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|Status=First cut transcription started and completed on 27/10/12 by Philip Hnatkovich; edited on 26/11/12 by Colin Greenstreet
|Status=Uploaded image; transcribed on 27/10/2012
|First transcriber=Philip Hnatkovich
|First transcriber=Philip Hnatkovich
|First transcribed=2012/10/27
|Editorial history=Edited on 26/11/2012 and 15/12/2013 by Colin Greenstreet
|Note=IMAGE: P1140236.JPG
|Transcription image={{#transcription-image: P1140236.JPG}}
|Transcription=given to understand) in the moneth of ffebruary 1654 And saith
that hee this deponent did in the moneths of June or July 1655
receive from the arlate Samuell Mathews Esquire twenty hogsheades
of tobaccoe laden aboard the sayd shipp the ''seaven Sisters'' And that hee
this deponent did in the moneth of August 1655 receave from the sayd
Mathews twenty other hogsheades of tobaccoe laden aboard the shipp
called the ''Charles'' of London which forty hogsheades of˺ tobaccoe as this deponent
verily beleeveth had bin shipped
on board the sayd Ewers shipp if shee had come into Virginia
in due tyme as the other shipps did, but shee coming late thither
the sayd Tobaccoes was before her comming (as hee beleeveth) shipped
on board the ''Seaven Sisters'' and the Charles aforesayd although
the arlate William Watts had (as this deponent hath heard
him saye) taken Tonnage for the same in the behalfe of the sayd
Mathews in the sayd Ewers his shipp, And further to these
articles hee cannot depose./
|First transcribed=12/10/27
To the 14th hee cannot depose./
|Editorial history=Created 23/04/13, by CSG
To the last hee saith his foregoeing deposition is true/
To the Interrogatories now brought in/ [CENTRE HEADING]
|Transcription image=P1140236
To the first hee saith hee is neither of Kindred nor alliance to the
producent Watts nor any way concerned in the freight in question
nor will it bee either profitt or preiuice to him which way oever it bee
To the 2 hee saith hee is noe Mariner nor can depose anything to this
To the 3 hee cannot answere knowing nothing touching the contentes
To the last hee cannot answere knowing nothing touching the contents
thereof more then what is expressed in his foregoeing deposition/
Repeated in Court before both
James Jenkins [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]
The same day
Examined on the sayd allegation/
'''John Jefferis''' of Saint Clements Eastcheape London
Merchant aged forty yeares or thereabouts
a wittnes sworne and examined saith and deposeth
as followeth videlicet./
To The first and second articles of the sayd allegation hee saith that one
Mr Morris and Mr Pelling searchers of Shipps at Gravesend did
informe this deponent the one of them by worde of mouth and the other
by letter that the arlate Phillipp Ewers his shipp was Cleered
(the voyage in question) at Gravesend on the eleventh day of december
one thousand sixe hundred fiftie fower and that shee was there
|People=<u>Phillip Ewers</u>
<u>John Jefferis</u>
Ald Bread Street, 27 Jun 1661, disch same day, F £820 (1) St Mary Axe, 1677, St Andrew Undershaft, 1686/7, The Priory, Brecon (2) GR, appr, 1632, to Nicholas Heywood, M, 1661 (3) b 1614, 3rd son, at Llywell, Brecon, d s Nov 1688, bur St Andrew Undershaft (4) Will PCC 150 Exton pr, 20 Nov 1688 f Edward Jeffreys of Baillie Cwmdwr, and Llywell, 1630, Brecon, gent, m -, da of John David Gwilym, mar Mary Bassett of -, Leic (5) Merchant, tobacconist in partnership with neph Jeffrey Jeffreys Assis RAC, 1672-3, 1675 Said to have lost £20,000 worth of tobacco in the Fire of London Inner Temple, 1640 Auditor of Imprests, 1664/5 (6) City and London property, land Norf, Kent, Oxon, Glouc, Essex, Heref, Middx, Brecon (7) MP Brecknockshire, 1661-2 (void), Brecon Boroughs, 1679-81, Jun 1685-7 Pro Court, "very right", 1680/1 (8) Lt Col in Royalist army, prisoner, 1645 Constable of Dublin Castle Compounded for delinquency, 1646/7 (8) Neph and heir Jeffrey, Jeffreys, Kt, Ald, 1701, MP Brecon Boroughs, 1690-98, 1701-09, "worth £300,000" He mar Sarah, da and heir of Nicholas DAWES Their son, Edward Jeffreys, MP Marlborough, 1702-5, Brecon Boroughs, 1709-13 Neph and heir John Jeffreys, MP Radnorshire, 1692-98, Marlborough, 1701-2, 1705-8, Brechnockshire, 1705-2 (9)
