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|Status=First cut transcription completed on 26/10/12 by William Kellett; edited on 19/6/13 by Jill Wilcox; pasted into wikispot on 08/05/14 and edited on 20/05/14 by Colin Greenstreet
|Status=Uploaded image; transcribed on 26/10/2012
|First transcriber=William Kellett
|First transcriber=William Kellett
|First transcribed=2012/10/26
|First transcribed=12/10/26
|Editorial history=Edited on 19/6/2013 by Jill Wilcox and on 20/05/2014 by Colin Greenstreet
|Note=IMAGE: P1140216.JPG
|Editorial history=Created 10/04/14, by CSG
|Transcription image=P1140216
|Transcription image={{#transcription-image: P1140216.JPG}}
|Transcription=thirteen hogsheads and three pipes of Aquavitae, to bee from shoare
|Transcription=thirteen hogsheads and three pipes of Aquavitae, to bee from shoare
transported and carryed in the said shipp to the Island of Narmontier
transported and carryed in the said shipp to the Island of Narmontier
Line 38: Line 35:
knoweth being as aforesaid Masters mate of the said shipp, and for that hee
knoweth being as aforesaid Masters mate of the said shipp, and for that hee
heard the said order given by the said Lony to the said Le Merchant, And
heard the said order given by the said Lony to the said Le Merchant, And
further cannot depose:-/
further cannot depose:-/
To the 4th article hee saith that in pursuance of the said Order the said Eleazar
To the 4th article hee saith that in pursuance of the said Order the said Eleazar
Line 77: Line 74:
Eleazar le Merchaut, who procured help to save and preserve the said [XXX GUTTER]
Eleazar le Merchaut, who procured help to save and preserve the said [XXX GUTTER]
of Aquavitae, which accordingly were saved and putt on board certaine [?hoyes GUTTER]
of Aquavitae, which accordingly were saved and putt on board certaine [?hoyes GUTTER]
|Suggested links=[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AoNoOr05QRMtdHAyNmxuVnNmYkJ3Q0ZiNEQ0R0V2S3c#gid=0 HCA 13/71 Page Log & Planner]
[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AoNoOr05QRMtdFlXNjQ3ekM0WW5NS1oyN250QUpJd0E#gid=0 HCA 3/47 Page Log & Planner]

Latest revision as of 13:10, May 22, 2015

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HCA 13/71 f.523v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


thirteen hogsheads and three pipes of Aquavitae, to bee from shoare
transported and carryed in the said shipp to the Island of Narmontier
or Armontier nere to the maine Land of ffrance and from thence to bee
brought in the said shipp to this Port of London ánd further saith that this
deponent well knoweth That it was concluded and agreed by and [?between ?Mr GUTTER]
Lony at ffactor for the said Andrew kirby and the said Eleazar le Merchant
that the summe of six pounds fifteen shillings sterling money should bee paid
for the fraight of the abovesaid quantity of Aquavitae at this Port of London
This deponent having frequently heard the same in ffrance from the said Eleazar
Le Merchaut and having seene and perused the bill of Lading made to that [?pXX GUTTER]
which was delivered to this deponent here at London by the the partie that [?receaved GUTTER]
the said Aquavitae And this examinate further rendring a reason of his knowledge
That hee was as aforesaid at and during the time of the transaction and voyage predeposed
Masters Mate of the said shipp. And further cannot depose./

To the third hee saith that the said Eleazar le Merchant shortly after
the takeing aboard of the said quantity of Aquavitae by the order and [XXXX GUTTER]
of the arlate Martin Lony ffactor of the said Andrew kirby departed with [XXX XXX GUTTER]
the said river of Nantes and sailed to Narmenteirs or Armentiers afore[?mentioned GUTTER]
and was ordered there to take in the rest of her lading of one Monsieurr La [?Cestiere] [XXXX GUTTER]
a ffrench man, and from thence to come to this Port of London, Which hee
knoweth being as aforesaid Masters mate of the said shipp, and for that hee
heard the said order given by the said Lony to the said Le Merchant, And
further cannot depose:-/

To the 4th article hee saith that in pursuance of the said Order the said Eleazar
Le Merchaut sailed the said shipp into the roade of Narmontiers aforesaid
where about a Canon shott from the Land of the said Island hee came to
anchor at a place where shipps comming for the Island doe usually anchor
which hee knoweth for the reason aforesaid, And further cannot depose/

To the 5th 6th and 7th hee saith, That the said ship being there anchored as aforesaid
the said Eleazar Le Merchaut went ashore to the said [?Gazeau] to whom hee
had beene as aforesáid ordered to goe and some of the said shipps Company
which had brought the said Master ashore with the said shipps boate [XXX GUTTER]
after returned in the said boate and brought a Pilott with them [?who GUTTER]
said to this deponent and Company that hee was by order of the said [?Cazeau]
come on board the said shipp her with order to pilott and conduct her in
to the shore for her better security from a Biscayer man of warr, [/who GUTTER]
then roade about a League from the said Island or words to that effect and accordingly the said
Pilott did conduct and anchor the said shipp in a place which hee pre[?sumed GUTTER]
to bee fitt and convenient for her to ride in as being a safe and [?commodious GUTTER]
ground but indeed as it afterwards proved the place was very dangerous
and incommodious as being too narrow for a shipp to ride in, being [?with GUTTER]
a North wind inevitably exposed to the rocks, and with a South wind to a sand [?bank GUTTER]
close by the place where shee anchored. The premisses hee well know[?eth GUTTER]
being as aforesaid Masters mate of the said shipp during the voyage and passage[?s] in question
And further cannot depose-

To the 8th hee saith that shortly after the said shipp was anchored as
aforesaid, the weather became rough and tempestuous, and in the night
then approaching the tempest very much encreased, and by meanes [XXX GUTTER]
though the said shipps Companie then all on board did use all possible
diligence to prevent it, the said shipp did bilge upon a rock and became
soe leaky that her hould was filled with water, and the vessells of
Aquavitae predeposed did swim about in the hould, Which hee well knoweth for
the reason aforesaid. And further cannot depose./

To the nyneth hee sayth that the said shipp having soe bilged and [XXXX GUTTER]
of water in the hould as predeposed, this examinate went ashore to the said [?Monsieur GUTTER]
Eleazar le Merchaut, who procured help to save and preserve the said [XXX GUTTER]
of Aquavitae, which accordingly were saved and putt on board certaine [?hoyes GUTTER]