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|Status=First cut transcription started and completed on 02/11/12 by Colin Greenstreet
|Status=Uploaded image; transcribed on 02/11/2012
|First transcriber=Colin Greenstreet
|First transcriber=Colin Greenstreet
|First transcribed=2012/11/02
|Note=IMAGE: P1130570.JPG
|Transcription image={{#transcription-image: P1130570.JPG}}
|Transcription=specified if they had come to the Canaries as was expected would
have come to a good market and the quantity of such goods sayd so be laden on the sayd shipp would have produced a
good quantity of wynes but how much he is not able to say.
And this deponent upon his arrivall here found Canarie wynes [TEAR IN PAPER]
high prized, att thirty three, thirty four, and some thirty [TEAR IN PAPER]
seven pounds per pipe. And otherwise hee ćannot depose
|First transcribed=12/11/02
To the seventeenth articles hee saith, he heard the sayd Stephen say
that hee had about fifty pipes of wines to be laden on board the
|Editorial history=Created 05/04/13, by CSG
sayd shipp for the sayd Body over and besides what the lading of the
sayd shipp would have produced if shee had arrived there; And
saith the sayd fifty pipes as hee beleiveth were not nor are sent from
England and the sayd Body is thereby like to be much damnifyed
|Transcription image=P1130570
but to what value knoweth not.
To the eighteenth and nineteenth articles of the sayd Libell, This deponent
1. specified if they had come to the Canaries as was expected would
saith that there were severall English shipps which came and
2. have come to a good market and ˹the quantity of such goods sayd so be laden on the sayd shipp˺ would have produced a
arrived att the Canaries whilest this deponent was there and after
3. good quantity of wynes but how much he is not able to say.
the Embargo layd upon English shipps and goods, which (the sayd
4. And this deponent upon his arrivall here found Canarie wynes TEAR IN PAPER
Embargo notwithstanding) were there laden and returned from
5. high prized, att thirty three, thirty four, and some thirty TEAR IN PAPER
thence for England without danger or dammage, upon three of
6. seven pounds per pipe. And otherwise hee ćannot depose
which shipps he this deponent did lade severall quantities of
7. To the seventeenth articles hee saith, he heard the sayd Stephesn say
goods after such embargoe; And hee knoweth that the sayd
8. that hee had about fifty pipes of wines to be laden on board the
Stephens did expect the ''Little Mary'' as aforesayd , and had provided
9. sayd shipp for the sayd Body over and besides what the lading of the
dutch dispatches and writings for her in case she had come. which
10. sayd shipp would have produced if shee had arrived there; And
this deponent saw to be in readines. And for theis reasons he
11. saith the sayd fifty pipes as hee beleiveth were not nor are sent from
saith he knoweth and is well assured that in ase the sayd shipp
12. England and the sayd Body is thereby like to be much damnifyed
''Little Mary'' had arrived there in the monethes of October, November
13. but to what value knoweth not.
or December <u>1655</u>. Last past she might have taken in her
14. To the eighteenth and nineteenth articles of the sayd Libell, This deponent
lading of wynes and returned for England in safety the
15. saith that there were severall English shipps which came and
sayd Embargo notwithstanding) as well as other English shipps
16. arrived att the Canaries whilest this deponent was there and after
did twelve whereof att the least were there laden after the sayd Embargo whilst this deponent was the&#123;re&#125; And otherwise hee cannot depose.
17. the Embargo layd upon English shipps and goods, which (the sayd
18. Embargo notwithstanding) were there laden and returned from
19. thence for England without danger or dammage, upon three of
20. which shipps he this deponent did lade severall quantities of
21. goods after such embargoe; And hee knoweth that the sayd
22. Stephens did expect the Little Mary as aforesayd , and had provided
23. dutch dispatches and writings for her in case she had come . which
24. this deponent saw to be in readines. And for theis reasons he
25. saith he knoweth and is well assured that in ase the sayd shipp
26. Little Mary had arrived there in the monethes of October, November
27. or December 1655. Last past she might have taken in her
28. lading of wynes and returned for England ins afety the
29. sayd Embargo notwithstanding) as well as other English shipps
30. did ˹twelve whereof att the least were there laden after the sayd Embargo whilst this deponent was the&#123;re&#125;˺ And otherwise hee cannot depose.
31. To the 20th. hee saith he cannot depose.
32. To the 21th. article he saith the sayd fferdinando Body is much
33. damnifyed as he beleiveth for that the sayd shipp Little Mary
34. did not performe her designed voyage, but howmuch knoweth not.
35. And otherwise cannot depose.
36. To the 22. 23. and 24th articles he referrs himselfe to the Acts of this
37. Court and to the law, and to his precedent depositions which hee
38. saith are true. And otherwise he cannot depose.
40. To the Crosse=Interrogatories. CENTRE HEADING
41. To the 1. Interrogatory hee saith that he comes to be a witnes att the Request of the
42. Plaintiff who hearing of this Rendents late comeing from the canaries
43. had discourse with him about this matter, And this Rendent told him
44. he could depose to the effect abovesayd. And otherwise negatively.
|Suggested links=[[PhD Forum|PhD Forum]]
To the 20th. hee saith he cannot depose.
[[PhD Forum#head-94d5186ba3ec63d1ebcb1e902a2d13ac15f0c527|PhD Forum Themes]]
To the 21th. article he saith the sayd fferdinando Body is much
damnifyed as he beleiveth for that the sayd shipp ''Little Mary''
did not performe her designed voyage, but howmuch knoweth not.
And otherwise cannot depose.
To the 22. 23. and 24th articles he referrs himselfe to the Acts of this
Court and to the law, and to his precedent depositions which hee
saith are true. And otherwise he cannot depose.
[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AoNoOr05QRMtdHAyNmxuVnNmYkJ3Q0ZiNEQ0R0V2S3c#gid=0 HCA 13/71 Page Log & Planner]
To the Crosse=Interrogatories. &#91;CENTRE HEADING&#93;
[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AoNoOr05QRMtdFlXNjQ3ekM0WW5NS1oyN250QUpJd0E#gid=0 HCA 3/47 Page Log & Planner]
To the 1. Interrogatory hee saith that he comes to be a witnes att the Request of the
Plaintiff who hearing of this Rendents late comeing from the canaries
had discourse with him about this matter, And this Rendent told him
he could depose to the effect abovesayd. And otherwise negatively.

