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//first second third fifth & sixth Interr and thereunto sworne & examined sayth as followeth//
//first second third fifth & sixth Interr and thereunto sworne & examined sayth as followeth//
//1.  To
//1.  To the  ffirst Interr this depon:t saith that he doth not know the p:lts or either of them, but sayth that he knoweth the def:t Jacob Searle and//
//did knowe the def:t Jacob Searles father sometime Comander of the shipp called the ''Bendishe'' and alsoe of the shipp ''Successe'', and did liewise knowe//
//Jacob Searle the Nephew of the said Jacob Searle the defts ffather in the Interr named & that the s:d Jacob Searle the Nephew was ?sometyme//
//Comander of the shipp called the ''Successe'', and that this depon:t was  afterwards a mate to the said Jacob Searle the Nephew in a certaine shipp called the//
//?S Salvadore belonging to M:r John ffarrefax & Company And this depon:t further sayth that he was very well acquainted with Jacob Searle the unkle and//
//Jacob Searle the Nephew solo are both long since dead butt how long since they or either of them died this depon:t doth nott well remember//
//2.  To the second Interr this depon:t sayth that he hath beene a  marrinnar and saylor tradinge and ?sealinge upon the seas for the pace of ffowre//
//or ffive & thirty yeares last past, and that he hath beene att sew:rall places beyond the seas (vizt) ?Mallagae Allicant Tunnis Trippoly ?Asjores//
//Constantinople, & in diverse other ports & places beyond the seas And that he ?was att sea in the shipp & shippes called or knowne by the name of//
//''Smirna Merchant'', the ''Anthony Bonaventure'', the ''ffairefax'' & diverse other shipps and that he was sometym of Con???tisone & sometyme mate in some of the//
//afore menconned shipps, And did some tyme knowe one M:r Browne Resident and XXXXinge as a consull or resident in Tunnis in Barbary in or about//
//the yeare one Thousand six hundred fforty six which M:r Browne was likewise a facto:r in Tunnis as this depon:t hath heard XX XXXX for W. ?Marsh//
//the said shipp & came in the quallaty of a consull of Tunnis and more to this Interr this depon:t cannott depose//
//3.  To the third Interr this depon:t sayth that he hath heard and beleiveth that Jacob Searle the Nephew in the Interr named sometyme Comander//
//of the shipp called the ''Successe''  was in or aboute the yeare one Thousand six hundred ffourty eight or fforty nyne taken captive by the ?Turkes//
//and carried into Trippoly And that there were then alsoe taken captives with the said Jacob Searle the Nephew & carried into Tripoly aforesaid//
//one M:r ??Collyrott one M:r Welsh and sew:rall others now liveinge besides others that are now dead with whome this depon:t did eate & drinke in XXXXXX//
//dureinge their Captivity And this depon:t farther sayeth that he hath heard the said Jacob Searle the Nephew relate and dyscorse unto this//
//depon:t when he was mate w:th y:e s:d Jacob Searle the Nephew in the aforesaid shipp S:t Salvador that his unkle Jacob Searle the defts father has paid//
//hiss ransome (beinge aboute six hundred Dollars to the best of this def:ts remembrance) to one M:r John ffairefax March:t & then Resident in//
//?Leaguehorne and Company who were one M:r Humphrey Sidney, and Martyn or Marke ??Lister for the redempcon of the said Jacob Searle the Nephew from//
//hiss captivity in Trippoly And that one M:r Warde who was sometyme consull in Trippoly as aforesaid to the best of this depon:ts remembrance and//
//did likewise acquainte this depon:t in Trippoly that he received the aforesaid ransome & money for the said Jacob Searle the Nephew of the//
//s:d M:r ffairefax and Company or by their Orders or appointm:t and more to this Interr this depon:t sayth not//
//5.  As the ffifth Interr this depon:t sayth that he did know M:r John ffairfax, Humphrey Sidney & one M:r ?Lister in the Interr named who did sometyme//
