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'''Editorial history'''
'''Editorial history'''
23/04/12, CSG: Split HCA 13/67 (created 04/04/12) into Part One and Part Twom due to size of page
23/04/12, CSG: Split HCA 13/67 (created 04/04/12) into Part One and Part Two, due to size of page

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HCA 13/76 Part One

Editorial history

23/04/12, CSG: Split HCA 13/67 (created 04/04/12) into Part One and Part Two, due to size of page

Suggested links

See Admiralty court cases

See HCA 13/76 Analysis

To do

Listing of imaged cases

Case: The Jonathan and Abigail vs. Daniel Edwards; Deposition: Thomas Andrews, of Wapping, in the parish of White Chappell

f. 1r.

16:o Aug:ti 1666
Super allon apud acta ex parte
drorum Brandling et alXX

THOMAS ANDREWS de Wapping in parro
S:ta Marice Matsellon als White Chappell
annos agens 42 aut XXXXXXXX
testis produit et Juratus.

Ad dictam allegacconem deponit et dictit thathee hath for severall
yeers last knowne the allegate shipp Jonathan and Abigaill Thomas
Morley[1] Master. And saith that hee hath bin informed by the said
Morley and the Merchants the ffreighters that the said Charles
Caryll on behalfe of himselfe and Company tooke to ffreighte
the said shipp Jonathan and Abigall (sic) two hundred and fourty tonnes
certaine to the best of his remembrance to goe from this port of
London to Archangels in Russia thence back againe to this port of
London with such goods as the said Caryll and therest of y:e ffreighters
should send aboard, and the said ffreighters as appeares by the said
Charterparty were to pay for ffreight at the rate of 6:li 10:s per tonne
primage and average XXXXX And saith that about the time of the said affreightment there was
a generall Embargo upon all English shipps and a generall Imprsse for
all seamen in the publiqe service, and the sd Caryll taking notice
thereof this deponent heard him promise to procure a lycense for
the sd shipp and a proteccon for her mariners from these Imprests
And not long after the said promise hee saith the sd Caryll gave by the
hands of this deponent to the sd Morley a paper or writing which hee
procured upon the sd voyage as also a protection for the security
of y:e marriners from the sd Impresse. And the sd Morley having
soe received the same ffitted and prepared the said shipp for the sd
voyage had Expended as hee verlily beleeveth in the calking, graveing
rigging and fitting her out clearing at y:e Custome house and at
Gravesend neere one hundred pounds y:e whole charge amounting ?to 400:li to sett her to sea and did hire mariners to saile
and serve in the said shipp, the whole company with the M:r and boy
consisting of 34 or 36 persons and provided and furnished the said shipp with
provisions necessary for the said voyage for the space of foure or five monthes. And the sd shipp being ready the said Merchants sent
severall goods on board to bee carryed in her the sd voyage but
he beleeveth that the sd Merchants were not bound to send any goods
aboard but the said shipp might have gon in her ballast thither
And the said ship lying windbound in Bugbyes hole being ready
to proceede upon the sd voyage the sd Morley in this deponents
hearing advised the sd Caryll and Bell two of his said ffreighters to goe
downe to y:e Generalls of y:e ffleet then riding at the buoy in the XXXX
and to carry with them y:e said passe or oroteccon as they affirmed it
to bee and show it to y:e Generalls and know of them whether by XXXX
thereof they might proceed upon their said voyage. Howbeit the sd
Caryl and Bell refused ffor to doe and with the other ffreighters importuned

f. 1v.

importuned and urged the sd Morley to goe downe with his shipp
which hee accordingly did with the first faire wind the sd Carryll
and Berry two of y:e said ffreighters going downe in the sd Morley's shipp
and Bell and Thirsby in this depots shipp which shipp was also ffreighted
by the sd Carll and Company for the sd voyage and was to goe in ?Company
with the Jonathan and Abigall. And comming into the Buoy and the XXX
the Generalls commanded the sd Morley and this depots shipp to an Anchor
and sent for the merchants and the said Morley and this depot who
accordingly comming aboard Captaine Hobart Capt of Royall Charles
told the said Morley and this depot that y:e Prince and the Duke would
see their proteccons, And the s:d Morley and this depo:t accordingly
gave him the very same papers that Mr Caryll had before
given them which they had affirmed to be the lycense and protteccon aforesd. and after
saying that the Generalls had seene the, And saith that about the
same time y:e Generalls under theor hands sent an order to the sd Capt:
Hobart to empresse, and the sd Hobart or some employee under him did by
virtue of the sd Warrant impresse all y:e seamen saving fifteene men to bring the
shipp back into the river of Thames. And much about that time
the sd Capt Hobart and the Lieutenant of y:e Royall Charles told
this Deponent and y:e sd Morley that had the Merchants come downe before the
shipps and addrest themselves to y:e Generalls, they beleived the Generalls
would have suffered them to have proceeded on their sd voyage
with their full number of men and not have imprest them.
The premisses hee deposeth and knoweth to bee true Having seene
y:e Charterparty, and to his best remembrance seing the same
signed. And ffor that this depo:t lett his shipp to ffreight to the said
Caryll and Company and was bound to goe the same voyage
and being an eye and Earewitnesse of the premisses and
acquainted therewith. And the merchts hee saith were also aboard
and were eye and eare witnesses of y:e premisses namely of the Impresse
of the men and sending the sd shipps back againe into the river
of Thames whereof she came to an Anchor at Ratcliffe ?Chaine on or about the 30:th
or 31:th of June last past, Rtalr nescit deponere.

Ad Interria

Ad primum rendit that hee was the time Interr and now is M:r
if y:e ship the Owen and David and is owner of an Eigth part
of her Etalr nescit.

Ad 2:th deponit that hee XXX and appeares in this busienes on the
behalfe of his owners being as M:r of y:e said shipp ?aferX:t to them and ?perceiving XXX
of them which is XXX about six pounds y:e month. And this XXXXX XX y:e
only person signing y:e Charterparty for letting the said shipp the Owen
and David to ffreight to the sd Merchants parties in this suite on behalfe
of himselfe and the rest of y:e said owners, Whose names and parts
in theOwen and David are as followeth vizt John Sands owner of
an 8:th John Harris of a 16:th, Edward ffenn of a 16:th Walter Hampton and
M:r ?Hanning 16:th Thomas Hancock 16:th John ?Asty 16:th M:r ?Walter
?Wild a 16:th John ?Chaston 16:th David Sidney a 16:th Thomas
Davies 16_th Richard Adams 16:th this depo;t an 8:th And knoweth
not Who are the owners of y:e Jonathan and Abigaill saving he
hath heard M:r Morley say that M:r Brandling and M:r Hoopers are

f. 2r.

parties in this suite are two of his owners but of what parts hee knoweth not nor
hath heard Aalis nescit rendere.

Ad 4 et 5 deponit that at the time or times of treating for y:e ffreighters
of the sd shipps Jonathan and Abigail (sic) Owen and David this depot and the
sd Morley knew that there was a generall Imbargoe upon all English
shipps and a generall impresse for all seamen. And saith this depot
agreed with the sd caryll that hee and or the rest of said ffreighters should
procure a lycense and proteccon for the sd shipps and mens the said voyage
and they bringing the papers predeposed being as the sd Carykk
alwayes affirmed a lycense and proteccon, this deponent then signed the Charterparty and not before, And he beleeveth
and is well assured that the sd Morley did the like.

