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(Created page with "{{PageMetaData |Parent volume=HCA 13/124 |Folio=73 |Side=Recto |Status=Added artificial foliation |Note=IMAGE: IMG_7103.JPG }} {{PageHelp}} {{PageTranscription}}")
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|Status=Added artificial foliation
|Status=Added artificial foliation; uploaded image; transcribed on 13/05/2015
|Note=IMAGE: IMG_7103.JPG
|First transcriber=Colin Greenstreet
|First transcribed=2015/05/13
|Note=IMAGE: IMG_114_04_7105.JPG
|Transcription image={{#transcription-image: IMG_114_04_7105.jpg}}
|Transcription=freight of them did amount unto these REndents
know not nor were ever informed And otherwise they
nor any of them doe not nor doth beleeve the
said pretended position to be true in any part thereof.
To the ninth position of the said pretended allegation
they and every of them doe answeare and beleeve
that in the voyage arlate a certaine quantity of tobacco
laden aboard the shipp arlate for the account of
the said Thomas Batt being rotten the
factor for the said Batt required satisfaction for
the same pretending they were damaged after
they were laden on board the said shipp And
thereupon the Marriners of the said shipp did
after the returne of the said shipp into England
the voyage in question for quietnes sake, and
to avoyde suites and trouble allow unto the
said Batt 20 ''li'' out of theire wages
in satisfaction of the said pretended dammage
but these Rendents doe not beleeve that the
said tobaccoes were any wayes damnified by
the insufficiency or leakines of the said shipp
or by the ill stowage of them or by the
carelessness of the Master and Marriners, but
that they were bad and corrupt before they were
laden on board And otherwise these Rendents
nor any of them doe not nor doth beleeve the
said pretended position to be true in any parte
To the tenth position of the said pretended
allegation they and every of them doe
answeare and beleeve that in and during
the voyage articulate there were laden

Latest revision as of 11:12, May 13, 2015


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HCA 13/124 f.73r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


freight of them did amount unto these REndents
know not nor were ever informed And otherwise they
nor any of them doe not nor doth beleeve the
said pretended position to be true in any part thereof.

To the ninth position of the said pretended allegation
they and every of them doe answeare and beleeve
that in the voyage arlate a certaine quantity of tobacco
laden aboard the shipp arlate for the account of
the said Thomas Batt being rotten the
factor for the said Batt required satisfaction for
the same pretending they were damaged after
they were laden on board the said shipp And
thereupon the Marriners of the said shipp did
after the returne of the said shipp into England
the voyage in question for quietnes sake, and
to avoyde suites and trouble allow unto the
said Batt 20 li out of theire wages
in satisfaction of the said pretended dammage
but these Rendents doe not beleeve that the
said tobaccoes were any wayes damnified by
the insufficiency or leakines of the said shipp
or by the ill stowage of them or by the
carelessness of the Master and Marriners, but
that they were bad and corrupt before they were
laden on board And otherwise these Rendents
nor any of them doe not nor doth beleeve the
said pretended position to be true in any parte

To the tenth position of the said pretended
allegation they and every of them doe
answeare and beleeve that in and during
the voyage articulate there were laden