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==Alexander Bence==
==Alexander Bence senior==
'''Editorial history'''
'''Editorial history'''

Revision as of 06:48, December 6, 2011

Alexander Bence senior

Editorial history

18/11/11, CSG: Partial transcription completed



IN THE NAME OF GOD The Eight and Twentieth daye of August in the yeare of the Reigne of our Soveraigne Lord James by the grace of God of England ffrance and Ireland Kinge defender of the faith ?& the ??Truth And of Scotland the five and fforteth And in the yeare of our Lord God one Thousand six hundred and Twelve I Alexander Bence of Aldeburghe in the countie of Suffolk Marchante beinge of good mynde and pfect Remembrance thanks be unto Allmightie God therefore doe make this my last will and Testament in manner and forme followinge,

FFIRST I commende my sowle into the hands of Allmightie God my Creator assuredly trustinge by the death and passion of my Saviour Jesus Christ my Redeemer to have full remission and forgiveness of my synnes,

ITEM I doe give and bequeath into John Bence my sonne All my Landes and Tenements both free and ?bond w:th all and singular there appurtenances scituate lyeinge and beinge in Benhall w:th in the countie aforesaid To have and to hold the same landes and Tenements w:th th appurtenances unto the said John Bence his heires and Assignes To the only use of the said John Bence his heires and Assignes for ever, provided all wayes I will That the said John Bence his heires Executors or Assignes shall paye or cause to be paide unto Robte Bence my sonne his Executors or assignes the somme of Two hundred pounds of lawfull English money in the ?South ?porch of the ?pishe Church of Aldeburghe aforesaid in manner and forme followinge That is to saye w:th in one yeare next after my decease One hundred poundes thereof And within one other yeare then next followinge one other hundred poundes the residue thereof, And if the said John Bence my sonne his heires and assignes shall make defalt of payement of the saide some of Twoe hundred poundes or of and pte thereof contrarie to my true intent and meaninge herein before expressed, Then I will that it shall be lawefull to and for the said Robert Bence his heires and assignes into the said Lands and Tenements both ffree and bond w:th the appurtenances to enter, And the said John Bence his heires and Assignes thereout to expell putt off and remove. And the same premisses To have hold accompt possesse and enioye and the yssues and proffits thereof to receive and take untill the said John Bence his heires Executors or assignes shall have satissfie and unto the said Robert Bence his Executors or assignes the somme of Twoe hundred and Threescore Poundes of lawfull English money any thinge to the contrarie before in these presents in any wise not w:th standinge, provided allwayes neverthelesse my meaninge is And I will that the said John Bence his heires or assignes shall not put out George Hawes my Tennte nowe former of the said premisses or any pte thereof duringe the terme of Three yeares xxxx xxxx xxx at the ffeast of S:t Michell tharkeangell next xxxxringe after my decease from the occupacon of the same premisses in respecte of the troble he hathe bene at towards and concerninge my newe buildinge there Soe as the same be not premxxxxx or hurtfull to the tythe thereof ashereby the Lord wherein the same premisses or any pte thereof bene XXXXX mayetake any advantage by reasonof any XXXXX or forfeiture, And soe as the saide George Hawes shall yerlie and everie yeare duringe the saide terme paye unto my saide sonne John Bence his heires and assignes the somme of ffive and Twentie poundes of lawfull Englishe money at the ffeaste of Thannciacon of our ladie S:t Marie the virgin and S:t Michell tharkeangell by equall porcons And shall before the begynnynge of the said terme uppon reasonable request enter into sufficient covenante unto my saide sonne John his heires or Assignes, That is the saide George Hawes his Executors or Assignes shall, not duringe the saide terme plowe or have in tillage any other landes of the XXXX demise premisses but such as be nowe in?tilthe other then the number of six acres, And that he shall at the tyme of the breakeinge upp thereof And from thence forth laye of the landes nowe in tillage to the quantitie of six acres And shall not cutt downe or take any tymber wood bushes or thornes uppon the said premisses or any ptse thereof other than sufficient XXXXinge stuffe for mendinge and makeinge the XXXX uppon the said premisses, And six cart loads of wood for his ?fireinge to be spente uppon the said p:rmisses and not ellsweare, And that the said George Hawes his Executors or Assignes shall in ??thend of the said terme leave and yeld upp unto the saide John Bence his heires and Assignes the walls of the howses and buildings uppon the same premisses the glasse and lattizes uppon the windowes of the said howses and keyes uppon the dores thereof And the ditches fences and gates uppon the same premisses well and sufficiently repayred. Itm I doe give and bequeath


unto the saide John Bence my sonne one quarter of the shipp called the Marie and John of Aldeburghe, and one quarter or forth parte of the guns municon bote XXXXX cables Ropes furniture Tackle and apparrell unto the said shipp belonginge or appteyneinge, And one quarter of the Shipp called the Lyon and of the guns Municon bote furniture tackle and Apparrell unto the same shippe belonginge or in any wyse appteyneinge, And one Third pte of the shipp called the Thomas and of the Bote furniture Tackle and apparell to the same shipp belongeinge or apperteyneinge,