And saith the
saidproteccons were signed (James) and the Anchor (a Seale)
was put to the topps or heads of them. And this deponent saith
that had the said proteccons bin sufficient (which this depot
and the sd Morley never beleeved they were in regard the sd
Caryll would not procure them a lycense to ?neere y:e Kings XXXX
the Generalls would not have impeded the voyage by the impresse
of their men and ordering the said shipps back againe to this
River, And the sd passes or papers are in the hands of M:r Sukly
the Procter. A alr referendese ad predeposta nescit XX

Ad 6 et 8 rendit that the sd Caryll. Bell, Perry and Thirsby and XXXXXX y:e sd ?Caryll did at
Greenewich and London after the obtaining the sd passe and
before and after the sealing of y:e Charterparty Interr declare
and affirme that the sd lycence and proteccon. would cleare
them from being hindered or molested in their said voyage. And the
said ffreighters nor any of them did not promisse to pay the
Charges of fitting and preparing, or of victualling the said shipp.
or to pay the mariners wages in case the said shipps or any
of them should bee stopped or hindered in their said voyage. Et
alr nescit rendere.

Ad 8 et 9 rendit that the Owen and David os of y:e burthen
of about 200 tonns or thereabouts the Jonathan and Abigail
about 250 tonnes and this deponents freight for this voyage
would have amounted to 1200:li or thereabouts and the ffreight
y:e Jonathan and Abigail about 1500:li as hee beleeveth. And saith
that y:e voyage in question is usually made in five or
six monthes, And saith that the sd ship Owen and David cost this depot
about ?1800Li sterln and hee bought her before this voyage namely about about twelve moneths time. And saith
the said shipps Owen and David and the Jonathan and Abigail
had not bin fitt for the voyage in question unles they had
bin reparied and fitted in the same Conditon she went downe
int to the buoy and Nore. But as to the particular repaires and summes
of money expended he saith they are entred and mencconed
in his ship booke which booke he shall be ready to produce for
y:e informacon of Court when required thereto. And the Jonath
and Abigall with her tackle apparrell and furniture hee judgeth

f. 2v.

to bee worth 1400:li or 1600:li sterling And saith the said shipps
if either of them goe upon another voyage must bee ?new
caulked rigged and graved, snd severall other things done
which are wanting and will bee but necessary. Aalr nescit

Ad 10 rendet that in the time of peace three pounds
five shillings have bin usually paid per tonne. And soe much
this depo:t hath had per tonne having bin severall
times the voyage Interr. But are not then at halfe the
Charges for wages as they are now at. Hee remembreth
not what hee made the last voyage with his shipp which
voyage Was about two yeers since. Etalr nescit rendera

Ad 11. 12. et 13 rendit That he is to beare and Eigth part of
the whole shipps Charges being the owner as aforesaid of an
8:th . And saith that hee is to pay and hath paid for marriners
wages fitting and setting out the sd shipp Owen and David ?according
to the Note thereof which hee now leaves. And he also
leaveth a Note of the quantities qualities and prices of the provisions
of the said ship and what were spent by y:e shipps company to which
herefforth himselfe having compared them with his said  ?note
and made them to agree in every particuler. And saith hee
had an adventure consisting of woolen Manufactury, stuffes,
and other goods. but the perticulers and quantities he now remembreth
not but saith the same may beknowne by his cockets remaining
in the Custome house. some part of his Adventure yet on board
and some on shore, and denieth that ever hee
since the sd shipps returne ever proffered to sell any of his clothes
or other part of his Adventure for losse or otherwayes and did
suffer dammage as hee is an Eigth part of the sd shipp Et
alr nescit rendere neiscit quid credat.

Ad 14 renat that he beleeveth the goods mencconed in the
bills of lading were lading on board the ship the Jonathan
and Abigail Interr and knoweth the firme of Thomas
Morley thereto to bee of his the sd Thomas his
handwriting And saith hee hath heard M:r Richard Perry
and some others of y:e ffreighters acknowledge that they
had received all their goods from on board the Jonathan
and Abigail according to the bill of lading And as to the severall
parcells of goods and quantities and qualities laden aboard the Owen and David hee
refereth himselfe to the Bills of lading signed by him upon
the receipt of those goods contents and Qualities not knowne
all which are returned againe to the sd ffdreighters save
100 slabbs of lead Which lieth yet on board at the
request of M:r Daniell Edwards etalr nescit.

f. 3r.

Ad 15 Rendit that M:r Suckly has y:e order Interr and
has a copy now about him. there is mot any command
therein to pay y:e mariners wagaes. Et alr salvis prodepstis
nescite deponets

Ad 16 et 17 rendat that some of his mariners were hired
by the voyage others by the month, and one with another hee
reconeth their wages to bee about fifty shill a man per month.
And saith that two or three of his said men were hyred
about a weeke or tenn dayes before the sd shipps Went out from
Bugbys hole, In time of peace hee saith it is usuall to hire men
at Halfe pay in the River of Thames, until their falling
downe to Gravesend and untill they shall bee cleared there.
There was noe ffreight to bee paid according to y:e Charter
party untill the shipps returne. Onely primage and Average
at the delivery of y:e Goods at Archangell. Et alr nescit

Ad 18 rend:t that this depo:t and the said Morley advised the ffreighters
of some or one of them to goe to the ffleete as is Interr. andproffered to beare their Charges up and downe. And saith that M:r
Caryll and Bell came to London but whether they tooke
any Advice of merch:ts about that busienes hee knoweth not.
Et Alr nescit

Ad 19. 20 et 21. Rendat that these two sutes in his Judgmt are one
and the same, and the Charterparties are thesame saving the shipps
names y:e owners the burthen of y:e shipp the Masters names, number
of men. And hee beleeveth the determinacon. will bee one
and the same, M:r Suckly is proctor. S:r W:m Turner S:r Walter
Walker are Counsell for this depots owners. Morley is Examined on this
deponents owners behalfe, and this deponent on the sd Morleys hath
not had Communicaccon with any about this busienes, or his disposition
herein: Before this suite was commenced this depot on behalfe of his
owners proffessed to and would have left the decision of this busienes
to the award of any unconcerned merchts: the owners hee saith are
not to pay any thing to the ffreighters as to any losse or dammage
in regard as hee saith these ffreighters were not bound to lade any
goods on board, and also for that they failed in their lycense and
proteccon. And these Caryll and Edwards hee saith many times
declared to this dep:t and the s:d Morley that they had bought
the hreatest part of y:e goods the yeare before and could not
shipp them of that yeare. As to the ffreight and damages
sued for by this suite he referreth them to the determinaccon
of y:e law: And saith that hee beleeveth that he came from the buoy in the
Nore in three or ffowre days space. to Ratcliffe Chaine. And saith the sd
ffreighters neversent a boate or bills of lading to take away their said
goods untill they were by order from this Court summoned to appeare
and show cause why they would not ffetch away their goods &
pay this depot and his owners their Charges. And M:r thirsby he saith
XXX:t before y:e sd processe was issued out said that the shipp was a
good warehouse for their goods. Etalr nescit

THOMAS ANDREWS [His signature]

Repetit coram dre
lloyd. SaXX XXXX Edwardo Browne not. pubb.