//XXXX & trade in Company att  Liyorne & were merch:ts of very good repute & credditt, & this depon:t hath heard & beleiveth that the said M:r Sidney//
//is yett livinge in Ligorne and this defend:t sayth that the said M:r ffairfax M:r Lister & M:r Sidney were correspondants of and w:th Jacob Searle the//
//def:ts ffather And this defend:t farther sayth that he hath often seene the hand writinge of M:r ffairfax M:r Lister & M:r Sidney in the Interr named and //
//sayth that the name Humph Sidney subscribed to the letter bearinge the severall dates of the one & Twentieth of Janu:ry 1649 Livorn and the 25:th ffeb: 1649 now shewen unto the//
//depon:t att the tyme of hiss Examinaton & whereupon the Comp:lts have endorsed their names is like the hand writinge of the said M:r Sidney and//
//this depon:t, both thinke itt to be the hand writing of the s:d M:r Sidney And this depon:t farther sayth that the said Jacob Searle: the  def:ts//
//ffather was a pson of good creditt Reputacon and Esteeme and that he was ?ymployed by Sew:rall Eminent March:ts and had the Comand//
//of ?swe:rall considerable shipps and this depon:t beleiveth that the s:d Jacob Searle dyed possessed of a very considerable estate and did//
//give a marriage porconn w:th his daughter the summe of one thousand pounds as this depon:t hath heard and that the said Jacob Searle//
//this defts ffather did live and alsoe dyed in the towne of plymouth and was a pson alwayes willinge and ready to pay and discharge//
//all his just & honest debts & more to this Interr this depon:t sayth nott//
//6.  To the sixth Interr this depon:t sayth that Jacob Searle the XXX pson & captive in the Interr named a man of good repute and hath//
// XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX sew:rall shipps after hiss captivity, and sew:rall tymes acquainted this depon:t that his ransome money was paid by M.r Warde by the//
IMAGE P1080261:
//To the second Interr this depon:t sayth that he was a marriner ?or seaman aboute threescore yeares since and hath continued to trade or saile upon//
//and in ptes beyond the seas for the most pte or a very greate pte of the said tyme.  And this depon:t sayth that he hath beene in diverse places beyond the//
//seas and XX pticuler the ports of Tunnis & Trippoly  & other places in Barbery & when the depon:t was att Trippoly aforesaid hee did then belonge to a certaine//
//shipp ?called the ''guift off Milbrooke'' (whereof  one Capt Salmon was Comander) & this deponent was in the said shipp there in the capacity of a common seaman, and when//
//this depon:t was at the port of Tunnis he did then belonge to a certaine shipp of warre called the Nantwich ffrigatt whereof one Capt Jefferry was//
//Comander And this depon:t was quarter master in the said ffrigatt And this depon:t farther sayth that when he was att Trippoly he did att one or more tymes//
//??see one M:r Browne whose name the depon:t beleiveth as Thomas w:ch said M.r Browne was a facto:r ??for march:ts of London as this depon:t hath heard//
//And this depon:t sayth that to the best of his remembrance itt was aboute Eight or nyne and Twentie yeares since he saw the said M:r Browne att Trippoly//
//but the certainty of the said tyme beinge long since this depon:t cannott be possitive in and more to this Interr sayth not//
//To the third Interr this depon:t sayth that he hath often heard and beleiveth that Jacob Searle the Nephew in the Interr named was aboute Eight//
// or Nyne and Twenty yeares since as this depon:t remembreth taken captive by the Turkes as he was cominge out of Zante beinge loaden as this//
//Depon:t hath heard into ??carracs & ?carried into Trippoly.  Andthis depon:t farther sayth that when he was a Common Seaman in the foresaid//
//shipp called the ''Guift of Milbrooke'' whereof the said Cap:t Salmon was Comander as aforesaid beinge aboute Eight or Nyne and Twentye//

