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==Roger Abdy senior will==
'''Roger Abdy senior will'''
PROB 11/85 Scott 1–38 Will of Roger Abdy or Abdye, Merchant Tailor of Saint Thomas the Apostle, City of London 28 June 1595
PROB 11/85 Scott 1–38 Will of Roger Abdy or Abdye, Merchant Tailor of Saint Thomas the Apostle, City of London 28 June 1595
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29/11/11, CSG:  Posted complete transcription to wiki
29/11/11, CSG:  Posted complete transcription to wiki
===Abstract & context===
==Abstract & context==
===Suggested links===
==Suggested links==
See [[MRP: Anthony Abdy will|Anthony Abdy will]] (son of Roger Abdy senior)
See [[MRP: Anthony Abdy will|Anthony Abdy will]] (son of Roger Abdy senior)
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===To do===
==To do==
'''This transcription has been completed, but requires checking'''
'''This transcription has been completed, but requires checking'''
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Revision as of 11:18, January 10, 2012

Roger Abdy senior will

PROB 11/85 Scott 1–38 Will of Roger Abdy or Abdye, Merchant Tailor of Saint Thomas the Apostle, City of London 28 June 1595

Editorial history

29/11/11, CSG: Posted complete transcription to wiki

Abstract & context

Suggested links

See Anthony Abdy will (son of Roger Abdy senior)
See Sir Robert Abdy will (grandson of Roger Abdy senior)
See Nicholas Abdye will (grandson of Roger Abdy senior)
See Roger Abdy junior will(grandson of Roger Abdy senior)

To do


This transcription has been completed, but requires checking

IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN The sixteenth daye of June a thousand five hundred nynetie fyve and in the seaven and thirtieth yere of the Raigne of our Soveraigne Ladye Queene Elizabeth xx I Roger Abdy Citizen and Merchantaylor of London being sicke in bodye but of good and perfect memory (praise be therefore given to Almightie god) Do make and declare this my pr:sent last will and testament, in manner and forme folowinge that ys to saye

ffirst I Commend my soule to Almightie god my Creator and to Jesus Christe my only Savioure and Redeemer by the merittes of, xxxx deathe and passion I trust as surely to be saved, with the elect children of god: And my bodye to be buryed in suche place as yt shall please god to ordayne and appoynte for me by the Discretion of my Executor hereafter named.

ITEM I will that al such debtes as I shall owe to any person or psons at my decease be well and trulie payed by my executor within convenyent tyme after my decease

ITEM I will that all and singular my goods chattells and debtes (after my debtes payed and my ffunerall expences discharged be deducted) into three equall partes according to the custome of the citie of London: One equall third parte whereof I give and bequeath to Mary my wellbeloved wife: One other equall third parte thereof I give and bequeathe to and amongst my children which shalbe liveing at the tyme of my decease viz: to so money of them w:ch shall be marryed before my decease so much thereof as with the Covennant they gave allready each shall make up theire equall third childes portion And to the other unadvanced there equall portions according to the custome of the said Cittie And the third parte of my sayed goodes chattells and debtes I referre to my selfe therewith to satisfie the Legacies hereafter in this my present last will conteyned

ITEM I give & bequeath to Martha Anne and Margaret daughters of my brother Xpher [CSG “Xpher” i.e. shortened form of Christopher] Abdy deceased to each of them twentie pounds á peece, to be payed to each of them severally Within six moneths next after theire severall marriages And yf any of my sayed three cosens Martha Anne or Margaret shall happen to dye before her or their marriage Then I will that y parte and porcon of her or them so dying shall remayne to the Survivor or Survivors of them And where I gave an obligacon of my late brother Michaell Abdy for payment of tenne pounds or thereabouts I will that my executor named shall assigne over the sayed obligacon by a sufficeint Letter of Attorney to Edward Abdye gent or to suche other person as he shall name for the recovery of the sayed tenne pounds or thereabouts to the propper use and behoofe of the sayed Edward

