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==Suggested links==
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See [[MRP: PROB 4/8072 Inventory of John Jolliffe, 1676 (scroll)|PROB 4/8072 Inventory of John Jolliffe, 1676 (scroll)]]
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John Joliffe will

PROB 11/362 Bath 1-59 Will of John Jolliffe of London 15 January 1680

Editorial history

05/10/11, CSG: Created page

Abstract & context

Suggested links

See PROB 4/8072 Inventory of John Jolliffe, 1676 (scroll)

To do


[TRANSCRIBED 14/04/2009]

In the Name of God Amen
The tenth day of October in the yeare of our Lord One thousand six hundred seventie nyne I John Jolliffe of London esqr. Doe make this my last Will and Testament, And first I commend and bequeath my Spirit to God who gave it, and my bodie to the Earth from whence it was taken, to be decently interred at the discretion of my Executors hereafter named, whom I desire not to expend above five hundred Marks or thereabouts in my funerall my mynde not inclyning to a pompous buriall, And as concerning that temporall estate as it hath pleased God to bestow upon mee I dispose thereof as followeth. In the first place my will is, and I doe appoint, that all such debts as I shall owe unto any person or persons at the tyme of my death either in Law equitie or good conscience be fully payd and satisfied: And whereas by Articles of Agreement upon the marriage of my now deare and loving wife Anne Jolliffe[1] I am to leave her the summe of three thousand pounds of good and lawfull money of England in lieu and full compensation of all that shee may or can claime or demand of or out of my Estate reall or personall for her Dower or title of Dower, or by the Custome of the Citie of London (of which I am a freeman) or otherwise howsoever, except what I shall freely give her, And my said loving wife hath agreed to accept thereof accordingly, as by the said Articles will appear; my will is, that the said Three thousand pounds be well and truly payd unto her out of the first moneys that shall be gotten in and retained of my personall Estate;

ITEM I give unto her my said loving wife my Tapestrie hangings in the best Parlour in my House in London, and also Threescore pounds of lawfull English money, to be paid unto her as aforesaid, over and above the said Three thousand pounds, together with all such Goods Jewells and household-stuff as were herss at the time of Our intermarriage: and whereas I am possessed of or interested in the Summe of two thousand five hundred pounds capitall or originall Adventure in the now generall joynt Stock of the East India Companie, my will further is that my said wife shall have and enjoy the whole profit and benefit of One thousand Pounds thereof during her naturall life and widdowhood (that is to say) All such Dividend as shall to be made or ordered by the said Company for or in respect thereof whilst she lives and contynues my Widdow, But my meaning is not, that shee shall hereby be intituled to demand any part of the said Stock itself however it may happen to arise in value above what it now goes at:

ITEM I give unto my two eldest daughters Elizabeth Jolliffe and Anne Jolliffe three thousand Pounds apeece, and to my daughter Mary two thousand five hundred Pounds, and to my eldest Sonn William Jolliffe two thousand pounds, And alsoe I give unto him the said William Jolliffe One thousand Pounds of my said Adventure or share in the said East India Stock, And I give unto my youngest Sonn Thomas Jolliffe likewise two thousand pounds in money, also One thousand Pounds of my said Adventure in the said East India Stock after the death or marriage of my said wife his mother first happening, And my will is, that the severall summes of money hereinbefore given to my said Children shall be payd unto them respectively at their respective Ages of One and twentie yeares or dayes of Marriage first happening; And if any of my said Children shall happen to dye before hee or shee shall attaine to that Age, or be married, my will is that the part or portion of him or her soe dying shall goe and be equally divided to and amongst the Survivours of my said five Children share and share alike, and the same I likewise Order as concerning the said thousand pounds apeece in my East-India-Stocke, which I have hereinbefore given to my said two Sonns, that if either of them dye before hee shall attaine his said age of One and twentie yeares or be married, Then the share of him soe dying, shall goe and be divided to and amongst the Survivours of my said five Childen share and share alike.

