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===Abstract & context===
==Abstract & context==
===Suggested links===
==Suggested links==
See [[MRP: Mansel Smith will|Mansel Smith will]]
===To do===
==To do==
In the name of God Amen:-: I Sir George Oxniden (sic) Knight of Dean in the Parish of Wingham in the County of Kent Merchant being att this Instant of perfect health sound memory and understanding God be praised now in the East Indies in the Service of the Company of Merchants Trading to those parts in their Imployment of their President for and by reason of the death of my most deare sister Mrs Elizabeth Dallison whom I had formerly Constituted and Appointed one of my Trustees besides other Matters voillntarily (sic) mov[xxx]ng therewith doe make and declare this my last will and Testament this first day of June in the yeare of our Lord and Saviour one Thousand Six hundred and Sixty and Eight in manner and forme following
In the name of God Amen:-: I Sir George Oxniden (sic) Knight of Dean in the Parish of Wingham in the County of Kent Merchant being att this Instant of perfect health sound memory and understanding God be praised now in the East Indies in the Service of the Company of Merchants Trading to those parts in their Imployment of their President for and by reason of the death of my most deare sister Mrs Elizabeth Dallison whom I had formerly Constituted and Appointed one of my Trustees besides other Matters voillntarily (sic) mov[xxx]ng therewith doe make and declare this my last will and Testament this first day of June in the yeare of our Lord and Saviour one Thousand Six hundred and Sixty and Eight in manner and forme following
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===Mansell Smith===
Masell Smith was a servant of Sir George Oxenden in Surat
[[MRP: Mansel Smith will| PROB 11/374 Drax 102–156 Will of Mansell Smith, Merchant, Gentleman of Greenwich, Kent 20 September 1683]]
- Mansell Smith would have been ca 28 at the time of GO writing.  His father was Frances Smith, and his brother was William Smith senior  His Uncle was Colonel Chapman.  He was born at St. Alphage, Greenwich
===Samuel Stephens, minister of Wingham===
<u>''Mansell Smith''</u>
Samuel Stephens' son, Joseph, was with Sir George Oxenden in ?Surat
Will of Mansell Smith, Merchant, Gentleman of Greenwich, Kent 20 September 1683 PROB 11/374 Drax Quire Numbers: 102 – 156 pp. 3 PDF [CSG, 29/04/09 –This looks like the man mentioned by Sir GO in his will. He would have been ca 28 at the time of GO writing. His father was Frances Smith, and his brother was William Smith Sen. His Uncle was Colonel Chapman. He was born at St. Alphage, Greenwich]
(1) There appears to be a will of "Samuel Stephens of Wingham (co. Kent), clerk" in the Berkshire Record Office, dated 1668
- See: BERKSHIRE RECORD OFFICE: The Bouverie-Pusey Papers:  WILLS AND SETTLEMENTS. [no ref. or date]: Wills  D/EBp/T140 [n.d.]:, Samuel Stephens of Wingham (co. Kent.), clerk (P)  D/EBp/T140/4  1668
<u>''Samuel Stephens, minister of Wingham''</u>
(2) Dorothy Gardiner mentions "the Vicar, Samuel Stephens" in the Oxinden and Peyton Letters, 1642-1670, in the context of [XXXX] Vincent's will and desire for a sermon to be read by Samuel Stephens.<ref>Dorothy K. Gardiner, ''The Oxinden and Peyton letters, 1642-1670: being the correspondence of Henry Oxinden of Barham, Sir Thomas Peyton of Knowlton and their circle'' (XXXX, 1937), p. 9</ref>
(1) There appears to be a will of "Samuel Stephens of Wingham (co. Kent), clerk" in the Berkshire Record Office, dated 1668 [see: BERKSHIRE RECORD OFFICE: The Bouverie-Pusey Papers:  WILLS AND SETTLEMENTS.  [no ref. or date]: Wills  D/EBp/T140  [n.d.]:, Samuel Stephens of Wingham (co. Kent.), clerk (P)  D/EBp/T140/4  1668
(3) [[MRP: 12th March 1662/63, Letter from Samuell Stephens to Sir GO|12th March 1662/63, Letter from Samuell Stephens to Sir GO]]
(2) Dorothy Gardiner mentions "the Vicar, Samuel Stephens" in the Oxinden and Peyton Letters, 1642-1670, in the context of [XXXX] Vincent's will and desire for a sermon to be read by Samuel Stephens. (source: p. 9, The Oxinden and Peyton letters, 1642-1670: being the correspondence of Henry Oxinden of Barham, Sir Thomas Peyton of Knowlton and their circle, The Sheldon Press, 1937, pp. 371)
- Mentions Son, Joseph Stevens, now in Surat]
(3) LETTER FROM SAMUEL STEPHENS TO GO: March ye: 12th: 1662/63 f. ???? [ Mentions Son, Joseph Stevens, now in Surat]
===Richard Frances===
<u>''Richard Frances''</u>
Richard Frances was a witness to Sir George Oxenden's will
Will of Richard Frances, Merchant of Bombay, East Indies 01 March 1670 PROB 11/332 Penn Quire Numbers: 1 - 66 pp. 2 PDF
"The following men are entertained for the several factories in India: Richard Frances, Thomas Haslewood, Robert Fleetwood, Gabriel Tounsend, Robert Hopper, James Calthrope, Charles Bendish, Edward Harris, Joshua Bunberry, , John March, Francis Minshull, Mathew Vincent, Henry Chune [Chown], George C;ay..." (p.145, CCM 60-63)
"The following men are entertained for the several factories in India: Richard Frances, Thomas Haslewood, Robert Fleetwood, Gabriel Tounsend, Robert Hopper, James Calthrope, Charles Bendish, Edward Harris, Joshua Bunberry, , John March, Francis Minshull, Mathew Vincent, Henry Chune [Chown], George C;ay..." (p.145, CCM 60-63)
PROB 11/332 Penn 1-66 Will of Richard Frances, Merchant of Bombay, East Indies 01 March 1670
===Possible primary sources===
==Possible primary sources==