ITEM I give and bequeathe to my nephew Xofer (CSG: written exactly as her in original, short for Christopher) Abdy a ring of gould of the value of fortie shillings for a token of my good will: And to his wife one other ringe of gould of the like value: And where the sayed Xopher Abdy doth owe unto me three three hundred pounds of which I gave an assignement of the Lease of his house wherein he did dwell in Saint Thomas The apostle in London my will and mynde ys that ys the sayed Christofer shall within two moneths next after my decease become bound to my executor with suche sufficient securitie as my executor shall like of by obligacon in a reasonable penalty for payment of three hundred pounds of lawfull english money to my sayed executor or his ássignes in three years next after my decease viz: every yere á hundred pounds the firste payment to be xxxx within one yere next after my decease and so yeerlie á hundred pounds till the sayed three hundred pounds be payed. Then I will that my Executor shall assigne the sayed Lease to the sayed xpofer Abdy or his assignes discharged of all xxxx xxxx done by me or my sayed executor.

ITEM I give to my cosen Mary Mason


One ringe of gould of the value of fortie shillings And to the daughter Mary ?Pawne fyve poundes to be payed to her at her age of one and twentie yeres, or marriage, which of them shall first happen. ITEM I will and devise that my brother in lawe John Rewe marchantaylor shall have the use and occupation of my Shoppe and warehouse which he now occupyes within the red lyon gate in London with all commodityes thereunto belonging, nowe, in his occupacon Having (CSG: could be ‘Leaving’) and except free ingresse egresse and regresse for my executor his servants and assignes throughe the same shoppe into my dwelling house insuch manner as nowe I have and enioye the same. To have hould and enioye the same shoppe and warehouse (except before excepted) to the sayed John Rene (CSG: or Rewe) for his owne use and occupation only without letting (?) or letting thereof or of any part thereof to any other for and during such terme ánd tyme as I have yet to me in my nowe Dwelling house adioyning therunto as Mary nowe wife of the sayed John Reve (?) shall so long live) without any Rent or other consideracon to be payed for the same.

ITEM I give to my Sister Mary wife of the sayed John Reve a Ryng of gould of the value of fortie shillings for a token of my goodwill And I give to Jane Reve, my goddaughter tenne pounds to be payed unto her at her age of one and twentie yeres or marriage which of them xxxx shall first happen.

ITEM I give to the Master and Wardens of the Right worshipfull company of Marchantaylors of the Cittie of London whereof I am a brother one standing cuppe of silver all guilt of the value of tenne pounds w:th my Armes to be engraven uppon the same to remayne in the hall for the use of the Company for a remembrance of my good will for ever

ITEM I give to my loveinge freind Nicholas Spenser Marchantaylor a Ring of gould of the value of fortie shillings

ITEM I give to my godsonne Andrew White sonne of Humpfrey White tenne poundes to be payed to hym at his age of one and twentie yeres And I do by this my last will cleerly forgive and release to the sayed Humfry White all such somes of money as he doth owe unto me So as he do uppon request of my executor seale and deliver á generall acquittance to my sayed executor of all áctions and demandes whatsoever.

ITEM I give to Dorothy nowe wife of the sayed Humfry White tenne pounds. And I will and require my executor to be good unto her. And so farre as he shall thinke meete ánd necessarye to help her.

ITEM I give to the poore Inhabitants of the towne of Waith in the Countie of yorke where my father lyeth buried tenne poundes: To be paid within one yere next after my decease: And to be distributed ámongst them by the discretion of my executor hereafter named. And I will and desire my executors to place a fayer stone neer (?) the grave of my father and mother such as is convenient with the pictures and Armes of them and their children theron to be engraven

ITEM I give to be payed within one yere after my decease to the poore of Christes hospitall in London fortie shillings. And to the poor prisoners in Newgate three pounds six shillinges eight pence. And to the poore prisoners of Ludgate fortie shillings. And to the poore psoners in the Kings benche in Southwarke fyve poundes. And to the poore prsioners in the marshallsea ffyve poundes. And to the poor prisoners in the white Lyon in Southwarke three poundes Sixe shillings eight pence. And to the poore prisoners in the twoe Compters in London tenne pounds viz: to each Compter fyve poundes

ITEM I give and bequeath to M.r Edmundes parson fortie shillinges And to the Sexton and Clerke to each of them tenne shillinges. And to eache xxxxxx of the poore Almsehouses in a parishe sixe shillinges eight pence a peece.