ITEM I give unto the severall persons hereafter named the severall Legacies or Summes of money hereafter mentioned (that is to say) to my daughter Rebekah Moyer the wife of Samuel Moyer the younger[2] of London merchant,whom I have already fully preferred upon her marriage with her said husband, the summe of five hundred pounds as a farther token of my love to her, and in remembrance of her;

ITEM to my sister Harison fiftie pounds;

ITEM to my Sister Hill twenty pounds;

ITEM to my Sister Dame Anne Dethicke

Fiftie pounds;

ITEM to my brother Isaac Boothby[3] my Cousin William Jolliffe Mr. Samuel Moyer the elder[4] Rebekah Whichcot the wife of Dr. Benjamin Whichcot my Cousin Jamaris Cudworth the wife of Dr. Ralph Cudworth my Cousin Saraah Mordant widdow and to my Cousin Elizabeth Palmer the wife of Mr. William Palmer twentie pounds apeece;

ITEM to my Cousin Elizabeth Ash widdow Fiftie pounds;

ITEM I give to my Servant Richard Williamson the summe of One hundred pounds over and above what Wages or Salary shall be due unto him at the tyme of my death, to be payd unto him when he shall have given to my Executors a just and cleare Accompt of all my Estate in his hands or management, and not before, and I give the same unto him to encourage him to be just and faire in his said Accompts to my Executors, And upon confidence that he will take some paines in asisting them to get in my Estate;

ITEM to every other of my Servants whether man or maid-servant that shall bee with mee at the tyme of my death one years wages over and above what wages shall be due to them at the tyme of my death; Also my Will is, that if I shall have any apprentice or apprentices at the time of my decease, that they be well dealt with, and then such part of the money I had with them be repayd to them respectively, or unto their respective Parents or other Friends who placed them with mee, as my Executor with the aid of my said Cousin William Joliffe Samuell Moyre the elder and my said Brother Boothby shall judge just and reasonable.

ITEM I give to the poore of the Parish of Leeke in the Countie of Stafford where I was borne twentie pounds, and to the Poore of the Towne of Congleton in the Countie of Chester Sixteen pounds, and to the Poore of the Parish of St. Martin-Outwith in London[5] where I now live tenn Pounds, the said severall Summes given to the said severall Parishes or their Poore to be presently distributed by the Church-wardens of the said respective Parishes to their respective Poore, for that I doe not intend to save the Rich any part of their Assessments for their Poore by this my Guift.

ITEM I give two hundred pounds to be distributed by my Executors among poore Ministers or other Preachers of the Gospel or their Widows with the advise of Dr. Gacomb Mr. Watson and Mr. Jacson, my desire being that poore Ministers and Preachers in the Country as well as in the Citie may partake of this my Bequest.