Latest revision as of 08:22, January 26, 2012

Sir George Oxenden will

PROB 11/342 Pye 53–118 Will of Sir George Oxniden (sic), Merchant of Wingham, Kent 17 May 1673

Editorial history

04/12/11, CSG: Restructured page


Abstract & context

Suggested links

See Mansel Smith will

To do


In the name of God Amen:-: I Sir George Oxniden (sic) Knight of Dean in the Parish of Wingham in the County of Kent Merchant being att this Instant of perfect health sound memory and understanding God be praised now in the East Indies in the Service of the Company of Merchants Trading to those parts in their Imployment of their President for and by reason of the death of my most deare sister Mrs Elizabeth Dallison whom I had formerly Constituted and Appointed one of my Trustees besides other Matters voillntarily (sic) mov[xxx]ng therewith doe make and declare this my last will and Testament this first day of June in the yeare of our Lord and Saviour one Thousand Six hundred and Sixty and Eight in manner and forme following

First and principa[xx]y I recomend [?] my soule into the Bosome of my Blessed Saviour and Redeemer Jesus Christ by whose [XXXXX] and blessed Merritts I hope to r[xxx] with him in Eternell Blisse amen, my Body I committ to the land or sea which God in his good providence shall Appoinit itt there to be buried in what manner according to the distinction of those into whose hands itt shall fall,[1]

And as concerning the disposition of my worldly Estate wherewith itt hath pleased God to blesse me, I give unto my most Deare and Lovinge Mother Dame Margaritt (sic) Oxinden (sic) Twenty pounds of Lawfull English money to be paid her within six Months after my Decease and to my Brother and sister Master and Brother and sister Bromfield each of them the summe of Tenne Pounds Apiece to buy them Rings to be paid them upon certaine knowledge of my decease

ITEM I give unto my sister Dame Elizabeth Oxniden (sic) wife of my Brother Sir Henry Oxniden (sic) Twenty pounds to be paid her six Months after my decease

ITEM I give unto Henry Oxinden Second sonne to my Brother Sir Henry (now in India with mee) one Thousand Pounds to be paid him within one yeare after my decease,

ITEM I give unto my Nephew and Godsonne Streinsham Master sonne to my Brother and sister Master the summe of one thousand Pounds to be paid him within One yeare after my decease,

ITEM I give to my Brother Sir Henry Oxindens children both sonns and daughters the summe of Tenne Pounds to each and to the Sonns and daughters of my Brother Master and the sonns and daughters of my Brother Bromfield Tenne Pounds to each of their Children that shalbe (sic) survivinge at the Publishing of this my last will to be paid unto him or her upon certaine knowledge of my death, excepting Henry Oxniden and Streinsham Master before mentioned unto whom I have already bequeathed Legacies of one Thousand Pounds to each over and above what I intend further to give them before I conclude this will

