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(Created page with "last and upwards, And saith hee last removed his said wife and family from Dunkirke interrate to Dover above 12. or fowerteene yeares since as hee remembreth. And further refe...")
(3 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
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The 10th day of March 1656:-
The [[Has date::Mar 10 1656|10th day of March 1656]]:-
The Clayme of Lewis Scarletti an Italian Merchant}
The Clayme of Lewis Scarletti an Italian Merchant}
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'''dt. Pardini'''
'''dt. Pardini'''
'''[[Deponent::Person::Francis Pardini]]''' of [[Town::Place::London]] [[Occupation::Merchant]]
'''[[Deponent::Person::Francis Pardini]]''' of [[Dep resident town::Dep resident place::London]] [[Dep occupation::Merchant]]
aged [[Age::36|36. yeares]] or thereabouts a Wittnes
aged [[Dep age::36|36. yeares]] or thereabouts a Wittnes
sworne and examined saith as followeth videlicet
sworne and examined saith as followeth videlicet
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[[Category:Semantic Page]]
[[Category:Semantic Page]]
[[Category:Semantic HCA 13/72]]

Latest revision as of 15:17, July 20, 2016

last and upwards, And saith hee last removed his said wife and family
from Dunkirke interrate to Dover above 12. or fowerteene yeares
since as hee remembreth. And further referreth himselfe to his foregoeing

To the 13th hee saith, That hee this rendent was about two yeares
since admitted free Burgher or Citizen of Middelburgh interrate
being severall yeares before beene inhabitant there, and saith hee doth
not remember the names of the Sheriffs interrate, and otherwise saving
his foregoeing deposition answereth negatively

To the 14th hee saith this deponents wife and family did live and reside at
Dover interrate, soe long as hee this deponent lived there

To the 15th hee saith hee knoweth a Merchant of Middleborough
called Lovinus ffranck and that hee there now liveth and is married
there and a XX there, and is not a subiect of the king of Spaine interrate, And otherwise cannot depose

To the 16th hee saith, That at the time of the seizure of the shipp
interrate, there belonged to her this deponent and two other men, and
a ffrench boy, one of them being this rendents sonne and a fflandrian borne and otherwise
knoweth not.

To the 17th negatively./

Repeated before Doctor Godolphin./

ypeter lût [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]

The 10th day of March 1656:-

The Clayme of Lewis Scarletti an Italian Merchant}
resident at Lisbone for five Chests of white sugar}
fower half chests of white sugar and three Chests of muska=}
vadoes of the first marke, seized in the shipp the Nightingale whereof}
henry Classaw was Master, and of Anthonio Maria da}
Coule Italian Merchant resident at Lisborne for two bales of Cinnamon and}
one half Chest of sugar of the second marke, and of Gregorio Diaz}
of Lisbone Merchant for five chests of white sugar and five chests}
of muskavadoes of the third marke and underwritten all seized in the}
said shipp by some of the shipps of this Commonwealth.}
Suckly Budd}

Examined upon an
Allegation given on
the behalfe of the said


dt. Pardini

Francis Pardini of London Merchant
aged 36. yeares or thereabouts a Wittnes
sworne and examined saith as followeth videlicet

To the first article of the said Allegation hee saith, That hee this
examinate well knoweth all the Claymers in this Cause and article
mentioned, And that the said Lewis Scarletti did in, or about the
moneth of July 1654. arlate lade or cause to bee laden on board
the said shipp the Nightingale of which the arlate henry Classaw
was Master then lyeing at or neere Lisborne the quantity of
five Chests of white sugar, fower halfe chests of white sugar and
three Chests of Muscavadoes of the first marke in the margent
for his proper accompt and adventure, And the said Anthonio Moria de
Coute did at the time and place aforesaid alsoe lade or cause to bee
laden in and aboard the said shipp two bales of Cinnamon, and one
half chest of white sugar of the second marke in the margent,
for the proper accompt and adventure of him the said Antonio Maria