Latest revision as of 15:50, May 24, 2015

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HCA 13/71 f.206r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


specified if they had come to the Canaries as was expected would
have come to a good market and the quantity of such goods sayd so be laden on the sayd shipp would have produced a
good quantity of wynes but how much he is not able to say.
And this deponent upon his arrivall here found Canarie wynes [TEAR IN PAPER]
high prized, att thirty three, thirty four, and some thirty [TEAR IN PAPER]
seven pounds per pipe. And otherwise hee ćannot depose

To the seventeenth articles hee saith, he heard the sayd Stephen say
that hee had about fifty pipes of wines to be laden on board the
sayd shipp for the sayd Body over and besides what the lading of the
sayd shipp would have produced if shee had arrived there; And
saith the sayd fifty pipes as hee beleiveth were not nor are sent from
England and the sayd Body is thereby like to be much damnifyed
but to what value knoweth not.

To the eighteenth and nineteenth articles of the sayd Libell, This deponent
saith that there were severall English shipps which came and
arrived att the Canaries whilest this deponent was there and after
the Embargo layd upon English shipps and goods, which (the sayd
Embargo notwithstanding) were there laden and returned from
thence for England without danger or dammage, upon three of
which shipps he this deponent did lade severall quantities of
goods after such embargoe; And hee knoweth that the sayd
Stephens did expect the Little Mary as aforesayd , and had provided
dutch dispatches and writings for her in case she had come. which
this deponent saw to be in readines. And for theis reasons he
saith he knoweth and is well assured that in ase the sayd shipp
Little Mary had arrived there in the monethes of October, November
or December 1655. Last past she might have taken in her
lading of wynes and returned for England in safety the
sayd Embargo notwithstanding) as well as other English shipps
did twelve whereof att the least were there laden after the sayd Embargo whilst this deponent was the{re} And otherwise hee cannot depose.

To the 20th. hee saith he cannot depose.

To the 21th. article he saith the sayd fferdinando Body is much
damnifyed as he beleiveth for that the sayd shipp Little Mary
did not performe her designed voyage, but howmuch knoweth not.
And otherwise cannot depose.

To the 22. 23. and 24th articles he referrs himselfe to the Acts of this
Court and to the law, and to his precedent depositions which hee
saith are true. And otherwise he cannot depose.

To the Crosse=Interrogatories. [CENTRE HEADING]

To the 1. Interrogatory hee saith that he comes to be a witnes att the Request of the
Plaintiff who hearing of this Rendents late comeing from the canaries
had discourse with him about this matter, And this Rendent told him
he could depose to the effect abovesayd. And otherwise negatively.