ITEM I give to my Loving cosin Mr. Richard Oxniden Second Sonne to my Unkle Richard Oxniden Esquire of Denton


one Hundred Pounds to be paid six Months after my decease

ITEM I give unto Sarah Waynman late servant unto my most Deere Sister Dalyson five hundred Pounds for her faithfull service to my sister during Life as well as many services to my selfe and in consideration of the unkind usage since received from my said sisters ungratefull children and this to be paid her within six Months after my decease

ITEM I give unto Mr John Goodier, Gerald Aungier and Randolph Taylor all three now of my councell unto each of them Fifty Pounds to be paid to each of them six Months after my decease to buy them Diamond Rings to weare in Remembrance of mee their ffreind

ITEM I give unto my Brother Bymgie Her[xxx] Bannian one Thousand Pounds to be paid and remitted him out of England by my Executors that I shall hereafter nominate six months after my decease

ITEM I give unto ?Gulian Herard [TBC] Brother to the abovesaid Bymgee Five hundred Pounds to be paid and remitted him in manner as I have already mentioned the said Bymgee to be sent forth unto him

ITEM I give unto my servant Mansell Smith one hundred Pounds to be paid him six Months after my decease,

ITEM I give unto the Poore of the Parish of of Wingham the summe of Twenty Pounds to be distributed att the discretion of my Executors according to their severall necessityis (sic),

Moreover I further give and bequeath unto my two Nephews Henry Oxniden and Streinsham Master If itt shall please God I die and decease in India all my movables of Jewells vessells of Gold and Silver and Apparrell desiring the said Henry and Streinsham out of them may be given unto my servant Mansell Smith A Diamond Ring and some of my weareinging Cloaths.

ITEM I give unto Mr Samuell Stepens Minister of Wingham Parrish the summe of Fifty Pounds and to every child of his body Twenty pounds to putt them forth into callings or otherwise to be paid them as their Occasions and needs shall require itt,

ITEM I give and bequeath unto the repair & building upp and decent furnishing the Parish Church att Wingham Five hundred Pounds whichmy harty desires are may be laid apart for the use aforesaid out of the first moneys my Executors shalbe possed of and with and that all convenient hast may or was for the Appointing Overseers and Trustees for the carrying on and finishing the work

ITEM I give and bequeath for the raising A monument three hundred Pounds over my Deare Father and rest of Relations that lye in or neere the chancell att Wingham Church to be raised forthwith

ITEM I give three hundred Pounds for and to the repair & building upp and decent furnishing the Parish Church att Adsham neer Deane in Kent and that all convenient hast may be used in Appointing Overseers and Trustees for the carrying on and finishing the work

ITEM to the Poore of the Parish of Adsham Five Pounds to be distributed att the discretion of my Executors according to their severall needs and necessities, And if it shall please God that I shall dye and departe this world heere in India my desires are that I be buried soo neere unto my deare brother Christopher as conveniently can be contrived and a large Toome to be built over to [XXXX] my said Brothers Toome in mine for the raising and Finishing whereof I will and order fower or Five hundred pounds to be laid out and disbursed out of the Estate of myne that shall be found in India by my Overseers whom I shall hereafter Appointe,

Lastly well considering the Frailty of mans life and that wee are compared to the Flower that today fflourisheth and to Morrow is pluckt upp and withered and besides this certaine uncertainty of man myne is yet much more hazerdous in that I am heer in A Remoate countrey more subject to Casualtyes than that of A Sedentary Life in our Native Soile and must yett undertake the Adventure of return nirr by where the hidden dangers passe are yett more than those that Are seene


and furthermore as a Merchant I shall ever have Accounts and dealings here in India whilst I am abroad wherefore I doe Apponit and Ordaine my deer and loving Nephew and Godsonne Streinsham Master and my loving Nephew Henry Oxinden my true and lawfull Overseers and Trustees of this my last will and Testament for the manadgemitt of all my Estate and Affaires here in India, And I doo hereby fully Impower my above said Overseers Strynsham and Henry to receive and remitt to England and any otherwise A[XXXX] in my Affaires as they in their discretions shall think fitt without being Lyable to my Executors for any losse or casualty that may Accrue for their [XXX] Actions, and my further will and meanenig [TBC] is that soo long as my Nephew Streinsham Master doo live or stay in India hee shall and doo eceive and pay all such monyes (sic) and Estate as concernes mee and when itt shall please God to remove him by death, or that he leave India, and not untill then my Nephew Henry Oxinden surviving and remaining there shall and may Act as sole Overseer to receive and pay all moneys and Estate that shall concerne mee, and moreover I give and bequeath my deare sister Mrs Anne Master one hundred Pounds the yeare of twelve Months during her Naturall Life and noe longer and that my Executors give in security [TBC] out of my Estate for the due payment of the same Annually upon her Demand and that itt [xxxxxx] from the tyme of the certaine knowledge of my death and last of all