(1) Beaven, I, p 50 (2) Directory, 1677, will, Pink MS 305/23 (3) Beaven, II, p 92, GR, Appr Reg, 1629-66, f 31 (4) C B Boulter, History of St Andrew Undershaft (1935), pp 124, 127, will (5) C B Boulter, op cit, p 127, GR, Appr Reg, 1629-66, f 31, W R Williams, The Parliamentary History of the Principality of Wales, 1541-1895 (1895), p 18 (6) Directory, 1677, C B Boulter, op cit, p 127, will, K G Davies, Index, W R Williams, op cit, p 18, HMC, 9th Rept (Ormonde MSS), p 158 (7) Will (8) Beaven, II, p 92, W R Williams, op cit, pp 18, 24, see Mrs Eric George, "Elections and Electioneering, 1679-81" in EHR (1930), p 554, SP, Chas II, 415/39, Pink MS, 305, f 27 (9) Walcott, MPs Tempus Anne, Luttrell, IV, p 531, will of Nicholas DAWES"<ref>[http://www.british-history.ac.uk/report.aspx?compid=31886#s12 JEFFREYS, John (B) in J.R.Woodhead, 'Jackson - Justice', The Rulers of London 1660-1689: A biographical record of the Aldermen and Common Councilment of the City of London (1966), pp. 96-101], viewed 28/04/14</ref>
|Primary sources='''TNA'''
1. giuen to understand) ......... in the moneth of ffebruary 1654 And saith
2. that hee this deponent did in the moneths of June or July 1655
3. receive from the arlate Samuell Mathews Esquire twenty hogsheades
4. of tobaccoe laden aboard the sayd shipp the seaven Sisters And that hee
5. this deponent did in the moneth of August 1655 receave from the sayd
6. Mathews twenty ˹other˺ hogsheades of tobaccoe laden aboard the shipp
7. called the Charles of London which ˹forty hogsheades of˺ tobaccoe as this deponent
8. ............................................... verily beleeveth had bin shipped
9. on board the sayd Ewers shipp if shee had come into Virginia
10. in due tyme as the other shipps did, but shee coming late thither
11. the sayd Tobaccoes was before her comming (as hee beleeveth) shipped
12. on board the Seaven Sisters and the Charles aforesayd although
13. the arlate William Watts had (as this deponent hath heard
14. him saye) taken Tonnage for the same in the behalfe of the sayd
15. Mathews in the sayd Ewers his shipp, And further to these
16. articles hee cannot depose./
17. To the 14th hee cannot depose./
18. To the last hee saith his foregoeing deposition is true/
20. To the Interrogatories now brought in/ CENTRE HEADING
21. To the first hee saith hee is neither of Kindred nor alliance to the
22. producent Watts nor any way concerned in the freight in question
23. nor will it bee either profitt or preiudice to him which way soever it bee
24. determined./
25. To the 2 hee saith hee is noe Mariner nor can depose anything to this
26. Interrogatorie
27. To the 3 hee cannot answere knowing nothing touching the contentes
28. thereof./
29. To the last hee cannot answere knowing nothing touching the contents
30. thereof more then what is expressed in his foregoeing deposition/
31. Repeated in Court before both
32. Judges./
33. James JenkinsSIGNATURE, RH SIDE
35. The same day
36. Examined on the sayd allegation/
37. John Jefferis of Saint Clements Eastcheape London
38. ........ Merchant aged forty yeares or thereabouts
39. a wittnes sworne and examined saith and deposeth
40. as followeth videlicet./
41. To The first and second articles of the sayd allegation hee saith that one
42. Mr Morris and Mr Pelling searchers of Shipps at Gravesend did
43. informe this deponent the one of them by worde of mouth and the other
44. by letter that the arlate Phillipp Ewers his shipp was Cleered
45. (the voyage in question) at Gravesend on the eleventh day of december
46. one thousand sixe hundred fiftie fower and that shee was there
47. <margin value="Bottom right, under main body of text, as lead to next page">cleered</margin>
|Suggested links=[[PhD Forum|PhD Forum]]
C 6/147/13 Short title: Borre v Jefferies. Plaintiffs: Christian Borre. Defendants: John Jefferies, Richard Michelborne, John Pennell, John Currer, James Jenkins, Robert Earle and others. Subject: money matters. Document type: answer only. SFP. 1660
[[PhD Forum#head-94d5186ba3ec63d1ebcb1e902a2d13ac15f0c527|PhD Forum Themes]]
PROB 5/2930  Miscellaneous Inventories, Accounts, and Associated Documents. EWERS, Phillip, of [Rotherhithe, Surrey] [Administration act: PROB 6/48]. 1673
[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AoNoOr05QRMtdHAyNmxuVnNmYkJ3Q0ZiNEQ0R0V2S3c#gid=0 HCA 13/71 Page Log & Planner]
<u>State Papers</u>
[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AoNoOr05QRMtdFlXNjQ3ekM0WW5NS1oyN250QUpJd0E#gid=0 HCA 3/47 Page Log & Planner]
SP 46/137/452  ADMIRALTY. Masters' certificates granted by Trinity House: Master: Philip Ewers Signatures: Brian Harrison and 8 others [named]. 22 September 1660

