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IN a paper Wherein the right honorable S:r Orlando Bridgman Knight and Baronett late Lord Keeper of the great Seale of England his Will and Papers were wrapped up and sealed was indorsed thus viz:t The Will and Paper of Sir Orlando Bridgman senior which he delyvered to mee May ffirst 1674 to be kept by mee Heze Burton & redelyvered mee by Doctor Burton which I will have to stand in full force according to the tenor of the same the whole to stand but where the latter controll the former May the One and Thirtyth 1674 Orlando WITNES John Snell Within which Paper is an other Paper also sealed up was indorsed these words viz:t my Will with a Paper inclosed to which the Will referrs both dated Nineteenth ffebruary 1674
TM et Tres
Codicilli preanobilis et
honorandi viri Orlando
Bridgman militia et
Baronetti et aliquandia
?XXX Custodis magni Sigilli
IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN I Orlando Bridgman Knight and Baronett this present Nineteenth day of ffebruary 1673stilo Anglia Anno Regnia Caroli secundi Regis viresimo Sexto revoking all Wills by mee made before the day of the date of these presents and most humbly recommending my Soule through the merry:s and mediation of
IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN I Orlando Bridgman Knight and Baronett this present Nineteenth day of ffebruary 1673stilo Anglia Anno Regnia Caroli secundi Regis viresimo Sexto revoking all Wills by mee made before the day of the date of these presents and most humbly recommending my Soule through the merry:s and mediation of
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Jesus Christ to God who gave it and my Body to be buried with Christian Buriall according to the Rites of the Church of England neare the place where I shall dye without Pompe and without any solemnity but such as is absolutely necessary doe make this my last Will and Testament as tocuhing that worldly Estate wherewith it hath pleased God to intrust mee beseeching him for Jesus Christs sake to pardon all my sinnes in the acquiring mispending or not spending it or any part of it as I ought and to blesse what I have given or left to my Children in giving them Grace to use it aright to his service and Glory Amen.
Jesus Christ to God who gave it and my Body to be buried with Christian Buriall according to the Rites of the Church of England neare the place where I shall dye without Pompe and without any solemnity but such as is absolutely necessary doe make this my last Will and Testament as tocuhing that worldly Estate wherewith it hath pleased God to intrust mee beseeching him for Jesus Christs sake to pardon all my sinnes in the acquiring mispending or not spending it or any part of it as I ought and to blesse what I have given or left to my Children in giving them Grace to use it aright to his service and Glory Amen.
WHEREAS upon my marriage with my deare wife I did agree to settle upon her Two hundred Pownds a yeare for her life and as part thereof I setled part of ?Wolvesarre house and demesne and ?Milns and since then I bought of the Earle of Leicester and his Lady the other Moyety which I also settled or did intend to settle upon her for her life My Will is that aswell the same premisses as also all my other Lands and Hereditaments in fflintshire and in Wigland in the County of Chester shall be a security to her for Two Hundred Powndes per Annum for her life free from all Taxes and other charges to be paid to her by my sonn Orlando or other Owner thereof for the tyme being half yearely
WHEREAS upon my marriage with my deare wife I did agree to settle upon her Two hundred Pownds a yeare for her life and as part thereof I setled part of ?Wolvesarre house and demesne and ?Milns and since then I bought of the Earle of Leicester and his Lady the other Moyety which I also settled or did intend to settle upon her for her life My Will is that aswell the same premisses as also all my other Lands and Hereditaments in fflintshire and in Wigland in the County of Chester shall be a security to her for Two Hundred Powndes per Annum for her life free from all Taxes and other charges to be paid to her by my sonn Orlando or other Owner thereof for the tyme being half yearelyat Annunciacon and Michaelmas and the first payment to be made at such of the said ffeasts as shall first happen after my decease but my Will is that my wife be content with the said Two Hundred Pownds per annum and accept it in full of her Dower Jointure or other Claime whatsoever out of my Lands or other reall Estate I doe also devise unto her all such Jewells Plate hangings Linnen Bedding Cabinetts Pictures and householdstuff which she shall have in her Custody or shall remaine in my houses in  Essex House Court or Teddington at the time of my death and all the Gold which my wife shall then have as her owne or in her Custody as mine as also the Sedans Coaches and Coachhorses which I shall have at my death I doe further give unto her Three Thowsand Pownds in money To be paid to her out of such Estate and in such manner as is expressed in a Paper bearing date with this ffirst day of may 1674  I give to my daughter Charlotte  my only Childe unpreferred for her Portion Six Thowsand Pownds To be paid and raised out of the Estate for that purpose in the said Paper bearing even date the said ffirst day of may expressed to be paid to her at the day of her marriagem but if shee marry during her mothers life time without her consent I will that her mother may dispose of it or such part therof as shee shall think fitt to which of her other Children by mee or granc children which shall be both her and my Grandchildren shee please, as also if my said daughter shall dye unmarried before her age of Sixteene
