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(Created page with "{{PageMetaData |Parent volume=HCA 13/76 |Folio=65 |Side=Verso |Status=Pasted from Bron.wikispot.org/HCA_13/76_Part_One, 16/04/2015 |First transcriber=Colin Greenstreet |Note=I...")
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|Status=Pasted from Bron.wikispot.org/HCA_13/76_Part_One, 16/04/2015
|Status=Uploaded image; transcribed on 25/11/2015
|First transcriber=Colin Greenstreet
|First transcriber=Colin Greenstreet
|Note=IMAGE: P1100048
|First transcribed=2015/11/25
|Note=IMAGE: IMG_121_11_6012.JPG
|Transcription=that the said coppXXX was for the said Roberts his accompt, and for XX
|Transcription image={{#transcription-image: IMG_121_11_6012.JPG}}
the moneyes w:ch this deponent received of the said Real for fitting
|Transcription=that the said [?copprace] was for the said Roberts his accompt, and for [?XX]
and victualling the vessell, hee tooke this deponents XXXXX XX XXX
the moneyes which this deponent received of the said Real for fitting
?other and for the said Roberts his accompt, and told this extaminate that
and victualling the vessell, hee tooke this deponents receipt as being
hee would send the accompt to Stockholm to the said Roberts for
opem and for the said Roberts his accompt, and told this examinate that
hee would send the accompt to Stockholme to the said Roberts for
whom hee disbursed it, and further hee declared to this examinate
whom hee disbursed it, and further hee declared to this examinate
that having at Nantes delivered her said parcell of ?CopperXX for the said
that having at Nantes delivered her said parcell of [?Copprace] for the said
Roberts, hee this deponetnt XXXX XXX take in wine to be carried to
Roberts, hee this deponetnt should there take in wine to be carried to
Stockholme to the said Roberts and for the said Roberts his accompt; and
Stockholme to the said Roberts and for the said Roberts his accompt; and
before this deponents XXX from Amsterdam hee desiring of the said
before this deponents proceeding from Amsterdam hee desiring of the said
Real that hee might have a new saile to the said vessell, and ?since further
Real that hee might have a new saile to the said vessell, and some further
fitting than ther was furnished with, ?hee anwered noe, hee had XXX
fitting than shee was furnished with, hee anwered noe, hee had advanced
of much money towards fitting her, as XXX order from the said Roberts
asmuch money towards fitting her, as hee had order from the said Roberts
to lay out, and if this deponent wanted any furniture more than hee had
to lay out, and if this deponent wanted any furniture more than hee had
hee must stay ?further till XXX came to Stockholm with the said vessell
hee must stay ?further till hee came to Stockholm with the said vessell
to the said Roberts, who would supplie him. And saith that this deponent
to the said Roberts, who would supplie him. And saith that this deponent
was victualled for the said voyage with much more victualles than were
was victualled for the said voyage with much more victualles than were
necessarie for a voyage to XX from Amsterdam to Nantes and returne
necessarie for a voyage to goe from Amsterdam to Nantes and returne
namely hee was victualled for five monthes, enough to goe to Nantes
namely hee was victualled for five monthes, enough to goe to Nantes
and thence to Stockholme, and with tXXX assureth at XXX XXXX XXX hee
and thence to Stockholme, and with twice asmuch as hee should have
needed to XXX XXX for Nantes and back for Amsterdam, and that
needed to have gon for Nantes and back for Amsterdam, and that
XXXX designedly XX largely victualled to goe to Nantes and there
hee was designedly soe largely victualled to goe to Nantes and there
deliver and carry XX XXX thence to Stockholme upon the said Roberts
deliver and carry wines thence to Stockholme upon the said Roberts
his accompt, Et alr necit, XXX predeporta.
his accompt, Et alr necit, salvis predepoita.
Ad 7 et 8 nescit, XXing the arlate XXX Appleboom was and is the King
Ad 7 et 8 nescit, saving the arlate heer Appleboom was and is the King
of Swedens publique Minister or the XXXXX, or XXX XXX XXX et alr
of Swedens publique Minister at the hague, et salva quod refert se ad
XXXXX aralatus
[?XXXX] arlatus.
Ad 9. 10 et 11:XX deponit that hee the said Real was and is a factor at
Ad 9. 10 et 11:um deponit that hee the said Real was and is a factor at
Amsterdam for the said Gaspar Roberts and other Swedes, and for such is
Amsterdam for the said Gaspar Roberts and other Swedes, and for such is
commonly accompted, And saith that this deponent XXXX
commonly accompted, And saith that this deponent having
for XXX yeeres keeping about tenn yeeres XXXX used to saile from and to Stockholm XX
for severall yeeres beginning about tenn yeeres since used to saile from and to Stockholme
for XXXX in eight yeeres well knowe the said Gaspar Roberts XXXXX
for seaven or eight yeeres well knowe the said Gaspar Roberts to have bin
and to be an Inyabitant there, and to have bin and to be a dealer in
and to be an Inhabitant there, and to have bin and to be a dealer in
XXXX only XXX XXX in ffrench and Rhenish wines, and this deponent
grosse or by wholesale in ffrench and Rhenish wines, and this deponent
XXXX and knoweth that hee hath had from time to time and hath XXXX
[?seane] and knoweth that hee hath had from time to time and hath [?XXX]
quantities of ffrench wines brought unto him for his owne acco:t from XXX
quantities of ffrench wines brought unto him for his owne account from [?XXX]
and saith hee is a subiect of the King of Sweden, and a person of XXX and of such
and saith hee is a subiect of the King of Sweden, and a person of [?XXX] and of such
aforesaid commomly XXted. Et alr nescit
aforesaid commomly reputed. Et alr nescit.