Case: Rex vs. the St Peter, of which Rasmas was master: Deposition: Sven Rasmusond, XXXX, of Sweden

f. 3v.

Dmus M:r Rex con Navem y:e S:t Peter)
suon Rasmas est magister)

XXXX XXXX$$Sug Interriys in proppario XXXXXX

I:us SVEN RASMUSOND Master (and in SuoXia Navarchus dicte
navis annos agens 50:ta ant XX rirter testis producent et JuruXXX
dicit et deponit proXtxxx

Ad j:n 2 et reliqua Interria deponit that hee will knoweth the
Interr shipp S:t Peter, and hath sailed in and bin M:r of her for
one yeere last past, during all which time she hath
belonged to Masterland in Sweden, and to subjects of the said King,
And saith his owners and their parts are as followeth viz:t. Hanco
Croosen of Masterland owner of one eigth part. Hanco Martinson of
Stockholme of an Eigth part, Olock Tromon of Stockholme of an Eigth
part John ffrick of Stockholme also of an Eigth part, and this deponent
of the other halfe part of the said shipp, all subjects and natives
of his Majesty of Sweden, and Eminent Burgers of the Cities of
Masterland and Stockholme And saith that y:e foresaid Crooson is
a native and an Alderman of y:e City of Masterland aforesd, and the
other three are Burgers natives and Inhabitants of y:e City of
Stockholme and for and as such commonly accounted. And
saith the said shipp was about a yeare since built at
Masterland, by order of this deponent on behalfe of himselfe and y:e
rest of y:e foresaid owners. And saith that the said ship hath made
three voyages since y:e ?sd building. The ffirst was from ottenborow
in Sweden to Hamborow with Iron, Pitch, & XXXlis, ad from thence to Masterland
with salt. The second was from Masterland with Herrings to
Stockholme, and there this depo:t tooke in a lading of Pitch, tarr,
Iron and some Dealeboards, for and to bee delivered at this
city of London to Charles Marisco a merchant here, And saith the
same were laded at Stockholme by Jacob Mumma, Abraham
Mumms, Abraham Veruson all Inhabitants in and XXXX
of Stockholme, for their owne account consigned to and to bee delivered the foresd
Charles Marisco, and the quantities and qualities were as followeth twenty thhree
lasts of tarr, twenty lasts of pitch, ffive hundred shipp pounds
of Iron. Every shipp pound conteining three hundred w:t of Iron
and ffive hundred DEales being his whole shipps lading. And
saith noe part of his lading belongeth to any of the subjects of y:e ffrench King or King of Denmark or any in Enmity with this
Crowne. And saith that there was noe ffrench Dutch or Danish
ffactor or supra Cargo aboard his said ship the foresd voyages
or y:e voyage in question where in hee was seized. And at seizure
of y:e sd shipp he saith hee had with himselfe and his Company
consisted of Eight mariners all natives of and hired by this depo:t
at Masterland in Sweden aforesd, and subjects of the sd King. Nor XXX XXXX
live in any of y:e Dominions or territoryes of y:e ffrench King Dane or
States of y:e United provinces. And saith that y:e papers and writings at
the sd shipp were delivered to y:e Captaine of the ffXXXXXXX who XXXXXXXXXX
of of Yarmouth as he was comming with his sd ship and lading to
London, and afterwards the sd shipp was sent up into y:e river of Thames
and is there now remaining. And saith there was noe papers or
writings burnt, torne, concealed or any wayes made away. And saith

f. 4r.

?y:e foresaid seizure happened on the 12:th instant And saith
that at his sd siezure he declared to y:e Captaine of y:e vessell that tooke
him that his said shipp belonged to Masterland
and that hee was to goe with his ship and lading to Ostend, and
showed him his passe which hee had on board purporting soe
much, ffearing the seizor might have bin ffrench, Dutch,
or Danish man being very darke in y:e night which passe they did clourably that they might
thereby gett through the Sound. And saith she had at her
seizure and never ?caried any but y:e Swedish fflagge or ?poles nor
ever had any other on board her, And saith that there were noe goods
betweene the said shipps docks she having but one deck. at the time of her said seizure,
and that the sd shipp is of the burthen of about 60 lasts and hath
bin M:r of her ever since her building at Masterland as aforesaid
And lastly saith that for the lading in question hee signed bills of
lading all of one tene:r as they are found in And taken out of y:e said ship
by the seizor Et Alr nescit

SVEN RASMUSSEN [His signature]


f. 4v.

f. 5r.

Case: The Orange tree and XXXX: Deposition: Andreas Barton, John ?Ennet, John Carter, John Rice


That off of the River of Emms upon the Coast of Holland they with
their sd ffrigott W:m Godfrey Commander about ?Wednesday last XXXXX discovered and gave chase
to two hoyes and making up to them fired two Gunns
to one of them named the Orange, upon which she struck, and the other of them seing now
opportunity of an Escape, bore up to the ffrigott and struck also And when these
deponents came up with them they went aboard and tooke possession
of them and found them both to bee laden with oake Timber
for shipping. And imediately after sich taking the Command:er
of y:e Crowne ffrigott sent and ordered these deponents to goe on
board and bring the sd Hoyes up the said River of Thames
namely these deponents Andrew Barton John ?Ennett, John
Carter on board (the Death), and constituted this deponent
Andrew Barton as Commander of her, And these three deponents say
and declare that two Dutchment that were left aboard
(the Skipper being taken onboard the Crowne) declared that
the sd lading of Oake Timber was lawfull prize and that they were and
bound for Holland and soe they constantly
affirmed during the time these deponents were aboard the sd Hoy
And they further say that off of Yarmouth a ffrench
ffisherman gave chace to y:e sd prize (y:e death) who comming
and bearing up with them the sd two Dutchmen told the
ffrenchman that there were goods onboard their sd Vessell were
Hollands goods and that they were bound for Holland, where
upon the ffrench asking the sd Dutch men if they would bee
released the sd Dutch men answred that they would. then the
ffrench men bad them to come on board. Whereupon one of
the Dutch men being at the Helme endeavoured thereby to lay
the ffrencgman aboard which this depo:t taking notice of
thrust him from it & fired a pistoll at them and soe gott cleare.
And saith that this depo:ts John Rice & Thomas XXXX, and Henry Bryan since XXXX was put aboard the Orange
The other prize and put this depot John Rice M:r of her And
one ffleming that was left in the Orange (the M:r and the other
of them being taken aboard the ffrigott.) often declared to this
these two depots John Rice and Thomas Chick that the sd lading of
oaje timber aboard the sd prize y:e Orange was free prize, belonging
to enemys of this Crowne. And saith they came to an anchor with them
sd two prizes at S:t Catharines where they came yesterday afternoone
y.e afternoone where they are now remaining

Sigm [HIS MARK] dicti CHICK

Repetit et XXXX XXXX XXX

Case: The Death: Deposition: Oll Oilse, of ffrederickstadt, Holstein, sailor, aged 30

f. 5v.

