Difference between revisions of "MRP: Transcription"

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(crrected, remove term was "balarzes")
(59 intermediate revisions by 2 users not shown)
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26/04/12, CSG: Created page
26/04/12, CSG: Created page
03/04/2018, Paula Marmor: Removed 'bahaizes' and 'balarzes'
Line 9: Line 10:
==Suggested links==
==Suggested links==
[[MRP: Synthesis|Synthesis]]
See [[MRP: Commodities|Commodities]]
See [[MRP: Geography|Geography]]
See [[MRP: Shipping terminology|Shipping terminology]]
See [[MRP: Style Sheet One|Style Sheet One]]
See [[MRP: Synthesis|Synthesis]]
See [[MRP: Admiralty court cases|Admiralty court cases]]
See [[MRP: HCA 13/68|HCA 13/68]]
==To do==
==To do==
Line 61: Line 69:
*  a:gt
*  a:gt (= against)
*  allon
*  allon (= allegacon: allegation)
*  arle
*  arle (= article)
*  arlum
*  arlum
Line 78: Line 86:
*  hhds
*  hhds
*  interrte
Line 131: Line 143:
*  Ad predeporta
*  Ad predeporta
*  Ad ult dicit
*  Ad ult dicit
*  Allegate ("the said shipp the ''Lady frigot'' with her lading allegate" (HCA 13/73))
*  Arlate
*  Arlate
*  Arlum
*  Arlum
Line 142: Line 155:
*  Et alr nescit
*  Et alr nescit
*  Et alr nescit deponere
*  Et alr referendo
*  Et alr referendo
*  Et fiat ut supra
*  Et fiat ut supra
Line 152: Line 166:
*  Imp:rm interroget:r
*  Imp:rm interroget:r
*  the lre interrte
*  the lre interrte
*  Interries
*  INTERROGATORIA ministrata et ministrand ex parte et p partem William Browne testibus omnibus et singulis ex parte Edward Webb pductis sen pducendis sequuntur
*  INTERROGATORIA ministrata et ministrand ex parte et p partem William Browne testibus omnibus et singulis ex parte Edward Webb pductis sen pducendis sequuntur
*  Item Inter quilibi
*  Item Inter quilibi
*  Item Interroget:r quilet
*  Item Interroget:r quilet
Line 178: Line 197:
Accounted ("commonly accounted reputed and taken")
'''Accompt''' ("this deponents sole accompt" (HCA 13/68))
'''Advise''' ("lres of advise" (HCA 13/68))
'''Accounted''' ("commonly accounted reputed and taken")
'''Actuary''' ("one of the Actuaries of the Admiralty Court of Bridges")
'''Allegation''' ("an allegation given against him on that behalfe of..."
'''Ancient''' ("a shipp of about a hundred & fifty tonnes birthen & having a white Ancient in her poope" (HCA 13/73)
'''Answereth''' ("he answereth & acknowledgeth" (HCA 13/19))
'''Account''' ("transported to Dunkirke for the accompt and adventure of this deponents")
'''Allon''' (abbreviation for "allegation")
'''Arle''' (abbreviation for "article", see arles for "articles")
'''Arlate''' ("onely one of the fowre English ships arlate" (HCA 13/19))
*  Actuary ("one of the Actuaries of the Admiralty Court of Bridges")
*  Allegation ("an allegation given against him on that behalfe of..."
'''Cause of complaint''' ("y:e sd Edward Peascott Michaell Peascott & Edward Randall have without iust cause arrested him by warr:t out of this Co:rt to answere them in their p?dsed cause of complaint" HCA 13/128))
'''Charge''' ("they did freight and imploy their sayd five eighth parts upon their owne charge and Adventure as Owners & freighters of them" (HCA 13/73))
'''Condemned''' ("in case the sayd shipp the ''Morning Starr'' or ''Golden Starr'' be condemned as prize)
'''Consideration''' ("for a valuable consideration" (HCA 13/73))
'''Cost''' ("at their owne Cost charge & adventure" (HCA 13/73 Part Two))
'''Credibly''' ("hath bin Credibly informed that the said Cowling was borne at or neere Rippon in Yorkeshire" (HCA 13/73))
*  Answereth
