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|Status=First cut trancription started and completed on 10/12/13 by Colin Greenstreet
|Status=Uploaded image; transcribed on 22/12/2013
|First transcriber=Colin Greenstreet
|First transcriber=Colin Greenstreet
|First transcribed=2013/12/22
|Note=IMAGE:  IMG_121_11_5223.JPG
|Transcription image={{#transcription-image: IMG_121_11_5223.JPG}}
|Transcription=saith hee saw the said shipp soe saile thence on the said voyage with
the said deales about the time aforesaid. And saith that
on thursday last, this deponent was at Boston and
saw the said vessell there lying in such state as that shee was
sunck at high water, and well knew her to be the same
by severall markes and signes and in particular by the figure of a [XXXX] gilded [XXXX] on her sterne, which still appeares on her and went thither expressely from
London at the instance of the producent, who knew that this
deponent knew her. And at Boston it was said that the said
master of her there sold her. And further hee cannot depose.
|First transcribed=13/12/10
To the Interrogatories. [CENTRE HEADING]
|Editorial history=Created 10/12/13, by CSG
To the first that hee cometh at the instance of mr Smith the
producent to testifie the truth in this cause wherein hee hath
noe share or interest nor hath received or expecteth ought
more than the charges of his said iourney, and for losse of
time. and otherwise negatively
To the second negatively
|Transcription image=P1160558
To the third negatively
Repeated before doctor Godolphin
[?Escrsto fXXX Mox XXX XXXX]
The first of September 1658/
The Clayme of John Rouse of London}
Merchant for 23 pipes of Canary wyne}
lately taken and seized in the shipp called the}
''Lawrence'' of which Peter Benvester}
is or lately was Master of by some}
shipp or shipps in the service of this}
Commonwealth Suckley Budd}
Examined on an allegation on behalfe of the sayd
John Rouse./
'''Rp. 1'''
'''Henry Warner''' of London Merchant
aged twenty five yeares or thereabouts
To the first article of the sayd allegation hee saith that for those
three yeares last past and better of his this deponents knowledge
the arlate John Rouse of this City of London Merchant hath bin a frequent
trader to the islands of the Canaries for Spanish wines upon his
owne Accompt and in order to such his trade thither hath had his
factors and Correspondents there resideing and in particular one
Nicholas Alvares, and hath in that tyme sent divers goods from
London in severall shipps for his owne Accompt to the Island of
Teneriff consigned to the sayd Nicholas Alvares as his factor there
and hath from his sayd factor receaved Canarie wines
thence yearely for his owne Accompt in returne thereof This hee the
better knoweth for that during the sayd tyme thee hath bin a servant
(and soe still is) to the sayd Mr Rowse and imployed by him in such
his Merchandizing affayres and in keepeing his Accompts and writing
letters touching the same And further saving his subsequent deposition hee cannot
To the second article hee saith that the sayd shipp the ''Saint Laurence'' did in or about the moneth of
March 1657 (old style) and 1658 (new style goe from this Port of London for the
Island of Teneriff one of the Canarie Islands in which shipp the sayd Rowse did before
her departure from London take twenty tonne tonnage or thereabouts, in order to receave back
|People=<u>Henry Warner</u>
|Primary sources='''TNA'''
PROB 11/362/366 Will of Henry Warner, Merchant of London 08 March 1680

Latest revision as of 16:16, November 23, 2015

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HCA 13/72 f.449r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


saith hee saw the said shipp soe saile thence on the said voyage with
the said deales about the time aforesaid. And saith that
on thursday last, this deponent was at Boston and
saw the said vessell there lying in such state as that shee was
sunck at high water, and well knew her to be the same
by severall markes and signes and in particular by the figure of a [XXXX] gilded [XXXX] on her sterne, which still appeares on her and went thither expressely from
London at the instance of the producent, who knew that this
deponent knew her. And at Boston it was said that the said
master of her there sold her. And further hee cannot depose.

To the Interrogatories. [CENTRE HEADING]

To the first that hee cometh at the instance of mr Smith the
producent to testifie the truth in this cause wherein hee hath
noe share or interest nor hath received or expecteth ought
more than the charges of his said iourney, and for losse of
time. and otherwise negatively

To the second negatively

To the third negatively

Repeated before doctor Godolphin

[?Escrsto fXXX Mox XXX XXXX]


The first of September 1658/

The Clayme of John Rouse of London}
Merchant for 23 pipes of Canary wyne}
lately taken and seized in the shipp called the}
Lawrence of which Peter Benvester}
is or lately was Master of by some}
shipp or shipps in the service of this}
Commonwealth Suckley Budd}

Examined on an allegation on behalfe of the sayd
John Rouse./

Rp. 1

Henry Warner of London Merchant
aged twenty five yeares or thereabouts

To the first article of the sayd allegation hee saith that for those
three yeares last past and better of his this deponents knowledge
the arlate John Rouse of this City of London Merchant hath bin a frequent
trader to the islands of the Canaries for Spanish wines upon his
owne Accompt and in order to such his trade thither hath had his
factors and Correspondents there resideing and in particular one
Nicholas Alvares, and hath in that tyme sent divers goods from
London in severall shipps for his owne Accompt to the Island of
Teneriff consigned to the sayd Nicholas Alvares as his factor there
and hath from his sayd factor receaved Canarie wines
thence yearely for his owne Accompt in returne thereof This hee the
better knoweth for that during the sayd tyme thee hath bin a servant
(and soe still is) to the sayd Mr Rowse and imployed by him in such
his Merchandizing affayres and in keepeing his Accompts and writing
letters touching the same And further saving his subsequent deposition hee cannot

To the second article hee saith that the sayd shipp the Saint Laurence did in or about the moneth of
March 1657 (old style) and 1658 (new style goe from this Port of London for the
Island of Teneriff one of the Canarie Islands in which shipp the sayd Rowse did before
her departure from London take twenty tonne tonnage or thereabouts, in order to receave back



Henry Warner


Primary sources



PROB 11/362/366 Will of Henry Warner, Merchant of London 08 March 1680