ITEM I give to my said daughter Elizabeth if she contynue unmarried untill my death and not otherwise the Summe of One hundred pounds over and above the Three thousand pounds herein before given unto her. All the rest & residue of my Goods Chatells Debts Stock in the East-India-Company and personal Estate whatsoever, my will is that (after my debts funeralls and Legacies herein bequeathed shall be fully payd and discharged) the same shall be disposed of in manner following (that is to say) All the said residue shall in the first place be applied to or towards the Payment of Five hundred pounds to my said Daughter Mary over and above what I have hereinbefore given unto her to make up her portion three thousand pounds to be payd unto her in the same manner as her portion or legacie of two thousand five thousnd five hundred pounds as herein before appointed to be payd unto her (viz) at her Age of one and twentie yeares or day of marriage first happening; And if she dye before either, then the same alsoe to survive to the rest of my said five Children equally And if any thing shall yet remaine of the said Residue of my Estate after the said five hundred pounds shall be payd and satisfied to my said Daughter Mary, the same shall goe & be divided to and amongst my said five Children share and share alike, and be payd unto them respectively at their said Ages of One & twentie yeares or dayes of marriage first happening, And if any dye before that age or marriage, Then his or her share soe dying shall likewise goe to and be divided amongst the Survivours of my said five Children as aforesaid, Provided always that if any of my said Children shall not rest contented & satisfyed in and with such part and Portion of my Estate as I have hereby given and allotted unto them respectively, but shall resort to the Custome of London, or to any other Right or title but this my last Will for any part or share thereof, Or shall claime or demand any part or portion of or out of my Estate reall or personall by the said Custome or any other right or title or open or under any other pretence or colour than this my Will only Or shall refuse upon the request of my Executors to make seale and duely execute a good and sufficient Release in the Law of all claimes and demands of into or ut of my said Estate or any part thereof by the said Custome of London or by any Right title pretence or colour whatsoever other than this my Will, In such case my express mynd and will is, and is hereby declared to be, That such of my said Children as shall make any such claime and demand, or shall refuse to make seale and duly execute such Release as aforesaid, shall have noe manner of Benefit by this my will but shall abide by the said London Custome, or such other Right or Title as they have resorted to for his or her portion of or out of my Estate, And what they shall thereby loose shall goe One third to my said Wife, and the rest to my other Children, Any thing herein before contayned to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding, And I doe hereby farther expressly charge my said Children that they doe rest satisfied with this my Will and such dispositions of my Estate as I have hereby made, And I doubt of their good Compliance with my desires herein, the rather for that I am very sure I have hereby bequeathed and allotted unto very of them much more than any of their parts or shares by the said London Custome, or by any other right or title than this my Will can amount unto: And as concerning my reall Estate of Inheritance the same being only my now dwelling house in the said Parish of St.Martin-Outwith London and three Tenements adjoining thereunto, and some Land or tenement in the Countie of Chester I give and devise the same on to my said Sonn William Jolliffe and the Heires male of his Bodie lawfully begotten or to be begotten And for default of such issue to my said Sonn Thomas Jolliffe and the Heires male of his bodie lawfully begotten or to be begotten And for default of such issue, to my own right Heires forever And whereas I have the Summe of One hundred and Fiftie pounds of my said Sister Harrison’s in my hands for which I long since promised and engaged to give and allow her the Summe of twenty pounds per Annum for and during the Terme of her naturall life, and have accordingly soe done for severall yeares, Now better to secure the payment thereof unto her after my death my will is, that my said now dwelling house in the said Parish of St. Martin-Outwith in London and the other Rents issues and profits thereof shall stand and be subject and lyable to and charged & chargeable with the Payment thereof, And in consideration of the said One hundred and Fiftie pounds I doe hereby give and devise unto her my said Sister Harrison and her assigns for and during the Terme of her naturall life an Annuity or yearly Rent-charge of twentie pounds of lawfull money of England, to be had taken xxxxx and xxxxx, and to be geting and issuing out of my said dwelling-house, and to be payd at the four most usuall Feasts or dayes of Payment in the yeare (that is to say) the Feast of the Birth of Our Lord God the Annunciation of the blessed Virgin Mary the Nativity of Saint John-Baptist and Saint Michaell the Archangell by even and equall portions The first Payment thereof to begin and to be made upon such of the said Feasts as shall first happen after my decease, with power to distreyne for the same, if it shall happen to be behind and unpayd in part or in all after any of the said Feasts, Anything herein before contained to the contrarie notwithstanding And of this my last Will and Testament I make and ordaine my said Sister Detthicke and my said Sonn in Lawe Samuel Moyer my whole and sole Executors and I give to each of them for their paines to be taken therein the Summe of Fiftie pounds over and above what I have herein before given to themor either of them And I doe appoint the said Samual Moyer the elder my said Brother Isaac Boothby my said Cousin William Jolliffe and William Moses of Grayes-Inne in the Countie of Middlesex Esq to be Overseers of my said Will, desiring them to be assisting to my said Executors in the Execution thereof, and for their paines to be taken therein I give unto each of them tenn pounds to buy them mourning, over and above what I have hereinbefore given to any of them, And I doe hereby revoke all Wills and Testaments heretofore by mee made, and doe declare and publish this present writing consisting of four Sheets of Paper to be and containe my last & only Will

In witnesse whereof I have set my hand to every of the said Sheets at the bottom thereof and my hand and Seale unto a Labele by which all the said Sheets are fastened-together at the topp thereof


This writing consisting of four sheets of Paper was signed and sealed by John Jolliffe of London Esq, and by him declared and published to be and containe his last Will and Testament in the presence of

Will. Moses James aCourt Thomas Fitch


Possible primary sources


PROB 4/8072 Inventory of John Jolliffe, 1676 (scroll)
  1. John Jolliffe's first wife, Rebecca Boothby, died in 1674, and was buried in St. Martin Outwich ('Pedigree of Boothby', in Frederick Arthur Crisp (ed.), Visitation of England and Wales, Notes, vol. 12 (London, 1917), p. 150
  2. John Jolliffe was also brother-in-law to Leonard Moyer
  3. John Jolliffe married Rebecca Boothby (b. 1633/34, d. 1674). She was the daughter of Walter Boothby (b. 1600, d. ?1669), a London merchant, haberdasher, and alderman, who was of Tottenham, Middlesex ('Pedigree of Boothby', in Frederick Arthur Crisp (ed.), Visitation of England and Wales, Notes, vol. 12 (London, 1917), p. 150).
  4. Leonard Moyer, brother of Samuel Moyer (?the younger), was John Jolliffe's brother-in-law
  5. Rebecca Jolliife, wife of John Jolliffe, was buried at St Martin Outwich in 167X