand six hundred fifty five seize the
goods on board her bound thense to London derry in Ireland and was with the sayd
45. sayd shipp and goods and carried the same and her ladeing into Brest
goods on board her in her passage from Bourdaux to London derry neere the
46. where they disposed of the sayd shipp and goods according to the pleasure of them
Coast of ffrance upon the back of the Seames mett with and surprized by
47. the seizers aforesayd and utterly dispossessed the sayd Neavin and Company
two ffrigotts Brest men of Warr of which ffrigotts the arlate Adrian Vandimon and
48. Owners of the sayd goods and the sayd Kerr and Rankin (Owners of the sayd shipp)
Jacob Johnson GXXXXXX ˹Governor˺ were Captaines, who and their Companyes did by violence
49. thereof And hee saith in his this deponents Judgment the sayd shipp and her
and contrary to the articles of Peace betweene England and ffrance about the
50. tackle and furniture at the tyme of such her seizure were well worth (beside
twenty fowerth of November one thousand six hundred fifty five seize the
51. the ladeing aforesayd) a hundred and forty pounds sterling at the least, her
sayd shipp and goods and carried the same and her ladeing into Brest
52. tackle and furniture being all new and very good at such her seizure the premisses
where they disposed of the sayd shipp and goods according to the pleasure of them
53. hee deposeth being aboard her at her seizure as one of her company and carried
the seizers aforesayd and utterly dispossessed the sayd Neavin and Company
54. a prisoner in her to Brest And further to this article hee cannot depose/
Owners of the sayd goods and the sayd Kerr and Rankin (Owners of the sayd shipp)
55. To the 3 hee saith hee alsoe knoweth that the sayd Neavin had XXXX a suite of
thereof And hee saith in his this deponents Judgment the sayd shipp and her
56. Cloathes and some linnen aboard the sayd shipp at her seizure ˹which hee left thereaboard her not being aboard her at her seizure˺ but as to the value
tackle and furniture at the tyme of such her seizure were well worth (beside
57. of them hee cannot depose and alsoe saith the sayd Nevin had then ˹aboard˺ (as hee hath heard
the ladeing aforesayd) a hundred and forty pounds sterling at the least, her
58. and beleeveth) about seaventeene pounds in XXXX ready money ˹which hee lost alsoe XXXXXXX˺ And this deponent
tackle and furniture being all new and very good at such her seizure the premisses
59. knoweth that the arlate ˹Kerr˺ at the seizure aforesayd had on board the sayd shipp for
hee deposeth being aboard her at her seizure as one of her company and carried
60. his the sayd Kerrs Account a parcell of beere, but what the value thereof was
a prisoner in her to Brest And further to this article hee cannot depose/
61. hee knoweth not, And saith the sayd Kerr of this deponents knowledge did then alsoe
62. <margin value="Botom right, under main body of text, as lead to next page">loose</margin>
To the 3 hee saith hee alsoe knoweth that the sayd Neavin had XXXX a suite of
Cloathes and some linnen aboard the sayd shipp at her seizure ˹which hee left thereaboard her not being aboard her at her seizure˺ but as to the value
of them hee cannot depose and alsoe saith the sayd Nevin had then ˹aboard˺ (as hee hath heard
and beleeveth) about seaventeene pounds in XXXX ready money ˹which hee lost alsoe XXXXXXX˺ And this deponent
knoweth that the arlate ˹Kerr˺ at the seizure aforesayd had on board the sayd shipp for
his the sayd Kerrs Account a parcell of beere, but what the value thereof was
hee knoweth not, And saith the sayd Kerr of this deponents knowledge did then alsoe
|Suggested links=[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AoNoOr05QRMtdHAyNmxuVnNmYkJ3Q0ZiNEQ0R0V2S3c#gid=0 HCA 13/71 Page Log & Planner]
|Suggested links=[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AoNoOr05QRMtdHAyNmxuVnNmYkJ3Q0ZiNEQ0R0V2S3c#gid=0 HCA 13/71 Page Log & Planner]