'''Damnified''' ("the arlate Swift Parker & Harris & other her Owners were damnified" (HCA 13/73))
'''Dead fraighted'''
- "he answereth & acknowledgeth" (HCA 13/19)
'''Denison''' ("he is a subiect of this Commonwealth and a denison of England")
*  Account ("transported to Dunkirke for the accompt and adventure of this deponents"
'''Designe''' ("The p:rmisses hee deposeth, being made privy to the said Designe and Voyage" (HCA 13/73 Part Two))
'''Dispoiled''' ("surprized & tooke the sayd shipp ''Lady ffrigott'' and her ladeing of Currants & dispoiled the Owners thereof the same" (HCA 13/73))
*  Allon (abbreviation for "allegation")
*  Arle (abbreviation for "article", see arles for "articles")
*  Arlate
- Example: " onely one of the fowre English ships arlate" (HCA 13/19)
'''fflandrian''' ("a fflandrian man of warr")
*  Condemned ("in case the sayd shipp the ''Morning Starr'' or ''Golden Starr''be condemned as prize)
*  Deponent
Interrogatory (ies) ("Crosse Interries")
'''Interrogatory (ies)''' ("Crosse Interries")
Knoweth ("knoweth beleiveth or hath heard")
'''Knoweth''' ("knoweth beleiveth or hath heard")
Libell ("the posiccons of a libell given ag:t him")
'''Ladeing''' ("the ladeing unladeing & reladeing of the sayd shipp" (HCA 13/73 Part Two))
'''Letters of advice''' ("as hee was informed by lres of advise from Zante" (HCA 13/73))
'''Libell''' ("the posiccons of a libell given ag:t him" (XXXX); "Examined on the Libell" (HCA 13/73))
*  Persuaded ("verily psuaded in his conscience")
'''Make for them''' ("To the 12:th pretensed posicon they and either of them answere and accept the contents of this posicon soe far forth as the same doe make for them and not other wise" (HCA 13/125))
*  Possession ("quiet and peaceful possession [of property, such as a ship]"
'''Overthrow''' ("endeavour the overthrowe of the voyage" (HCA 13/73))
*  Posic(c)ons
- "he doth not beleeve y:e sd posicons to be true" (HCA 13/19)
*  Precedent
'''Partye''' ("hee well knoweth all y:e partyes schedulate" (HCA/73); "she saith she favoureth both the partyes Litigant alike" (HCA 13/73))
'''Persuaded''' ("verily psuaded in his conscience")
- "his p:rcedent answeres" (HCA 13/19)
'''Possession''' ("quiet and peaceful possession [of property, such as a ship]")
'''Posic(c)ons''' (alias Position) ("he doth not beleeve y:e sd posicons to be true")
Precontest ("his precontest")
'''Precedent''' ("his p:rcedent answeres" (HCA 13/19))
'''Precontest''' als. p:rcontest ("his precontest")
'''Pretensed''' ("To 4:th 5:th and 6:th pretensed posicons" (HCA 13/125))
'''Protested''' ("the said Nortons bills being protested, the said ffactor had not moneyes to paye for the same and therefor could not nor would not lade them" (HCA 13/125))
* Reall and true ("the sayd bill of sale is reall and the Contents thereof true")
'''Ranke''' (" the arlate Blaes da La Pina is a Spaniard a subiect of the King of Spayne a merchant Inhabitant of Sevill in Spayne and that he hath bene 30 yeares and upwards, and was and is a merchant of good ranke using to trade betweene Spaine and fflanders" (HCA 13/68)
'''Reall and true''' ("the sayd bill of sale is reall and the Contents thereof true")
'''Referreth''' ("he referreth himselfe to the Acts & Registry of this Court" (HCA 13/19): "To the 3.:d.  hee cannot depose; saving hee referreth himselfe to his answer to the first Interrie, on y:e other part" (HCA 13/73))
'''Reladeing'''  ("the ladeing unladeing & reladeing of the sayd shipp" (HCA 13/73 Part Two))
'''Registry''' (of the High Court of the Admiralty)
'''Risque''' (" for his the said John Scrother the producents accompt and risque" (HCA 13/68))
*  Rendents