ITEM I give unto my Loving Neese Mrs Mary Westcott the second daughter of my Brother and Sister Master of Langden in Kent Five hundred Pounds to be paid her within six Months after certaine knowledge of my death and I doo give unto the Poore of Trinity House Fifty pounds which is to be paid unto the Brothershood [TBC] of that society to be distributed by the Master and Wardens for the Reliefe of poore decayed seamen and to the Master and Wardens and Brotherhood (sic) I give Twenty pounds to make A Collation for themselves in remembrance of my being received [???] for one of the Brothers of that Society and Corporation

And finally I doe make and ordaine my deere Brother Henry Oxniden Knight of Deane and my loving Nephew James Oxniden Esquire his sonne and heire Executors of this my last will and doe give unto them all my personall Estate and lands Tenements [XXX] my debts [XXXXX] and [XXX] all Expenses first being paid and discharged to be equally divided bitween (sic) them and my will and mind further is that in case itt shall please God that my Brother Henry or his sonne James dye the Estate thus given to them shall fall and divolve (sic) upon and to the next heries [???] Male of their Body and doe hereby Absolutely rivoake (sic) & and renounce all former wills and Testaments [XX] heretofore made att any tyme and soe besseching God that his blessing may [XX] alonge with my Estate and Labors I doe Finish this my Will written with my own hand writing

In witness whereof I have hereunto sett my hand to each sheete of this my will conteyning [TBC] three sheets besides this last sheet to which I sett my seale that makes in all fower (sic) sheets dated the day and yeare first above written All Glory bee to God, on Earth peace, Good will towards men, Amen,


signed sealed Published & declared as the last will and Testament of mee Sir George Oxinden (sic) Knight the day and yeare first above [X] written in the presence of Phillip Giffard, Cesar Chambrelan, John Petit, Rich: Frances.



Mansell Smith

Masell Smith was a servant of Sir George Oxenden in Surat

PROB 11/374 Drax 102–156 Will of Mansell Smith, Merchant, Gentleman of Greenwich, Kent 20 September 1683
- Mansell Smith would have been ca 28 at the time of GO writing. His father was Frances Smith, and his brother was William Smith senior His Uncle was Colonel Chapman. He was born at St. Alphage, Greenwich

Samuel Stephens, minister of Wingham

Samuel Stephens' son, Joseph, was with Sir George Oxenden in ?Surat

(1) There appears to be a will of "Samuel Stephens of Wingham (co. Kent), clerk" in the Berkshire Record Office, dated 1668
- See: BERKSHIRE RECORD OFFICE: The Bouverie-Pusey Papers: WILLS AND SETTLEMENTS. [no ref. or date]: Wills D/EBp/T140 [n.d.]:, Samuel Stephens of Wingham (co. Kent.), clerk (P) D/EBp/T140/4 1668

(2) Dorothy Gardiner mentions "the Vicar, Samuel Stephens" in the Oxinden and Peyton Letters, 1642-1670, in the context of [XXXX] Vincent's will and desire for a sermon to be read by Samuel Stephens.[2]

(3) 12th March 1662/63, Letter from Samuell Stephens to Sir GO
- Mentions Son, Joseph Stevens, now in Surat]

Richard Frances

Richard Frances was a witness to Sir George Oxenden's will

"The following men are entertained for the several factories in India: Richard Frances, Thomas Haslewood, Robert Fleetwood, Gabriel Tounsend, Robert Hopper, James Calthrope, Charles Bendish, Edward Harris, Joshua Bunberry, , John March, Francis Minshull, Mathew Vincent, Henry Chune [Chown], George C;ay..." (p.145, CCM 60-63)

PROB 11/332 Penn 1-66 Will of Richard Frances, Merchant of Bombay, East Indies 01 March 1670

Possible primary sources

  1. CSG, 29/04/09: This is an unusual set of words, and is almost fatalistic. He will die and be buried where he happens to be, and by whoever happens to be there
  2. Dorothy K. Gardiner, The Oxinden and Peyton letters, 1642-1670: being the correspondence of Henry Oxinden of Barham, Sir Thomas Peyton of Knowlton and their circle (XXXX, 1937), p. 9