Dnus nr Rex XXXX navem y:e Deale or Death
cujus Hancaus Decker XX Doata eXXXXX
et Rex

24:° Aug:ti 66

Super Interr in propario. Examinat

OLL OILSE Nomos de ffeure prope ffrederick stadt in ?HolXXX
Nauta, annos agens. 30 aut de rixter testtis
productus et Juratus

Ad primum 2 et reliqua Interria deponit that the Interr shipp the XXX
belongeth and hath belonged to ffrederickstadt ever since her building
there which happened about five or six yeares since, and was
hired to serve in the sd shipp; DEath, about Easter last by the Skipper
named Hance Decker le Doate, at ffrederickstadt, where the owners
of her live, but who are the owners are (sic) what their names are
or of what parts they are owners hee knowteth not but beleeveth
them to bee ffee persons under the Dominions of the Duke of ?Holsten
And saith that since he soe served in the sd shipp she never was
in any of y:e ports or places of y:e ffrench King or states of
Holland, but has bin once in Norway but saith that this depo:t
was borne in ffoure neere ffrederickstadt and when he is
not at sea hee liveth with his father and mother there dwelling
and housekeepe
And saith the sd shipp is of the burthen of about 32 tonns and had
on board her a lading of Oake Timber (for building of shipping and
Houses) laded on board her by severall merchants living
at ffrederickstadt, but their names hee knoweth not, nor for whoe
act the same were laden nor knoweth hee to whom consigned, but
saith the same were to be delivered in Holland or in the dominions of y:e sd States and the laders of the
said timber he knoweth to dwell and bee inhabitants of ffrederickstadt
And saith that since he became marriner and served in the said ship
she made a voyage from ffrederickstadt to Norway in Ballast
and returned thence with a lading of DEale boards to ffrederickstadt
And saith that at her ?asiling she had not any ffrench Danish or Hollans
ffactors aboard, nor any ffrench Danish or Hollands Colors onboard but the
Nettle leafe the ffrederickstadt fflag was on board
saving there are some other fflaggs on board
asguifts with their coates of ?armes in them which severall merchants have given them, There were
with this depot three persons on board which was y:e whole Company
the other two namely y:e skipper and Cooke are natives
of ffrederickstadt where the skipper liveth when hee is at
home and hath a wife and children there,
all ffree persons under the Duke of Holstein (sic).
And that what papers were on board the sd shipp came to the hands
of y:e Captaine of y:e Crowne ffrigott that tooke and seized them
off the River of Emms upon y:e Coast of Holland without concealing or making away
any of them. And that upon theisaid seizure they declared that
the said shipp and lading belonged to ffrederickstadt to owners and
merchants there, all ffree persons, but were bound for Holland, and
the sd seizure happened about twelve dayes since: And saith that
the sd shipp hath made three voyages since hee served in her the first was as aforesd in Ballast
from ffrederickstadt to Norway when XX she returned with
Deales to ffrederickstadt where shee delivered her sd lading.
And then going a second voyage from ffrederickstadt to Norway in

f. 6r.

Ballast to take a ffreight she was by tempestuous weather forced back againe to ffrederickstadt
where being arrived the Skipper tooke in her now lading of Timber for Holland.
There were noe colourable bills of lading signed, nor any of Contrary
tenour, And saith the sd shipp has but one deck. And saith that when
y.e Crowne ffrigott that chaced them fired a gunn the skipper and this depot XX
presently struck saile and yeilded themselves and denieth that any of
the Company deserted the sd shipp But saith that the Skipper was
taken out of his shipp aboard the man of warr that tooke him, and
three Englishmen put on board the sd vessell who brought her and
her sd lading of Timber with this depot up into the river of Thames

Et alr nescit


Case: XXXXX: Deponent: Hanceus Peterson, of ffrederickstadt, sailor, aged 29

Eadem dia sup Interrijs prodict

2. HANCEUS PETERSON da ffrederickstadt natus ibm. annos agens
29 aut XXXX testsis

f. 6V. is missing and needs to be imaged

f. 7r.


Case: XXXX: 2. Richardus Tuo, of Rye, Sussex, victualler, aged 33

2. RICHARDUS TUO de Rye in Com Sussex Victualler ibni ubibitant
per octonnia ant XXXX annos agens 33 et ultra, testis produt
et Jurat.

Ad 6. 7. 14. et 17 arles super quibus solemmodo Examinatur XX XXXXX
M:rs Eaton deponit. That he well knoweth the shipp Surprizall aclate,
Capt John Tozier Command:r and was and went as Corporall of her when shee
was fitted and sett out from Rye as is aclate, And saith that the second
or third day after such their setting out from Rye they discovered and
seized by vertue of a Common which the sd Tozier had onboard the aclate
ship the Jesus Josephe Mary of the burthen (as this deponent guesseth)
of about 150 tonns, laden with ?razons part whereof they took XX XXXX XXXX XXXX they consisted which they
brought into Rye, And saith that at the sd seizure (which happened
about ffoure leagues off of Rye in the English Channell) this deponent
and fowre more namely ffrancis Spooner, W:m Standish one of the
owners and his brother Charles Standish the Lieutenant of y:e sd ship
Suprizall, George Blanch and this deponent went on board the sd shipp:
Jesus Joseph S:t mary. And this deponent at his first coming onboard
of her one of y:e persons onbpard a clubfoated fellow and a pilot or
stiersman of y:e sd XXXXX but his name hee knoweth not whence
they came he answered from Genova, and asking him twice together
whether hee was bound, hee Answered to Amsterdam. Which words
hespake in very good English and very pertinent to y:e quetions untill
another person who also spake English, and was also a pilot or stiersman as
hee beleeveth ?hubbed the sd person they first spake to, and to
this deponent and the other onboard that they were bound for Hamboro

f. 7v.

saying that hee (the first person they soe spake to) know not what hee
sayes whereupon, the first person or clubfoated fellow said that
they were bound for Hamborow. Although as hee saith the Clubfooted
fellow spoke a great deale better English than the other did, and
this depo:t better understood him. And this deponent verily beleeveth
in his Confesiones that Had not y:e Drake ffrigott bin on the one side
and one of the Kings XXXXX on the other side the said Prize the Joseph Jesus
and Maria would have fought the Suprizall Each man having
their matches ready having their gunns charged and primd being XX
whole XX domicalven, and Eight or nine Petareren or peeces called maXXXXXX &
pistoll XXXXX XXX XXXXX Et alr nescit this depot hath bin
informed by some of y:e sd XXXX XXXXXX that y:e DXXXXe ffrigott alsoe waited for the sd prize and saving
they seized upon the sd shipp and lading as prize and belonging
to the states of the united Neatherlands, or their subiects

Ad Interria

Ad primum redet that hee cometh by y:e meanes and at y:e request of
one Capt Steele, And saith he was Examined before the Mayor of Rye
about a fortnight or three weekes since and then deposed to the like effect
of this his deposicon, And hee Expecteth that the sd Captaine Steeéle
should beare his charges up and downe but as yet hee hath not
received any thing saving tenn shillings of XXX then at Rye
to whom y:e Capt wrote to send up this dep:t and nomore to XXX XXXX, he hath
lived and kept a victualling house in Rye for about seaven or eight
yeers last, knoweth not what he is worth and owes but litle. Et alr

Et 2. rendet that he knoweth not who are the laders of y:e goods
in Controversy, nor where laden saving he hath heard some of the
XXX XXXXX Company say that the same or a great part thereof were
laden at Malaga, and cannot specify the particuler parcels of them
Et alre nescit.