'''Schedulate''' (" this rendent being M:r & Comander of the ship the ''Peter'' arlate did hyer y:e respective marriners schedulate to serve in the sd ship y:e ''Peter''for the monethly wayges therein menconed" (HCA 137128))
'''Schedulated''' ("the said severall persons Schedulated" (HCA 13/125))
'''Schedule''' (" hee was not prsent att y:e forming and figuring the said two schedules arlate"; "the schedule in this article mentioned" (HCA 13/73))
'''Sign seale and deliver''' [a legal document, such as a will or contract] ("this deponent saw the sayd Samuel Travis sign seale and deliver the same as and for his Act and deed")
'''Stayed''' ("the sd vessell did sett saile from Naples with ?some goods that shee there tooke in, and in her course towards London was stayed & taken by some vessell of warre belonging to the ffrench as he hath heard & beleeveth & was carryed to S:t Margaretta, and was there detained for some tyme in which tyme he beleeved the S:t Massagrene used meanes to gett of y:e s:d shipp & goods" (HCA 13/128)
*  Referreth
'''Teno:r''' ("the sayd Christia Cloppenburgh did signe three bills of lading for the same all of one teno:r" (HCA 13/68))
'''True owner''' ("true and lawfull owner and proprieto:r of y:e sayd goods")
'''Trucking''' ("desired the said Lopes to bee Supra Cargoe of the ship that should goe y:e sd Voyage, and to manage the ?Trucking, Selling, and Bartering away of the Outward Cargoe at the said West Indias (sic)" (HCA 13/73 Part Two))
- "he referreth himselfe to the Acts & Registry of this Court" (HCA 13/19)
'''Unladeing'''  ("the ladeing unladeing & reladeing of the sayd shipp" (HCA 13/73 Part Two))
===Currency and Specie===
*  Rendent
* Schedulate
'''Peeces of eight''' ("she had aboard her in silver two XXX, one XXXX, two XXXXXXX, seaven or eight XXXXXX, and a tobacco box and seaven or eight peeces of eight; w:ch the said John Lopez had ashore at Milford. And otherwise hee cannot depose" (HCA 13/73))
*  Schedule (" hee was not prsent att y:e forming and figuring the said two schedules arlate")
'''Gilders''' ("agreed to allow and pay unto him the summe of two and twenty hundred gilders, holands money, amount'ing to two hundred and twenty pounds sterling or thereabouts" (HCA 13/73 Part Two))
*  Sign seale and deliver [a legal document, such as a will or contract] (" this deponent saw the sayd Samuel Travis sign seale and deliver the same as and for his Act and deed")
'''Lawfull English money'''
*  True owner ("true and lawfull owner and proprieto:r of y:e sayd goods")
===Weights & Measures===
===Weights & Measures===
Bags (pepper)
Barrells (e.g. raisins; "17 barrells of starch")
Baskets (e.g. raisins)
'''Bags''' (e.g. pepper) ("to be laded aboard her for the said Companies use and account, containing fiftie foure baggs of pepper w:ch weighed 3896 pounds net English weight" (HCA 13/73))
Boards (e.g. timber; "860 four foot boards)
'''Bahaire''' ("this Depo:t  went in the ''Bantam ffrigots'' Boate ashore, and there caused about a Bahaire of pepper to be put on board y:e said Boate" (HCA 13/73 Part Two))
Bundles (e.g. hemp; "68 bundles of hemp")
'''Barrells''' (e.g. raisins; "17 barrells of starch"; "some barrells of sugar carryed frō y:e howses of y:e producent towards y:e waterside to be so laden")
'''Baskets''' (e.g. raisins; " two basketts of druggs" (HCA 13/73))
'''Boards''' (e.g. timber; "860 four foot boards)
'''Bundles''' (e.g. hemp; "68 bundles of hemp"; "bundles of rough hemp" (HCA 15/6 Box Two))
'''Butts''' (e.g. sherrie sack; "the true and lawfull Own:r of the said seaven and fortie butts of sack")
Cask ("28 Caske of Allom")