Latest revision as of 13:16, May 22, 2015

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HCA 13/71 f.533v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


given to understand) in the moneth of ffebruary 1654 And saith
that hee this deponent did in the moneths of June or July 1655
receive from the arlate Samuell Mathews Esquire twenty hogsheades
of tobaccoe laden aboard the sayd shipp the seaven Sisters And that hee
this deponent did in the moneth of August 1655 receave from the sayd
Mathews twenty other hogsheades of tobaccoe laden aboard the shipp
called the Charles of London which forty hogsheades of˺ tobaccoe as this deponent
verily beleeveth had bin shipped
on board the sayd Ewers shipp if shee had come into Virginia
in due tyme as the other shipps did, but shee coming late thither
the sayd Tobaccoes was before her comming (as hee beleeveth) shipped
on board the Seaven Sisters and the Charles aforesayd although
the arlate William Watts had (as this deponent hath heard
him saye) taken Tonnage for the same in the behalfe of the sayd
Mathews in the sayd Ewers his shipp, And further to these
articles hee cannot depose./

To the 14th hee cannot depose./

To the last hee saith his foregoeing deposition is true/

To the Interrogatories now brought in/ [CENTRE HEADING]

To the first hee saith hee is neither of Kindred nor alliance to the
producent Watts nor any way concerned in the freight in question
nor will it bee either profitt or preiuice to him which way oever it bee

To the 2 hee saith hee is noe Mariner nor can depose anything to this

To the 3 hee cannot answere knowing nothing touching the contentes

To the last hee cannot answere knowing nothing touching the contents
thereof more then what is expressed in his foregoeing deposition/

Repeated in Court before both

James Jenkins [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]


The same day

Examined on the sayd allegation/

John Jefferis of Saint Clements Eastcheape London
Merchant aged forty yeares or thereabouts
a wittnes sworne and examined saith and deposeth
as followeth videlicet./