Asd 3 non concernit cum.

Ad 4 nescit nec audivit.

Ad 5 nonconcernit cum.

Ad 6 rendt that hee was one of y:e man of warrs Company, namely Corporall
but knoweth not whether he shall have any share in y:e XXX
y:e ship and goods bee condemned, neither knoweth hee of any money or other
goods taken from the XX or XXX of y.e sd shipp. Et alr nescit.

RICHARD XXXX [His signature]

Case: XXXX: Deposition: Georgius Blanch, of Rye, Sussex, sailor, aged 50

Eadem die

Super all XXXX prodict

3. GEORGIUS BLANCH de Rye in Com Sessex Nauta, natXXX ubi
annos agens 50 aut XXXX ter testis product et XXXX

Ad 6. 7. 14. et 17 arles super quibus solummodo Examinatis depont
et dicit THat he was one of y:e ship uprizalls Company XXXX
Masters Mate of her, and went on board her at Rye where she
was fitted victualled and manned And saith that after they had
bin at sea for a day or two she tooke and seized a Vessell or prize.

f. 8r.

and as belonging to y:e subiects of the States of the United Neather-lands named
the Jesus Joseph Mary and S:t Andrew burthen about 140 or 130 tonnes.
And goth, upon the high and open seas in the English Channell about some
three leagues off of Rye, And saith that presentley after the sd seizure
this deponent, M:r Standish, one of y:e owners of the man of warr, and
his brother Charles Standish Lieutenant his ?precontent Two, and
one ffrancis Spooner XXX XXXX and upon such their coming onboard they found
two Pilotts as they XXXX but what country men they were hee knoweth
not, and asking one of them a lame footed man, who spake very good
English whence they were and whether bound he told this depo:t
and the other on board that he came from Genoa, and touched
at Malaga in Spaine and were bound with their lading comprising
of raisons and some wine for Amsterdam, Which theother pilot
hearing and jogging the person that answered the depot
and saying that they were bound for Hamboro the
person who first answered this deponent said soe alsoe - but not before.
And upon their comming on board hee saith they found them
in a warlike posture ready for fighting, there XXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
Stones that lay upon the deck ready fitted, and would have undoubtedly
fought had not the Drake frigott and one of the Kings Ketches bin
insight andneere to them, Et alr nescit saving the sd Jesus
Joseph Maria was brought by this depot who was Command:r of her and
tooke care to and by the assistance of y:e other foure
persons and the rest of the ?prezt Company was brought unto y:e
port or Harbo:r of Rye. And saving the two pilotts assisted in
carrying her in the lame one hee saith stood by this deponent
at the ?lead ad as this deponent found the water and according XXXX
depo:ts direcon the sd pilot gave direcons to his seamen to order ?their
sales and they both also spake Dutch.

Ad Interria

Ad primum rend:t that one M:r Raymond on behalf of Capt Steele spoke to
this depo:t to come and bee a witness herein, and at Rye XX XXX received of Raymond
ten shillings but Exoects to have his owne Charges and horse hire upon XXXX XXX
andliveth by going to sea. knoweth not what he is worth. Ad alr nescit

Ad 2 rend:t that hee knoweth not who laded y:e goods in question nor for whom XXXXX
nor can specify the particular parcells of them. Et alr nescit.

Ad 3 non concernit cum.

Ad 4 nescit non XXXXX

Ad 5 non concernit cum.

Ad 6 rendit that in case the shipp on lading bee condemned hee Expecteth hos
share as a Seaman and according to his XXXX which is XXX XXXX. Knoweth
not of any money taken away from the XXXXX but XXXXXXXXX Captaine
Tozier tooke a little box out of y:e Captaines Cabbin XXXX Et alre nescit


Repetitium precXXXXXX coram XXXX

Case: XXXX: 4. Carolus Standish, of Rye, Sussex

f. 8v.

31:° Aug:tis 66

Super allone predict Examinat

4. CAROLUS STANDISH de Rye in Com Sussex inhihitavit
per biennium aut XXXXX annos agens 24 XXXX XXXX testis product et Jurat

Ad 5. 7. 14. et 17 arles dicte allonis super quibus solemedo
Examinatur ex direnono M:ri Exton premria deponit et dicit that
hee welll knoweth the ship the Suprizall aclate and was one of her
company namely Lieutenant of her, And saith that about three
monthes since the sd vessell having taken in men
at Rye aforesaid went from Rye in the Evening of a day, and the next
morning about six of y:e Clock seized and tooke the aclate shipp
The Jesus, Joseph, Mary and S:t Andrew of the burthen of about 150 tonnes laded with wine and fruite and brought the
sd shipp with her said lading into Rye harbo:r, And she was
soe seized and tooke by the Suprizall and her Company about foure leagues
off . y:e West ward of Rye (to the best of this deponents Judgm:t) in the English
Channell, And saith that upon the boarding the sd vessel
by this deponent, his precontists George Blanch, Richard Tue,
Edward Standish this depots brother and one of y:e Surprizall, owners
and ffrancis Spooner, all of y:e Surprizalls Company they found
onboard the said vessell two pilotts one of which he saith affirmed himselfe
to bee a Hamburger, both spake dutch as alsoe poor English,
and they being asked by this deponent and others then on board from whence
they came, and whether they were bound, one of y:e pilotts a Clubfoated
person,) answered that they came from Genoa, and were bound
for Amsterdam, Which the other pilott hearing said, Noe.
for Hamborow, and then the sd Clubfoated fellow also said
for Hamborow but not before although hee well understood w:t was asked him speaking so good English Et alr nescit upon XXXX. Saving this deponent when
hee and the others soe went on board ffound them in a ffighting posture, their Petererers
or peeces called ?Murderers being Eight in number laded, and their baggs
of shott by them, and some which were on board with this deponent told this
depo:t that they saw severall matches lighted, and most of their
musquets charged, The peterers were discharged at Rye harbo:r
and the musquetts carried aboard the Surprizall, and in one musquett
he saith there were five bulletts one or two whereof were chewed
this depo:t seing the same drawne, And y:e sd Jesus Joseph Mary S:t Andrew had fought them as hee beleeveth
had not the Drake ffrigott and another Catch bin neere them.

Ad Interria

Ad primum rend:t that hee cometh at y:e request of M:r Steele on of y:e
owners of y:e Surprizall who came to know what this deponent could say
herein because he knew or understood that this depot was one
of her Company as aforesd. And saith that before he was sworne as a
witnesse M:r Exton asked this depot what hee could say in this
busienes, and this deponent then told him to y:e effect aforesd. And
Expects to have his Charges borne by the owners of the
sd Man of warr, ffor his paines in comming to bee Examined
herein, And saith hee was an apprentice to one M:r ?ffiels a

f. 9r.

a vintner at y:e Greene Dragon[2] in ffleete street for y:e space of six yeers of thereabouts ending aboit
twelve month since, and hath bin imployed in one busienes or other
touching the Surprizall aforesd, to and againe from Rye to ?London
by his sd brother Edward Standish and in other busienesses for him, and is maintained
by him. Et alr nescit

Ad 2 rendet that hee knoweth not for whose ac:t y:e goods in question were
laden, or where laded, neither can he specify the particular
parcells of them. Et alr nescit

Ad3 non concernit cum.