deteyned from them for my debts  There is secured by an assigned Mortgage to my self and M:r Phelipps (but in trust for mee) upon my sonnes purchase of ?Nesse One Thousand Pownds but I allwayes intended it and what further assistance I gave my sonn for that purchase to goe to the benefitt of my sonn John Bridgman to enable him to pay the summes of money and Annuityes by mee diverted to my poore kindred And therefore I doe give that mortgage and the debt due upon it to my said John Bridgman and desire M:r Phelipps if he survive mee to assigne the mortgage and Estate to my said sonn John or as she shall appoint I appoint that my sonn John Bridgman shall pay to my Nephew James Bridgeman Threescore Pownds yearely for his life but to be paid only to his owne hands and so to be ordered or setled that it shall not be subiect to my Nephewes debts or Alienation XXX also that my said sonn shall pay fforty Pownds p annm to my Neece Elizabeth daughter of my brother Richard for her life, but I desire him if shee shall marry with his consent to pay ffive Hundred Pownds for her portion and to XXXX that Annuity XX also that my said sonn John shall pay fforty Pownds per annum to my Neece Anne daughter of my brother James for her life, but I desire him if shee shall marry with his consent to pay ffyve Hundred Pownds for her portion and to ?sinck that Annuity ?Els also that my said sonn John shall pay Threescore Pownds per annnum to my sister in Law the Lady Ann Bridgeman or setled that it shall not be subiect to her debts or alienation upon the marriage of my sonn ffrancis in July 1673 with the daughter and only child of S:r Richard Barker I conveyed over Bowood to Trustees for his use in possession Also I paid in money and by Assignement of a mortgae of S:r Thomas ffanshaw ffyve and Twenty Hundred Pownds and I have entred ainto Bond for ffyve Hundred Pownds more to S:r Richard Barker Which ffyve Hundred Pownds I will have paid although Sir Richard should as I hope he will not faile in performance of his part These moneyes amounting to Three Thowsand Pownds and Bowood together with the One Hundred ownds per annm I agreed he should have for his life after his mothers death out of some Lands late Sir Richard Leas in Shropshire I doe hereby declare are in full of all Portions bequests summes of money and demands whatsoever which my sonne ffrancis hath or may claime or have from mee Except my house and Lands at Teddington which I devise to him and the heires males of his body after the decease of my wife with the remainder to his right heires  By the Articles upon the marriage of my sonne Orlando I was to lay downe towards a purchase to be made Six Thowsand Pownds but I have disbursed Seaven Thowsand Six Hundred Pownds (besides moneyes laid downe by mee for which I have Sir Thomas ?Daves security and besides Three Thowsand Two Hundred principall moneyes for which I stand ingaged with my sonn Orlando upon his purchase of Withybrooke soe that I have paid beyond my Agreement Sixteene Hundred Pownds which I have given and remitted unto him in Consideracon of his quitting his interest in my house and Lands at teddington and of the incumbrance upon his Cheshire and fflintshire Estate by my wifes Jointure of Two Hundred Pownds per Annum which will be supplyed by the Barkshire Lease upon his Grandmothers death There are Indentures menconning the particular debts of my sonn Orlando for which I stand ingaged (occasioned by his purchase) and  my security out of the same purchased lands The same at the present amounts to Three Thowsand Two Hundred principall debt which being discharged and my selfe my heires and Executor indempnified touching the same I desire the Articles concerning
the settlement of the same upon his children may be performed as for his wifes Jointure that is already fully setled according to the Articles There is a security taken by ma appointment in Two of my old servants names from Sir Raph ?Verney for ffowerteene Hundred Pownds principall money but in trust for others and not to be reckoned as any part of my estate I have constantly given acquittances for receipt of the Interest but it hath  been still paid over to the partyes concerned and noe penny of it did ever come to my hands I desire my sonn John Bridgeman to take especiall care if I shall  not otheriwse doe it in my life time for disposing those Advowsons fee ffarme REnts Tithes and other things by mee already appointed or intended and imployed for the Church or charitable uses so as his heires may not take them to theire owne uses but that they may forever goe to the uses I intended Only I will that my said sonn or his heires may present to the Trustees from time to time fitt perons for the Church of Castle Bromwich and Clifton I give to my Nephew William Bridgeman One Hundred Pownds To be paid within half a yeare after my decease And wheread I owe some money upon my Booke for charity moneyes being about One Hundred Pownds more or lesse I would have the same to be made up Two Hundred Pownds and paid within a yeare after my decease to Doctor Warner Archbishop of Rochester to be by him imployed towards Bromley Colledg lately erected by the executors of the late Lord Bishopp of Rochester whereof I am one as he shall think most usefull I doe not intend  or desire that this paper be proved with my Will if it may be avoyded but I would have it punctually performed
Signed sealed and published the Nineteenth day of ffebruary 1673  At which tyme also I published my Will of the same date in the presence of Thomas Traherne Chatford John Verdoe Richard Snowthwaite Phillipp Landman
I make it my request to my sonn Orlando at the Costs and Charges of my sonn John Bridgeman that he will with all convenient speed after my death settle his Estate in Cheshire and fflintshire so as that for defalt of issue males of his owne body It may ome to the heires males of my body and that he putt it out of his owne power to cutt it off