To The first and second articles of the sayd allegation hee saith that one
Mr Morris and Mr Pelling searchers of Shipps at Gravesend did
informe this deponent the one of them by worde of mouth and the other
by letter that the arlate Phillipp Ewers his shipp was Cleered
(the voyage in question) at Gravesend on the eleventh day of december
one thousand sixe hundred fiftie fower and that shee was there



Phillip Ewers

John Jefferis


Ald Bread Street, 27 Jun 1661, disch same day, F £820 (1) St Mary Axe, 1677, St Andrew Undershaft, 1686/7, The Priory, Brecon (2) GR, appr, 1632, to Nicholas Heywood, M, 1661 (3) b 1614, 3rd son, at Llywell, Brecon, d s Nov 1688, bur St Andrew Undershaft (4) Will PCC 150 Exton pr, 20 Nov 1688 f Edward Jeffreys of Baillie Cwmdwr, and Llywell, 1630, Brecon, gent, m -, da of John David Gwilym, mar Mary Bassett of -, Leic (5) Merchant, tobacconist in partnership with neph Jeffrey Jeffreys Assis RAC, 1672-3, 1675 Said to have lost £20,000 worth of tobacco in the Fire of London Inner Temple, 1640 Auditor of Imprests, 1664/5 (6) City and London property, land Norf, Kent, Oxon, Glouc, Essex, Heref, Middx, Brecon (7) MP Brecknockshire, 1661-2 (void), Brecon Boroughs, 1679-81, Jun 1685-7 Pro Court, "very right", 1680/1 (8) Lt Col in Royalist army, prisoner, 1645 Constable of Dublin Castle Compounded for delinquency, 1646/7 (8) Neph and heir Jeffrey, Jeffreys, Kt, Ald, 1701, MP Brecon Boroughs, 1690-98, 1701-09, "worth £300,000" He mar Sarah, da and heir of Nicholas DAWES Their son, Edward Jeffreys, MP Marlborough, 1702-5, Brecon Boroughs, 1709-13 Neph and heir John Jeffreys, MP Radnorshire, 1692-98, Marlborough, 1701-2, 1705-8, Brechnockshire, 1705-2 (9)

(1) Beaven, I, p 50 (2) Directory, 1677, will, Pink MS 305/23 (3) Beaven, II, p 92, GR, Appr Reg, 1629-66, f 31 (4) C B Boulter, History of St Andrew Undershaft (1935), pp 124, 127, will (5) C B Boulter, op cit, p 127, GR, Appr Reg, 1629-66, f 31, W R Williams, The Parliamentary History of the Principality of Wales, 1541-1895 (1895), p 18 (6) Directory, 1677, C B Boulter, op cit, p 127, will, K G Davies, Index, W R Williams, op cit, p 18, HMC, 9th Rept (Ormonde MSS), p 158 (7) Will (8) Beaven, II, p 92, W R Williams, op cit, pp 18, 24, see Mrs Eric George, "Elections and Electioneering, 1679-81" in EHR (1930), p 554, SP, Chas II, 415/39, Pink MS, 305, f 27 (9) Walcott, MPs Tempus Anne, Luttrell, IV, p 531, will of Nicholas DAWES"[1]


Primary sources



C 6/147/13 Short title: Borre v Jefferies. Plaintiffs: Christian Borre. Defendants: John Jefferies, Richard Michelborne, John Pennell, John Currer, James Jenkins, Robert Earle and others. Subject: money matters. Document type: answer only. SFP. 1660


PROB 5/2930 Miscellaneous Inventories, Accounts, and Associated Documents. EWERS, Phillip, of [Rotherhithe, Surrey] [Administration act: PROB 6/48]. 1673

State Papers

SP 46/137/452 ADMIRALTY. Masters' certificates granted by Trinity House: Master: Philip Ewers Signatures: Brian Harrison and 8 others [named]. 22 September 1660
  1. JEFFREYS, John (B) in J.R.Woodhead, 'Jackson - Justice', The Rulers of London 1660-1689: A biographical record of the Aldermen and Common Councilment of the City of London (1966), pp. 96-101, viewed 28/04/14