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'''Visual images'''
#redirect Visual image wiki index
'''Editorial history'''
09/01/12, CSG: Created page
This page provides an index to all visual images made available on this wiki.  Index entries include the physical and electronic source of the images, together with copyright information.
Footnotes to each specified image will take the user to the wiki page on which the image is displayed
'''The index is currently incomplete'''
<ref>Image XXXX [[MRP: YYYY|YYYY]]</ref>
==Suggested links==
See [[MRP: Visual & material culture|Visual & material culture]]
==To do==
==Visual image index==
Butler, Samuel: Plate, 'Samuel Butler', ADD DETAILS<ref>Image 'PLATE_Samuel_Butler_Hudibras_Nash_R_Vol_1_1847_DL_CSG_010112.PNG' of page [[MRP: Gray's Inn walks, London|Gray's Inn walks, London]]</ref>
- Book and image are out of copyright
- Sourced from Internet Archive edition
Coventry, Thomas (1st baron): Thomas Coventry, engraving, DATE?<ref>Image 'ENGRAVING_Thomas_FirstBaron_Coventry_C18th_From_C17th.jpg' of page [[MRP: Francis Coventry|Francis Coventry]]</ref>
Dallison, Sir Maximilian:  Seal of Sir Maximilian Dallison, 1611, in XXXX, ''Archaeologia Cantiana'' (London, 1868)<ref>Image 'STEELPLATE_Sir_Maximilian_Dallison_Seal_1611.png' of page [[MRP: Sir Maximilian Dallison|Sir Maximilian Dallison]]</ref>
Dalyson, Sir Maximilian: Signature of Sir Maximilian Dalyson, DATE?, in XXXX<ref>Image 'PHOTOGRAPH_Sir_maximilian_Dalyson_Signature_P1_Letter_C2259830.PNG' of page [[MRP: Sir Maximilian Dallison|Sir Maximilian Dallison]]</ref>
Dean, Silvester: Silvester Dean on death bed, with children, church brass, parish church of Lower Halling, Kent<ref>Image 'ENGRAVING_Silvester_Dene_Deathbed_Churchbrass_ArchCant_vol5_1863_P250.PNG' of page [[MRP: Sir Maximilian Dallison|Sir Maximilian Dallison]]</ref>
Oxenden family: 'Pedigree of the Oxenden Family,' in 'Visitation of Kent, 1618', ''Archaeologia Cantiana'' (London, 1868), between pp. 276 & 277<ref>Image 'BOOK_PAGE_Oxenden_Pedigree_Visitation_Of_Kent_1618_ArchCant_1868_BetP276277.PNG' of page [[MRP: Oxenden family|Oxenden family]]</ref>
Oxenden, Sir George: 'Sir George Oxenden, 1668', unnumbered plate, between pp. 40 & 41, in Cecil L. Burns, ''Catalogue of the Collection of Maps, Prints and Photographs of the Island & City of Bombay, Victoria & Albert Museum'' (Bombay, 1918). No artist, technical details, nor provenance given. XXXX<ref>Image 'Sir George Oxenden Engraving 1668.png' of page [[MRP: Sir George Oxenden|Sir George Oxenden]]</ref>
Oxenden, Sir James: Sir James Oxinden, K.t., of Deane, from a portrait by Daniel Mytens in the possession of Lady Capel Cure; photographer Donald Macbeth, 17, Fleet Street, London; reproduced in Dorothy K. Gardiner, ''The Oxinden letters 1607-1642: Being the correspondence of Henry Oxinden of Barham and his circle'' (London, 1933), betw, p. 34 & p. 35<ref>Image 'PAINTING_Sir_James_Oxenden_Mytens_D_Gardiner_DK_1933_BetwP34ANDP35.png' of page [[MRP: Sir James Oxenden|Sir James Oxenden]]</ref>
Oxinden, Henry (of Barham): Henry Oxinden of Barham, Cornelius Janssen, oil on canvas, reproduced in Dorothy K. Gardiner, The Oxinden letters 1607-1642. Being the correspondence of Henry Oxinden of Barham and his circle (London, 1933), between pp. 66 & 67<ref>Image 'PORTRAIT_Henry_Oxinden_Of_Barham_Janssen_C_DEGardiner_1933_BetwP66P67.PNG' of page [[MRP: Henry Oxinden of Barham|Henry Oxinden of Barham]]</ref>