WITNES John Snell
IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN Considering my present condicon and not knowing how God will deale with mee in this my present sicknes but trusting in his great mercy through Jesus Christ for the salvation of my Soule I have this present ffirst day of May 1674 reconsidered my Will and the disposicon of my Estate which I made by my Will and the paper inclosed with it both bearing date on or about the Nyneteenth day of ffebruary last And finding that since that tyme my Estate is empayred partly by reason of my Pention deteyned and partly by reason of bad debts (there being due from my Tennt of the salt works about Three Hundred Pownds beside the Charges and losses touching the repaires and taking into my hands and partly by a debt owing mee by Hugh Webb over and besides One Hundred and ffyfty Pownds by Bond which I looke upon as desperate debt and to be forgiven him if he use mee well otherwise considering I say these things that I am forced to leave a greater charge and debt upon my eldest sonn who hath allwayes been a loving obedient sonn to mee and contented with his present condicon then I intend I think my self obliged to make some alteracon concerning my Estate not
intending to alter or revoke my Will or any other dispositions of my estate further then is herein expressed ffive ffirst therefore whereas there is due to mee of good debt upon security Nyne Thowsand Pownds viz:t Duchesse of Somersett lately deceased Two Thowsand ffyve Hundred Pownds Lord S:t John Three Thowsand ffyve Hundred Pownds Sir Thomas Cowes Executors Two Thowsand ffyve Hundred Pownds Cosen Thomas Kynaston ffyve Hundred Pownds I will my daughter Charlotte shall have for her Porccon Six Thowsand Pownds of this Nyne Thowsand Pownds with such interest as shall XXX proportionably due and be paid for the same from the time of my death till payment of it in towards her maintenance and education And where as I am to pay ffyve Hundred Pownds for the benefitt of my sonn ffrancis for which I have given Bond to Sir Richard Barker I will that out of the Three Thowsand Pownds residue of the said Nyne Thowsand Pownds ffyve Hundred Pownds be paid in discharge of that Bond together with the Interest as shall grow proporcconably due for the same from the time of my death till payment of it in which I think ought by the Condicon of the Bond to be paid at Michaelmas next ffyve Hundred more I give to my sonn John Bridgeman The residue of the Nyne Thowsand Pownds viz:t Two Thowsand besides what Gold my wife hath and what else I have given her by my Will I give unto my wife together with the arrere of ffyve Hundred Pownds due for my Pention at Annuntiation last w;ch I hope my Lord Treasurer according to his Ma:tes gratious promise and his Lordshipps freindshipp and kindnes to mee will cause to be paid And if I shall live till Midsomer next there will be due to mee ffyve Hundred Pownds more for my ?pencon which ffyve Hundred Pownds to be due at Midsomer (in such case) I give to my wife But in Case that I dye before Midsomer or that the last ffyve Hundred Pownds faile to be paid I desire my sonn John (and I can but desire for that estate is already setled upon him) out of the Lancashire revenue for this yeare 1674 to discharge that said debt to my said Nephew I did intend a further amends and recompence to my sonn John Bridgeman and his Children but it being Gods good pleasure to take mee away out of the world without ability to doe it I desire him to be content with what I have done beseeching God to blesse my wife and all my Children and Grandchildren and to have Mercy on my Soule
WITNES John Snell O: Hatford
MEMORANDUM that upon this ffowerth of June 1674 the right hono:ble Sir Orlando Bridgeman Knight and Baronett late Lord Keeper of the great Seale being then of perfect mind and memory declared unto this deponent that it was his Will and meaning that his daughter Charlotte Bridgeman should have Two hundred Pownds a yeare for her maintenance untill such tyme as shee should attaine Sixteene yeares of age and noe more paid to XXX XXXX XXX by his Executor but that the rest of the Interest which should be due for her Portion of Six Thowsand Pownds should during that tyme come to his Executors towards the Charges of his funerall Which for this deponents bettere memory he did sett downe in his Almanack in these words
It is my desire that my daughter have out of the interest due for the Six Thowsand XXXX Porcon Two Hundred Pownds a yeare for her maintenance till shee be Sixteene yeares of age and the other One Hundred and Sixty Pownds I give to my Executor towards the Charge of my ffunerall but I doe not think fitt to mencon it in my Will for severall Reasons
June ffowerth 1674 Eleaven a Clock  Mr Traherne Lady M. Bridgeman and M:rs Elizabeth in the roome And after the deponent had written these
Words in his Almanack he gave the Booke into my Lords hands in the presence of those Three persons above named And his Lo:pp did read the words and said that that was according to his Mind and Will  The Testator above mencconed declared what in effect is above sett downe to be part of hsi Will to mee ?Heze Burton John Snell
PROBATUM apud London fuit humismodi Testamentum una ?cuin Tribus Codicillis annexis eidem Coram venerabilis viro Richardo Lloyd Legum Doctore Surrogato venerabilis et egrgii viro Domini Leolini Jenkyns Militis Legum etiam Doctoris Curia Praerogativa Canturarienniagri Custodis sive Commissarij legitime Constituti Decimo Quinto die Mensis Julij Anno Dmi Millesimo Sexcentesimo Septuagesima Quarto Juram:to XXX Johannis Bridgeman Baronetti filii et Executoris in huismodi Testamento nominati XXX Commissa fuit Administratio omnium et singularum Bonorum Jurium et Creditorum dicti defuncti de bene et fideliter administrando eadem ad sancta dei Evangelia in debita Juris forma Jurat