Itm I doe give and bequeath unto Alexander Bence my sonne and to his heires and Assignes for ever, All that my Messuage or Tenement w:th thappurtenance in Aldeburghe aforesaid nowe in the company of Roberte XXXXXXXX or his Assignes, And all the Howses buildings landes To XX Rents hereditaments marshes meadowes pastures ffeedings hXXXXXX and ShXXXXXX w:th all and singuler there appurtenances to the said messuage belongeinge used or occupied scituate lyeingeand beinge in Aldeburghe aforesaide Eastewood and ffriston in the Countie aforesaid or in other of them and be none in the tenure or occupacon of the saide Roberte ?Leterdowne of his Assignes, And all other my Landes Tenements and hereditaments w:th all and singuler there appurteninge scituate lyeinge and beinge in Aldeburghe haslewood and ffriston aforesaid or in either of them likewise nowe in the occupacon of the saide Roberte ?Leterdowne of his Assignes and one pece of Lande late Richard Gardener scituate lyeinge and beinge in XXXXXXX and haslewood aforesaide or in one of them nowe in the occupacon of Willm ??Kerrey or his Assignes And my Tacklehowse at or nere ?Slangstinge in Aldeburghe aforesaid and the ground thereunto belongeinge w:th thappurtenances w:ch I lately purchased of my late brother Roberte Bence nowe deceased, To have and to hold the saide premisses (to the said Alexander my sonne and his heires given as aforesaide) XXXXXX the same Alexander his heires and Assignes To the only use of him the saide Alexander Bence his heires and Assignes for ever to enter the same at his age off fower and Twentie yeres, uppon condicon that he the saide Alexander Bence my sonne his heires or Assignes shall paye or casue to be paide unto Robert Bence my sonne his Executors or assignes the some of one hundred poundes of lawfull English money, And unto ?Rose Johuson my daughter the wife of Thomas Johushon or to her Assignes the some of ffiftie poundes of like lawfull Englishe money w:thin six monethes next after the said Alexander Bence my sonne shall accomplish his saide age of ffower and Twentie yeares in the porch of pishe Churche of Aldeburghe aforesaid, And if defalt of payement of the said some of one hundred poundes and of the saide some of ffiftie poundes or either of them or any pte or pcell of them or either of them shall be made contrarie to my trewe intent and meaninge herein before expressed,  ?Then I will that it shall and maye be lawfull to and for the saide Robert Bence and ???? Joshuson and either of them there and either of their Executors and Assignes w:ch shall be ?beste ??unpaid y XXXXXX after suche deafalt of payment made into the saide landes Tenements and premisses unto the said Alexander my sonne given as aforesaid, And the saide Alexander Bence my sonne his heires and Assignes thereXXX to expell putt out and remove, And the same to have hold occupie possesse and enioye, And the proffitts thereof to receive and take untill the saide Alexander Bence his heires Executors or Assignes shall have fully satisfied and paide unto the saide Robert Bence my sonne his Executors or Assignes the said some of one hundred poundes of lawfull English money And unto the said Rose JoXXXX my daughter hir Executors or Assignes the said some of ffiftie poundes of lawfull Englishe money any thinge before in these presents to the contrarie notw:thstandinge,

Itm I doe give and bequeath unto the said Alexander Bence my sonne one quarter of the saide Shipp called the Marie and John And one quarter of the Bote guns municon furniture Tackle and apparell unto the same Shipp belonginge or apperteyninge And one quarter or forth parte of all my brasse pewter Beddinge Sheetes lynnen cover XXXX Blanketts bolsters pillowes Ruggs and XXXX And allsoe one quarter of fforth parte of all my plate, And whereas Thomas Squior deceased by his last will and Testament in wryhtinge did devise that I should paye unto the saide Alexander


Bence my sonne the somme of one hundred marks of lawfull Englishe money at such tyme as Squire Bence my sonne should accomplish
