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|Status=First cut transcription started and completed on 18/02/13 by Colin Greenstreet; edited on 23/05/13 by Colin Greenstreet
|Status=Uploaded image; transcribed on 18/02/2013
|First transcriber=Colin Greenstreet
|First transcriber=Colin Greenstreet
|First transcribed=2013/02/18
|First transcribed=13/02/18
|Editorial history=Edited on 23/05/2013 by Colin Greenstreet
|Note=IMAGE: IMG_121_11_4493.JPG
|Editorial history=Created 21/05/13, by CSG
|Transcription image=P1150073
|Transcription image={{#transcription-image: IMG_121_11_4493.JPG}}
|Transcription=bee the lawfull and true Owners of her her tackle apparrell and furniture
And saith of his this deponents knowledge the sayd hoye since her building
hath for about three yeares last belonged to the Port of Yarmouth and
bin comonly reputed to belong to the sayd England Cheyney and Johnson
all Merchants and Inhabitants of Yarmouth as Owners of her, and that
they have during the sayd tyme usually sett her out to sea at their Cost
(as being Owners of her) upon severall voyages for their owne Accompt
and soe much is publique and Notorious among Merchants in Yarmouth
where they and alsoe hee this deponent live And further to this article
hee cannot depose./
|Transcription=1. bee the lawfull and true Owners of her her tackle apparrell and furniture
To the 2 article of the sayd allegation hee saith hee being a neere neighbour
2. And saith of his this deponents knowledge the sayd hoye since her building
to the sayd England Cheyney and Johnson and much conversant with
3. hath for about three yeares last belonged to the Port of Yarmouth and
them thereby knoweth that they did in the moneth of July 1657 arlate
4. bin comonly reputed to belong to the sayd England Cheyney and Johnson
sett out the sayd hoye from Yarmouth for Sunderland there to lade
5. all Merchants and Inhabitants of Yarmouth as Owners of her, and that
Coles for their Accompt And saith that by letters of Advice which
6. they have during the sayd tyme usually sett her out to sea at their Cost
hee receaved from Christopher Greene the Master of the ''Phenix''
7. (as being Owners of her) upon severall voyages for their owne Accompt
(a shipp who was alsoe taken by at the same tyme and by the same
8. and soe much is publique and Notorious among Merchants in Yarmouth
Dunkirke or Spanish man of warr as the hoye the ''Indurance'' was) hee was
9. where they and alsoe hee this deponent live And further to this article
informed, as hee alsoe was by other letters of Advice from other person, that
10. hee cannot depose./
the sayd hoye being safely arrived at Sunderland in the sayd moneth of
July and 1656 [CHECK NOT 1657] and having taken in some Coles there for Accompt of
her sayd Owners was while shee laye in the Roade there surprized
by a Spanish man of Warr either of Dunkirke Ostend or some other
of the King of Spaines Ports, togeather with such coles as shee had on
board and that about nyne or tenn houres after such her seizure
by the Spanish man of warr shee and her ladeing were rescued and
retaken by the ''Pearle ffrigott'' a shipp in the imediate service of this
Commonwealth of England and brought into the port of Scarborough
And further to this article hee cannot depose./
11. To the 2 article of the sayd allegation hee saith hee being a neere neighbour
To the third hee sauth that in his this deponents Judgment the sayd
12. to the sayd England Cheyney and Johnson and much conversant with
hoye the ''Indurance'' is of the burthen of forty tonnes or
13. them thereby knoweth that they did in the moneth of July 1657 arlate
14. sett out the sayd hoye from Yarmouth for Sunderland there to lade
15. Coles for their Accompt And saith that by letters of Advice which
16. hee receaved from Christopher Greene the Master of the ''Phenix''
17. (a shipp who was alsoe taken by at the same tyme and by the same
18. Dunkirke or Spanish man of warr as the hoye the ''Indurance'' was) hee was
19. informed, as hee alsoe was by other letters of Advice from other person, that
20. the sayd hoye being safely arrived at Sunderland in the sayd moneth of
21. July and 1656 and having taken in some Coles there for Accompt of
22. her sayd Owners was while shee laye in the Roade there surprized
23. by a Spanish man of Warr either of Dunkirke Ostend or some other
24. of the King of Spaines Ports, togeather with such coles as shee had on
25. board and that about nyne or tenn houres after such her seizure
26. by the Spanish man of warr shee and her ladeing were rescued and
27. retaken by the ''Pearle ffrigott'' a shipp in the imediate service of this
28. Commonwealth of England and brought into the port of Scarborough
29. And further to this article hee cannot depose./
30. To the third hee sauth that in his this deponents Judgment the sayd
To the 4th hee saith hee well knoweth the arlate Mr England Mr
31. hoye the ''Indurance'' is of the burthen of forty tonnes or
Cheyney and Mr Johnson and saith they are all English men borne
32. thereabouts./
and subiects of this Commonwealth of England and soe commonly reputed And hee this deponent
hath knowne them to bee Inhabitants of Yarmouth for those fifteene
yeares last past and knoweth them to bee still Inhabitants there And
further to this article hee cannot depose./
33. To the 4th hee saith hee well knoweth the arlate Mr England Mr
To the last hee saith his foregoeing deposition is true./
34. Cheyney and Mr Johnson and saith they are all English men borne
35. and subiects of this Commonwealth of England and soe commonly reputed And hee this deponent
36. hath knowne them to bee Inhabitants of Yarmouth for those fifteene
37. yeares last past and knoweth them to bee still Inhabitants there And
38. further to this article hee cannot depose./
39. To the last hee saith his foregoeing deposition is true./
To the Interrogatorie [CENTRE HEADING]
To the Interrogatorie [CENTRE HEADING]
42. To the sayd Interrogatorie hee answereth that hee hath noe Interest
To the sayd Interrogatorie hee answereth that hee hath noe Interest
43. in the sayd hoy the ''Indurance'' nor her ladeing, nor hath seene her
in the sayd hoy the ''Indurance'' nor her ladeing, nor hath seene her
44. or her ladeing since her rescue and being brought to Scarborough And
or her ladeing since her rescue and being brought to Scarborough And
45. therefore cannot further answer to this Interrogatorie/
therefore cannot further answer to this Interrogatorie/
Repeated before doctor Godolphin/
Repeated before doctor Godolphin/