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Sir Orlando Bridgeman will

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IN a paper Wherein the right honorable S:r Orlando Bridgman Knight and Baronett late Lord Keeper of the great Seale of England his Will and Papers were wrapped up and sealed was indorsed thus viz:t The Will and Paper of Sir Orlando Bridgman senior which he delyvered to mee May ffirst 1674 to be kept by mee Heze Burton & redelyvered mee by Doctor Burton which I will have to stand in full force according to the tenor of the same the whole to stand but where the latter controll the former May the One and Thirtyth 1674 Orlando WITNES John Snell Within which Paper is an other Paper also sealed up was indorsed these words viz:t my Will with a Paper inclosed to which the Will referrs both dated Nineteenth ffebruary 1674


TM et Tres
Codicilli preanobilis et
honorandi viri Orlando
Bridgman militia et
Baronetti et aliquandia
?XXX Custodis magni Sigilli

IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN I Orlando Bridgman Knight and Baronett this present Nineteenth day of ffebruary 1673stilo Anglia Anno Regnia Caroli secundi Regis viresimo Sexto revoking all Wills by mee made before the day of the date of these presents and most humbly recommending my Soule through the merry:s and mediation of


Jesus Christ to God who gave it and my Body to be buried with Christian Buriall according to the Rites of the Church of England neare the place where I shall dye without Pompe and without any solemnity but such as is absolutely necessary doe make this my last Will and Testament as tocuhing that worldly Estate wherewith it hath pleased God to intrust mee beseeching him for Jesus Christs sake to pardon all my sinnes in the acquiring mispending or not spending it or any part of it as I ought and to blesse what I have given or left to my Children in giving them Grace to use it aright to his service and Glory Amen.

