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HCA 13/73 f.479v Annotate
First transcribed 21 February 2015  +
First transcriber Colin Greenstreet  +
Folio 479  +
Parent volume HCA 13/73  +
Side Verso  +
Status Uploaded image; transcribed on 21/02/2015  +
Transcription to don lewis Perez de Vittoria an Inhabitato don lewis Perez de Vittoria an Inhabitant of the [?CXXX]<br /> and a Treasurer there, and other of the goods to severall parties [?and]<br /> persons mentioned in the bills of lading not knowing their [?names]<br /> without booke nor what they are, saving that one of them is [?named]<br /> John Britten and is a Portugese, and for the said [?CXXX]<br /> [?XXX] hee saith the same wholly belongs to the said freighters [?William]<br /> [?delbo] and companie, and the said sugares (saving he [?said]<br /> six chests) were laded by this deponent, and the said six chests [?and]<br /> five hundred and threescore hides were laded by one [?Michaell]<br /> de ffaguagua factor of the said don lewes Perez, and [?XX XXX]<br /> of the said hides namely five hundred of them and the [?AlXXX XXX]<br /> other particular persons mentioned in the bills of lading, and<br /> the said severall goods were to be delivered namely the Campecha [?wood]<br /> at Teneriff to an English man named Ge[?XXX] Martin (as hee is commonly called)<br /> but this deponent hath heard of another [?named ?XXX]<br /> hath, but doth not remember what it is) to the use of the [?said]<br /> freighters the said Martin being their factor there, The sugars<br /> belonging to this deponent to be there alsoe delivered to this deponent<br /> and the six chests and the hides of done lewis, were for the<br /> said don his account to be there delivered to his use<br /> and the said other hides and other goods belonging to the said<br /> Britton were there to be delivered to him, and the rest of the<br /> klading to the severall other persons according to their bills of<br /> lading. And saith the mariners had some goods [?betweene]<br /> decks for their owne use whereof hee tooke noe account. And<br /> further deposeth not. To the fourth Interrogatorie hee saith and deposeth That hee this deponent<br /> as aforesaid is sole owner of the said shipp Tackle and furniture, and an<br /> Inhabitant of Saint Lucar and a subiect of the king of Spaine, and<br /> [?XXX] owner hee became master or Captaine of the said shipp, and<br /> hee was freighted by the said freighters to goe to Cartagena there to [?deliver]<br /> part of his outward lading, and thence to goe to havana and there deliver the rest and there to take in the siad<br /> Lading of Campecha wood and other goods, and saith that there were some [?XXX]<br /> of fianza or [?trust] passed betweene the said freightors and this deponent<br /> touching the said voyage, which were not entred in the publique<br /> entries in Spaine, and saith that preparing to fight [?uponm ?the]<br /> comming up of the frigot, this deponent threw<br /> over board a chest wherein hee beleeves were [?XXXX]<br /> Instructions, and the mariners of the frigot [?comming]<br /> aboard did as hee saith throw over board severall papers<br /> that came to their hands, finding that they made not for [?their]<br /> purpose. And saith the foresaid parties to whom the said [?goods]<br /> belonged were to pay freight for the same according to their<br /> severall proportions and interests, and otherwise hee cannot [?answer]<br /> saving as aforesaid. To the fifth Interrogatorie and the booke and respective papers<br /> now showed unto him hee saith an deposeth that the said [?booke]<br /> and respective papers were aboard and belonging to the said [?XXX]<br /> [?when GUTTER]the said [?XXX]<br /> [?when GUTTER]  +
Transcription image [[File:IMG_0171_copy.JPG|thumbnail|800px|none|link=Special:TranscriptionInterface/IMG_0171_copy.JPG|[[:HCA 13/73|HCA 13/73]] f.479v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window  +
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Modification dateThis property is a special property in this wiki. 25 November 2015 22:50:55  +
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