ITEM I give and bequeath to John Greene Scryvenor fower yardes of cloathes of thirteene shillinges fower pence a yard to á make him a gowne.

ITEM I give to my kynsman and servant William Lee ffiftie poundes And I will my executor to have further consideraton of hym uppon his good service.

ITEM I give to Margery Bowdler my mayd servante ffortie poundes.

ITEM I give to Katherine, my mayde Servante fyve poundes. And to Elizabeth my servant three poundes five shillinges eight pence. And for all suche gownes as I meane to give bestowed aswellon my freinds as on my servants and others besides the said gowne which I gave to my loving freind John Davenant of the parishe of garlicke hythe in London a Ring of gould of fortie shillinges.

ITEM I give to Dorothie Vaughan (CSG: Could be Langhan) Daughter to Stephen Vaughan esquire fortie shillinges to make her some remembrance To weare for a token of my good will And to my Worshipp:ll Cosin M:r Knighton (?) a Ringe of gould worth fortie shillinges.

ITEM I give to Johane Innscombe, widowe á Bason and Ewer of silver parcell (?) guilte which I bought of her. The Residue of all and singular my goods chattells and


debts after my debtes paied my ffunerall discharged and the Legacies in this my present last will conteyned fullie satisfied I whollie give devise and bequeath to my loving sonne Humfry Abdye marchant Taylor. And of this my last will and testament I make and ordeyne the sayed Humfry Abdye my sole and only executor: Desiring hym very earnestly as my trust is in hym to see this my last will and testament in all things performed according to my true meaning and inten herein expressed And I ordayne and make my loving sonne Edmond Abdy and my Brother in Lawe John Reve and my Sonne in Lawe Nicholas Beard and my cosen and trustie servante William Lee the overseers of this my last will and testament praying them as my trustees in them to ayde and advise my executor by all the good meanes they can for the better execution of my sayd will áccordinge to my true and playne meaning. And I give and bequeath to every one of my overseers for there paynes to be taken therein a Ring of gould of the value of fortie shillinges for a token of my good will. And as touching the disposition of all and singular my Landes and tenements whereof I have ány estate of Insexxxxx I give devise and bequeathe the same in manner and forme folowing that is to saye ffirst I give and bequeathe to the sayed Humfry Abdy my sonne all that my moytie and parte of the mannor of Belgan (??) with thappurtenances in the Countie of Kent And all Landes tenements and hereditaments xxxxxx thereunto belonging ánd ápperteyning. To have and to hould to the sayd Humfry Abdy and to the heires males of his body lawfully begotten. And for want of suche yssue the remaynder thereof to Anthony Abdy my sonne and to the heires males of his bodie lawfully begotten And for want of such yssue the Remaynder thereof to Mary Abdy my daughter ánd to the heires males of her body lawfully begotten And for want of suche yssue the Remaynder thereof to Elizabeth nowe wife of Nicholas Beard Cloathworker and to the heires males of her bodye lawfully begotten And for want of suche yssue the remaynder thereof to Abdxxx Durdent sonne of Thomas Durdent my sonne in lawe and to the heires males of his body lawfullie begotten. And for want of suche yssue the Remaynder thereof to the Right heires of me the sayed Roger Abdy for ever.

ITEM I will devise and bequeathe all my Landes and tenements lying and being in Collier Rowe in the countie of Essex to Anthony Abdy my sonne and to the heires males of his bodie lawfully begotten. And for want of suche yssue the Remaynder thereof to the right heires of me the sayed Roger Abdy for ever.