WHEREAS upon my marriage with my deare wife I did agree to settle upon her Two hundred Pownds a yeare for her life and as part thereof I setled part of ?Wolvesarre house and demesne and ?Milns and since then I bought of the Earle of Leicester and his Lady the other Moyety which I also settled or did intend to settle upon her for her life My Will is that aswell the same premisses as also all my other Lands and Hereditaments in fflintshire and in Wigland in the County of Chester shall be a security to her for Two Hundred Powndes per Annum for her life free from all Taxes and other charges to be paid to her by my sonn Orlando or other Owner thereof for the tyme being half yearelyat Annunciacon and Michaelmas and the first payment to be made at such of the said ffeasts as shall first happen after my decease but my Will is that my wife be content with the said Two Hundred Pownds per annum and accept it in full of her Dower Jointure or other Claime whatsoever out of my Lands or other reall Estate I doe also devise unto her all such Jewells Plate hangings Linnen Bedding Cabinetts Pictures and householdstuff which she shall have in her Custody or shall remaine in my houses in Essex House Court or Teddington at the time of my death and all the Gold which my wife shall then have as her owne or in her Custody as mine as also the Sedans Coaches and Coachhorses which I shall have at my death I doe further give unto her Three Thowsand Pownds in money To be paid to her out of such Estate and in such manner as is expressed in a Paper bearing date with this ffirst day of may 1674 I give to my daughter Charlotte my only Childe unpreferred for her Portion Six Thowsand Pownds To be paid and raised out of the Estate for that purpose in the said Paper bearing even date the said ffirst day of may expressed to be paid to her at the day of her marriagem but if shee marry during her mothers life time without her consent I will that her mother may dispose of it or such part therof as shee shall think fitt to which of her other Children by mee or granc children which shall be both her and my Grandchildren shee please, as also if my said daughter shall dye unmarried before her age of Sixteene


deteyned from them for my debts There is secured by an assigned Mortgage to my self and M:r Phelipps (but in trust for mee) upon my sonnes purchase of ?Nesse One Thousand Pownds but I allwayes intended it and what further assistance I gave my sonn for that purchase to goe to the benefitt of my sonn John Bridgman to enable him to pay the summes of money and Annuityes by mee diverted to my poore kindred And therefore I doe give that mortgage and the debt due upon it to my said John Bridgman and desire M:r Phelipps if he survive mee to assigne the mortgage and Estate to my said sonn John or as she shall appoint I appoint that my sonn John Bridgman shall pay to my Nephew James Bridgeman Threescore Pownds yearely for his life but to be paid only to his owne hands and so to be ordered or setled that it shall not be subiect to my Nephewes debts or Alienation XXX also that my said sonn shall pay fforty Pownds p annm to my Neece Elizabeth daughter of my brother Richard for her life, but I desire him if shee shall marry with his consent to pay ffive Hundred Pownds for her portion and to XXXX that Annuity XX also that my said sonn John shall pay fforty Pownds per annum to my Neece Anne daughter of my brother James for her life, but I desire him if shee shall marry with his consent to pay ffyve Hundred Pownds for her portion and to ?sinck that Annuity ?Els also that my said sonn John shall pay Threescore Pownds per annnum to my sister in Law the Lady Ann Bridgeman or setled that it shall not be subiect to her debts or alienation upon the marriage of my sonn ffrancis in July 1673 with the daughter and only child of S:r Richard Barker I conveyed over Bowood to Trustees for his use in possession Also I paid in money and by Assignement of a mortgae of S:r Thomas ffanshaw ffyve and Twenty Hundred Pownds and I have entred ainto Bond for ffyve Hundred Pownds more to S:r Richard Barker Which ffyve Hundred Pownds I will have paid although Sir Richard should as I hope he will not faile in performance of his part These moneyes amounting to Three Thowsand Pownds and Bowood together with the One Hundred ownds per annm I agreed he should have for his life after his mothers death out of some Lands late Sir Richard Leas in Shropshire I doe hereby declare are in full of all Portions bequests summes of money and demands whatsoever which my sonne ffrancis hath or may claime or have from mee Except my house and Lands at Teddington which I devise to him and the heires males of his body after the decease of my wife with the remainder to his right heires By the Articles upon the marriage of my sonne Orlando I was to lay downe towards a purchase to be made Six Thowsand Pownds but I have disbursed Seaven Thowsand Six Hundred Pownds (besides moneyes laid downe by mee for which I have Sir Thomas ?Daves security and besides Three Thowsand Two Hundred principall moneyes for which I stand ingaged with my sonn Orlando upon his purchase of Withybrooke soe that I have paid beyond my Agreement Sixteene Hundred Pownds which I have given and remitted unto him in Consideracon of his quitting his interest in my house and Lands at teddington and of the incumbrance upon his Cheshire and fflintshire Estate by my wifes Jointure of Two Hundred Pownds per Annum which will be supplyed by the Barkshire Lease upon his Grandmothers death There are Indentures menconning the particular debts of my sonn Orlando for which I stand ingaged (occasioned by his purchase) and my security out of the same purchased lands The same at the present amounts to Three Thowsand Two Hundred principall debt which being discharged and my selfe my heires and Executor indempnified touching the same I desire the Articles concerning