Revision as of 22:36, November 7, 2011

C20/803/34 f. 7



//DEPOSICONNS of witnesses taken at Plymouth in the County of Devon on Monday the eleaventh day of March//

//the Thirtieth yeare of the Raigne of o:r Soveraigne Lord Charles the Second by the grace of God of England Scotland ffrance//

//and Ireland Kinge defender of the ffaith x:r before us Emanuell Pyper & Samuell Weale Gent & William ??Yeo Esq:r by virtue//

//of a Commission yssued out of his Ma:ties high Court of Chancery to us and alsoe to William Bennett gent deceased for Examinacon//

//of Witnesses in a cause there dependinge betweene William Love Esq:r & Thomas Murthwaite the survivinge Exec:trs//

//of John Young Comp:lts and Jacob Searle the Exec:r of Jacob Searle def:t as followeth//

//JOHN MAYNE of the pish of S:t Johns in the County of Cornwall Marriner aged eight and fforty yeares or thereabouts pduced to the//

//first second third fifth & sixth Interr and thereunto sworne & examined sayth as followeth//

//1. To the ffirst Interr this depon:t saith that he doth not know the p:lts or either of them, but sayth that he knoweth the def:t Jacob Searle and//

//did knowe the def:t Jacob Searles father sometime Comander of the shipp called the Bendishe and alsoe of the shipp Successe, and did liewise knowe//

//Jacob Searle the Nephew of the said Jacob Searle the defts ffather in the Interr named & that the s:d Jacob Searle the Nephew was ?sometyme//

//Comander of the shipp called the Successe, and that this depon:t was afterwards a mate to the said Jacob Searle the Nephew in a certaine shipp called the//

//?S Salvadore belonging to M:r John ffarrefax & Company And this depon:t further sayth that he was very well acquainted with Jacob Searle the unkle and//

//Jacob Searle the Nephew solo are both long since dead butt how long since they or either of them died this depon:t doth nott well remember//

//2. To the second Interr this depon:t sayth that he hath beene a marrinnar and saylor tradinge and ?sealinge upon the seas for the pace of ffowre//

//or ffive & thirty yeares last past, and that he hath beene att sew:rall places beyond the seas (vizt) ?Mallagae Allicant Tunnis Trippoly ?Asjores//

//Constantinople, & in diverse other ports & places beyond the seas And that he ?was att sea in the shipp & shippes called or knowne by the name of//

//Smirna Merchant, the Anthony Bonaventure, the ffairefax & diverse other shipps and that he was sometym of Con???tisone & sometyme mate in some of the//

//afore menconned shipps, And did some tyme knowe one M:r Browne Resident and XXXXinge as a consull or resident in Tunnis in Barbary in or about//

//the yeare one Thousand six hundred fforty six which M:r Browne was likewise a facto:r in Tunnis as this depon:t hath heard XX XXXX for W. ?Marsh//

//the said shipp & came in the quallaty of a consull of Tunnis and more to this Interr this depon:t cannott depose//

//3. To the third Interr this depon:t sayth that he hath heard and beleiveth that Jacob Searle the Nephew in the Interr named sometyme Comander//

//of the shipp called the Successe was in or aboute the yeare one Thousand six hundred ffourty eight or fforty nyne taken captive by the ?Turkes//

//and carried into Trippoly And that there were then alsoe taken captives with the said Jacob Searle the Nephew & carried into Tripoly aforesaid//

//one M:r ??Collyrott one M:r Welsh and sew:rall others now liveinge besides others that are now dead with whome this depon:t did eate & drinke in XXXXXX//

//dureinge their Captivity And this depon:t farther sayeth that he hath heard the said Jacob Searle the Nephew relate and dyscorse unto this//

//depon:t when he was mate w:th y:e s:d Jacob Searle the Nephew in the aforesaid shipp S:t Salvador that his unkle Jacob Searle the defts father has paid//

//hiss ransome (beinge aboute six hundred Dollars to the best of this def:ts remembrance) to one M:r John ffairefax March:t & then Resident in//

//?Leaguehorne and Company who were one M:r Humphrey Sidney, and Martyn or Marke ??Lister for the redempcon of the said Jacob Searle the Nephew from//

//hiss captivity in Trippoly And that one M:r Warde who was sometyme consull in Trippoly as aforesaid to the best of this depon:ts remembrance and//

//did likewise acquainte this depon:t in Trippoly that he received the aforesaid ransome & money for the said Jacob Searle the Nephew of the//

