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HCA 13/73 f.507r Annotate
First transcribed 2 June 2014  +
First transcriber Colin Greenstreet  +
Folio 507  +
Parent volume HCA 13/73  +
Side Recto  +
Status Upladed image; transcribed on 02/06/2014  +
Transcription away, and would not discharge the said shiaway, and would not discharge the said ships unlesse this<br /> Deponent and the Master of the ''Cock'' would [?procure] the said summ<br /> of 225 ''li'' Sterling which said summ hee saith they were Constrained<br /> to borrow of [?two] Merchants of Garnesey, and this Deponent did himself<br /> pay halfe the said summe namely 112. ''li'' 10 ''s''. Sterling to the said<br /> Browne, and the Master of the ''Golden Cock'' paid the like<br /> summe to the said Browne in this Deponents presence, which said<br /> summes were soe paid for the said ships and Ladings without<br /> payment of which the said Browne severall times declared<br /> hee would not discharge the said ships. But<br /> would undoubtedly have Carried them and their said Ladings<br /> to the leaven Islands and there have sold them. And further<br /> Cannot depose./: To the 7th and 8th hee saith that this deponent was forced to engage<br /> his said ship and Lading for payment of the said Summe, and<br /> was necessitated to sell his said lading at garnesey to pay<br /> the same, And saith that the said Lading of Herrings Butter<br /> and Salmon yeilded but low prices at Garnesey, And<br /> did not yeild One hundred<br /> and ffifty pounds Sterling at Garnesey, whereas had the same<br /> bin Carried to Bourdeaux, as it would in all probability have<br /> bin had not the said Browne seized the said ship: it<br /> would have yeilded three hundred and fforty pounds Sterling as this<br /> Deponent well beleeveth, which would have produced about ffifty<br /> Tonns of ffrench wine, which wine would have yeilded att<br /> Glascow aforesaid twenty foure pounds Per Tonne or thereabouts<br /> cleere of all charges, And saith that thereby and in losse of time the said Owners<br /> are very much damaged, and further cannot depose./: To the tenth hee saith that the said Browne did acknowledge<br /> that the foresaid Morgan Jones did set out the said ship<br /> ''Charls'' to sea the said voyage and was the Captaine of her<br /> and that hee the said Browne was put into her by the said<br /> Jones. And further cannot depose./: To the last hee saith that the said James Bogle John<br /> Walkinshawe and Company were and are all Merchants of<br /> Glascow, in Scotland, and subjects of this<br /> Commonwealth and soe Commonly accounted And further cannot<br /> depose./: [XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX] Turner. henry hart [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]] Turner. henry hart [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]  +
Transcription image [[File:IMG_0226_copy.JPG|thumbnail|800px|none|link=Special:TranscriptionInterface/IMG_0226_copy.JPG|[[:HCA 13/73|HCA 13/73]] f.507r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window  +
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