'''Caske''' ("28 Caske of Allom")
Chests (sugar)
'''Cedar chests'''
'''Chests''' (sugar; "chests of Indico and Druggs" (HCA 13/73 Part Two))
'''Coyle''' (" thirty Coyles of Rope" (HCA 13/73 Part Two))
Hogsheads (hhds; e.g. wines)
'''Hogsheads''' (hhds; e.g. wines)
'''Hydes''' ("at the time arlate the Boatswaine of the ''Little Lewis'' did being did (sic), being demanded what hydes were recd aboard the said ship reply and say three hundred and thirty or thereaboutes but that since hee haveing prsed his booke doth find that there were laden aboard the sd shipp in all but three hundred twenty one some where of were whole Dryed hydes in hayre, and some were sydes of Leather tann'd w:ch hee reckoned and accompted as hydes severally though in truth they were but half hydes" (HCA 13/19))
'''Kintall''' (= Quintall) ("one hundred and twenty kintalls of ffish" (HCA 13/73))
- "at the time arlate the Boatswaine of the ''Little Lewis'' did being did (sic), being demanded what hydes were recd aboard the said ship reply and say three hundred and thirty or thereaboutes but that since hee haveing prsed his booke doth find that there were laden aboard the sd shipp in all but three hundred twenty one some where of were whole Dryed hydes in hayre, and some were sydes of Leather tann'd w:ch hee reckoned and accompted as hydes severally though in truth they were but half hydes" (HCA 13/19)
'''Last''' ("he beleeveth that every last of y:e sd salmon conteined 12: barrels" (HCA 13/129))
- "he beleeveth that every last of y:e sd salmon conteined 12: barrels" (HCA 13/29)
Matt ("12 ?mattes of flaxe")
'''Matt''' ("12 ?mattes of flaxe")
Piggs ("piggs of silver") (HCA 23/19: the ''Mayfflower'') ("Piggs of lead")
'''Pack''' ("five packs of linnen marked and numbred as in the margin" (HCA 13/68))
Pipes (of wine, e.g. Canary) ("10 pipes of sugar")
'''Parcel''' ("a parcell of flax to be brought unto Roscoe"; a pcell of tarre brought to this port of London in a shippe called the ''ffortune'' (HCA 13/125)))
'''Piggs''' ("piggs of silver") (HCA 23/19: the ''Mayfflower'') ("Piggs of lead")
'''Pipes''' (of wine, e.g. Canary) ("10 pipes of sugar")
"some few ?Polacoes of Tobacco" (HCA 13/68)
"some few ?Polacoes of Tobacco" (HCA 13/68)
Pounds (e.g. Cocheneal)
'''Pounds''' (e.g. Cocheneal)
Quarters ("quarters of wheat")
'''Quarter caskes''' ("severall Quarter Caskes of Wine and Oyle" (HCA 13/73 Part Two))
Quintalls (aka Kintalls)
'''Quarters''' ("quarters of wheat")
'''Quintalls''' (= Kintalls) ("200 Quintalls of Brazill, Wood" (HCA 13/73)
'''Quoyle''' (("thirty Quoyles of Rope two Great Trunks, severall Quarter Caskes with XXX and Oyle, and barrells of Pitch and Tarre, and some other Things which were for y:e said Woods owne Private Trade & account" (HCA 13/73 Part Two))
Roll (e.g. tobacco)
'''Roll''' (e.g. tobacco)
'''Skinne baggs''' ("at Honduras tooke in and received aboard Indigo and druggs (as they were said to be) in chests and ?skinne baggs" (HCA 13/73 Part Two))
'''Small Barrell''' ("143 small Barr:lls. of Brandy att 11:li 19:s p Barrell an:d to in ster mony. 10:s ?6:d . p Barrell" (HCA 13/128)
'''Tonn''' ("> ½ Tonns of Rochell wines att 60:li the Tonn french mony and in English mony 4:li. 3:s. 4:d p tonn" (HCA 13/128)
'''Tunn''' (" the said tonns of Tallow were worth the summe of 34:li y tonn and noe more" (HCA 13/125)
'''Trunks''' ("thirty Quoyles of Rope two Great Trunks, severall Quarter Caskes with XXX and Oyle, and barrells of Pitch and Tarre, and some other Things which were for y:e said Woods owne Private Trade & account" (HCA 13/73 Part Two))
'''Trunckes''' ("Two trunckes" (HCA 13/73 Part Two))

