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==Abstract & context==
==Abstract & context==
Sir Henry Barnard was a London merchant, who described himself in his will as "S:r Henry Barnard of Wansted in the County of Essex Knight".
In his will, written in 1678, Sir Henry Barnard XXXX
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'''This transcription has been completed, but requires checking'''
'''This transcription has been completed, but requires checking'''
“Dnus Henrie Barnard Miles” [RH margin]
Dnus Henrie Barnard Miles [RH margin]
IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN The Eleaventh day of Aprill in the yeare of our Lord God one Thousand Six hundred Seaventy Eight I S:r Henry Barnard of Wansted in the
IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN The Eleaventh day of Aprill in the yeare of our Lord God one Thousand Six hundred Seaventy Eight I S:r Henry Barnard of Wansted in the
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==Possible primary sources==

Revision as of 08:07, January 13, 2012

Henry Barnard will

Son of XXXX
Married XXX

PROB 11/363 Bath 60-123 Will of Sir Henry Barnard of Wanstead, Essex 15 June 1680

Abstract & context

Sir Henry Barnard was a London merchant, who described himself in his will as "S:r Henry Barnard of Wansted in the County of Essex Knight".

In his will, written in 1678, Sir Henry Barnard XXXX

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This transcription has been completed, but requires checking

Dnus Henrie Barnard Miles [RH margin]

IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN The Eleaventh day of Aprill in the yeare of our Lord God one Thousand Six hundred Seaventy Eight I S:r Henry Barnard of Wansted in the


County of Essex Knight beingin good health of body and of perfect and sound mind and memory (Thanks be to Almighty God) Doe make and ordaine this my last will and Testament in manner and forme following.

FIRST I Recommend my Selfe and whatever is mine to the mercy of and protection of Almighty God my heavenly ffather And when it shall please him of his good providence to take me out of this world by death I doe with all humility and Chearfulness Resigne up my Spiritt into his hands as into the hands of my ffaithfull Creator and ever blessed Redeemer Stedfastly believing and surely trusting by the mercifull assistance of his holy Spiritt Through the meritts and xxxx of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ the Righteous (and by noe other way or meanes whatsoever) ro receive full pardon and forgiveness of all my sinnes And to inheritt Everlasting life in his heavenly Kingdome of GloryAnd My body I bequeath into the Earth there to Rest till it be again raised and revived by the power of my Almighty Saviour att the last day And my will and desire is that it be interred and buryed att the discretion of my Executrix herein after named in a decent and private manner Item I will and desire That all my debts which I shall owe to any person or persons att the time of my decease be well and truly paid and discharged in some convenient short time after my interment Item Whereas by our Indenture of Bargain and sale made the Eighth day of ffebruary in the Nyne and Twentieth yeare of the Reigne of our Soveragne Lord King Charles the Second And in the yeare of our Lord God One Thousand Six hundred Seaventy and Six betweene my selfe and my wife of the one part And Henry Serle of Lincolns Inn in the County of Middx Esquire and William Brabourne (sic) Doctor in divinity on the other part And by one other Indenture of Release Tripartite made the Nynth day of ffebruary in the same yeare betweene myselfe and my wife of the ffirst part And the Right honorable James Lord Chandos and the Lady Elizabeth his wife of the Second part and Henry Serle of Lincolns Inn in the County of Middlesex Esquire and William Brabourne Doctor in Divinity on the Third part I have already actually setled All my Messuages lands Tenements and hereditaments in the County of Salop (Except onely my Lands called the Priory Lands lying neare the Towne of Ludlow in the said County) And all my Messuages Lands Tenements and hereditaments in the County of hereford And all my Messuages Lands Tenements and hereditaments in the City and Suburbs of the City of London and in the County of Middlesex (the particulars whereof may appear at large by inspection of the said Deeds) To the use of my selfe and my wife for our lives and in the life of the longer liver of us The Remainder to the use of the Right honourable James Lord Chandos and the Lady Elizabeth his wife for their lives and the life of the longer liver of them The Remainder over to the use of the severall sons successively the Remainder to the use of the heires of the bodyes of the said James Lord Chandos and the Lady Elizabeth his wife And for default of such issue To the use of the heires of the body of the said Lady Elizabeth and for default of such issue to the xxx of the right heires of the said James Lord Chandos Now least the said Deeds should by any meanes happen to be ineffectuall or not to be of that validity as was intended nor the Estate therein lymitted pass [?] thereby soe as they were designed I doe hereby declare and my will is That my Estate in the severall places aforementioned and Comprized in the said Deeds shall after my decease goe and be to the said persons and under the same