Ad 4 nescit rendere Hee not being at Mallaga the time Interr.

Ad 5 nescit deponere salvis predepositis nor concernited

Ad 6 rendit That if the said ship or lading proove lawfull prize this depo:t
Expects his share as being one of y:e Company that tooke her: And
saithh this deponents brother had or tooke from the Captaine of the Jesus Maria Joseph, Nine peeces of Eight and three shillings for which he told him
he would bee responsible in case the ship and lading prooved not prize,
and Captaine Tozier has also a little gold ring with a blackstone, in it which
was taken out of y:e Captaines Chest, And some cloaths hee saith the Company
of the Surprizall tooke from onboard y:e Jesus Maria Joseph S:t Andrew
Et alr nescit.

CHARLES STANDISH [His signature]

Repetit coram dire XXXXX surr:t
prXXX Edw:o Browne No: publ.

Case: XXXX: 5. Gabriel Morgan, of Stepney, Middlesex, sailor, aged 36

Primo Septembris 1666

Super allone predict. Examinat.

5. GABRIEL MORGAN paroa de Stepney in Com Midd Nauta, ubi
habitavit per Septennia aut ?ricter annos agens
36 aut rirter testis productus et Juratus.

Ad 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. et 16. arles super quibus solum mod o Examinatur
et direccons M:ri Exton deponit et dicit That on or about the befinning
of ffebruary last past the aclate ship the Jesus Joseph Mary S:t Andrew came
with affaire wind to Malaga. Xould ffor feare as was sd she should bee taken by S:r jeremy Smith
then being at y:e Streights mouths And saith that at such
her coming thether she came full laden with muscadino candies and pirckled
Lemmons which were by y.e Common report of merchants and others there
ladedin the river ao (sic) or Bay of Genoa by the Dutch Consull there and two other
merchants there (whose names hee remembreth not) for their
acc:t to bee delivered at Amsterdam for the same acc:t And saith
the said ship going there by the name of the Genowesse petache might
have departed and gone away with her said lading to Hamborow the
wind being then Easterly and faire for her, And there was a Hamburger
man of warr of thirty six peeces of ordinance or upwards and
fourteene merchant men under his Convoy which then rode neere
y:e same mole where the sd shipp Jesus Joseph S:t Mary then rode
which sd Genowesse Petachi he saith runn up as farr as she could

f. 9v.

into y:e ?moule and there moored her selfe at a great distance
from them, and pulled of her sailes from her yards And at
the time aforesd hee saith there was an ostend man of warr then
also riding neere the sd Mole one ?carew and Englishman M:r or
Command:r of her
the M:r of y:e said Petacher he saith was very fearefull
and refused to put to sea least shee should bee seized and taken by S:r
Jeremy Smith who with his squadron at that time and for
severall dayes together rode without the Hamburgers in the Road
within shott of y:e mole where the sd Petachi then ridd, And soe long as there
was any report of S:r jeremy Smiths being in the Streights or
anyways thereabouts the Captaine of the Petache never stirred
nor dared soe to doe but kept himselfe within Malega Mole for fear
of being taken by y:e English. And saith that during the sd
shipps Joseph Marias aboade at Malega, this deponent and
severall other English belonging to English Shipps then there
told the said Captaine of the said Genowesse vessell that the
English would meete with them before they gott to Amsterdam
the M:r and others of his Company replyed that they cared
not a ffart for y:e English for they had friends enough abroad
to guard them or words to the same or like Effect. And saith
there were onboard two pilotts, which
were said to bee Dutch men and as they acknowledged
themselves to bee, Namely hee hath bin told by the Clubfooted fellowe
(one of y:e pilotts) that hee was borne and lived severall yeers together
at Amsterdam, but that he now lived with his wife at ?Alicant And some
of y:e Petuches Company hee saith declared to this depo:t that a young
fellow (a Cooke) was borne at Schedam. And saith that when this
deponent, who was Masters mate of a merchtman y:e John of
London John Nansun Captaine
came away heeleft the sd Ostend man of warr as also y:e Hamburger
and his fleete and the Genewesse Petache all behind them at Malega
and if the sd Genewesse vessell had bin bound for Hamborow she
might have gonn in Company with te Hamborow ffleete XXXXXX
which she did not, as this depo:t hath bin informed or with S:r Jeremy Smith and
the English Squadron and merchantmen, Which as hee heard
she never did, But saith this deponent and severall other
English merchants then looked upon her to bee bound for Amsterdam
and to have Dutch lading on board ffor that Hamburgers now
and have ?done ever since the beginning of this warr
ffetched and doe ffetch their owne goods from Genoa and other
places in y:e Streights and send out good shipps for that purpose. And
saith that many more (that are now in his Majestys service) could and
can witnesse y:e same that this deponent hathe before deposed

f. 10r.

Ad Interria

Ad j:in rend:t that hee cometh at the request of one Captaine Steel who hearing
that this depo:t was at Malega when the ship the Jesus Mary S:t
Andrew was there spake to this rend:t to testify the truth herein. Espects
nothing for his paines herein. And hath bin for five yeares and two
months last upon a merchandizing voyage from port to port, and
knoweth not whether hee bee worth anything or nothing. Et alr nescit

Ad 2 rendit y:t hee cannot specify the perticular parcells of y:e goods in question And
saith that hee hath bin informed that y:e owners of y:e Petache are Italians and
that they lett her to ffreight to y:e foresd Dutch consull and merchnts at Genoa
and that there was insurance made at Genoa upon y:e sd ship by which y:e ffreighters were to pay for her
in case she shpuld bee taken by y:e English. Et nescit se ad prode poita Alr nescit

Ad 3 nescit saying hee left y:e Hamborow and Osetnd convoy at Malega when hee departed thence.

Ad 4 rend:t that S:r Jeremy Smith went from Malaga about tenn dayes
before this repd:t who came thence yout y:e sixth of March last past and left by y:e Hamborow convoy there. Et alr nescit
Salvis predepositis.

Ad 5 et 6 deponit that y:e words aforesd were spoken in y:e presence of many of
y.e Company of the John of London aforesaid. And saith theforesd Clubfooted
pilot was raken in at Alicant as this depot hath bin informed by ?lres from severall
merchants in Alicant, where he saith about tenn or elaven weekes
this depo:t saw the sd pilott and hath once bin in his house there where hee hath
lived for about three yeers space as hee beleeveth. Et alr nescit rendira.

GABRIELL MORGAN [ His signature]

Case: The Richard and Elizabeth: Deposition: Thomas Holbert, of St Saviour, Southwarke, Waterman, aged 44

The nyneth of October 1666.

