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HCA 3/46 f.15r Annotate
First transcribed 26 April 2015  +
First transcriber Colin Greenstreet  +
Folio 15  +
Parent volume HCA 3/46  +
Side Recto  +
Status Uploaded image; transcribed on 26/04/2015  +
Transcription The Lord Protector et cetera against IsaacThe Lord Protector et cetera against Isaach}<br /> Phillips Budd Smith} Which day appeared the said Phillips<br /> and forasmuch as he have in<br /> exceptiones wherefore he should not<br /> pay the money demannded of him by the<br /> Comissioners and had a time assigned him for the<br /> provinge the same which time beinge now elapsed<br /> and noe proofe thereof made The Judges at the petition<br /> of the said Budd did [?monish] the said Phillips to<br /> pay unto the said [?PXXXs] the value of 50 dozen of<br /> Lookinge glasses after the rate of 24 ''s'' a dozen<br /> accordinge to the agreement betweene them made as<br /> appeareth by the confession of the said Phillips within<br /> 3 dayes./. The same against John Brewer}<br /> Budd Smith} Which day the said Budd alleadged that<br /> the said Brewer was assigned by this<br /> Court to give in his exceptions to the charge<br /> given against him on the behalfe of the Lord<br /> Protector by a time since past and that he hath<br /> not soe sone wherefore he desired a monition<br /> against him for the payment of the said money<br /> according to the contract in this behalfe made in the<br /> presence of Mr Smith dissentinge and desiringe a<br /> longer time for the doinge thereof Whereupon the<br /> Judges assigned the said Smith to give in his exceptions<br /> to morrow in the afternoone and to determine the busines<br /> the same time./. Dry against James}<br /> ffrancklin Clements} Which day the said ffrancklin porrected a sentence<br /> definitive in writinge which the Judges at his<br /> petition did read give and promulge and did pronounce<br /> decree declare adjusge condemne and doe in all thinges<br /> as therein is contained in the presence of the said<br /> Clements renouncinge the benefitts of his appeale and<br /> undertaking to deliver the Cable and hawser in the said<br /> Sentence mentioned unto the said dry and thereupon the<br /> Judges with the consent of the said ffrancklin and Clements<br /> did tax the expences at the summe of 50 ''s'' and ffrancklin<br /> acknowledged to have receaved the said summe of 50 ''s'' of<br /> the said Clements./. George Margetts against 5.16 partes of}<br /> the shipp formerly called the ''Loyalty''}<br /> but now the ''Reformation'' whereof}<br /> Anthony Earnest is master and against the<br /> said Earnest and all others et cetera<br /> Clements} Which day the said Clements exhibited<br /> the appraesement of the said shippe<br /> taken by authority of this Court and<br /> produced for sureties William<br /> Greene of Magnes parish the<br /> Bridge London Salter and John Greene of the same parish Salter who<br /> submittinge themselves et cetera obliged<br /> themselves et cetera for the said George<br /> Margettsa for the said George<br /> Margetts  +
Transcription image [[File:CIMG1509.JPG|thumbnail|800px|none|link=Special:TranscriptionInterface/CIMG1509.JPG|[[:HCA 3/46|HCA 3/46]] f.15r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window  +
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