Stanley, Mary: Mark of Mary Stanley, DATE?<ref>Image 'SIGNATURE_Mary_Stanley_C225839_1667.PNG' of page [[MRP: Thomas Stanley|Thomas Stanley]]</ref>
Stanley, Thomas: Signature of Thomas Stanley, DATE?<ref>Image 'SIGNATURE_Thomas_Stanley_C225839_1667.PNG' of page [[MRP: Thomas Stanley|Thomas Stanley]]</ref>
Storer, J & HS, 'Antient houses St. John Street as they appeared 1811' in Thomas Cromwell, ''History and description of the parish of Clerkenwell'' (London, 1828), opp. p. 112<ref>Image 'ENGRAVING_Antient_Houses_St_John_Street_Clerkenwell_1811_Storer_JHS.PNG' of page [[MRP: House in St. John Street, Clerkenwell|House in St. John Street, Clerkenwell]]</ref>
- Out of copyright image sourced from an online edition of Cromwell (1828) with commons licence
Storer, J & HS, 'Old house Clerkenwell Close traditionally the residence of Oliver Cromwell ' in Thomas Cromwell, ''History and description of the parish of Clerkenwell'' (London, 1828), opp. p. 112<ref>Image 'ENGRAVING_Old_House_Clerkenwell_Close_Storer_JandHS_1828.PNG' of page [[MRP: House in St. John Street, Clerkenwell|House in St. John Street, Clerkenwell]]</ref>
- Out of copyright image sourced from an online edition of Cromwell (1828) with commons licence
Tyrer, James, 'The inhabitants of Clerkenwell and its environs,' 1805<ref>Image 'PLAN_Clerkenwell_Tyrer_James_1805_Wikipedia.jpg' of page [[MRP: House in St. John Street, Clerkenwell|House in St. John Street, Clerkenwell]]</ref>
- Out of copyright image, sourced from Wikipedia article on 'Clerkenwell,' which sourced the image from Wikipedia Commons, a freely licensed media file repository
<u>Gray's Inn</u>
Plate 18: 'Gray's Inn great Square, Chapel, &c.,' in Herbert, William (ed.), ''Antiquities of the inns of court and chancery : containing historical and descriptive sketches relative to their original foundation, customs, ceremonies, buildings, government, &c. ; with a concise history of the English law'' (London, 1804), betw. pp. 328 & 329<ref>Image 'PLATE_Grays_Inn_Hall_&_Square_Williams_H_Plate_18_1804_DL_CSG_010112.png' of page [[MRP: Grays Inn chambers, London|Grays Inn chambers, London]]</ref>
- Out of copyright book & image
- Sourced from an Internet Archive edition
Plate 19: 'Gray's Inn, from the Gardens,' in Herbert, William (ed.), ''Antiquities of the inns of court and chancery : containing historical and descriptive sketches relative to their original foundation, customs, ceremonies, buildings, government, &c. ; with a concise history of the English law'' (London, 1804), betw. pp. 338 & 339<ref>Image 'PLATE_Grays_Inn_Gardens_Williams_H_Plate_19_1804_DL_CSG_010112.png' of page [[MRP: Grays Inn chambers, London|Grays Inn chambers, London]]]</ref>
- Out of copyright book & image
- Sourced from an Internet Archive edition
Lower portion of RH side of map of 'Scandanavie' in Nicholas Sanson, ''L'Europe en plusieurs cartes et en divers traittés de geographie et d'histoire'' (Paris, 1683), p. 11
- Out of copyright book and image
Livonia plate in Gerardi Mercatoris, Atlas Minor (Amsterdam, 1634), p. 115; out of copyright book and image
Stettin: Title page of ''Hollandtsche Mercurius: Behelzende De aenmerckelickste Voorvallen in Europa, in't Jaer 1659'', unknown artist, (Haerlem, 1660)
- Out of copyright book and image
- Image sourced from an Internet Archive copy
