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|Status=Transcription started by Ida Sjoberg FINISHED BY JW 1/4/2013
|Status=Uploaded image; transcribed on 23/09/2012
|First transcriber=Ida Sjoberg
|First transcriber=Ida Sjoberg 23/09/2012, 24/09/12 William Tullett started re-editing - very difficult page, a difficult hand and some really all over the place crossing out; pasted into wikispot on 27/04/14 by Colin Greenstreet
|First transcribed=2012/09/23
|Editorial history=Edited on 24/09/2012 by William Tullett, on 01/04/2013 by Jill Wilcox and on 10/05/14 by Colin Greenstreet
|Editorial history=Created 05/04/14, by CSG
|Note=IMAGE: P1130546.JPG
|Transcription image=P1130546
|Transcription image={{#transcription-image: P1130546.JPG}}
|Transcription=carry the same, which thing and the letters passing between the said
Robinson and [?Parvé] , hee the said Robinson from time to time imparted
to this deponent, whose advise here made use of in the matter, as
being better versed therein than the said Robinson, and otherwise
hee cannot depose, referring himself (for the contents of the said bills
to the schedules annexed.
|Transcription=1. carry the same, which thing and the letters passing between the said
To the fourth hee saith that after and upon the said shipps arrivall
2. Robinsen and Pasové, hee the said Robinsen from time to time in parted
at Saint Lucars the said Gilbert Melso in persuance of the order
3. to this deponent, whose adivse here made use of in the matter, as
received from his said corryspondent Rocus [?Parvé] , bought and
4. being better versed therein than the said Robinsen, and otherwise
provided the said shipps lading of oranges, lemmons and corke
5. hee cannot depose, referring himself (for the contents of the said bills
and laded them aboard the said shipp, to be carried into
6. to the schedule annexed.
the downes, (where the Skipper was to expect and receive
further order touching the same)
and sent some to mr Robinson
the bill of lading for the said goods
And otherwise hee cannot depose.
7. To the fourth hee saith that after and upon the said shipp arrival
To the fifth hee saith that after the said Rocus [?Parvé]  had given
8. at Saint Lucas the said Gilbert Melse in persuannce of the order
order for the lading the said oranges and lemmons aboard the said
9. received from his said corryspondent Rucus Parvoie, beingegt and
shipp at aforesaid, hee drew a bill of exchange upon
10. previded the said shipps lading of oranges, lemmones and cork
the said George Robinson for money to be paid towards the same, and the said Robinson
11. and laded them aboard the said shipp, ˹to the carried˺ and XXX signed the XXXX into
being out of towne when the bill came, his contest Edward [?Bradborne GUTTER]
12. the downes, and ordered ˹(where˺ the skipper there ˹was˺ to expect and therein
(who acted for him in his absence) accepted the same in his the said
13. further order touching the Xhind) by his advised in working
Robinsons name, and since namely on or about the seaventeenth
14. this deponent hath therein ˹and sent˺ some to mr Robinsen (wherein hee XXXXXX
of January last, and before the siezure of the said shipp and goods
15. the bill of lading for the said goods) hath this deponent hath beene
paid the moneys thereupon upon the account of and for the said Robinson
16. and otherwise hee cannot depose.
and companie, all which hee knoweth because hee this deponent
was acquainted with the first comming of the said bill, and with
the acceptance and payment of it, and otherwise referring himselfe
to the said bill being annexed to the allegation and the endorsement thereof,
hee cannot depose.
17. To the fifth hee saith that after the said Kocus parvé had given
To the sixth hee saith that the said oranges, lemmons and corke
18. order for the lading the said oranges and lemmons aboard the said
were really and truely bought and laded for the use and proper
19. shipp at aforesaid, hee drew a bill of exchange of exchange upon
account of the said George Robinson and company, and they (as
20. the said George Robinson. for ˹money to be paid towards˺ the same, who and the said Robinson
hee beleeveth) soley ran the hazard and adventure thereof, and
21. being one of towne upon the same ˹bill˺ come, his contest Edward Bistow
yeelding a reason of such his knowledge and beleef as aforesaid
22. (who acted for him in his absence) accepted the same in his the said
And otherwise hee cannot depose.
23. Robinsones name, and sure namely on or about the sXXXXX XXXX
24. of january last, and before the siezure of the said shipp and goods
25. paid the moneys thereupon upon the arrivall of and for the said Robinson
26. and companie, all which hee knoweth because hee this deponent
27. was acquainted with the first ranning of the said bill, and with
28. the acceptance and payment of it and otherwise referring himselfe
29. to the said bill being annexed to the allegation and the endorsement thereof,
30. hee cannot depose.
31. To the Sixth hee saith then the said oranges, lemmons and corke
To the seventh article and schedule therein mentioned nowe showed unto
32. were really and truely brought and laded for the use and proper
the deponent, hee saith that the said schedule is the same bill of
33. accompt of the said Georgbe Robinson and company, and they (as
exchange soe sent and accepted, and by him this deponent deposed of
34. hee beleeveth) soley ran the hazard and adventure thereof, and
to the fifth article preceeding, unto which hee referreth himselfe. And
35. yeelding a reason of such his knowledge and beleef as aforesaid
otherwise hee cannot depose.
36. and otherwise hee cannot depose.
37. To the seventh article and shedule therein mentioned name thence unto
To the eight hee saith that the foure french bills annexed nowe
38. judgement, hee saith that the said shedule is the same bill of
showed unto him, were and are (as hee verily beleeveth) the very
39. exchange so sent and accepted, and by him this deponent deposed of
bills sent by the said [?Parvé]  to the said Robinson about to the said
40. to the fifth article preceeding, unto which hee referreth himselfe. and
businesse, and by the said Robinson imparted to this deponent
41. of at in to hee cannot depose.
42. To the eight hee saith then the foure french bills annexed nowe
43. steeved with him, were and are the (as hee verily beleeveth) the very
44. bills but by the said parvé to the said Robinson about to the said
45. businesse and by the said Robinson in parted to this deponent
|Suggested links=[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AoNoOr05QRMtdHAyNmxuVnNmYkJ3Q0ZiNEQ0R0V2S3c#gid=0 HCA 13/71 Page Log & Planner]
[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AoNoOr05QRMtdFlXNjQ3ekM0WW5NS1oyN250QUpJd0E#gid=0 HCA 3/47 Page Log & Planner]

