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|Status=XXX; pasted into wikispot on 23/04/14 by Colin Greenstreet
|Status=Uploaded image; transcribed on 29/11/2012
|First transcriber=Alex Jackson
|First transcriber=Alex Jackson
|First transcribed=2012/11/29
|First transcribed=2012/11/29
|Editorial history=Edited on 27/05/2014 by Colin Greenstreet
|Editorial history=Created 08/04/14, by CSG
|Note=IMAGE: P1130817.JPG
|Transcription image={{#transcription-image: P1130817.JPG}}
|Transcription=To the 5th Article hee saith, That at the time of the surprizall of the said shipp the
|Transcription=To the 5th Article hee saith, That at the time of the surprizall of the said shipp the
Endeavour and lading by the said La Voch and Companie there were three other
''Endeavour'' and lading by the said La Roch and Companie there were three other
shipps laden with wynes bound alsoe from the Canaries for London, which shipps
shipps laden with wynes bound alsoe from the Canaries for London, which shipps
were then in sight of the said shipp Endeavo:ur and alsoe of the said french shipps
were then in sight of the said shipp ''Endeavour'' and alsoe of the said french shipps
and saith That this deponent and others of the Endeavo:urs Companie being presently afore the
and saith That this deponent and others of the ''Endeavours'' Companie being presently after the
said seizure disposed of and putt into the french Vice-Admirall, this depo:nent heard it
said seizure disposed of and putt into the french Vice-Admirall, this deponent heard it
sayd and acknowledged by severall of her Companie, that they had noe Commision
sayd and acknowledged by severall of her Companie, That they had noe Commision
to take any shipp or goods from the English but that they were necessitated soe to doe for the
to take any shipp or goods from the English but that they were necessitated soe to doe for the
they wasted their necessarie provisions of wyne for their intended voiage for
they wanted their necessarie provisions of wyne for their intended voiage for
Maddigasca or the redd seas, And this depo:nent further headed ˹some˺ of the said Vice-
Mallegasca or the redd seas, And this deponent further heard some of the said Vice-
Admiralls Companie say; that they beleeved their Own:er in ffrance which
Admiralls Companie say; that they beleeved their Owners in ffrance, which
as they said were rich and able enough must pay for the said shipp Endeavour and
as they said were rich and able enough must pay for the said shipp ''Endeavour'' and
her lading, or words to that or the like effect; And further hee cannot depose.
her lading, or words to that or the like effect; And further hee cannot depose.
To the 6th Article of the said Allegation hee saith, That this depo:nent being as
To the 6th Article of the said Allegation hee saith, That this deponent being as
aforesaid aboard the said French Vice-Admirall shipp, and it being desired
aforesaid aboard the said French Vice-Admirall shipp, and it being desired
by this depo:nent and others of his Companie that they might bee sett on shoare
by this depo:nent and others of his Companie that they might bee sett on shoare
upon one of the Canarie Islands, answer was made by the French, That they
upon one of the Canarie Islands, answer was made by the French, That they
would not Land them on the Christian shoare because they might not carry
would not Land them on the Christian shoare because they might not carry
newes into England what was become of the said shipp Endeavour and her lading
newes into England what was become of the said shipp ''Endeavour'' and her lading
but that they would land them at or about Cape de Verd, and that they would
but that they would land them at or about Cape de Verd, and that they would
the said shipp and her lading along with them for that, as they said, they
the said shipp and her lading along with them for that, as they said, they
could not conveniently unlade her, or words to that or the like effect which this
could not conveniently unlade her, or words to that or the like effect which this
deponent heard and well observed in and aboard the said Vice-Admirall shipp
deponent heard and well observed in and aboard the said Vice-Admirall shipp
And further to this Arltice hee saith hee cannot depose:-/
And further to this Article hee saith hee cannot depose:-/
To the 7th Article hee saith, That after the surprizall and takeing of the said shipp
To the 7th Article hee saith, That after the surprizall and takeing of the said shipp
Endeavour and her ladeing by the saud La Voch and Companie, this deponent being
''Endeavour'' and her ladeing by the saud La Roch and Companie, this deponent being
putt on board the said French Vice-Admirall there heard some of her
putt on board the said French Vice-Admirall there heard some of her
Companie say and affirme, That they had in their Course from ffrance
Companie say and affirme, That they had in their Course from ffrance
mett with other English shipps one whereof they had taken and afterwards
mett with other English shipps one whereof they had taken and afterwards
dismissed, and that they would not, as they said have middled with or seized
dismissed, and that they would not, as they said have meddled with or seized
the said shipp the Endeavour and her ladeing if the latter had not consisted in
the said shipp the ''Endeavour'' and her ladeing if the latter had not consisted in
wynes, as it did, which was a Commoditie necessarie for their provisions, and
wynes, as it did, which was a Commoditie necessarie for their provisions, and
the peace between England and ffrance was agreed and concluded upon, for that
the peace between England and ffrance was agreed and concluded upon, for that
as they alsoe affirmed, they had staid severall dayes at Vorhell in expectation of
as they alsoe affirmed, they had staid severall dayes at Rochell in expectation of
Letters of Marque, but could not proceed any ag:ainst the English, or words to that
Letters of Marque, but could not procure any against the English, or words to that
or the like effect, which this depo:nent well observed during his deser/ntion and beeing
or the like effect, which this deponent well observed during his detention and beeing
in and on board the said french Vice-Admirall. And further cannot depose:-
in and on board the said french Vice-Admirall. And further cannot depose:-
To the 8th Article of the said Allogation hee saith, That this deponent being as
To the 8th Article of the said Allegation hee saith, That this deponent being as
aforesaid on board the said ffrench Vice-Admirall-shipp, there heard some of
aforesaid on board the said ffrench Vice-Admirall-shipp, there heard some of
her Companie say that they vir:X the said fower French shipps were to have
her Companie say that they videlicet the said fower French shipps were to have
gone to Portugall there to take in their necessary provisions of wynes, but that
gone to Portugall there to take in their necessary provisions of wynes, but that
they had not bin there or words to that or the like effect. And further cannot depose.
they had not bin there or words to that or the like effect. And further cannot depose.
To the 9th Article hee saith, That the said La Voch and Companie under his
To the 9th Article hee saith, That the said La Roch and Companie under his
Command did at the time of the service of the said shipp Endeavour plunder
Command did at the time of the service of the said shipp ''Endeavour'' plunder
and take away form her Companie the best part of their wearing apparrell and
and take away form her Companie the best part of their wearing apparrell and
all their Sea instrum:ents and other necessaries together wish the private Adventure
all their Sea instruments and other necessaries together with the private Adventures
which they had on board and carried the same away utterly depriving this
which they had on board and carried the same away utterly depriving this
deponent and Companie thereof, Which hee knoweth by wofull experience
deponent and Companie thereof, Which hee knoweth by wofull experience
being a fellow sufferer in the said plunder And further to this Article hee cannot depose
being a fellow sufferer in the said plunder And further to this Article hee cannot depose
|Suggested links=[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AoNoOr05QRMtdHAyNmxuVnNmYkJ3Q0ZiNEQ0R0V2S3c#gid=0 HCA 13/71 Page Log & Planner]
[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AoNoOr05QRMtdFlXNjQ3ekM0WW5NS1oyN250QUpJd0E#gid=0 HCA 3/47 Page Log & Planner]

