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up all his papers and writings aboard the shipp of the English Generall, in the
up all his papers and writings aboard the shipp of the English Generall, in the
presence of his Excellencie the duke of Albermarle. And that the same
presence of his Excellencie the duke of Albermarle. And that the same
were and are true and reall And that his company are [?nine] men
were and are true and reall And that his company are nine men
with himselfe and a boy, all Stralsunders and subiects of the King
with himselfe and a boy, all Stralsunders and subiects of the King
of Sweden.
of Sweden.

Latest revision as of 06:00, October 3, 2017


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HCA 13/76 f.11v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


for Riga, but coming [?neare] the [?doger] shee had [?XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX]
and his company with the shipp and goods in danger of perishing by stresse of
weather they were constrained to run before the winde withion the Texel and
soe to Amsterdam, where his salt was sold there being a necesitie to lighten
and unlade the leakie shipp to bring her into a [?chanill] of reparation, which
was there don, and then departing thence by his said owners order in ballast to goe to
Rochell to lade salt for their accompt to be brought to Riga, hee was on the seaventh
of August last or thereabouts new stile in the Channell or the heights of
[?Ballen] or thereabouts, met with and taken by two Capers videlicet Captaine
Manning and Captaine hall and brought up to ffalmouth, and that hee this deponent
is a native of Osterleke in holland, but hath dwellt four yeares at Riga, and
hath for that time bin a subiect of the Kinge of Sweden, and there his wife
and familie have for that time bin [?fized], and that his company
are for the most part Swedes, but his Carpenter John Cornelison and
Stiersman John Meizon are hollanders, and that hee had a ffrench boy aboard
his company consisting of tenn men with himselfe, and the said ffrench boy and
another boy being this deponents sonn. And saith hee had no false papers aboard,
and that his documents or shipps papers are as hee taketh ot in the hands
of the Judge of this Court. Et alr nescit, saying hee knoweth not where is ship
was built.


24th Septembris 1666. [CENTRE HEADING]

Con navem the Golden Sun of Stralsund}

Eggert Wolf de Stralesund in Pommerania in [?ditione]
Suecica, Nauta, Navarbus dicta navis the Golden Sun
annos agens 60 sut circiter testis prepario examinatus,
deponit ut sequitur, videlicet.

That his said shipp was built at Stralsund about eight yeeres since
which building this deponent was appointed to oversea and manage his then and
now owners, who were and are all Stralsunders and subiects of the King
of Sweden, videlicet Nicholas Bowman, owner of an eighth part, John [?Henst] an
eighth, John havermaster an eighth, Hanse Yeila a 32th, Ernest Warenka an 32th
Jores [?SarXXX] a 16th, Claus [?Poplow] a 16th, Charles Banck a 16th, Martin
[?Clinke] a 16th henninck [?Clewe] 16th, and this deponent a 16th part
and that noe Hollander, ffrench or dane hath any share therein, And they are
cometh now from Stralsund bound for Bremen, laded with mault, and
some rie, three lasts of wheate, eleaven baggs of wool, 2000 sheep skins, and
about 20 shipp pounds of iron, 6 barrells of pot ashes, 12 barrells of linseed
and one fatt of copper, all laded at Stralsund by subiects of the king of Sweden
and to them belonging and for their accompt and to be carried to Bremen for
the same accompt, and saith that about seaven weekes since standing for Bremen
and [?XXXing] by reason the winde was at South East, hee was about eight
dutch miles to the North East of the fflie met with by the Ketch of the Vice
Admirall of the English White Squadron, and afterwards brought up to
harwich, and saith they tookke away about tenn pounds of the shipps provisions
and companies clothes before this deponent came thence, And saith hee delivered
up all his papers and writings aboard the shipp of the English Generall, in the
presence of his Excellencie the duke of Albermarle. And that the same
were and are true and reall And that his company are nine men
with himselfe and a boy, all Stralsunders and subiects of the King
of Sweden.



The 24 of Septembris 1666 [CENTRE HEADING]

Con navem The Death pf ffrederickstat in}


Hance Deckers de ffrederickstat in holstatia Nauta
Navarbus dicta navis the Death, annos agens 37 aut
circiter, testis in prepario examinatus, deponit ut sequitur.

That his said shipp was built at ffrederickstat aforesaid about foure yeares since
by order and oversighting of this deponent and upon his owne cost and accompt
and that to him alone shee hath ever since appertained and doth now appertaine