limitations as are herein aforecited and mentioned to be settled by the said Indentures And soe farr as I have any power to devise or dispose of the said Messuages Lands tenements and hereditaments therein mentioned I doe hereby devise give and bequeath All my said Lands Messuages Tenements and hereditaments in the Countyes of Salop Hereford and Middlesex and in the City and Suburbs of the City of London to my deare wife for Terme of her life The Remainder to my Lord Chandos and the Lady Elizabeth his wife for their lives and the life of the Longer Liver of them with the same limitations and remainders over in all points as are herein before specified to be already actually settled by the said Indentures And for my Messuage and lands called the Priory Lands lying neare Ludlow in the County of Salop and which are not included in the aforementioned Deeds of Settlement I doe hereby give and devise the said Priory and lands to my deare wife for and towards payments and discharge of my debts and legacies Item Whereas I have ffifteene hundred pounds originall Stock of principall money in the Joynt Stock of the East India Companyof London merchants My will and desire is, my said ffifteene hundred pounds stock be still continued in the said Joynt stick of Trade [?] And all the proffitts increase and Advantages growing and ariseing from the said ffifteene hundred pound stock I doe hereby give and bequeath to my deare wife during the Terme of her naturall life Towards payment of my debts And after my wifes decease I doe give and bequeath my said ffifteene hundred pounds Stock with all the proffitts and future improvements of it To my Grandchildren the younger Children of my Lord Chandos already begotten and such as he shall hereafter begett on the body of the Lady Elizabeth his now wife equally to be distributed towards the raising and advanceing of their portions And I doe hereby nominate my Lord Chandos my sole Trustee in this particular for his Children And doe Comitt the management of the said ffifteene hundred pounds Stock (after my wifes decease) wholly to his Lordships care and prudence To be continued where it is or to be removed as may appeare to be more for the Advantage of his said younger Children till their respective Marriages or ages of one and Twenty yeares Provided they marry with the consent of my Lord Chandos and his now Lady And if any of them should marry without their Consents Then the proportion of him or her That shall so marry To goe and divided Equally amongst the rest of the younger children that shall marry with their Consents And whereas I promised if God enabled me to leave the summe of Two Thousand pounds to someone [?] of the younger Children of my Sonne in Law ffrancis Willoughby Esquire deceased I doe hereby give and bequeath unto his youngest sonne my Grandson Thomas Willoughby The said summe of Two Thousand pounds of lawfull money of England when he shall attaine the age of one and Twenty yeares But if before he come to the age of one and Twenty yeares either he dye of his Elder brother dye such that he commith to enjoy his ffathers Estate Then my will and meaning is That this my Legacie of Two Thousand pounds to him be utterly void And I doe then give and bequeathteh said Two Thousand pounds to my granddaughter Cassandra Willoughby when she shall attaine to the Age of one and Twenty yeares (if not that time either of his Brothers shall be living) But if they should be both dead before that time soe that she should come to enjoy her ffathers Estate Then my will and meaneing is That This my Legacie of Two Thousand pounds to her be utterly void

And Whereas my said


Son in law ffrancis Willoughby Esquire Deceased Constituted me as one of the Executo:s of his last will and Testament And a Trustee for the management of his Childrens Estates during their minorities (which Trust and Executorship I hxxxx ( I Thank God); To the utmost of my PowerI Executed with all fidelity integrity and affection for the most Advantage of my said Grandchildren And having soe doen (sic)

[large insertion in LH margin = On the twenty third day of August in the year of Our Lord 1X34 issue for the Comm: to the R:t Hono:ble Francis Lord Middleton and Dame Elizabeth Louise Wacler [Wader ?] Widow the Great Grandchilren and next-of-kin of the X S:r Henry Barnard dec:d to administer the Goods Chattels and Credits of the s:d dec:d xx according to the tenor (sic) of his said Will left unadministered [?] by Dame Emma Barnard Widow Relict of the s:d deced and sole executrix named in the Will now also deced (for that so residuary Legatee is named herein) being first xxxx duly to administer

my duty in that particular my desire is That my Executrix should in noo sort be troubled or molested (sic) by any vexations or misguided pretenis (sic) of my Grandchildren upon that Account And therefore my further will and meaning is That the payment of the said Legacy of Two Thousand pounds shall be suspended until reliefs be by them givento my executrix of all Quarrells (sic) scituiations (sic) Controversies claymes (sic) and demands whatsoever touching or relating to the said Trust or Executorship Itrem I doe hereby give and bequeath unto my Grandsonne Bernard Child one hundred pounds of lawfull money of England Item I give and bequeath unto my sonne in Law Josiah Child Esquire and vizt to my daughter Child each of them Twenty pounds to buy them Rings Item I give and bequeath unto my Nephew HenrySearle [??] Esquire the summe of Tenn pounds of lawfull money of England to buy a Ring And I doe hereby make nominate and ordaine Emma my deare wife my full whole and sole Executrix of this may last will and Testament Desiring her to see all my will and desires herein expressed punctually performed And I doubt not but to Lessen her trouble she will be readily assisted by such ffreinds of mine and hers as she shall desire to ayde her in it And in particular I doe desire And doe hereby nominate and appoint the Right Honourable James Lord Chandos And my Nephew Henry Searle [??] of Lincolns Inn Esquire my supervisors to be aiding and assisting to my deare wife in the performance of her Executrixship which hope they will upon all occasions kindly condescend to Item I doe hereby Revoak disfeat [?] and annull All former wills and Testaments whatsoever And establish ratify and declare and publish this my Last will and Testament

And have hereunto subscribed my name and sett my seale this day and yeare ffirst above written in the presence of M:rs Elizabeth Serle [?] Henry Serle Esquire M:r Henry Barrington M:r Thomas Godfrey./


Signed sealed and published in the presence of us above named Elizabeth Serle Henry Serle Henry Barrington Tho: Godfrey./

PROBATUM FUIT Testamentum suprascriptum apud London Coram ven vivo Duo Richardo lloyd Militi Legum Dxxx Surrogato xx et Egigii vivi Due Leolin Jenkins Militis otian et Legum Doctoris Civia Prarogative Cxxx Magri Cistod sivr Comisary lixxx Constituto Decissmo Quinto die menses XXXX Anno Dui Millimo Sextentesimo Ottogesimo Juramente Dua Emma Barnard Relicta die dec:t Exe:trix inxxxx Testament cui Comisa fuit Amdministrato Omnium et Singular Bonomen


Possible primary sources