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HCA 13/72 f.605r Annotate
First transcribed 25 November 2015  +
First transcriber Colin Greenstreet  +
Folio 605  +
Parent volume HCA 13/72  +
Side Recto  +
Status Uploaded image; transcribed on 25/11/2005  +
Transcription To the first article hee saith and deposetTo the first article hee saith and deposeth that hee well knoweth<br /> the producent Giles Marcellis having often seene him upon the<br /> Exchange at Amsterdam and saith that hee and the producent<br /> Issac hermans were and are commonly accompted dutchmen<br /> Inhabitants and House keepers of Amsterdam and Subiects of<br /> the States of the United Netherlands<br /> which hee knoweth being alsoe an Inhabitant of the same citie<br /> And further hee cannot depose. To the second hee saith hee hath often heard to the effect arlate namely<br /> that the said producents merchants of Amsterdam drive a greate trade<br /> by way of merchandizing betwixt that citie and the Canaries<br /> and other parts in the dominion of Spaine and have correspondents<br /> there. To the third and fourth articles hee saith that hee well knoweth the arlate<br /> Cornelius [?Snyshens] who hee saith is a dutch merchant resident at<br /> Santa Cruse and correspondent of the producents, and in the moneth of<br /> July last or thereabouts did there lade aboard the said shipp the ''Liesda''<br /> or ''Love'' as factor and for the account proper of the said producents three<br /> thousand one hundred eightie and foure peeces of Campechia wood<br /> and consigned the same for Amsterdam, there to be delivered to the<br /> said producents or their order for their use and account, which hee<br /> knoweth for that hee this deponent master of the said shipp received the<br /> same aboard her, and for the other reasons followeing. To the fifth and sixth articles and schedules annexed hee saith<br /> that after and upon the said lading hee this deponent master<br /> aforesaid signed three bills of lading all of one tenour for the<br /> same, and left two of them with the said Cornelius, and brought<br /> the third in a letter from the said Cornelius directed to the said producents at Amsterdam, and saith that the bill of lading and letter<br /> annexed now showed unto him was and is the same bill and letter soe<br /> by this deponent received of the said Cornelius, and directed as aforesaid<br /> and that the said bill was (with the said oher two) soe signed by this deponent<br /> at Santa Cruse upon the lading of the said Campecha wood, namely on or<br /> about the day of the sate thereof and the contents thereof were and<br /> are true and soe had and donne as therein is contained, and that the said<br /> letter annexed was and is the same letter of the said Cornelius soe delivered<br /> to this deponent and wherein the said bill was inclosed, And otherwise<br /> saving as aforesaid hee cannot answer. To the seaventh and 8th hee saith that after the lading of the said wood aboard<br /> the said shipp shee departed therewith from Santa Cruse for Amsterdam, and<br /> that in her course comming neare dover shee was on the thirtieth of<br /> August last (new stile) met with surprized and taken by a frigot<br /> of this commonwealh commannded by Captaine Richard Rose, and<br /> by the English Admirall sent into the River of Thames, and that at the time of the said<br /> seizure, all the said Campecha wood as alsoe the said letter and bill<br /> of lading were aboard her and came all to the hands of the said Captaine<br /> who after the said letter was broken open an dthe contents understood<br /> by the Admirall [?XXX] delivered and the bill back to this deponent, And further<br /> hee cannot depose. Tofurther<br /> hee cannot depose. To  +
Transcription image [[File:IMG_121_11_5538.JPG|thumbnail|800px|none|link=Special:TranscriptionInterface/IMG_121_11_5538.JPG|[[:HCA 13/72|HCA 13/72]] f.605r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window  +
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