Latest revision as of 19:02, November 18, 2015

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HCA 13/72 f.83r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


bee the lawfull and true Owners of her her tackle apparrell and furniture
And saith of his this deponents knowledge the sayd hoye since her building
hath for about three yeares last belonged to the Port of Yarmouth and
bin comonly reputed to belong to the sayd England Cheyney and Johnson
all Merchants and Inhabitants of Yarmouth as Owners of her, and that
they have during the sayd tyme usually sett her out to sea at their Cost
(as being Owners of her) upon severall voyages for their owne Accompt
and soe much is publique and Notorious among Merchants in Yarmouth
where they and alsoe hee this deponent live And further to this article
hee cannot depose./

To the 2 article of the sayd allegation hee saith hee being a neere neighbour
to the sayd England Cheyney and Johnson and much conversant with
them thereby knoweth that they did in the moneth of July 1657 arlate
sett out the sayd hoye from Yarmouth for Sunderland there to lade
Coles for their Accompt And saith that by letters of Advice which
hee receaved from Christopher Greene the Master of the Phenix
(a shipp who was alsoe taken by at the same tyme and by the same
Dunkirke or Spanish man of warr as the hoye the Indurance was) hee was
informed, as hee alsoe was by other letters of Advice from other person, that
the sayd hoye being safely arrived at Sunderland in the sayd moneth of
July and 1656 [CHECK NOT 1657] and having taken in some Coles there for Accompt of
her sayd Owners was while shee laye in the Roade there surprized
by a Spanish man of Warr either of Dunkirke Ostend or some other
of the King of Spaines Ports, togeather with such coles as shee had on
board and that about nyne or tenn houres after such her seizure
by the Spanish man of warr shee and her ladeing were rescued and
retaken by the Pearle ffrigott a shipp in the imediate service of this
Commonwealth of England and brought into the port of Scarborough
And further to this article hee cannot depose./

To the third hee sauth that in his this deponents Judgment the sayd
hoye the Indurance is of the burthen of forty tonnes or

To the 4th hee saith hee well knoweth the arlate Mr England Mr
Cheyney and Mr Johnson and saith they are all English men borne
and subiects of this Commonwealth of England and soe commonly reputed And hee this deponent
hath knowne them to bee Inhabitants of Yarmouth for those fifteene
yeares last past and knoweth them to bee still Inhabitants there And
further to this article hee cannot depose./

To the last hee saith his foregoeing deposition is true./

To the Interrogatorie [CENTRE HEADING]

To the sayd Interrogatorie hee answereth that hee hath noe Interest
in the sayd hoy the Indurance nor her ladeing, nor hath seene her
or her ladeing since her rescue and being brought to Scarborough And
therefore cannot further answer to this Interrogatorie/

Repeated before doctor Godolphin/