Latest revision as of 19:13, April 3, 2018


Editorial history

26/04/12, CSG: Created page
03/04/2018, Paula Marmor: Removed 'bahaizes' and 'balarzes'

Suggested links

See Commodities
See Geography
See Shipping terminology
See Style Sheet One
See Synthesis

See Admiralty court cases
See HCA 13/68

To do

Policy issues


  • Representation of abbreviations, especially use of lines over single letters, parts of words, or whole words


  • Standardize capitalisation for persons and places?

ISSUE: Capital/non-capital distinction hard to determine by non-expert palaeographer

Crossing out

  • Should crossed out or blotted out letters or words be indicated in transcription?


  • Distinguish length and type of dashes used in manuscript?

ISSUE: Distinguishing space filling dashes from dashes used as hyphens or to show run over between manuscript lines?


  • Reproduction of dots, especially preceeding and following greek/arabic or roman numbers?

Page layout

  • How to indicate page layout, especially position of headers, signatures, and marginalia?


  • Determining start and end of paragraphs in legal documents?


  • Recognition of, and reproduction of, mid-C17th punctuation, especially commas, semi-colons, colons, and double dashes ("=")?


Common abbreviations


  • a:gt (= against)
  • allon (= allegacon: allegation)
  • arle (= article)
  • arlum


  • Cha: (Charles)
  • chrpty (charter party)


  • drōr (doctor)


  • hhds


  • interrte


  • L:i (pound sterling)
  • l:re


  • mo (moneth; month)
  • M:r


  • p (per)
  • pcell (parcell, parcel)
  • pt (part)


  • q:t


  • s (shilling)
  • s:d; sd


  • w:ch (which)
  • w:th (with)


  • xr; X:r (etc)


  • y:t

Common Latin phrases


  • Ad Interria
  • Ad Interrogatoria
  • Ad predeporta
  • Ad ult dicit
  • Allegate ("the said shipp the Lady frigot with her lading allegate" (HCA 13/73))
  • Arlate
  • Arlum
  • At interr con:ny di:ny at de gXXX


  • Dicit


  • Et alr nescit
  • Et alr nescit deponere
  • Et alr referendo
  • Et fiat ut supra
  • Et interr ut supra
  • Et interrogotur con:m div:m et du quolet
  • Examinat ("this Examinat")


  • Imp:rm interroget:r
  • the lre interrte
  • Interries
  • INTERROGATORIA ministrata et ministrand ex parte et p partem William Browne testibus omnibus et singulis ex parte Edward Webb pductis sen pducendis sequuntur
  • Item Inter quilibi
  • Item Interroget:r quilet



  • P:rdeposita
  • Productus


  • Rendet
  • this Rendent


  • Super allagaconne


  • Testibus omnibus et singulis ex parte et p partem

Legal & commercial language (non-latin)


Accompt ("this deponents sole accompt" (HCA 13/68))
Advise ("lres of advise" (HCA 13/68))
Accounted ("commonly accounted reputed and taken")
Actuary ("one of the Actuaries of the Admiralty Court of Bridges")
Allegation ("an allegation given against him on that behalfe of..."
Ancient ("a shipp of about a hundred & fifty tonnes birthen & having a white Ancient in her poope" (HCA 13/73)
Answereth ("he answereth & acknowledgeth" (HCA 13/19))
Account ("transported to Dunkirke for the accompt and adventure of this deponents")
Allon (abbreviation for "allegation")
Arle (abbreviation for "article", see arles for "articles")
Arlate ("onely one of the fowre English ships arlate" (HCA 13/19))




Cause of complaint ("y:e sd Edward Peascott Michaell Peascott & Edward Randall have without iust cause arrested him by warr:t out of this Co:rt to answere them in their p?dsed cause of complaint" HCA 13/128))
Charge ("they did freight and imploy their sayd five eighth parts upon their owne charge and Adventure as Owners & freighters of them" (HCA 13/73))
Condemned ("in case the sayd shipp the Morning Starr or Golden Starr be condemned as prize)
Consideration ("for a valuable consideration" (HCA 13/73))
Cost ("at their owne Cost charge & adventure" (HCA 13/73 Part Two))
Credibly ("hath bin Credibly informed that the said Cowling was borne at or neere Rippon in Yorkeshire" (HCA 13/73))


Damnified ("the arlate Swift Parker & Harris & other her Owners were damnified" (HCA 13/73))
Dead fraighted
Denison ("he is a subiect of this Commonwealth and a denison of England")
Designe ("The p:rmisses hee deposeth, being made privy to the said Designe and Voyage" (HCA 13/73 Part Two))
Dispoiled ("surprized & tooke the sayd shipp Lady ffrigott and her ladeing of Currants & dispoiled the Owners thereof the same" (HCA 13/73))


fflandrian ("a fflandrian man of warr")