//s:d M:r ffairefax and Company or by their Orders or appointm:t and more to this Interr this depon:t sayth not//

//5. As the ffifth Interr this depon:t sayth that he did know M:r John ffairfax, Humphrey Sidney & one M:r ?Lister in the Interr named who did sometyme//

//XXXX & trade in Company att Liyorne & were merch:ts of very good repute & credditt, & this depon:t hath heard & beleiveth that the said M:r Sidney//

//is yett livinge in Ligorne and this defend:t sayth that the said M:r ffairfax M:r Lister & M:r Sidney were correspondants of and w:th Jacob Searle the//

//def:ts ffather And this defend:t farther sayth that he hath often seene the hand writinge of M:r ffairfax M:r Lister & M:r Sidney in the Interr named and //

//sayth that the name Humph Sidney subscribed to the letter bearinge the severall dates of the one & Twentieth of Janu:ry 1649 Livorn and the 25:th ffeb: 1649 now shewen unto the//

//depon:t att the tyme of hiss Examinaton & whereupon the Comp:lts have endorsed their names is like the hand writinge of the said M:r Sidney and//

//this depon:t, both thinke itt to be the hand writing of the s:d M:r Sidney And this depon:t farther sayth that the said Jacob Searle: the def:ts//

//ffather was a pson of good creditt Reputacon and Esteeme and that he was ?ymployed by Sew:rall Eminent March:ts and had the Comand//

//of ?swe:rall considerable shipps and this depon:t beleiveth that the s:d Jacob Searle dyed possessed of a very considerable estate and did//

//give a marriage porconn w:th his daughter the summe of one thousand pounds as this depon:t hath heard and that the said Jacob Searle//

//this defts ffather did live and alsoe dyed in the towne of plymouth and was a pson alwayes willinge and ready to pay and discharge//

//all his just & honest debts & more to this Interr this depon:t sayth nott//

//6. To the sixth Interr this depon:t sayth that Jacob Searle the XXX pson & captive in the Interr named a man of good repute and hath//

// XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX sew:rall shipps after hiss captivity, and sew:rall tymes acquainted this depon:t that his ransome money was paid by M.r Warde by the//


IMAGE P1080261:

//To the second Interr this depon:t sayth that he was a marriner ?or seaman aboute threescore yeares since and hath continued to trade or saile upon//

//and in ptes beyond the seas for the most pte or a very greate pte of the said tyme. And this depon:t sayth that he hath beene in diverse places beyond the//

//seas and XX pticuler the ports of Tunnis & Trippoly & other places in Barbery & when the depon:t was att Trippoly aforesaid hee did then belonge to a certaine//

//shipp ?called the guift off Milbrooke (whereof one Capt Salmon was Comander) & this deponent was in the said shipp there in the capacity of a common seaman, and when//

//this depon:t was at the port of Tunnis he did then belonge to a certaine shipp of warre called the Nantwich ffrigatt whereof one Capt Jefferry was//

//Comander And this depon:t was quarter master in the said ffrigatt And this depon:t farther sayth that when he was att Trippoly he did att one or more tymes//

//??see one M:r Browne whose name the depon:t beleiveth as Thomas w:ch said M.r Browne was a facto:r ??for march:ts of London as this depon:t hath heard//

//And this depon:t sayth that to the best of his remembrance itt was aboute Eight or nyne and Twentie yeares since he saw the said M:r Browne att Trippoly//

//but the certainty of the said tyme beinge long since this depon:t cannott be possitive in and more to this Interr sayth not//

//To the third Interr this depon:t sayth that he hath often heard and beleiveth that Jacob Searle the Nephew in the Interr named was aboute Eight//

// or Nyne and Twenty yeares since as this depon:t remembreth taken captive by the Turkes as he was cominge out of Zante beinge loaden as this//

//Depon:t hath heard into ??carracs & ?carried into Trippoly. Andthis depon:t farther sayth that when he was a Common Seaman in the foresaid//

//shipp called the Guift of Milbrooke whereof the said Cap:t Salmon was Comander as aforesaid beinge aboute Eight or Nyne and Twentye//