the settlement of the same upon his children may be performed as for his wifes Jointure that is already fully setled according to the Articles There is a security taken by ma appointment in Two of my old servants names from Sir Raph ?Verney for ffowerteene Hundred Pownds principall money but in trust for others and not to be reckoned as any part of my estate I have constantly given acquittances for receipt of the Interest but it hath been still paid over to the partyes concerned and noe penny of it did ever come to my hands I desire my sonn John Bridgeman to take especiall care if I shall not otheriwse doe it in my life time for disposing those Advowsons fee ffarme REnts Tithes and other things by mee already appointed or intended and imployed for the Church or charitable uses so as his heires may not take them to theire owne uses but that they may forever goe to the uses I intended Only I will that my said sonn or his heires may present to the Trustees from time to time fitt perons for the Church of Castle Bromwich and Clifton I give to my Nephew William Bridgeman One Hundred Pownds To be paid within half a yeare after my decease And wheread I owe some money upon my Booke for charity moneyes being about One Hundred Pownds more or lesse I would have the same to be made up Two Hundred Pownds and paid within a yeare after my decease to Doctor Warner Archbishop of Rochester to be by him imployed towards Bromley Colledg lately erected by the executors of the late Lord Bishopp of Rochester whereof I am one as he shall think most usefull I doe not intend or desire that this paper be proved with my Will if it may be avoyded but I would have it punctually performed


Signed sealed and published the Nineteenth day of ffebruary 1673 At which tyme also I published my Will of the same date in the presence of Thomas Traherne Chatford John Verdoe Richard Snowthwaite Phillipp Landman

I make it my request to my sonn Orlando at the Costs and Charges of my sonn John Bridgeman that he will with all convenient speed after my death settle his Estate in Cheshire and fflintshire so as that for defalt of issue males of his owne body It may ome to the heires males of my body and that he putt it out of his owne power to cutt it off


WITNES John Snell

IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN Considering my present condicon and not knowing how God will deale with mee in this my present sicknes but trusting in his great mercy through Jesus Christ for the salvation of my Soule I have this present ffirst day of May 1674 reconsidered my Will and the disposicon of my Estate which I made by my Will and the paper inclosed with it both bearing date on or about the Nyneteenth day of ffebruary last And finding that since that tyme my Estate is empayred partly by reason of my Pention deteyned and partly by reason of bad debts (there being due from my Tennt of the salt works about Three Hundred Pownds beside the Charges and losses touching the repaires and taking into my hands and partly by a debt owing mee by Hugh Webb over and besides One Hundred and ffyfty Pownds by Bond which I looke upon as desperate debt and to be forgiven him if he use mee well otherwise considering I say these things that I am forced to leave a greater charge and debt upon my eldest sonn who hath allwayes been a loving obedient sonn to mee and contented with his present condicon then I intend I think my self obliged to make some alteracon concerning my Estate not