Interrogatory (ies) ("Crosse Interries")


Knoweth ("knoweth beleiveth or hath heard")


Ladeing ("the ladeing unladeing & reladeing of the sayd shipp" (HCA 13/73 Part Two))
Letters of advice ("as hee was informed by lres of advise from Zante" (HCA 13/73))
Libell ("the posiccons of a libell given ag:t him" (XXXX); "Examined on the Libell" (HCA 13/73))


Make for them ("To the 12:th pretensed posicon they and either of them answere and accept the contents of this posicon soe far forth as the same doe make for them and not other wise" (HCA 13/125))


Overthrow ("endeavour the overthrowe of the voyage" (HCA 13/73))


Partye ("hee well knoweth all y:e partyes schedulate" (HCA/73); "she saith she favoureth both the partyes Litigant alike" (HCA 13/73))
Persuaded ("verily psuaded in his conscience")
Possession ("quiet and peaceful possession [of property, such as a ship]")
Posic(c)ons (alias Position) ("he doth not beleeve y:e sd posicons to be true")
Precedent ("his p:rcedent answeres" (HCA 13/19))
Precontest als. p:rcontest ("his precontest")
Pretensed ("To 4:th 5:th and 6:th pretensed posicons" (HCA 13/125))
Protested ("the said Nortons bills being protested, the said ffactor had not moneyes to paye for the same and therefor could not nor would not lade them" (HCA 13/125))


Ranke (" the arlate Blaes da La Pina is a Spaniard a subiect of the King of Spayne a merchant Inhabitant of Sevill in Spayne and that he hath bene 30 yeares and upwards, and was and is a merchant of good ranke using to trade betweene Spaine and fflanders" (HCA 13/68)
Reall and true ("the sayd bill of sale is reall and the Contents thereof true")
Referreth ("he referreth himselfe to the Acts & Registry of this Court" (HCA 13/19): "To the 3.:d. hee cannot depose; saving hee referreth himselfe to his answer to the first Interrie, on y:e other part" (HCA 13/73))
Reladeing ("the ladeing unladeing & reladeing of the sayd shipp" (HCA 13/73 Part Two))
Registry (of the High Court of the Admiralty)
Risque (" for his the said John Scrother the producents accompt and risque" (HCA 13/68))


Schedulate (" this rendent being M:r & Comander of the ship the Peter arlate did hyer y:e respective marriners schedulate to serve in the sd ship y:e Peterfor the monethly wayges therein menconed" (HCA 137128))
Schedulated ("the said severall persons Schedulated" (HCA 13/125))
Schedule (" hee was not prsent att y:e forming and figuring the said two schedules arlate"; "the schedule in this article mentioned" (HCA 13/73))
Sign seale and deliver [a legal document, such as a will or contract] ("this deponent saw the sayd Samuel Travis sign seale and deliver the same as and for his Act and deed")
Stayed ("the sd vessell did sett saile from Naples with ?some goods that shee there tooke in, and in her course towards London was stayed & taken by some vessell of warre belonging to the ffrench as he hath heard & beleeveth & was carryed to S:t Margaretta, and was there detained for some tyme in which tyme he beleeved the S:t Massagrene used meanes to gett of y:e s:d shipp & goods" (HCA 13/128)


Teno:r ("the sayd Christia Cloppenburgh did signe three bills of lading for the same all of one teno:r" (HCA 13/68))
True owner ("true and lawfull owner and proprieto:r of y:e sayd goods")
Trucking ("desired the said Lopes to bee Supra Cargoe of the ship that should goe y:e sd Voyage, and to manage the ?Trucking, Selling, and Bartering away of the Outward Cargoe at the said West Indias (sic)" (HCA 13/73 Part Two))


Unladeing ("the ladeing unladeing & reladeing of the sayd shipp" (HCA 13/73 Part Two))

Currency and Specie




Peeces of eight ("she had aboard her in silver two XXX, one XXXX, two XXXXXXX, seaven or eight XXXXXX, and a tobacco box and seaven or eight peeces of eight; w:ch the said John Lopez had ashore at Milford. And otherwise hee cannot depose" (HCA 13/73))


