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|Status=Uploadd image
|Status=Uploaded image; partially transcribed on 04/11/2016
|First transcriber=Untranscribed
|First transcriber=Colin Greenstreet
|First transcribed=2016/11/04
|Note=IMAGE: IMG_118_08_3541.JPG
|Note=IMAGE: IMG_118_08_3541.JPG
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Balderie contra Backhus}
Balderie contra Backhus}
Martyn {?XXkins]}
Martyn {?XXkins]}
'''Rp E.B.'''
'''Johannes Hearne''' de Sancta Dunstans in quoad London Blacksmith aetatis
'''Johannes Hearne''' de Sancta Dunstans in quoad London Blacksmith aetatis
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would goe downe and acquaint this examinate there with and stopp
would goe downe and acquaint this examinate there with and stopp
another lighter that was to come upp for ballast alsoe to the sayd shippe
another lighter that was to come upp for ballast alsoe to the sayd shippe
from this examaminate but before this examinate had notice of the passage aforesayd
from this examaminate but before this examinate had notice of the passage aforesayd and
could speake with the sayd Backhouse aboute the same hee had news that
the Lighter aforesayd in question was suncke by reason the sayd
shipps Company after the Lightermen had fastnened her to the shippe and
were gon had removed her from that place and brought her to the shipps
side and heabeinge ballast into her as ought to have bine had suncke her by meanes
whereof the sayd Lighter is utterlye loste to the sayd Balderie the same beinge till that disaster
a stronge thight staunch and sufficient lighter able to have carried
above twenty tonns of ballast if well stowed in her and being worth at the least twenty poundes
sterlinge this hee sayeth is true by vertue of his oath alr nescit savage hee
beleeveth that it hath and will cost the sayd Balderie in weighinge the [?XXX]
or peeces of the sayd Lighter in case hee have or doe endeavour
and performe the same [?XXXXXXX] at least the summe of five poundes sterlinge/
Ad Interria
Ad 1us negative/
Ad 2 [?XXpte] sua [?XXX] nescit/
Ad 3 salvis predepoita nescit/
Ad 4 et 5 salvis predepoita ad qua se refert nescit/
Ad 6. rendet that the lighter in question was of the burthen of twentye tonnes

Latest revision as of 23:17, November 4, 2016


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HCA 13/61 f.14v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


2[?3] ffebruary 1647

Balderie contra Backhus}
Martyn {?XXkins]}


Rp E.B.

Johannes Hearne de Sancta Dunstans in quoad London Blacksmith aetatis
40 annorum aut eo ciciter testis in hic pte productus iuratus et examinatus
deponit et dicit [?XX] se quit[?X] videlicet/

Ad primum secundum et [?XXXX] arlos Libelli in hic [?XX] ad quo pte Baldere dat et
admiss deponit et dicit that the arlate William Backhouse master of the arlate shippe
the Providence [?XXXXX] uppon or about the 14th of December last past came to
this examinate and told him that hee had taken ballast into his shippe the Providence
of a ballast man whoe had abused him and haveinge gotten
a fraight of Corne for his shippe and willinge to be ridd of the sayd ballast
hee had rather this examinate should have the sayd ballast for nothing then that
the ballastman should have it againe or any other for nothing and thereuppon
wished this examinate to send for it and hee should have it for
heaveinge in but this examinate told him the said Backhouse hee could not gett
or hire men to heave it in at that rate whereuppon the sayd Backhouse
then wished him to send upp some lighters up to the shippe for the same
and sayd that his men should heave it into the lighters and uppon
that consideration This examinate haveinge hired the lighter in question of the arlate
Balderie the owner of her for the space of one whole yeare did
uppon or aboute the said 14th saye of December aforesaidsend upp the
sayd Lighter from St Catherines where the Lighter then was to
Buttolph Wharfe where the said Backhouse his shippe then laye for
the ballast aforesaid and sent upp two men in the said Lighter to
conduct and guide her but the sayd men with the sayd Lighter as
they have since informed this examinate arrivinge with the sayd Lygter to the
sayd shippe for the ballast aforesayd demandinge the service of the
sayd Backhouses Company that were aboard the Company refused to heave
the same into the sayd Lighter which the sayd men perceivinge they
desired leave of the sayd Company to fasten the lighter to the sayd shippe
which was accordinglye don as hee hath heard and told them that they
would goe downe and acquaint this examinate there with and stopp
another lighter that was to come upp for ballast alsoe to the sayd shippe
from this examaminate but before this examinate had notice of the passage aforesayd and
could speake with the sayd Backhouse aboute the same hee had news that
the Lighter aforesayd in question was suncke by reason the sayd
shipps Company after the Lightermen had fastnened her to the shippe and
were gon had removed her from that place and brought her to the shipps
side and heabeinge ballast into her as ought to have bine had suncke her by meanes
whereof the sayd Lighter is utterlye loste to the sayd Balderie the same beinge till that disaster
a stronge thight staunch and sufficient lighter able to have carried
above twenty tonns of ballast if well stowed in her and being worth at the least twenty poundes
sterlinge this hee sayeth is true by vertue of his oath alr nescit savage hee
beleeveth that it hath and will cost the sayd Balderie in weighinge the [?XXX]
or peeces of the sayd Lighter in case hee have or doe endeavour
and performe the same [?XXXXXXX] at least the summe of five poundes sterlinge/

Ad Interria

Ad 1us negative/

Ad 2 [?XXpte] sua [?XXX] nescit/

Ad 3 salvis predepoita nescit/

Ad 4 et 5 salvis predepoita ad qua se refert nescit/

Ad 6. rendet that the lighter in question was of the burthen of twentye tonnes