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==To do==
==To do==
(1) Complete and check this transcription
==Abstract & context==
==Abstract & context==

Latest revision as of 13:00, January 5, 2012

C 10/14/38 f. 1

Editorial history

18/10/11, CSG: Created page

Suggested links

See C 10/14/38 f. 2

See biographical profile of Thomas Stanley

To do

(1) Complete and check this transcription

Abstract & context


//Juin 1652//

//To the right hon xxx

//Humbly Complayning showeth unto yo:r hono:ble yo:r Orato:r Will:m Cane of Chatham in the countie of Kent gentleman That whereas Barnabas ?Walsall ?def:t of Eastgate street in the ???liberty //

//of the cittie of Rochester in the Countie aforesaid gentleman one of the Aldermen of the said cittie on or about the nynth day of September in the yeare of our Lord god one thou//

//sand six hundred and fortie and in the year of the raigne of the late king Charles the sixteenth did take upp and borrow of y:e Orato:r the summe of ??five hundred poundes of lawfull//

//money of England and for securitie of repaym:t of the same w:th damages for the forebearance of the same according as it was agreed betweene the said Walsall and yo:r Orator the said Bar//

//nabas Walsall by his deed Indented bearing date the nynth daye of September aforesaid made betweene the said Barnabas Walsall of the one parte and yo:r said Orato:r of the other parte//

//And in confidence of the said summe of two hundred poundes did devise grant bargayne sell and to fxxxxx xxx unto yo:r same Orator & those Messuages or Inns called or ??titled by//

//the names of the Chequer and Crosse Keyes lyinge and being together in the said Cittie of Rochester did against the Inne called the ??Crosskey and at xxx was or lately were in the said ??def:ts ??tenure//

//and occupacon of George Towers, And all stables buildings gardens ?rights casements commodities and appurtenances whatsoever to the said Messuages or any of then belonging or appiteyneinge//

//all w:ch said Messuages or Tenem:ts and p:rmisses the said Barnabas Walsall then lately p:rchased to him and his heires from Gyles waters of ??Breda (or ???Bueda) in the Countie of Sussex gentleman and Alice his wife//

//To have and to hold the said Messuages or Tenem:ts and other the p:rmisses in the said recited Indenture menconned & w:th their app:rteegning unto yo:r said Orator his Executors & Administrators and Assignes//

// from the tenth day of September w:ch then was to bee in the yeare of our Lord god one thousand six hundred and fortie and ??twoe (or ???five) for and dureing the terme of five yeares from thence next xxxxx//

//fully to be compleat and ended yielding and paying therefore yearely during the
said terme unto the said Barnabas Walsall or his ?assignes upp att every fourth daye of September xxxxxxxxxxxx//

//yf the same were lawfully demanded XX Provided alwayes that yf the said Barnabas Walsall his executors or Administrators or any of them did pay or cause to be paid unto yo:r said ??Orato:r//

//his Executors or Administrators at or in his then dwelling house scituated in Chatham aforesaid the summe of twoe hundred & twentie and eight pounds of lawfull money of England in XXXX//

//and ??forme afterwards in the said Indenture menconned That is to say fourteene pounds upon the tenth day of September w:ch then was to bee in the year of our Lord god one thousand six//

//hundred fortie and one and two hundred and fourteene pounds uppon the tenth day xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
And grant of the said Messuages or Tenem:ts w:th the app:rtenances in the said xx//

//??twoe That then after paym:t of the said two hundred & twentie and eight pounds in forme aforesaid the said devise and grant of the said Messuage xxxxx

//??cited Indenture menconned should be utterly void and of none effect to all interests and purposes But yf default should be made in paym:t of any of the said ?formes of money contrary to the xxxx//

//and meaning of the said recited Indenture Then the said Barnabas Walsall did in and by the said recited Indenture and for the consideracons therein menconned upon such first default of paym:t ??do//

//xxxx grant bargayne and to fxxxxxxxx ??leat unto yo:r said Orator his Executors & Administrators and assignes the said Messuages or Tenem:ts and XXXffx w:th their apptexxxx for the said or like//

//xxxxxxxxx of  ??fewe xxxxxxx & yeares any thing in the said recited Indenture conteyned to the contrary notw:thstanding And the said Barnabas Walsall for himselfe his Execut:rs and Adminstrat:rs//

//did in and by the said recited Indenture xxxxxxx and grant to and w:th yo:r said Orator his Executors & Administrators and assignes That the said three Messuages or Tenem:ts and p:rmisses w:th//

//app:teining then were and soe from tyme to tyme and at all tymes during the said terme of five hundred yeares under the Condicons aforesaid should remayne and contynue unto yo:r said Orato;r his Execto:rs//

//Administrators and assignes ?clearly acquited and discharged or at least after ?notice by them
or any of them made to the said Barnabas Walsall his Executors or Administrators well & sufficienty defended xxxx//

//xxxxxxxxxx from all ?forme and other bargaynes sales guifts grants ?coyvtures dowers ??toftes xxxx charges and incumbrances what?soever had made ?devise Committed or to be had made done and Committed & by the s:d//

Pson or psons whatsoever the rents and ?services from thence fourth (sic) to grant ?dues to the bond & bonds of the fee or fees of whence the same were holden only except//

Barnabas Walsall and Adery his then wife and his heires and all and every of her pson and psons whatsoever & conteyning any estate tytle or interest in or to the XXXXsses//

Before executed) should at all tymes from and after default made in paym:t of the said twoe hundred twentie & eight pounds yf any shalbe & ??contrary to the said xxxxx//

Charges of yo:r Orator his Executors or Administrators or some of them make doe acknowledge and suffer or xxxxx
Things assurance or assurances whatsoever in the lawe for the further assureing of the said Messuages or Tenem:ts

//then in the occuopacon of George Towers, and all stables buildings gardens rights casements Commodities and appurtenances whatsoever to to the said//