Latest revision as of 12:22, November 25, 2015


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HCA 13/76 f.65v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


that the said [?copprace] was for the said Roberts his accompt, and for [?XX]
the moneyes which this deponent received of the said Real for fitting
and victualling the vessell, hee tooke this deponents receipt as being
opem and for the said Roberts his accompt, and told this examinate that
hee would send the accompt to Stockholme to the said Roberts for
whom hee disbursed it, and further hee declared to this examinate
that having at Nantes delivered her said parcell of [?Copprace] for the said
Roberts, hee this deponetnt should there take in wine to be carried to
Stockholme to the said Roberts and for the said Roberts his accompt; and
before this deponents proceeding from Amsterdam hee desiring of the said
Real that hee might have a new saile to the said vessell, and some further
fitting than shee was furnished with, hee anwered noe, hee had advanced
asmuch money towards fitting her, as hee had order from the said Roberts
to lay out, and if this deponent wanted any furniture more than hee had
hee must stay ?further till hee came to Stockholm with the said vessell
to the said Roberts, who would supplie him. And saith that this deponent
was victualled for the said voyage with much more victualles than were
necessarie for a voyage to goe from Amsterdam to Nantes and returne
namely hee was victualled for five monthes, enough to goe to Nantes
and thence to Stockholme, and with twice asmuch as hee should have
needed to have gon for Nantes and back for Amsterdam, and that
hee was designedly soe largely victualled to goe to Nantes and there
deliver and carry wines thence to Stockholme upon the said Roberts
his accompt, Et alr necit, salvis predepoita.

Ad 7 et 8 nescit, saving the arlate heer Appleboom was and is the King
of Swedens publique Minister at the hague, et salva quod refert se ad
[?XXXX] arlatus.

Ad 9. 10 et 11:um deponit that hee the said Real was and is a factor at
Amsterdam for the said Gaspar Roberts and other Swedes, and for such is
commonly accompted, And saith that this deponent having
for severall yeeres beginning about tenn yeeres since used to saile from and to Stockholme
for seaven or eight yeeres well knowe the said Gaspar Roberts to have bin
and to be an Inhabitant there, and to have bin and to be a dealer in
grosse or by wholesale in ffrench and Rhenish wines, and this deponent
[?seane] and knoweth that hee hath had from time to time and hath [?XXX]
quantities of ffrench wines brought unto him for his owne account from [?XXX]
and saith hee is a subiect of the King of Sweden, and a person of [?XXX] and of such
aforesaid commomly reputed. Et alr nescit.