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(Created page with "{{PageMetaData |Parent volume=HCA 3/46 |Folio=36 |Side=Verso |Status=Page created 29/04/2015 |First transcriber=Colin Greenstreet |First transcribed=2015/04/29 |Note=IMAGE: CI...")
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|Status=Page created 29/04/2015
|Status=Uploaded image; transcribed on 29/04/2015
|First transcriber=Colin Greenstreet
|First transcriber=Colin Greenstreet
|First transcribed=2015/04/29
|First transcribed=2015/04/29
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|Transcription image={{#transcription-image: CIMG1530.JPG}}
|Transcription=Rose against Maples}
Colequite Suckley}
Which day appeared personally the said
Rose whome the Judges at his owne
proper costes and charges receaved
and administred an oath unto him to make
a true answere to the allegation given against
him on the behalf of the said Maples, and then
the said Rose gave in his answare in writinge
which he acknowledged to be true./
A Buisines of examination of}
wittnesses on the behalf}
of ffowell<ref>ffowell spelled as Howell lower on same page</ref> Bloe and others&#125;
to touchinge the losse of the&#125;
shipp ''Talbot'' whereof&#125;
Joseph Bloe was master and&#125;
her ladinge seized by
some of the subiects of&#125;
the kinge of Portugall&#125;
Which day the said Colequite
upon the allegation by him in this
cause given and admitted produced
for a wittnes Andrew Rand
Whome the Judges receaved
and administred an oath unto
him to speake the truth at the
tyme of his examination./
John Baptista younker against&#125;
John King, Suckley Smith&#125;
Which day the said Suckley
gave a libell in writinge
which the Judges at his petition
did admitt soe farr as the same
is by lawe admissible which being
admitted and repeated and the said
Smith not beleevinge the same to be
true The Judges did decree for the
answer of the said kinge the third daye
after if et cetera and assigned him to prove
the same the third Session from hence Then
the said Suckley upon the said libell produced
for a wittnes John K&#91;?int&#93; whome the Judges receaved
and administred an oath unto him to speake the truth
at their examination in the presence of the said Smith dissenting
and havinge the usuall time for Interrogatories./
Jacob Blinkinsopp against the shipp&#125;
The ''Charitie'' of Newcastle nowe&#125;
or latelie soe called whereof Robert&#125;
harrigate was and nowe John&#125;
Penny is master and her tackle et cetera&#125;
and against the said harrigate and
all others et cetera Clements ffrancklin&#125;
Which day the said ffrancklin
appeared for George Griggs
and Company and made himself
party for them and alleadged
that the said shipp doth belonge
into them, and produced for
sureties Martin
Westcombe of Mincing Lane
London merchant, and George Peard
of the same place merchant whoe
submittinge themselves et cetera obliged
themselves et cetera for the said George Griggs
and Companye in the suma of sixtye
pounds of lawfull money of England to the
said Jacob Blinkinsopp to answere the Action
commenced by him against the said shippe, and to pay
what the said Griggs and Company shalbe
condemned in with expences of suite in case
they shalbee overthrowne, and to bringe forth the said
Griggs and Company in iudgement whensoever their
presence shalbe required And unles  et cetera which Caution the
Judges receaved, and decreed the said shippe to be
released from the arrest./
A Busines of examination of wittnesses&#125;
on the behalfe of howell<ref>Howell spelled as ffowell higher on same page</ref> Bloe and&#125;
Company touchinge the losse of the&#125;
shipp The ''Talbott'' seized by some&#125;
of the subiects of the kinge of&#125;
Portugall, Clements, Bud&#125;
'''Satturday the 22th'''
'''day of Aprill 1654'''
before the worshipfull William
Clarke and John Godolphin
doctors of Lawes Judges et cetera
in the dyninge Chamber et cetera

Latest revision as of 11:35, May 31, 2016


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HCA 3/46 f.36v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


Rose against Maples}
Colequite Suckley}

Which day appeared personally the said
Rose whome the Judges at his owne
proper costes and charges receaved
and administred an oath unto him to make
a true answere to the allegation given against
him on the behalf of the said Maples, and then
the said Rose gave in his answare in writinge
which he acknowledged to be true./

A Buisines of examination of}
wittnesses on the behalf}
of ffowell[1] Bloe and others}
to touchinge the losse of the}
shipp Talbot whereof}
Joseph Bloe was master and}
her ladinge seized by
some of the subiects of}
the kinge of Portugall}

Which day the said Colequite
upon the allegation by him in this
cause given and admitted produced
for a wittnes Andrew Rand
Whome the Judges receaved
and administred an oath unto
him to speake the truth at the
tyme of his examination./

John Baptista younker against}
John King, Suckley Smith}

Which day the said Suckley
gave a libell in writinge
which the Judges at his petition
did admitt soe farr as the same
is by lawe admissible which being
admitted and repeated and the said
Smith not beleevinge the same to be
true The Judges did decree for the
answer of the said kinge the third daye
after if et cetera and assigned him to prove
the same the third Session from hence Then
the said Suckley upon the said libell produced
for a wittnes John K[?int] whome the Judges receaved
and administred an oath unto him to speake the truth
at their examination in the presence of the said Smith dissenting
and havinge the usuall time for Interrogatories./

Jacob Blinkinsopp against the shipp}
The Charitie of Newcastle nowe}
or latelie soe called whereof Robert}
harrigate was and nowe John}
Penny is master and her tackle et cetera}
and against the said harrigate and
all others et cetera Clements ffrancklin}

Which day the said ffrancklin
appeared for George Griggs
and Company and made himself
party for them and alleadged
that the said shipp doth belonge
into them, and produced for
sureties Martin
Westcombe of Mincing Lane
London merchant, and George Peard
of the same place merchant whoe
submittinge themselves et cetera obliged
themselves et cetera for the said George Griggs
and Companye in the suma of sixtye
pounds of lawfull money of England to the
said Jacob Blinkinsopp to answere the Action
commenced by him against the said shippe, and to pay
what the said Griggs and Company shalbe
condemned in with expences of suite in case
they shalbee overthrowne, and to bringe forth the said
Griggs and Company in iudgement whensoever their
presence shalbe required And unles et cetera which Caution the
Judges receaved, and decreed the said shippe to be
released from the arrest./

A Busines of examination of wittnesses}
on the behalfe of howell[2] Bloe and}
Company touchinge the losse of the}
shipp The Talbott seized by some}
of the subiects of the kinge of}
Portugall, Clements, Bud}

Satturday the 22th
day of Aprill 1654
before the worshipfull William
Clarke and John Godolphin
doctors of Lawes Judges et cetera
in the dyninge Chamber et cetera

  1. Jump up ffowell spelled as Howell lower on same page
  2. Jump up Howell spelled as ffowell higher on same page