Latest revision as of 07:47, May 25, 2015

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HCA 13/71 f.194v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


carry the same, which thing and the letters passing between the said
Robinson and [?Parvé] , hee the said Robinson from time to time imparted
to this deponent, whose advise here made use of in the matter, as
being better versed therein than the said Robinson, and otherwise
hee cannot depose, referring himself (for the contents of the said bills
to the schedules annexed.

To the fourth hee saith that after and upon the said shipps arrivall
at Saint Lucars the said Gilbert Melso in persuance of the order
received from his said corryspondent Rocus [?Parvé] , bought and
provided the said shipps lading of oranges, lemmons and corke
and laded them aboard the said shipp, to be carried into
the downes, (where the Skipper was to expect and receive
further order touching the same)
and sent some to mr Robinson
the bill of lading for the said goods
And otherwise hee cannot depose.

To the fifth hee saith that after the said Rocus [?Parvé] had given
order for the lading the said oranges and lemmons aboard the said
shipp at aforesaid, hee drew a bill of exchange upon
the said George Robinson for money to be paid towards the same, and the said Robinson
being out of towne when the bill came, his contest Edward [?Bradborne GUTTER]
(who acted for him in his absence) accepted the same in his the said
Robinsons name, and since namely on or about the seaventeenth
of January last, and before the siezure of the said shipp and goods
paid the moneys thereupon upon the account of and for the said Robinson
and companie, all which hee knoweth because hee this deponent
was acquainted with the first comming of the said bill, and with
the acceptance and payment of it, and otherwise referring himselfe
to the said bill being annexed to the allegation and the endorsement thereof,
hee cannot depose.

To the sixth hee saith that the said oranges, lemmons and corke
were really and truely bought and laded for the use and proper
account of the said George Robinson and company, and they (as
hee beleeveth) soley ran the hazard and adventure thereof, and
yeelding a reason of such his knowledge and beleef as aforesaid
And otherwise hee cannot depose.

To the seventh article and schedule therein mentioned nowe showed unto
the deponent, hee saith that the said schedule is the same bill of
exchange soe sent and accepted, and by him this deponent deposed of
to the fifth article preceeding, unto which hee referreth himselfe. And
otherwise hee cannot depose.

To the eight hee saith that the foure french bills annexed nowe
showed unto him, were and are (as hee verily beleeveth) the very
bills sent by the said [?Parvé] to the said Robinson about to the said
businesse, and by the said Robinson imparted to this deponent