Hollar, Wenceslaus, 'Divers prospects in and about Tangier : prospect of y:e North side of Tangier regarding the mayne sea from the hill as you come from Whitby or the West, toward the Towne', copper etching, 18,5 x 27,5 cm, dated 1669 (London, 1673)<ref>Image 'COPPER_ENGRAVING_Tangier_North_Side_Hollar_W_1669_Pub_1673_BNF_Gallica_DL_CSG_090112.PNG' of page [[MRP: Tangiers|Tangiers]]</ref>
- Image is out of copyright
- Sourced from Bibliothèque nationale de France: Gallica.bnf.fr, for non-commercial use
Hollar, Wenceslaus, 'Divers prospects in and about Tangier : the south east corner of Tangier ', copper etching, 18,5 x 27,5 cm, (London, 1673)<ref>Image 'COPPER_ENGRAVING_Tangier_South-East_Corner_Hollar_W_1669_Pub_1673_BNF_Gallica_DL_CSG_090112.PNG' of page [[MRP: Tangiers|Tangiers]]</ref>
- Image is out of copyright
- Sourced from Bibliothèque nationale de France: Gallica.bnf.fr, for non-commercial use
Hollar, Wenceslaus, 'Divers prospects in and about Tangier : prospect of y:e inner part of Tangier with the upper castle from south-east ', copper etching, 18,5 x 27,5 cm, (London, 1673)<ref>Image 'COPPER_ENGRAVING_Tangier_Innerpart_Hollar_W_1669_Pub_1673_BNF_Gallica_DL_CSG_090112.PNG' of page [[MRP: Tangiers|Tangiers]]</ref>
- Image is out of copyright
- Sourced from Bibliothèque nationale de France: Gallica.bnf.fr, for non-commercial use
Manesson, 'Towns of Tunis & Gouletta', in ''XXXX'', fig. XI (German edn., 1719)<ref>Image 'MAP_Manesson_A_Town_Of_Tunis_&_Gouletta_Fig_XI_German_Edition_1719_DLCSG020311.PNG' of page [[MRP: Tunis|Tunis]]</ref>
- Out of copyright book and image
- Image sourced from an Internet Archive copy
Manesson, 'Les environes de la ville de Tunis', in ''XXXX'', fig. X (German edn., 1719)<ref>Image 'MAP_Manesson_A_Environes_Du_Ville_Tunis_Extract_Fig_X_German_Edition_1719_DLCSG020311.PNG' of page [[MRP: Tunis|Tunis]]</ref>
- Out of copyright book and image
- Image sourced from an Internet Archive copy
Roux, 'Gulf of Tunis', copper plate, sheet 23 cm x 17cm, engraving 19.5 cm x 13 cm in ''Receuil des principaux plans, des ports, et rades de la Mer Mediterranée'' (Marseilles, 1764)<ref>Image 'MAP_Roux_Copplate_Tunis_Recueil_1764_DL_Ebay_051211.PNG' of page [[MRP: Tunis|Tunis]]</ref>
- Out of copyright book
Roux, 'Tripoli', in ''Receuil des principaux plans, des ports, et rades de la Mer Mediterranée'' (Marseilles, 1764)
- Copper plate, sheet 23 cm x 17cm, engraving 19.5 cm x 13 cm<ref>Image 'MAP_Roux_Copplate_Tripoli_Recueil_1764_DL_Ebay_051211.PNG' of page [[MRP: Tripoli|Tripoli]]</ref>
- Out of copyright book
- Sourced, with thanks, from XXXX
'Java Maior', illustration, in John Huighen van Linschoten, ''His discourse of voyages into y:e East & West Indies'' (London, 1598), Bk. 1, p. 33<ref>Image 'BOOK_IMAGE_Java_Maior_Linschoten_1598_London_Bk1_P33_DL_CSG_080112.PNG' of page [[MRP: Bantam|Bantam]]</ref>
- Out of copyright book & image
- Sourced from Google Free E-book edition
Anon, 'Between Carwar and the port of Goa, a prospect of the bay of Goa taken at Anchor off the allguardo ; Between Goa and Vingula rocks, the prospect of Vingula rocks and land in-country, between Vingula rocks and Giria, being twenty three leagues ; A prospect from Gyria, or Vizendruke, belonging to Angria, in the Latitude of 17° 10'to Dunde Rajapore, belonging to the Sedee', English, 1 est. recto verso ; 54 x 44,5 cm, 1700-1799<ref>Image 'BOOK_PAGE_Anon_Betw_Carwar_&_Goa_1700-1799_BNF_Gallica_DL_CSG_090112.PNG' of page [[MRP: Carwar|Carwar]]</ref>
