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To the first and second Articles of the said Libell hee saith and deposeth
To the first and second Articles of the said Libell hee saith and deposeth
That in the moneth of January last past, the Lilate Giles Trabers
That in the moneth of January last past, the Lilate Giles Travers
the producent in this Cause was the true and lawfull Owner of sewerall
the producent in this Cause was the true and lawfull Owner of sewerall
pipes of Canary wines laden in and aboard the shipp the ''John and
pipes of Canary wines laden in and aboard the shipp the ''John and
Mary'' of Londonm whereof one Webber was Master, and for such the
Mary'' of London, whereof one Webber was Master, and for such the
said Travers was common;ly accompted and reputed, And saith That,
said Travers was common;ly accompted and reputed, And saith That,
in the said moneth the said producent caused severall of the said pipes
in the said moneth the said producent caused severall of the said pipes

Revision as of 17:00, October 1, 2014


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HCA 13/70 f.402r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


voyage in Controversie where upon the sayd Kings officers (it being
a prohibited thing to carrie money out of Spaine) did seize the saud shipp
the Guift as confiscate to the Kinge for having that money found on board
it, and imprisoned the sayd Master on shoare for the sayd offence,
and condemned the sayd Masters
Quarter part of the saud shipp for the sayd offence, and caused him to produce the same
before the sayd shipp was suffered to depart
from Bilboa And saith the sayd Pitt and Marshall suffered noe losse
(as this deponent beleeveth) in their sayd goods and merchandizes by reason of the sayd shipps
seizure, they being seized before as Contrabanda goods as aforesayd
And whether they suffered by the seizure of the sayd shipp, (they having
parts in her) or paid any money for redeeming their parts of her
hee tyhis deponent knoweth not And further hee cannot depose./

To the 11th hee saith that hee this deponent being purser and aboard the
sayd shipp the whole voyage in controversie did well observe that
the arlate William Mayer did providently and carefully discharge
his duty as Master during the whole voyage in question And
further hee cannot depose./

To the last hee saith his foregoeing deposition is true/

Repeated the 13th of July aforesayd
before doctor Clarke

Christopher Downs [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]


The 24th day of July 1655:-

Travers against Pomeroy and against Lighter of about}
200. Tunns whereof the sayd Pomroy is Owner}
and against any other. Baker. Budd}

Examined upon a Libell given on
the behalfe of the said Travers

Rp. EA.


Francis Gittings of Seething Lane in the parish
of Barking London Cooper aged 20 yeares or
thereabouts sworne and examined saith as followeth

To the first and second Articles of the said Libell hee saith and deposeth
That in the moneth of January last past, the Lilate Giles Travers
the producent in this Cause was the true and lawfull Owner of sewerall
pipes of Canary wines laden in and aboard the shipp the John and
Mary of London, whereof one Webber was Master, and for such the
said Travers was common;ly accompted and reputed, And saith That,
in the said moneth the said producent caused severall of the said pipes
of Canaries to bee taken out of the said shipp the John and Marie then
lyeing neere Rederith in the River of Thames and to bee put on board

a Lighter whereof one Thomas tailor was Master, in which they were
carried to and safely arrived at Buttolphs wharfe where the said Lighter
was safely moored with a strong and sufficient hawser and soe laid
in safety from 11. of the Clock in the night till 5. of the