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[[PhD Forum|PhD Forum]]

Revision as of 14:09, November 14, 2012

Seamens' wages

Editorial history

08/11/12: CSG, created page

Purpose of page

The MarineLives project is seeking to link and enhance HCA 13/71, not just to transcribe it.

Unpaid seamens' wages are often the subject of cases and depositions in HCA 13/71, and occasionally the depositions include schedules of such wages, by named individual and role aboard ship, together with details of the terms of employment, and the intended voyage

All associates, facilitators, advisors and PhD Forum members are encouraged to contribute to this page from their knowledge of the material, and from their broader knowledge and interest in the topic.

  • Which cases and depositions mention specifics of seamens' wages?
  • Which cases and depositions include or refer to schedules of seamens' wages?
  • What can we learn about the contractual terms of marine employment?
  • What evidence is there of non-monetary benefits, such as clothing, profit sharing, and bonuses?
  • What evidence is there that perceived risk of a specific geographical route and/or voyage affected seamens' wages?

Adding footnotes

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  • Using the link icon in the top RH menu bar in your open window, highlight the footnote text which you wish to become the clickable link. This will place square brackets round the text, within the existing curved brackets

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  • Insert the URL of the digital source IN FRONT of the existing text, but still within the square brackets, leaving one space between the end of the URL and the start of the footnote text

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Suggested links

PhD Forum

Demands during voyage for payment of overdue wages

  • Alleged desertion by crew of George Nonadventure at Zant to pressure Master for payment of two months overdue wages

"divers of the Company of the sayd shipp to the number of 14 vizt Abraham CoXX Theodor Nookes Richard Galhampton John Brookes Robert MorXXXX John Jackson Henry ffoot William Richbill Nicholas Miller Richard Brooke aforesayd ffrancis William William Toft Robert Collins Thomas Richards did at Zant in the moneth of June 1655 deserte the sayd shipp the George Bonadventure and keepe on shoare which they did to and XXXXXXX sayd they would not come on board till they had two moneths pay paid them whereupon the Master of the sayd shipp and Mr Dobson factor of the sayd Mr ffarington did cause them to be seized upon Souldiers and át length the Consull with much persuasion prevailed with them to goe on board againe the Master causing them to bee paid one moneths pay and thereupon this deponent did by order of the sayd Master and the sayd dobson pay unto all the shipps company who desyred the same"

- HCA 13/71 f.270v: Case: XXXX:; Deposition: XXXX; Date: XXXX[1]
  1. HCA 13/71 f.270v