- Image is out of copyright
- Sourced from Bibliothèque nationale de France: Gallica.bnf.fr, for non-commercial use
'La ville de Cochin' from Joseph-François Lafitau, ''Illustrations de Histoire des découvertes et conquestes des Portugais dans le Nouveau Monde'' (Paris, 1734), Tome 1. Pl. dépl. p. 302<ref>Image 'PLATE_DETAIL_La_Ville_de_Cochin_Scotin_JB_Histoire_1734_BNF_Gallica_DL_CSG_090112.PNG' of page [[MRP: Cochin|Cochin]]</ref>
- 26 x 46 cm et moins, engraved by J.B. Scotin (1671-1716) (Paris, 1734)
- Image is out of copyright
- Sourced from Bibliothèque nationale de France: Gallica.bnf.fr, for non-commercial use
Linschoten, John Huighen van, Detail of King of Cochin from title page of ''His discourse of voyages into y:e East & West Indies'' (London, 1598)<ref>Image 'BOOK_TITLE_PAGE_DETAIL_King_Cochin_Voyages_Linschoten_1598_London_DL_CSG_080112.PNG' of page [[MRP: Cochin|Cochin]]</ref>
- Out of copyright book and image
- Sourced from Internet Archive edition
Bird's eye view of Goa, from combined panorama and bird's eye view of Goa, 11.0 x 13.9 in., 28.0 x 35.4 cm., uncoloured, in P. Baldaeus, ''Naauwkeurige Beschryvinge Van Malabar en Choromandel'' (Amsterdam, 1672)<ref>Image 'MAP_Goa_Baldaeus_P_Paulus_Amsterdam_1672_Excerpt_Swaen_DL_CSG_201211.PNG' of page [[MRP: Goa|Goa]]</ref>
- Out of copyright book
- Image sourced, with thanks, from Paulus Swaen, Florida
'Die Stadt Goa', from A. Manesson, ''Die Beschreibung des ganzen Weltreiches'' (Frankfurt am Main, 1719), pt. 1
- Out of copyright book and image<ref>Image 'MAP_Manesson_A_Bk_4_Town_Of_Goa_Fig_XLVIII_German_Edition_1719_DLCSG020311.PNG' of page [[MRP: Goa|Goa]]</ref>
- Image sourced from Internet Archive edition
Panorama of Goa, from combined panorama and bird's eye view of Goa, 11.0 x 13.9 in., 28.0 x 35.4 cm., uncoloured, in P. Baldaeus, ''Naauwkeurige Beschryvinge Van Malabar en Choromandel'' (Amsterdam, 1672)<ref>Image 'TOWN_PROFILE_Goa_Baldaeus_P_Amsterdam_1672_Excerpt_Paulus_Swaen_DL_CSG_201211.PNG' of page [[MRP: Goa|Goa]]</ref>
- Out of copyright book
- Image sourced, with thanks, from Paulus Swaen, Florida
Map, 'Afbeeldinge der custen van Abex, der engte van Mecha, anders ghenaempt de Roode Zee, item de custen van Arabien, Ormus, Persen', in Jan Huygen Van Linschoten, ''Voyages'', Dutch edn. (?Amsterdam, 1595); engraved by Hendrick Florent Van Langren (15XX-1604) - 1 carte : ill. ; 39 x 53,5 cm<ref>Image 'MAP_Linschoten_Engr_Langren_1595_Voyages_BNF_Gallica_DL_CSG_090112.PNG' of page [[MRP: Gombroon|Gombroon]]</ref>
- Book and image is out of copyright
- Sourced from Bibliothèque nationale de France: Gallica.bnf.fr, for non-commercial use
Map, 'Route exacte de Gamron à Batavia et de Batavia à Gamron', in Corneille Le Brun, ''Voyage par la Moscovie, en Perse et aux Indes orientales'' (Amsterdam, 1718), artist B. Picart (1673-1733), vol. 1, carte dépl. 3 en reg. de p.2 de la Préface<ref>Image 'BOOK_PAGE_DETAIL_Gambron_a_Batavia_VoyagesPicart_B_FaceP2_1718_BNF_Gallica_DL_CSG_090112.PNG' of page [[MRP: Gombroon|Gombroon]]</ref>
- Taille-douce : n. et b. ; 28,5 x 37 cm et moins
- Image is out of copyright
- Sourced from Bibliothèque nationale de France: Gallica.bnf.fr, for non-commercial use