On behalfe of his Matie, touching
goods ?embrazeld out of the Richard and Elizabeth

THOMAS HOLBERT of the parish of
S:t Saviour Southwarke Waterman
aged 44 or thereabouts, sworne in the
high Court of the Admiraltie of England
saith and deposeth by vertue of his oath

That the said shipp the Richard and Elizabeth (whereof
Richard ?Bothick was and is M:r and part owner) being a Victualling
shipp in the service of his matie riding on tuesday before the
late lamentable fire at anchor in Solebay neere to the Assistance
frigot, Captaine Browne commander, and the said Captaine
desiring some firewood to be delivered aboard him one of the
Richard and Elizabeth, XXX XXX the frigot aboard the next
morning being Wednesday, and delivered wood aboard accordingly.
And while the Richard and Elizabeth lay ?lashed aboard the
said frigot, there were on the said Wednesay morning about foure
or five baggs of Spanish wools put out of the frigot aboard
her to be brought for London as for the ?use of the said Captaine
Browne, and then througe fowle weather the Richard and
Elizabeth bearing a sterne the frigot by the frigot ?HalXX, and

f. 10v.

riding thereby, there were the XXX XXXXX a parcell of three
hundred skinnes (w:ch as hee undertood were XXXola skinnes) brought
in the said frigates pinnaces and put also aboard the Richard and
Elizabeth, and alsoe a parcell of kidd skinns (the number hee
cannot declare9 and also a parcell of flax, to be also brought
for London: all w:ch goods were by the conXXXX of the XXXXX
declared to be prize goods, and to thXXX ?purrpse they were XXXXX
thXX the Generall XXXXX XXX and take XXXX of them. And
saith that in the said shipp Richard ad Elizabeth all the
sd goods were brought up the River of Thames to Ratcliff XXXX
where they came to an anchor therewith on monday night the
third of September, and this deponent in regard of the danger
hee tooke his XXX and familie to be in, by XXX of the fire
getting XXXX by XXX hour, hee went that night ashore to his
house on the banck side leaving all the said goods aboard under
command of the said Bothwick. And on the Satturday next
following being the ?eigth of September this deponent
comming to goe aboard the said shipp, XXX with Samuel
?Clayman the XXX XXXXX ashore on Ratcliffe XXXXX, and
they goeing together into a XXX house to drinke a cup of beare
together, this deponent (who had got some intelligence that
the said goods were carried ashore by the said Masters order) asked
the said Boatswain as they wre in discourse thereabouts, how
they XXX XXX, to get parts to carry the said goods soe farr uplands
to w:ch him made answer that hee the said boatswaine by the said
Masters order got carts from Captaine Swanley XXX XXXX
to carry the said goods to Captaine Swanleys warehouse there
and that the CC they were carried accordingly. And this deponent
going to XXXX the said goods at Captain Swanleys, and
commanding a Constable of Stepney to assist them, the said
Constable declared unto them XX XXX of this materman
assisted in unloading the said goods one of the carts into the said
Captane Swanleys warehouse, and this deponent having
XXX XXXX with XXX of the XXXXX (whose XXX hee
now remembreth not) heard him affirme the XXXX


f. 11r.

f. 11v.


Case: XXXX: Deposition: Eggert Wold, of Stralsund, Pommerania, XXXX

EGGERT WOLF de Stralesund in Pommerania in XXXX

hat his said shipp was built at Stralsund about ?eight yeeres since
XXX XXX XXX this deponent was appointed to XXX XX and XXXX XXX his then and
now owners, who were and are all Stralsunders and subiects of the King
of ?Sweden, XXXX Nicholas Bowman, owner of an eigth part, John HoustXXX
eigth, John XXXXmaster an eigth, Hanse Yeila a 32_th, Ernest Waranta an 32:th
Jurris XXXX a 16:th, Claus PaXXXX a 16:th, Charles Banck a 16:th, Martin
ClXXXX a 16:th HXXXXX Clowe 1 16:th, and this deponent a 16:th part
and that noe Hollander, ffrench or dane hath any share therein, And they are
cometh now from Stralsund bound for Bremen, laded with XXXXX, and
XXXXX, XXXX three lasts of wheate, eleaven baggs of wool, 2000 sheep skins, and
about 20 shipp pounds of uron, 6 XXX of XXX XXXX, 12 barrells of linseed
and one felt of XXXX, all laded at Stralsund by subiects of the king of Sweden
and to them belonging and for their accompt and to be carried to Bremen from



XXXX and
XXXX at interest to this deponent too XXXX her building, for w:ch his shipp is liable XXXX
bottomrie to XXX fourteene Rix Dollars seventy bedides the principall. And
saith that this deponent and his company XXXX his letter three persons
are all of ffrederickstadt, there and thereabouts dwelling in the XXXX
of the duke of XXXXXX, and there being and XXXX subiects , and that XXX
Hollanders, ffrench or danes hath any part in


Case: XXXX: Deposition: Detlef Hendrickson, of ffrederickstat, Holsatia, sailor, aged 38

25:° Septembris 1666

Contra navem the Orange tree)
of ffrederickstat)

2:is DITLEF HENRICKSON de ffrederickstat in Holsatia
Nauta, XXXXX dicti navis the Orange tree
a'tatis 38 annorum aut ou XXXXX testis in
preparis examinatur, deponit et XXXXX, vizt

vide 1:xx in D

That his said shipp (of the burthen of sixteene lasts) was built at
ffrederickstadt about eight yeeres since, and hath ever since belonged to that
port in that Dominion of the Duke of Holstein; and that Cornelius vander
Loo and this deponent of ffrederickstat and John ffolkers trading at Colembet neere
that citie (where rgey alwaies dwelt and were and are subiects of the said
Duke) have bin the owners ever since the said building and are XX at present
namely this deponent owner of halfe the shipp and the other two each of
a fourth part, and that noe Hollander, ffrench or dane hath any part
or share therein- And that about ?seaven weekes xxxx (as hee remembreth

the time) hee (in company of the shipp the Death Hance Dorker M:r) came
from ffrederickstat with a parcell of timber & clapboard (by way of ballast)
and some XXXXX, w:ch wood was laded by John John?sen Burger there
andthe XXXXX by Miles Johnson & John Ruttenberg two other
Burgers there and a widow there dwelling all subiects of the said duke
and their XXX a ?park (the contents hee knowes not) laded by Claus XXX they
?alsoe a Burger there, and they were all to be delivered at Amsterdam
for accompt of the said ?owners, to w:ch XXX of Amsterdam the said shipp
?was bound (in carrying as aforesaid) to fetch Rhenish wine and Millstones
for the use and accompt of the said ?duke to be brought to ffrederickstat.
And there his company was XX XXX XXX himselfe and one man more
but subiects as aforesaid and dwelling in the dominion and XXXXX therein
And thXX ?running off the XXX XXX they were taken by the XXXX
frigot, and after brought up into the Thames, and ther the Captaine
and company of the XXXX tooke this said XXX and XXXX aboard the
man of warr, and XXX of the clap board and many of this deponents XXXXX. And saith that XXXX
by rhis XXX to the Captaine, and XXX another by him, w:ch XXX
XXXXX to ?return, and ?had nine other XXXX XX XXXX XX passes XX
nore any interested or XXX away



Case: The Sampson of Stetin in Pomerania: Deponent: Joachim Smit, citozen of Stetin in Pomerania, sailor, aged 62

f. 12v.

