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|Status=First cut transcription started and completed on 12/01/13 by Colin Greenstreet
|Status=Uploaded image; transcribed on 12/01/2013
|First transcriber=Colin Greenstreet
|First transcriber=Colin Greenstreet
|First transcribed=2013/01/12
|First transcribed=13/01/12
|Editorial history=Edited on 30/07/2014 by Colin Greenstreet
|Note=IMAGE: P1140448.JPG
|Editorial history=Created 24/04/13, by CSG
|Transcription image=P1140448
|Transcription image={{#transcription-image: P1140448.JPG}}
|Transcription=all the shipps in the Company had soe laine fast and some tyme the
sayd damerell Commanded the said Maundrie Gosling and the
1. all the shipps in the Company had soe laine fast and some tyme the
humfreys and the rest of the Companyes of the ''Owners Adventure'' and
2. sayd damerell Commanded the said Maundrie Gosling and the
''Greyhound'' to loose the sayd two shipps from the Ice and make ready
3. humfreys and the rest of the Companyes of the Owners Adventure and
their boates to towe the sayd two shipps further into the Ice toward shoare
4. Greyhound to loose the sayd two shipps from the Ice and make ready
which Commands were well heard by the sayd Maundrye Gosling and
5. their boates to towe the sayd two shipps further into the Ice toward shoare
the rest of the shipps Companyes And hee saith that the other
6. which Commands were well heard by the sayd Maundrye Gosling and
shipps in Company of the ''Owners Adventure'' and the ''Greyhound''
7. the rest of the shipps Companyes And hee saith that the other
not endeavouring to worke any further into the Ice, the sayd Gosling
8. shipps in Company of the Owners Adventure and the Greyhound
Maundry and others were unwilling to worke and further in
9. not endeavouring to worke any further into the Ice, the sayd Gosling
and did for some smale tyme refuse to performe the sayd damerells
10. Maundry and others were unwilling to worke and further in
Commands touching workeing further into the Ice, and were unwilling
11. and did for some smale tyme refuse to performe the sayd damerells
to worke further in without the Company of the other shipps
12. Commands touching workeing further into the Ice, and were unwilling
whereupon divers uncivill words and language passed betwixt
13. to worke further in without the Company of the other shipps .....
the sayd damerell and Gosling and they called each
14. ............ the whereupon divers uncivill ˹words and˺ language passed betwixt
other roague and knave and other opprobious language the
15. the sayd damerell and Gosling and ............ they called each
particulars whereof hee doth not at present remember And the
16. other roague and knave and other opprobious language the
sayd damerell told the sayd Gosling that hee should answere
17. particulars whereof hee doth not at present remember And the
for such his ill language and that hee would make him knowe
18. sayd damerell told the sayd Gosling that hee should answere
that hee was the Commander and the sayd Gosling replyed and
19. for such his ill language and that hee would make him knowe
sayd that hee had as much power and Command of the
20. that hee was the Commander and the sayd Gosling replyed and
shipp (meaning the ''Owners Adventure'') committed to him by the
21. sayd that hee had as much power and Command of the
Merchants the Imployers for the ordering of the voyage (meaning
22. shipp (meaning the Owners Adventure) committed to him by the
the voyage in question) as the sayd damerell had or words to
23. Merchants the Imployers for the ordering of the voyage (meaning
that effect, and saith that the sayd damerell still continueing
24. the voyage in question) as the sayd damerell had or words to
his Command to worke the sayd shipps ''Owners Adventure'' and ''Greyhound''
25. that effect, and saith that the sayd damerell still continueing
further into the Ice toward shoare the sayd Gosling and Maundrye
26. his Command to worke the sayd shipps Owners Adventure and Greyhound
and the rest of the Companye thereupon gave obedience to the
27. further into the Ice toward shoare the sayd Gosling and aundrye
Comands of the sayd damerell and did worke in the sayd
28. and the rest of the Companye thereupon gave obedience to the
two shipps some myles further into the Ice toward shoare than
29. Comands of the sayd damerell and did worke in the sayd
the other English shipps did And further to this article hee
30. two shipps some myles further into the Ice toward shoare than
cannot depose not knowing by whose meanes the sayd shipps
31. the other English shipps did And further to this article hee
were brought back out of the Ice to sea for that hee was
32. cannot depose not knowing by whose meanes the sayd shipps
asleepe in this Cabbin when they turned about to make sea
33. were brought back out of the Ice to sea for that hee was
againe and came not upon deck till the shipps ''Owners Adventure''
34. asleepe in this Cabbin when they turned about to make sea
and ''Greyhound'' were gott out of the Ice to sea againe
35. againe and came not upon deck till the shipps Owners Adventure
And saving hee saith the sayd shipps of his knowledge
36. and Greyhound were gott out of the Ice to sea againe And saving
returned for England with a smale quantitie of bloober
37. hee saith And saving hee saith the sayd shipps of his knowledge
38. returned for England with a smale quantitie of bloober
39. oyle./
40. To the 6th hee saith hee being Chirugion of the sayd shipp
41. Owners Adventure did not minde the what was done touching
42. the chaseing or strikeing of whales and therefore cannot depose
43. to this article/
44. <margin value="Bottom right, under main body of text, as lead to next page">To</margin>
|Suggested links=[[PhD Forum|PhD Forum]]
[[PhD Forum#head-94d5186ba3ec63d1ebcb1e902a2d13ac15f0c527|PhD Forum Themes]]
[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AoNoOr05QRMtdHAyNmxuVnNmYkJ3Q0ZiNEQ0R0V2S3c#gid=0 HCA 13/71 Page Log & Planner]
To the 6th hee saith hee being Chirugion of the sayd shipp
[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AoNoOr05QRMtdFlXNjQ3ekM0WW5NS1oyN250QUpJd0E#gid=0 HCA 3/47 Page Log & Planner]
''Owners Adventure'' did not minde the what was done touching
the chaseing or strikeing of whales and therefore cannot depose
to this article/