'La ville et isle d'Ormus' from Joseph-François Lafitau, ''Illustrations de Histoire des découvertes et conquestes des Portugais dans le Nouveau Monde'', Tome 2. Pl. dépl. p. 254<ref>Image 'PLATE_DETAIL_La_Ville_et_Isle_dOrmus_Scotin_JB_Histoire_1734_BNF_Gallica_DL_CSG_090112.PNG' of page [[MRP: Hormus|Hormus]]</ref>
- 26 x 46 cm et moins, taille-douce : n. et b., engraved by J.B. Scotin (1671-1716) (Paris, 1734)
- Image is out of copyright
- Sourced from Bibliothèque nationale de France: Gallica.bnf.fr, for non-commercial use
Hardres Court, wood engraving, ''Archaeologica Cantiana'', XXXX<ref>Image 'ENGRAVING_Plan_Of_Hardres_Court_ArchCant_Vol4_1861_P51_DL_CSG_260911.PNG' of page [[MRP: Hardres Court|Hardres Court]]</ref>
- Image is out of copyright
- Sourced from an Internet Archive copy
<u>The River of Thames</u>
Plate, 'View of London from Arundel House', Wenceslaus Hollar (London, XXXX), reproduced in Daniell, Walter V.; Nield, Frederick J., ''Manual of British topography, a catalogue of county and local histories, pamphlets, views, drawings, maps, etc. connected with and illustrating the principal localities in the United Kingdom'' (London, 1909), betw. pp. 134 & 135<ref>Image 'BOOK_PAGE_View_Arundel_House_Hollar_W_Manual_Topog_Daniell_W_IA_1909_DL_CSG_090112.PNG' of page  [[MRP: The River of Thames|The River of Thames]]</ref>
- Out of copyright book & image
- Sourced from Internet Archive copy
Front cover, ''London magazine and monthly intelligencer'' (London, 1743)<ref>Image 'BOOK_ENGRAVING_London_Magazine_1743_Front_Cover_DL_CSG_030112.PNG' of page [[MRP: The River of Thames|The River of Thames]]</ref>
- Out of copyright magazine and image
- Sourced from Google free E-Book edition
Detail of north Kent and river of Thames from 'Kent,' Cany (XXXX, 1814)<ref>Image 'MAP_DETAIL_London_To_Canterbury_Cany_1814_DL_CSG_010112.jpg' of page  [[MRP: The River of Thames|The River of Thames]]</ref>
- Out of copyright map
- Sourced from XXXX
'Kent,' Cany (XXXX, 1814)<ref>Image 'MAP_London_To_Canterbury_Cany_1814_DL_CSG_010112.jpg' of page [[MRP: The River of Thames|The River of Thames]]</ref>
- Out of copyright map
- Sourced from XXXX
Detail from LH side of 'A select map of Kent' from C. Greenwood, ''An epitome of county history'', vol. 1, Kent (London, 1839), plate before preface<ref>Image 'MAP_PLATE_Kent_ThamesDetailThe_Epit_Of_Cty_Hist_Vol1_Greenwood_C_1839_IntArch_DL_CSG_050112.png' of page [[MRP: The River of Thames|The River of Thames]]</ref>
- Out of copyright book and map
- Sourced from Internet Archive edition
Morden, Robert, 'Middlesex,' Plate, ''The new description and state of England, containing the maps of the counties of England and Wales'', 2nd edn. (London, 1704), betw. pp. 45 & 46<ref>Image 'MAP_PLATE_Middlesex_New_Descrip_&_State_Of_E_Morden_R_1704_2ndED_Betwpp46&47_DL_CSG_010112.PNG' of page [[MRP: The River of Thames|The River of Thames]]</ref>
- Out of copyright magazine and image
- Sourced from Internet Archive edition
Morden, Robert, 'Essey,' Plate, ''The new description and state of England, containing the maps of the counties of England and Wales'', 2nd edn. (London, 1704), betw. pp. 24 & 25<ref>Image 'MAP_PLATE_Essex_New_Descrip_&_State_Of_E_Morden_R_1704_2ndED_Betwpp24&25_DL_CSG_010112.PNG' of page [[MRP: The River of Thames|The River of Thames]]</ref>
- Out of copyright magazine and image
- Sourced from Internet Archive edition
