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IN THE MANE OF GOD AMEN I Edward Goodenough of the parish of S:t Olave Hartstreete London, Cittizen and plaisterer of London being sicke and weake in body but in good sound and disposeing Minde and memory praised bee Almighty therefore doe make and ordaine this my last Will and Testam:t in manner and forme followeing,
IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN I Edward Goodenough of the parish of S:t Olave Hartstreete London, Cittizen and plaisterer of London being sicke and weake in body but in good sound and disposeing Minde and memory praised bee Almighty therefore doe make and ordaine this my last Will and Testam:t in manner and forme followeing,
That is to say FFIRST and principally I doe commend my Soule into the hands of Almighty God my only Maker and Creatour hopeing assuredly through the Merritts of my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ to be made partaker of everlasting happines,
That is to say FFIRST and principally I doe commend my Soule into the hands of Almighty God my only Maker and Creatour hopeing assuredly through the Merritts of my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ to be made partaker of everlasting happines,

Revision as of 20:10, March 6, 2012

Edward Goodenough will

Editorial history

06/03/12, CSG: Created page

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IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN I Edward Goodenough of the parish of S:t Olave Hartstreete London, Cittizen and plaisterer of London being sicke and weake in body but in good sound and disposeing Minde and memory praised bee Almighty therefore doe make and ordaine this my last Will and Testam:t in manner and forme followeing,

That is to say FFIRST and principally I doe commend my Soule into the hands of Almighty God my only Maker and Creatour hopeing assuredly through the Merritts of my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ to be made partaker of everlasting happines,

And my body I committ to the Earth from Whence it cae to bee decently and in Chrystian like manner interred by and at the discretion of my Executrix hereafter named

And as touching such all Worldly goods and Estate as it hath pleased the Lord of his Mercy to make mee a disposer of I doe give devise bequeath and dispose of the same in manner and (sic) following That is to say

IMPRIMIS I give and bequeath unto my kinsman John Goodenough the summe of One Hundred pounds of Lawfull Money of England,

ITEM I give and bequeath unto my kinswoman Ellen Goodenough the summe of One Hundred pounds of like money,

ITEM I give and bequeath unto my cousen Jane Taylor the summe of ffifty pouds of like money

ITEM I give and bequeath unto my Syster Jane ?Fillett the summe of Twenty pounds of like money

ITEM I give and bequeath into John Fillett, Sonne of my said Syster Jane Fillett, The summe of Thirty pounds of like money

ITEM I give and bequeath unto my Maid servant Katherine Winter, the summ of ffive pounds of like money

ITEM I give and bequeath into Charity M:r Giles daughter his Maid, the summe of ffive pounds of like money

ITEM I give and bequeath unto Twenty poore people of the aforesaid parish of S:t Olave Hartstreete in London, such as my Wife shall Judge most indigent, and necessetous, and to each of them Tenn shillings a peece in money, and One halfe Chaldren of Coles a peece to bee distributed unto and among them, by and at the discretion of my said Wife

ITEM I give and bequeath unto my Loveing ffreinds John Heather Esquire Henry ?Diny:ter Esquire and M:r Giles Muster and to each of them the summe of fforty shillings a peece of like money to buy each of them a Ring

ITEM I give and bequeath into my loveing freind M:r Edward Brewer the summe of ffive pounds of like money

ITEM I give and bequeath unto my loveing sister Anne ?Reves the Messuage or House Scituate and being in Horse and Trumpett yard in or neare Cruched ffriars in the parishe of S:t Olave Hartstreete in London aforesaid and wherein shee now dwelleth for and duringsoe long tyme of the terme granted by my Lease thereof which shalbe to come and unexpired at the tyme of my decease as


shee my said Sister Anne Reeves shall happen to live gratis, and REnt free,

ITEM I give and bequeath unto my wife Elizabeth Goodenough the aforesaid messuage or house with the appurtenances wherein my said sister Anne Reeves now dwellleth from, and ymediately after the decease of my said Sister Anne Reeves, To bee had and holden into and by my said Wife Elizabeth Goodenoughe, and her assignes for and during all the residue , of the terme graunted by my Lease thereof


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