intending to alter or revoke my Will or any other dispositions of my estate further then is herein expressed ffive ffirst therefore whereas there is due to mee of good debt upon security Nyne Thowsand Pownds viz:t Duchesse of Somersett lately deceased Two Thowsand ffyve Hundred Pownds Lord S:t John Three Thowsand ffyve Hundred Pownds Sir Thomas Cowes Executors Two Thowsand ffyve Hundred Pownds Cosen Thomas Kynaston ffyve Hundred Pownds I will my daughter Charlotte shall have for her Porccon Six Thowsand Pownds of this Nyne Thowsand Pownds with such interest as shall XXX proportionably due and be paid for the same from the time of my death till payment of it in towards her maintenance and education And where as I am to pay ffyve Hundred Pownds for the benefitt of my sonn ffrancis for which I have given Bond to Sir Richard Barker I will that out of the Three Thowsand Pownds residue of the said Nyne Thowsand Pownds ffyve Hundred Pownds be paid in discharge of that Bond together with the Interest as shall grow proporcconably due for the same from the time of my death till payment of it in which I think ought by the Condicon of the Bond to be paid at Michaelmas next ffyve Hundred more I give to my sonn John Bridgeman The residue of the Nyne Thowsand Pownds viz:t Two Thowsand besides what Gold my wife hath and what else I have given her by my Will I give unto my wife together with the arrere of ffyve Hundred Pownds due for my Pention at Annuntiation last w;ch I hope my Lord Treasurer according to his Ma:tes gratious promise and his Lordshipps freindshipp and kindnes to mee will cause to be paid And if I shall live till Midsomer next there will be due to mee ffyve Hundred Pownds more for my ?pencon which ffyve Hundred Pownds to be due at Midsomer (in such case) I give to my wife But in Case that I dye before Midsomer or that the last ffyve Hundred Pownds faile to be paid I desire my sonn John (and I can but desire for that estate is already setled upon him) out of the Lancashire revenue for this yeare 1674 to discharge that said debt to my said Nephew I did intend a further amends and recompence to my sonn John Bridgeman and his Children but it being Gods good pleasure to take mee away out of the world without ability to doe it I desire him to be content with what I have done beseeching God to blesse my wife and all my Children and Grandchildren and to have Mercy on my Soule


WITNES John Snell O: Hatford

MEMORANDUM that upon this ffowerth of June 1674 the right hono:ble Sir Orlando Bridgeman Knight and Baronett late Lord Keeper of the great Seale being then of perfect mind and memory declared unto this deponent that it was his Will and meaning that his daughter Charlotte Bridgeman should have Two hundred Pownds a yeare for her maintenance untill such tyme as shee should attaine Sixteene yeares of age and noe more paid to XXX XXXX XXX by his Executor but that the rest of the Interest which should be due for her Portion of Six Thowsand Pownds should during that tyme come to his Executors towards the Charges of his funerall Which for this deponents bettere memory he did sett downe in his Almanack in these words

It is my desire that my daughter have out of the interest due for the Six Thowsand XXXX Porcon Two Hundred Pownds a yeare for her maintenance till shee be Sixteene yeares of age and the other One Hundred and Sixty Pownds I give to my Executor towards the Charge of my ffunerall but I doe not think fitt to mencon it in my Will for severall Reasons

June ffowerth 1674 Eleaven a Clock Mr Traherne Lady M. Bridgeman and M:rs Elizabeth in the roome And after the deponent had written these


Words in his Almanack he gave the Booke into my Lords hands in the presence of those Three persons above named And his Lo:pp did read the words and said that that was according to his Mind and Will The Testator above mencconed declared what in effect is above sett downe to be part of hsi Will to mee ?Heze Burton John Snell

PROBATUM apud London fuit humismodi Testamentum una ?cuin Tribus Codicillis annexis eidem Coram venerabilis viro Richardo Lloyd Legum Doctore Surrogato venerabilis et egrgii viro Domini Leolini Jenkyns Militis Legum etiam Doctoris Curia Praerogativa Canturarienniagri Custodis sive Commissarij legitime Constituti Decimo Quinto die Mensis Julij Anno Dmi Millesimo Sexcentesimo Septuagesima Quarto Juram:to XXX Johannis Bridgeman Baronetti filii et Executoris in huismodi Testamento nominati XXX Commissa fuit Administratio omnium et singularum Bonorum Jurium et Creditorum dicti defuncti de bene et fideliter administrando eadem ad sancta dei Evangelia in debita Juris forma Jurat



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