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This page is the team page for Team Three on the MarineLivfes 2014 Summer Programme
This page is the team page for Team Three on the MarineLivfes 2014 Summer Programme
==Suggested links==
==Suggested links==
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Rowan Beentje
Rowan Beentje
Melvyn Desler
Melvyn Dresner
Colin Greenstreet
Colin Greenstreet
John Layt
John Layt
Katherine Parker
Katherine Parker
==Mini Bios==
Colin Greenstreet is co-founder and co-director of the project. Decidedly not an academic, he studied human sciences, philosophy, politics and economics at the University of Oxford, and was the recipient of a Kennedy Scholarship to study at Harvard Business School. His career has been spent in finance, consulting, pharmaceutical R&D, and as an entrepreneur, most recently in Mumbai and London.  Somehow he never got round to studying history. He lives in Muswell Hill, North London.
[https://www.linkedin.com/pub/colin-greenstreet/0/4b9/743 Colin on LinkedIn]
[https://marinelives.academia.edu/ColinGreenstreet Colin on Academia.edu]
Katie Parker is a PhD candidate at the University of Pittsburgh. For academic year 2014-15 she will be writing and researching her dissertation in London on an Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Fellowship. Her research interests include digital humanities, Pacific exploration, British empire in the long-18th century, history of the book and material culture and cartography, gender history and naval/maritime history. Her dissertation focuses on the production and dissemination of geographic knowledge about the Pacific between the 1669 Narborough expedition and the first voyage of James Cook in 1768. She lives at the heart of British maritime history, Greenwich, within walking distance of one of her favorite places to work, the National Maritime Museum.
Melvyn Dresner is a volunteer on the MarineLives project. He is studying history and archaeology at Birkbeck College, a volunteer with the Thames Discovery Programme, so spent some time looking at the remains of maritime industry on the foreshore. He hopes to start a Masters in Archaeological Practice at Birkbeck in October. Recently research project on the growth of tobacco trade in the early 17th century for essay considering vice and disease in history. I work for Transport for London providing advice to planning authorities on transport aspect of development and regeneration schemes. I live in High Barnet about as far from the high seas as possible in London.
[https://www.linkedin.com/pub/melvyn-dresner/62/663/301/ Melvyn on LinkedIn]
[https://www.facebook.com/melvyn.dresner Melvyn on Facebook]
Rowan Beentje is a volunteer on the MarineLives project.  He works and spends much of his spare time as a developer, but has recently also developed an interest in history and in particular London and maritime history.  He lives in West London.
==Kickoff Skype call==
==Kickoff Skype call==
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Rowan: rowanbeentje
Rowan: rowanbeentje
Melvyn: live:melvyndresner
Melvyn: live:melvyndresner
==Team Three Assignments==
===Week Three Team Exercise===
[[Week Three Team Exercise|Week Three Team Exercise]]

Latest revision as of 09:32, June 15, 2014

Team Three - Colin's team

Editorial history

Created 31/05/14 by CSG

Purpose of page

This page is the team page for Team Three on the MarineLivfes 2014 Summer Programme

Suggested links

Team One - Phil's team
Team Two - Jill & Alex's team

Team members

Rowan Beentje
Melvyn Dresner
Colin Greenstreet
John Layt
Katherine Parker

Mini Bios



Colin Greenstreet is co-founder and co-director of the project. Decidedly not an academic, he studied human sciences, philosophy, politics and economics at the University of Oxford, and was the recipient of a Kennedy Scholarship to study at Harvard Business School. His career has been spent in finance, consulting, pharmaceutical R&D, and as an entrepreneur, most recently in Mumbai and London. Somehow he never got round to studying history. He lives in Muswell Hill, North London.

Colin on LinkedIn
Colin on Academia.edu




Katie Parker is a PhD candidate at the University of Pittsburgh. For academic year 2014-15 she will be writing and researching her dissertation in London on an Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Fellowship. Her research interests include digital humanities, Pacific exploration, British empire in the long-18th century, history of the book and material culture and cartography, gender history and naval/maritime history. Her dissertation focuses on the production and dissemination of geographic knowledge about the Pacific between the 1669 Narborough expedition and the first voyage of James Cook in 1768. She lives at the heart of British maritime history, Greenwich, within walking distance of one of her favorite places to work, the National Maritime Museum.



Melvyn Dresner is a volunteer on the MarineLives project. He is studying history and archaeology at Birkbeck College, a volunteer with the Thames Discovery Programme, so spent some time looking at the remains of maritime industry on the foreshore. He hopes to start a Masters in Archaeological Practice at Birkbeck in October. Recently research project on the growth of tobacco trade in the early 17th century for essay considering vice and disease in history. I work for Transport for London providing advice to planning authorities on transport aspect of development and regeneration schemes. I live in High Barnet about as far from the high seas as possible in London.

Melvyn on LinkedIn
Melvyn on Facebook



Rowan Beentje is a volunteer on the MarineLives project. He works and spends much of his spare time as a developer, but has recently also developed an interest in history and in particular London and maritime history. He lives in West London.

Kickoff Skype call

Team Three will have its kickoff on Sunday June 1st in a one hour Skype call.

The Skype call is scheduled for 6-7 pm on Sunday, and will be originated and chaired by Colin Greenstreet


(1) Introductions

(2) What we each want to get out of the programme

(3) Review the programme structure and timings

(4) Plan the coming week

(a) Doing transcription training and practice

(b) Becoming familiar with MarineLives-Tools

SKYPE addresses

Colin: colingreenstreet.marinelivesorg
Katherine: katherine.parker88
John: johnlayt
Rowan: rowanbeentje
Melvyn: live:melvyndresner

Team Three Assignments

Week Three Team Exercise

Week Three Team Exercise