Latest revision as of 15:09, May 23, 2015

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HCA 13/71 f.328r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the 5th Article hee saith, That at the time of the surprizall of the said shipp the
Endeavour and lading by the said La Roch and Companie there were three other
shipps laden with wynes bound alsoe from the Canaries for London, which shipps
were then in sight of the said shipp Endeavour and alsoe of the said french shipps
and saith That this deponent and others of the Endeavours Companie being presently after the
said seizure disposed of and putt into the french Vice-Admirall, this deponent heard it
sayd and acknowledged by severall of her Companie, That they had noe Commision
to take any shipp or goods from the English but that they were necessitated soe to doe for the
they wanted their necessarie provisions of wyne for their intended voiage for
Mallegasca or the redd seas, And this deponent further heard some of the said Vice-
Admiralls Companie say; that they beleeved their Owners in ffrance, which
as they said were rich and able enough must pay for the said shipp Endeavour and
her lading, or words to that or the like effect; And further hee cannot depose.

To the 6th Article of the said Allegation hee saith, That this deponent being as
aforesaid aboard the said French Vice-Admirall shipp, and it being desired
by this depo:nent and others of his Companie that they might bee sett on shoare
upon one of the Canarie Islands, answer was made by the French, That they
would not Land them on the Christian shoare because they might not carry
newes into England what was become of the said shipp Endeavour and her lading
but that they would land them at or about Cape de Verd, and that they would
the said shipp and her lading along with them for that, as they said, they
could not conveniently unlade her, or words to that or the like effect which this
deponent heard and well observed in and aboard the said Vice-Admirall shipp
And further to this Article hee saith hee cannot depose:-/

To the 7th Article hee saith, That after the surprizall and takeing of the said shipp
Endeavour and her ladeing by the saud La Roch and Companie, this deponent being
putt on board the said French Vice-Admirall there heard some of her
Companie say and affirme, That they had in their Course from ffrance
mett with other English shipps one whereof they had taken and afterwards
dismissed, and that they would not, as they said have meddled with or seized
the said shipp the Endeavour and her ladeing if the latter had not consisted in
wynes, as it did, which was a Commoditie necessarie for their provisions, and
the peace between England and ffrance was agreed and concluded upon, for that
as they alsoe affirmed, they had staid severall dayes at Rochell in expectation of
Letters of Marque, but could not procure any against the English, or words to that
or the like effect, which this deponent well observed during his detention and beeing
in and on board the said french Vice-Admirall. And further cannot depose:-

To the 8th Article of the said Allegation hee saith, That this deponent being as
aforesaid on board the said ffrench Vice-Admirall-shipp, there heard some of
her Companie say that they videlicet the said fower French shipps were to have
gone to Portugall there to take in their necessary provisions of wynes, but that
they had not bin there or words to that or the like effect. And further cannot depose.

To the 9th Article hee saith, That the said La Roch and Companie under his
Command did at the time of the service of the said shipp Endeavour plunder
and take away form her Companie the best part of their wearing apparrell and
all their Sea instruments and other necessaries together with the private Adventures
which they had on board and carried the same away utterly depriving this
deponent and Companie thereof, Which hee knoweth by wofull experience
being a fellow sufferer in the said plunder And further to this Article hee cannot depose