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Revision as of 07:01, June 7, 2014

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HCA 13/73 f.504v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


come safe to England: And saith hee verily beleeveth
the Alexanders men (besides the said two Pipes and [?two GUTTER]
Hogsheads,) did draw out, spoile, drinke, Imbezill
send and carry away out of the said ship Starre the quantity of
five Pipes of wine as this Deponent beleeveth, And saith
that about Eleaven of the Clock the next day, the [?last GUTTER]
said Captaine and Company of the Alexander
espying a Ship coming from the windward to the Starr
and seeing her to have the Hollands Colours upp
they went out of the Starr onboard the Alexanders
ketch, and sent the Starrs Company (which they had kept
Prisoner[?s]) onboard the Starr, and soe sailed away
not making restitution of the foresaid wine or things
for any part thereof although this Deponent demanded the same And further cannot depose

To the 4th hee saith that presently after the Alexander
and her ketch was sailed away from the Starr, the
said other ship came up to the Starre and proved
to be a Zealand man of warr and her Company
tooke out a Pipe of wine, and a Pipe of w[XXs] out
of the said Ship, and then left her, and sailed after
the Alexander, and saith that about two dayes after
there happened a Storme, which Continued for about
six or seaven dayes, in which Stormem much wine leaked
out. by meanes of the [XXXXs] and teares of the Pipes
of wine were broken or loosened by the Alexanders
men, and the Company of the said man of warr
all which damage was occasioned by the said Captaine
and Company of the Alexander And saith that
hee verily beleeveth that hee should have got
to London with his Ship. and Lading. five or six
weekes sooner then hee dd had not the said ship bin detained
and Carried back as before is declared, and further
deposeth not./

To the fifth hee saith that the said wine would have [?yeilded GUTTER]
the summe of 34 li Per Pipe had it come safe to London
cleere of all charges. and the said Cutlace hee saith
was worth 3. li Sterling The Pot with the silver Cover, [?Twelve GUTTER]
Spoones Platters, Table Linnen, and the Seamen cloathes
and necessaryes taken away as aforesaid, were then worth
the summe of 12. li Sterling or thereabouts. the Caske which the [XXX GUTTER]
man of warr tooke away (in which the water was) was worth
about j. li And saith that the said Owners of the said Ship [?by GUTTER]
reason of the said Ships being out soe longe (more then [?shee GUTTER]
would have bin. by meanes of the said Detention and
carrying back as aforesaid have sustained dammage of the
summe or vallue of one hundred and ffifty pounds Sterling or thereabouts And
further cannot depose/

To the last hee saith his foregoeing deposition is true
