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(2 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
Line 36: Line 36:
Owners of the said ship were gainers anddid receave benefitt
Owners of the said ship were gainers anddid receave benefitt
thereby to a greater vallew than in the schedule of disbursements
thereby to a greater vallew than in the schedule of disbursements
annexedis conteyned Every and ?all which said Sommes
annexed is conteyned Every and [?all] which said Sommes
the said owners as this deponent conceaveth and verily beleiveth
the said owners as this deponent conceaveth and verily beleiveth
by the lawes and Customes of the Seas ought to bee paid and
by the lawes and Customes of the Seas ought to bee paid and

Latest revision as of 07:39, October 23, 2013

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To the 5th article of the said Libell hee saith and deposeth That
ymediatly after the said ship the Arke was so furnished fitted
and repaired by the said producent as aforesaid the said
George ffarington as this deponent verily beleeveth out of [?love] to the said owners
his countrymen did procure a freight for the said ship
from Zante to Bristoll arlate, where the said ship safely
arrived and discharged her goods for the
transportation whereof ffreight was paid to and receaved
by the said owners thereof as this deponent verily beleeveth
the premisses hee knoweth to bee true because hee this
deponent with his Shipp the Elizabeth whereof hee was
then Commander togeather with his precontest John Hart in the ship the
ffreindship at the same tyme came home from Zant in company with the said ship the
Arke to England. And further hee cannot depose.

To the 6th article of the said Libell and schedule annexed hee saith and
deposeth That by reason of the said ffaringtons reparations and
amendment of the said ship the Arke arlate and by the getting a
ffreight for her from Zant to Bristoll as aforesaid the
Owners of the said ship were gainers anddid receave benefitt
thereby to a greater vallew than in the schedule of disbursements
annexed is conteyned Every and [?all] which said Sommes
the said owners as this deponent conceaveth and verily beleiveth
by the lawes and Customes of the Seas ought to bee paid and
made good by the said Owners to the said producent, by whose
meanes only the said profitt and advantage soe [?accrewed] and came
unto them And otherwise referring himselfe to his foregoeing deposition
hee saith hee cannot depose./

To the 7th article of the said Libell hee saith and deposeth, That at such
tyme as the said producent soe repaired amended and disbursed moneys
for and about the necessary reparation and amendment of the said
ship the Arke a dollar was att Zante worth 6 s sterling and [XXX]
[XXXX] hee this deponent saith of his knowledge was uusually then and
there given for and in Exchange thereof And further hee cannot
depose. for the rest hee is not Examined [?etcetera.]

Samuel Stanton [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]

Repeated before Doctor Exton

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chttp://annotatehca1365.wikispot.org/Front_Page AnnotateHCA1365 Front_Page]