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HCA 13/72 f.613v Annotate
First transcribed 1 December 2015  +
First transcriber Colin Greenstreet  +
Folio 613  +
Parent volume HCA 13/72  +
Side Verso  +
Status Uploaded image; transcribed on 01/12/2015  +
Transcription To the 2d 3e 4th 5th and 6th articles of tTo the 2d 3e 4th 5th and 6th articles of the said Allegation hee saith that<br /> the said ship had soe taken and recieved in her Lading the [?XX]<br /> [?Sale] and departed therewith from Hamborowe towards this<br /> Port of London whither shee was bound under the Conduct of<br /> Claes Derrickson Lann her Master, and Company and being<br /> about two Leagues off Yarmouth, to the Northward, and about<br /> a League from shore in the Darke of the Evening and foule<br /> wether about five weekes since there came a ffrigot or<br /> man of warr, and assailed her on the Suddaine, and haled<br /> her and understanding whence shee was, and whether bound<br /> shott five or six musketts at the said shipp ''ffalcon'' and her [?XXXX]<br /> and Comanded her Master to come imediately to him aboard their ffrigot, or els they would<br /> (as they threatned and said) sinke his ship, whereupon the said<br /> Claes Derrickson Lann seeing hee was in noe Capacity with<br /> 4 or five men and his vessell unarmed to withsatnd the<br /> said ffrigot, that was armed with six peeces of Ordinance and<br /> Ammunition adn many men, was forced and Constrained to take<br /> his boate (though exceeding foule wether), and goe aboard the<br /> ffrigot, whereafter hee had stayed awhile was sent into his owne<br /> ship with some of the men of the said ffrigot, And the said<br /> ffrigot and Company kept watch and held under Comand the said<br /> ship ''ffalcon'', all that night, and the next morning there came<br /> about 20: of the said ffrigots Company in their owne boate<br /> aboard the ''ffalcon'', and by force, and violence entred her<br /> and after they had entred her, they brake open her hold and<br /> rummaged and plundred her at their Pleasure, bringing her<br /> Packs upon the Deck and breaking them open and taking<br /> thereout what they liked and taking away what other of her<br /> goods they pleased, and tooke and Carryed many Packs and goods<br /> aboard their man of warr, Imploing themselves in such [?their]<br /> Plunder from about 6 of the Clock that morning till Evening<br /> by which meanes the Master and Company and Proprietors lost many goods<br /> which were parte of the said ships lading, And before the said man of warrs<br /> men comming aboard the Cargoe was intire and whole and nothing<br /> thereof Damnified, from the time of her Comming from<br /> Hamborowe where (as he saith) her Decks were fast nayled<br /> The premisses hee deposeth and Knoweth for the reasons aforesaid<br /> And further hee deposeth not To the 7th 8th and 9th hee saith that after the said Company of the<br /> man of warr had plundred, and taken away much of the said<br /> shipp the ''ffalcons'' Lading and carryed it aboard the said [?XXXX]<br /> they in the Evening of the said Day of such their comming [?aboard]<br /> left her and presently thereupon [?XXX] of the said ship ''ffalcon'' [?caused]<br /> her hatches againe to be made fast and nailed and there[?XXX]<br /> set saile with his said ship, and such of her Lading as [?XXX]<br /> [?XXX]of her Lading as [?XXX]<br /> [?XXX]  +
Transcription image [[File:IMG_121_11_5555.JPG|thumbnail|800px|none|link=Special:TranscriptionInterface/IMG_121_11_5555.JPG|[[:HCA 13/72|HCA 13/72]] f.613v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window  +
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