Latest revision as of 10:31, May 23, 2015


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HCA 13/71 f.599v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


all the shipps in the Company had soe laine fast and some tyme the
sayd damerell Commanded the said Maundrie Gosling and the
humfreys and the rest of the Companyes of the Owners Adventure and
Greyhound to loose the sayd two shipps from the Ice and make ready
their boates to towe the sayd two shipps further into the Ice toward shoare
which Commands were well heard by the sayd Maundrye Gosling and
the rest of the shipps Companyes And hee saith that the other
shipps in Company of the Owners Adventure and the Greyhound
not endeavouring to worke any further into the Ice, the sayd Gosling
Maundry and others were unwilling to worke and further in
and did for some smale tyme refuse to performe the sayd damerells
Commands touching workeing further into the Ice, and were unwilling
to worke further in without the Company of the other shipps
whereupon divers uncivill words and language passed betwixt
the sayd damerell and Gosling and they called each
other roague and knave and other opprobious language the
particulars whereof hee doth not at present remember And the
sayd damerell told the sayd Gosling that hee should answere
for such his ill language and that hee would make him knowe
that hee was the Commander and the sayd Gosling replyed and
sayd that hee had as much power and Command of the
shipp (meaning the Owners Adventure) committed to him by the
Merchants the Imployers for the ordering of the voyage (meaning
the voyage in question) as the sayd damerell had or words to
that effect, and saith that the sayd damerell still continueing
his Command to worke the sayd shipps Owners Adventure and Greyhound
further into the Ice toward shoare the sayd Gosling and Maundrye
and the rest of the Companye thereupon gave obedience to the
Comands of the sayd damerell and did worke in the sayd
two shipps some myles further into the Ice toward shoare than
the other English shipps did And further to this article hee
cannot depose not knowing by whose meanes the sayd shipps
were brought back out of the Ice to sea for that hee was
asleepe in this Cabbin when they turned about to make sea
againe and came not upon deck till the shipps Owners Adventure
and Greyhound were gott out of the Ice to sea againe
And saving hee saith the sayd shipps of his knowledge
returned for England with a smale quantitie of bloober

To the 6th hee saith hee being Chirugion of the sayd shipp
Owners Adventure did not minde the what was done touching
the chaseing or strikeing of whales and therefore cannot depose
to this article/