Morden, Robert, 'Somersetshire', Plate, ''The new description and state of England, containing the maps of the counties of England and Wales'', 2nd edn. (London, 1704), betw. pp. 70 & 71<ref>Image 'MAP_PLATE_Somersetshire_New_Descrip_&_State_Of_E_Morden_R_1704_2ndED_Betwpp70&71_DL_CSG_010112.PNG' of page  [[MRP: Bristol|Bristol]]</ref>
- Book & map are out of copyright
- Sourced image from a Google Free E-book
'Hispania', Gerard Mercatoris, ''Atlas Minor'' (Amsterdam, 1632), p. 147<ref>Image 'MAP_Atlas_Minor_Gerardi_Mercatoris_Hispania_Amsterdam_1634_p147_DL_CSG_061211.PNG' of page [[MRP: Spain|Spain]]</ref>
- book and image are out of copyright
- Sourced FROM Google Free E-book copy
<ref>Image XXXX [[MRP: YYYY|YYYY]]</ref>
De Fer, Nicholas, 'Isle, Ville, et Port de Cadiz' (XXXX, c. 1696-1708)<ref>Image 'MAP_Isle_Ville_Et_Port_Cadiz_De_Fer_N_c1696-1708_RareCharts_DL_CSG_010112.png' of page [[MRP: Cadiz|Cadiz]]</ref>
- Out of copyright map
- Image reproduced with thanks to RareCharts, South Carolina, USA
Roux, 'Baye et rade de Cadis,' ''Recueuil des principaux plans, des ports, et rades de la Mer Mediterranée'' (Marseille, 1764)<ref>Image 'MAP_Baye_Et_Rade_De_Cadiz_From_La_Mer_Mediterranee_Roux_Marseilles_1764.png' of page [[MRP: Cadiz|Cadiz]]</ref>
- Copper plate, sheet 23 cm x 17 cm
- Map is out of copyright
- Image reproduced with thanks to XXXX
Mercatoris, Gerard, 'Andaluzia & Granada', ''Atlas minor'' (Amsterdam, 1632), p. 167<ref>Image 'MAP_Atlas_Minor_Gerardi_Mercatoris_Andaluzia_Granada_Amsterdam_1634_p167_DL_CSG_061211.PNG' of page [[MRP: Cadiz|Cadiz]]</ref>
- Book and image are out of copyright
- Image sourced from Internet Archive edition
Roux, 'Baye de Malaga', copper plate, sheet 23 cm x 17cm, engraving 19.5 cm x 13 cm in ''Receuil des principaux plans, des ports, et rades de la Mer Mediterranée'' (Marseilles, 1764)<ref>Image 'MAP_Roux_Copplate_BayedeMalaga_1764_DL_Ebay_051211.PNG' of page [[MRP: Malaga|Malaga]]</ref>
- Out of copyright book
'Valentia, Murcia, cum Insulis Majorca, Minorca, & Yvica', Gerard Mercatoris, ''Atlas minor'' (Amsterdam, 1632), p. 179<ref>Image 'MAP_Atlas_Minor_Gerardi_Mercatoris_Valentia_Amsterdam_1634_p179_DL_CSG_061211.PNG' of page [[MRP: Valencia|Valencia]]</ref>
- Book & image are out of copyright
- Sourced image from Google Free E-book copy
====ST. HELEN'S====
'Sancta Helena', illustration, in John Huighen van Linschoten, ''His discourse of voyages into y:e East & West Indies'' (London, 1598), Bk 1, Ch. 94, p. 173
'L'isle de S:te Helene', Fig. LIII, Alain Manesson, ''XXXX'' (Frankfurt am Main, 1719), p. ?
Morden, Robert, 'Suffolk', plate, ''The new description and state of England, containing the maps of the counties of England and Wales'', 2nd edn. (London, 1704), betw. pp. 78 & 79<ref>Image 'MAP_PLATE_Suffolk_New_Descrip_&_State_Of_E_Morden_R_1704_2ndED_Betwpp78&79_DL_CSG_010112.PNG' of page [[MRP: Aldeburgh|Aldeburgh]]</ref>
- Out of copyright book & map
- Sourced from Google Free E-Book copy
'Geneve', engraved plate, Francois Savinien d’Alquie, ''Les Delices de la France, ou Description des Provinces & Villes Capitalles d’icelle: Comme Aussi La Description des Chateaux & Maisons Royalles. Plus Celle des nouvelles Conquetes, avec leurs Figures au naturel'', vol. ? (Leiden, 1685), p. ?<ref>Image 'ENGRAVING_Geneve_DelicedeFrance_1685_DL_CSG_240811.JPG' of page [[MRP: Geneva|Geneva]]</ref>
- Book & image out of copyright
- Sourced from XXXX

Latest revision as of 11:36, March 6, 2012

  1. redirect Visual image wiki index