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|Transcription image={{#transcription-image: DSC_100D3300_0480.jpg}}
|Transcription image={{#transcription-image: DSC_100D3300_0480.jpg}}
|Transcription=[ADD DATA]
|Transcription=aforesaid in another Hamburger Boyer, and hee stayed
here in London with the said five horses and 4 more
before the shippe where in [?XX] were transported
departed from hence by the space of sixe weeks
after they were [?tendred] to bee shipped into
Hannce Benniges Boyer as aforesaid, the
Thames in part of that tyme beeing soe frozen
that shee could not goe away with the said horses
sow that they were taken out againe after they
were first shipt and kept on

Latest revision as of 21:29, January 7, 2018


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HCA 13/53 f.236v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


aforesaid in another Hamburger Boyer, and hee stayed
here in London with the said five horses and 4 more
before the shippe where in [?XX] were transported
departed from hence by the space of sixe weeks
after they were [?tendred] to bee shipped into
Hannce Benniges Boyer as aforesaid, the
Thames in part of that tyme beeing soe frozen
that shee could not goe away with the said horses
sow that they were taken out againe after they
were first shipt and kept on



14th July 1637

Herriot Washburne of the parish of Saint Ellens London merchant aged about 40
yeares sworne before the worshipfull Basil Wood Doctor of Lawes Surrogate to the
righte worshipfull Sir Henry Marten Knighte Judge of his Majestyes High Court
of the Admiralty sayeth and deposeth uppon his oath as followeth videlicet./

To the first Interrogatorye he sayeth, That in Anno Domini 1631 a chest of
white suger weighinge neate six hundred and a quarter weight was
worth as he beleaveth about the summe of fourtye six pounds seaventeene shillings six
pence, for that in the sayd yearem this deponent sould white sugers for seaven
pounds ten shillings per Centum which amounteth unto the summe aforesayd or
thereabouts, for a chest weighinge neate the foresayd weight.

To the second he sayeth that in the yeare 1631 aforesayd, a chest of
Muscovado sugers weighinge neat six hundred and a quarter was
worth (as he beleiveth) the somme of thirtye pounds eighte
shillings foure pence or therabouts, for that in the yeare aforesayd
this deponent sould muscavado sugers at five pounds thirteene shilings
foure pence per Centum, which accordinge to this deponents accompts for six
hundred and a quarter weight at that rate amounteth unto thirtye five
pounds eight shillings foure pence or therabouts./

To the 3 hee sayeth that in Anno 1631 aforesayd a barrell of greene ginger
neate two hundred weighte (as he conceaveth) was worth ten pounds
six shillings eighte pence for that in the sayd yeare this deponent sould
greene ginger for five pounds three shillings foure pence per Centum)
the premisses he knoweth to be true for that he dealeth in the
commodityes aforesayd./

To the fourth fifth sixth seaventh and eighth he cannot say any thinge.