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HCA 13/73 f.470v Annotate
First transcribed 17 June 2014  +
First transcriber Colin Greenstreet  +
Folio 470  +
Parent volume HCA 13/73  +
Side Verso  +
Status Uploaded image; transcribed on 17/06/2014  +
Transcription them and or what hee padid for them hee sathem and or what hee padid for them hee saith hee cannot de[?clare GUTTER]<br /> after soe long time, but saith hee paid for them with ready [?money GUTTER]<br /> And otherwise hee cannot specified or answer saving as aforesaid. To the 9th hee saith the particular owners of the said shipp<br /> are as aforesaid, but what part or share each of them hath therein<br /> or what they paid for the same hee saith hee knoweth not, nor was<br /> present at the contracting for, buying or paying for the same<br /> or any part thereof. And otherwise saith he cannot answer<br /> saving as aforesaid. To the tenth hee saith the said shipp was bound to goe this<br /> voyage to Cadiz aforesaid and there to discharge her lading. And<br /> otherwise hee cannot answer saving as aforesaid. To the eleventh hee saith hee knoweth not to whom or to [?which GUTTER]<br /> particular person or persons the said goods soe laded aboard the said<br /> shipp were at Cadiz to be delivered, only hee saith his said<br /> owne goods were there to be delivered to himselfe, and hee<br /> beleeveth that all such as were passengers, and had goods aboard<br /> were there alsoe to receive their owne goods, And further hee cannot<br /> answer, saving as aforesaid. To the 12th hee saith hee hath goods aboard for his owne<br /> account as aforesaid and saving them hath noe interest in<br /> the said shipp or goods laded aboard her, And otherwise hee<br /> cannot as hee saith answer. To the 13th hee saith hee cannot name or set downe the<br /> name or names of any for[XXX] accpount any goods [XXX GUTTER]<br /> or are laded in the said shipp saving this deponent, the said [XXX GUTTER]<br /> [?vandeutur], and mr van keulen, and saving mr Peter [?TXXX GUTTER]<br /> a dutch man and subiect of the said States living at delft in [?Holland GUTTER]<br /> hath two cases and a fa[?tt] of harlem stuffs, [?prXXXX ?and XXX GUTTER]<br /> aboard for his owne account, which hee knoweth being his [XXX GUTTER]<br /> and acquainted with such his adventure. And otherwise hee cannot<br /> answer saving as aforesaid. To the 14th hee saith that since the said shipps said comming [?from GUTTER]<br /> Amsterdam and before her staying at Plimouth, the [XXXX GUTTER]<br /> bin any goods whatsoever taken out of her, savingthe<br /> said truncks and bedding of the said passenger[?s]. To the 15th hee saith hee hath often seene the said passengers<br /> truncks and baggage opened, and [?XXXed] and removed, and [XXX GUTTER<br /> well knoweth that hee had noe papers, or dispatches or [XXX GUTTER]<br /> therein whatsoever, but what countrey men hee was this deponent<br /> saith hee knoweth not, And further hee cannot answer [XXX XXX GUTTER]<br /> aforesaid. Repeated before the two Judges<br /> in Court. Rich[?ris] Van der [XXXX] [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE][?ris] Van der [XXXX] [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]  +
Transcription image [[File:IMG_0151_copy.JPG|thumbnail|800px|none|link=Special:TranscriptionInterface/IMG_0151_copy.JPG|[[:HCA 13/73|HCA 13/73]] f.470v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window  +
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