Revision as of 07:55, May 29, 2014

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The 13th of March 1656/

A busines of Examination of witnesses on the behalfe}
of John Neavyne and John Kerr and others late Mariners}
of the Speedewell of which John Kerr was Commander}
against Captaine Adrian VenXXimon Swart now or}
late Commander of the vessell called the Saint Patrick and}
Captaine Jacob Johnson Governour late Commander of}
a smale ffrench ffrigott in speciall and all others in}
generall that will take upon them the Justification or}
defence of the sayd seizure: Suckley}

examined upon an allegation given in on
the behalfe fo the sayd Neavyne and others./

Rp. jus

John Smith of Erevin neer Ayre in
Scotland Mariner aged fifty yeares or
thereabouts a wittnesse sworne and
examined saith and deposeth as followeth

To the first hee saith that for that hee was one of the Company of the arlate
shipp the Speedewell the voyage in question hee knoweth that the arlate John
Kerr was Commander of the sayd shipp and the sayd voyage and XXX commonly acompted during the
tyme arlate, and before, to bee a part Owner (videlicetof one halfe) of the sayd shipp and
one Theophilus Rankin (both subiects of the Commonwealth of England and Scotch
men by Nation and habitation dwelling both in Eyre) were was commonly reputed the owner of the other halfe
of the sayd shipp, And further to this article hee cannot depose/

To the 2 article of the sayd allegation hee saith hee being one of the Company of the
Speedewell as aforesayd the voyage in question knoweth that the arlate John Neavin
and Company did at Bordeaux (besides one tonne whoch was then and there laden
aboard for Accompt of the sayd shipps company) cause to bee laden aboard the sayd
shipp for their proper Accompt nyneteene tonnes of ffrench wines, every of which
twenty tonnes of wyne hee saith were at Burdeaux accounted commonly to be
then worth thirty five pounds sterling per tonne and soe much this deponent in his
Judgment and estimate beleeveth them to have then bin worth XXXXXX And alsoe
knoweth that the sayd Neavin and Company did then and there alsoe lade aboard the
sayd shipp for their Account severall lookeing glasses ribbons hatts and
other smale goods which this deponent helped to lade on board, but as to the worth or
value of them hee saith hee cannot depose And to the sayd wines and ˹other˺ goods being
soe there laden hee saith the sayd shipp departed from thense with the sayd wines and
goods on board her bound thense to London derry in Ireland and was with the sayd
goods on board her in her passage from Bourdaux to London derry neere the
Coast of ffrance upon the back of the Seames mett with and surprized by
two ffrigotts Brest men of Warr of which ffrigotts the arlate Adrian Vandimon and
Jacob Johnson GXXXXXX ˹Governor˺ were Captaines, who and their Companyes did by violence
and contrary to the articles of Peace betweene England and ffrance about the
twenty fowerth of November one thousand six hundred fifty five seize the
sayd shipp and goods and carried the same and her ladeing into Brest
where they disposed of the sayd shipp and goods according to the pleasure of them
the seizers aforesayd and utterly dispossessed the sayd Neavin and Company
Owners of the sayd goods and the sayd Kerr and Rankin (Owners of the sayd shipp)
thereof And hee saith in his this deponents Judgment the sayd shipp and her
tackle and furniture at the tyme of such her seizure were well worth (beside
the ladeing aforesayd) a hundred and forty pounds sterling at the least, her
tackle and furniture being all new and very good at such her seizure the premisses
hee deposeth being aboard her at her seizure as one of her company and carried
a prisoner in her to Brest And further to this article hee cannot depose/

To the 3 hee saith hee alsoe knoweth that the sayd Neavin had XXXX a suite of
Cloathes and some linnen aboard the sayd shipp at her seizure ˹which hee left thereaboard her not being aboard her at her seizure˺ but as to the value
of them hee cannot depose and alsoe saith the sayd Nevin had then ˹aboard˺ (as hee hath heard
and beleeveth) about seaventeene pounds in XXXX ready money ˹which hee lost alsoe XXXXXXX˺ And this deponent
knoweth that the arlate ˹Kerr˺ at the seizure aforesayd had on board the sayd shipp for
his the sayd Kerrs Account a parcell of beere, but what the value thereof was
hee knoweth not, And saith the sayd Kerr of this deponents knowledge did then alsoe

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