Gilders ("agreed to allow and pay unto him the summe of two and twenty hundred gilders, holands money, amount'ing to two hundred and twenty pounds sterling or thereabouts" (HCA 13/73 Part Two))


Lawfull English money



Weights & Measures


Bags (e.g. pepper) ("to be laded aboard her for the said Companies use and account, containing fiftie foure baggs of pepper w:ch weighed 3896 pounds net English weight" (HCA 13/73))
Bahaire ("this Depo:t went in the Bantam ffrigots Boate ashore, and there caused about a Bahaire of pepper to be put on board y:e said Boate" (HCA 13/73 Part Two))
Barrells (e.g. raisins; "17 barrells of starch"; "some barrells of sugar carryed frō y:e howses of y:e producent towards y:e waterside to be so laden")
Baskets (e.g. raisins; " two basketts of druggs" (HCA 13/73))
Boards (e.g. timber; "860 four foot boards)
Bundles (e.g. hemp; "68 bundles of hemp"; "bundles of rough hemp" (HCA 15/6 Box Two))
Butts (e.g. sherrie sack; "the true and lawfull Own:r of the said seaven and fortie butts of sack")


Caske ("28 Caske of Allom")
Cedar chests
Chests (sugar; "chests of Indico and Druggs" (HCA 13/73 Part Two))
Coyle (" thirty Coyles of Rope" (HCA 13/73 Part Two))


Hogsheads (hhds; e.g. wines)
Hydes ("at the time arlate the Boatswaine of the Little Lewis did being did (sic), being demanded what hydes were recd aboard the said ship reply and say three hundred and thirty or thereaboutes but that since hee haveing prsed his booke doth find that there were laden aboard the sd shipp in all but three hundred twenty one some where of were whole Dryed hydes in hayre, and some were sydes of Leather tann'd w:ch hee reckoned and accompted as hydes severally though in truth they were but half hydes" (HCA 13/19))


Kintall (= Quintall) ("one hundred and twenty kintalls of ffish" (HCA 13/73))


Last ("he beleeveth that every last of y:e sd salmon conteined 12: barrels" (HCA 13/129))


Matt ("12 ?mattes of flaxe")


Pack ("five packs of linnen marked and numbred as in the margin" (HCA 13/68))
Parcel ("a parcell of flax to be brought unto Roscoe"; a pcell of tarre brought to this port of London in a shippe called the ffortune (HCA 13/125)))
Piggs ("piggs of silver") (HCA 23/19: the Mayfflower) ("Piggs of lead")
Pipes (of wine, e.g. Canary) ("10 pipes of sugar")
"some few ?Polacoes of Tobacco" (HCA 13/68)
Pounds (e.g. Cocheneal)


Quarter caskes ("severall Quarter Caskes of Wine and Oyle" (HCA 13/73 Part Two))
Quarters ("quarters of wheat")
Quintalls (= Kintalls) ("200 Quintalls of Brazill, Wood" (HCA 13/73)
Quoyle (("thirty Quoyles of Rope two Great Trunks, severall Quarter Caskes with XXX and Oyle, and barrells of Pitch and Tarre, and some other Things which were for y:e said Woods owne Private Trade & account" (HCA 13/73 Part Two))


Roll (e.g. tobacco)


Skinne baggs ("at Honduras tooke in and received aboard Indigo and druggs (as they were said to be) in chests and ?skinne baggs" (HCA 13/73 Part Two))
Small Barrell ("143 small Barr:lls. of Brandy att 11:li 19:s p Barrell an:d to in ster mony. 10:s ?6:d . p Barrell" (HCA 13/128)


Tonn ("> ½ Tonns of Rochell wines att 60:li the Tonn french mony and in English mony 4:li. 3:s. 4:d p tonn" (HCA 13/128)
Tunn (" the said tonns of Tallow were worth the summe of 34:li y tonn and noe more" (HCA 13/125)
Trunks ("thirty Quoyles of Rope two Great Trunks, severall Quarter Caskes with XXX and Oyle, and barrells of Pitch and Tarre, and some other Things which were for y:e said Woods owne Private Trade & account" (HCA 13/73 Part Two))
Trunckes ("Two trunckes" (HCA 13/73 Part Two))