ITEM I give and bequeathe to my sonne Humfry Abdy all those my tenements roomes casements and comodities with theire appurtenances lying and beyng on the backside of my nowe dwelling house within the Redlyon gate which I purchased to me and my heires of Humfry White Marchantaylor. To have and to hould to the sayed Humfry Abdy and his assignes during and untill the sayed Anthony Abdy my sonne áccomplishe the age of one and twentie yeres Then I will give devise and bequeath the sayed tenements roomes casements and commodities with theire appurtenances which I purchased of the sayed Humfry white as aforesayed to the sayed anthony Abdy and to his heires and assignes for ever.

ITEM I will and my earnest request and desire ys that my sonne Edmund Abdy shall permitt and suffer Mary my wife to have and enioye my tenement or messuage with all gardens backsides roomes casements and commodities thereunto belonging set lying and beyng at popler in the countie of Midd beyng coppiehould for and during the tearme of her naturall life without paying any rent or other consideracon to hym his heyres or assignes for the same. And I will that the sayed Mary my wife shall have the use and occupacon of all my goods and ymplementes to the sayed Edmond Abdy my sonne if he the sayed Edmond and his assignes shall pmitt and suffer my sayed wife to have and enioye the sayed messuage or tenem:t with thappurtenances during my life áccording to this my will. Provided allwayes that if my sonne Edmond shall not permitt and suffer my sayed wife to have and enioye the sayed messuage or tenement and other the premisses in popler aforesayed according to my will and request aforesayed. Then I will that the gifte and bequest of the sayed goods and ymplements by me to hym given and made as aforesayed shalbe utterly voyde. And then I give the sayed goods and ymplements to my sayed executor.

ITEM I give and bequeathe to my sonne Humfry


Abdy all the tearme estate and interest which I have or ought to have of in and to the Backroome or Warehouse parcell of the Salters rentes nowe beyng in the occupacon of the sayed Humfry and late in the occupacon of Richard May and William Maye (sic) merchant taylors (sic). And I will and my minde ys that the sayed Humfrey Abdy my sonne shall have and enioy all my messuage tenement or dwelling house with thappurtenances and all shoppes cellers roomes warehouses casements commodities ánd áppurtenances thereunto belonging set and beyng within the Redlyongate in watlynge streete in London which I have of the Demise and graunte of the worshippfull company of the Salters of the sayed Citie of London and of the demise and graunte of S:r William Harper Knighte Deceased from the tyme of my decease during and untill the sayed Anthony Abdy my sonne shall áccomplishe the age of one and twentie yeres, he the saied Humfry Abdye yealdng and paying the Rentes and performing the expence for and in respect thereof According to the Generall Leases which I have of the same And from and after such tyme as the sayd sonne Anthony Abdy shall accomplishe the áge of one and twentie yeres Then I give and bequeath all my estate Lease interest and tearme of yeres in and to my sayed dwelling house and all other the presmises within the Redlyongate aforesayd (except the sayed Backroome or warehouse scituate in the occupation of the sayed Richard Maye and William Maye to the aforesayed Anthony Abdy my sonne his executors and assignes for and during all such terme and tearmes of yeres as I have or ought to have in and to the same

In witnesse whereof to this my present last will and testament conteyning sixteene sheetes of paper I have set my hand and seale ypon the daye and yere first above written.

Roger Abdy

Sealed subscribed and pronounced by the saied Roger Abdy as his last will and testament conteyning sixteene sheetes of paper the sixteenth daye of June a thousand fyve hundred nynetie fyve in the presence of the persons hereunder named Nicholas Spenser John Reve Thomas Dunscombe Nicholas Beard John Greene Scryvenor.

PROBATUM FUIT TESTAMENTUM suprascriptum apud London coram venerabili uno Magistro willm Lewin legum