Contra nav?am the Sampson)
of Stetin in Pomerania)

JOACHIMUS SMIT civitatis Stetis in Pomerania in XXXX
?SueXXXX Natua, XXXXX XXXX XXXX navis, annos natus 62 XX
XXXX testis in propario exXXXXXX deponit XXXXX XXXX

That his ?said shipp was built at Stetin and is about ?20 yeeres old, and
hath alwaies belonged to XXXXX, and saith that hee this deponent hath XXX
XXX of him for XXX yeeres, and that GXXXX XXXXXXX is owner of
XXXX the shipp, Peter may a quarter parte & ?hamn TruXXX a widow a quarter
part, and are all Inyabitants and natives of Stetin and Subiects of the king
of Sweden, and that now Hollander, Dane or ffrench hath any share therein. XXX
saith that in June last there was with his said shipp at Amsterdam XX XXXX
had carried XXX XXX for XXXX XXXX acc:t) and was then freighted by a XXXX
named XXXX ?Orst to goe to Longsound in Norway to ?fetch a cargo of deales
and `Spanns for Amsterdam, w.ch voyage the said XXXX XXXX XXXX him and
XXXXX the said XXXX, and the said shipp reXXXXX therwith to Amsterdam)
the said XXX then XXX XXXX XXXXX owne accompt and then this deponents
said owner having XXX for and ordered this XXXXX XXXXX to Stetin, and
was returning in ballast, andcomming in XXXX this XXXXXX to trhe XXXXXX
XXXX XXXX athe XXXXX XXX the ships there being on fire) XXX XXXXX
?burning XX XXX them, was taken with his said shipp by the XXXX fleete and
XXX XX XXX wherethis shipp now lyeth. And saith his company were XXXX
XXX and a boy all ?Easterlings, XXX his stiersman of WXXXXX, and a
common man of Stralsund, and all the rest Stetinners. And that his
master fearing to be burned, XXXXX him and fledd in XXX XXXX, and left him
alone as this shipp XXXXXX taken, And that this ?paper was delivered

?ASA ?GEM ?KNIEST [His signature]

Case: XXXX: Deponent: Michael de Craeyer, citizen of Antwerp, merchant, aged 68

f. 13r.

XXX GaXXXX Gyorkhammer, Mercatoris Antwerpiani)
pro navis the S:t XXXXXX et Xrro ?Limi)

4:° Octobris 1666

?Tuyer allegacconn arlate ex parte XXXX
Gyorkhammer date et XXXX annexis

MICHAEL DE CRAWYER cicitatis AutXXXpia Mercator,
annos agens 68 aut de XXXXX testis.

Ad primim srlum et XXXX in eadem mercanto deponit that hee hath
for two yeeres last and upwards bin Booke Keeper of and for the
producent GXXyor Gyorkhouwer, who is (as hee saith) a Merchant
of very eminent qualities, traffiquing to England, ffrance, Spaine, andinto the Streights and other places, and that hee is a native of Antwerp
where this deponent hath knowne him from his ?infancie, in w:ch infancie
this deponent hath often had him in his armes. And saith that in March
last the said XXXXX wrote and gave order to the arlate ?Romart
and de ?Panno his factors at Amsterdam (acting in company) to looke out
and bouy for him a shipp of about 200n lasts, of the price of about
nine or tenn thousand guilders, intimating his purpose to imploy her
to Rochell to fetch XXX, having found that to be a good traffique,
and after the firrst ?lr, ?hee confirmed such his order by others,
with direction to draw upon him for the payment for the said shipp
and XXXXXX, and signifying that hee would provide a M:r and
?Mariner for her in Brabant or fflanders to fetch her from
Amsterdam to XXXX XX XXX his accompt, or to the ?same effect, as is and
by the XXX ?lrs arlate appeareth, to w.ch hee referreth himsefe, and
to XXX XXXXX are XXX extants all of the parchments bookes of XXXXX
or ?lres , and that the ccontentts thereof were and areXXXXXX. Et alr nescit.

Ad 2:XX arlum et schedulas deponit that the timXXX arlate the
said ?productentXXX whXXX XX is XXX said factors to the effect arlate XXXXX
they XXX XXX they had bought such a shipp according to his order
and afterwards, that the XXXX that they were agreed of the price as
is arlate, and that ?they had honoured their draught, and would
make payment accordingly, referring himselfe to the lres arlate
numbred or marked D. E. XXXX XXXX ?w:ch are ?extrusted (XXX as the ?former)
one of the producents books of copies of lres by ?Cornelius Pirq a
Notarie of Antwerp, well knowne to this deponent, and whom this
deponent XXX XXXX in the said XXXX of the bookesa nd ex?trusting
Et alr nescit.

Ad 3:XXX arlum XX XXXXX in eadem XXXXXX et annex di XXXXXas
deponit that the said Bonnart and de Pann having brought that
said shipp sor the said producent, signified such buying and cost unto
him, and of their purchase to XXX and after that they had drawne
the payment and XXXXX XXX him and XXXX him the accompt
amounting as is arlate, and saith that the schedules marked N:o
2. 3. linro B were and are the said Boniara and da Pann their
said originall lres ?ther sent to the said producent, XXXX XX w:ch lres
hee saith is very well knowne ?tryin to be their hand of their lres
w:ch hee knoweth by the XXXX XXXX XXXXXX w:ch they
XXX w:th the producent in whose Counting House hee writeth.

f. 13v.

f. 14r.


Case: XXXX: Deponent: Jeremias Peltz, XXX, aged 20

f. 14v.

f. 15r.

JEREMIAS PELS [His signature]

Case: XXXX: Deposition: Arthur Burlacia, aged 22

f. 15v.

16:° Octobris 1666

ARTHUR BURLACIA one of the Company
of the Dragon frigot, aged 22 yeeres or
thereabouts, sworne on behalf of his

f. 16r.

f. 16v.

  1. Thomas Morley. Possibly Thomas Morley (b. ?, d. ca. 1672), mariner, of Wapping, Middlesex (PROB 11/338 Eure 1-54 Will of Thomas Morley, Mariner of Wapping, Middlesex 15 April 1672)
  2. Greene Dragon. Walter Thornbury writes that "The original 'Green Dragon' [Fleet Street] (No. 56, south) was destroyed by the Great Fire, and the new building set six feet backward." The 'Green Dragon' dated back to at least the late C16th, appearing in the Chamberlain's Account for 1585-6. Fifteen inns and coffee houses were listed in an April 29, 1841 parliamentary return of 'Houses occupied by Persons Licensed to sell Spirituous Liquors by Retail', with the 'Green Dragon' assessed by the Officers of the Excise as one of the highest in value (Item 176. h., Betty R. Masters (ed.), 'The Chamberlain's Account 1585-6: Nos. 147-226', Chamber accounts of the sixteenth century: London Record Society, 20 (1984), pp. 63-87, viewed 18/04/12; 'Licensed Victuallers, &c.', part 2, The House of Commons, April 29, 1841, p. 7, viewed 18/04/12)