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HCA 13/72 f.525r Annotate
First transcribed 1 December 2015  +
First transcriber Colin Greenstreet  +
Folio 525  +
Parent volume HCA 13/72  +
Side Recto  +
Status Uploaded image; transcribed on 01/12/2015  +
Transcription ''Postilain'' was goeing in for Bantam) wh''Postilain'' was goeing in for Bantam) which shipps fired divers<br /> gunnes with bulletts at the ''Postilian'', some of which shott came<br /> very neere the ''Postilian'' and the sayd shipps followed the ''Postilian''<br /> till shee Anchored in Bantam Roade, and then all save one of them stood<br /> off againe for Pollipan Jan, and that one sjipp anchored soe<br /> neere in Bantam Roade to the ''Postilian'' that shee came within pistoll<br /> shott of her, and soe lay off and on during the whole tyme the<br /> ''Postilian'' continued at Bantam this hee deposeth of certayne knowledge<br /> being master of the ''Postilian'' as aforesayd And further cannot depose/ To the 5th Interrogatorie hee saith that the ''Postilian'' being come to<br /> Anchor in Bantam Roade hee this deponent with assistance of one<br /> Samuell Card this deponents Purser having authority equally from<br /> the Interrogate delboe Middleton Temms, Britton Taylor and Syon soe to doe did at<br /> Bantam dispose of the sayd shipps outward Cargoe to divers<br /> English merchants there for Accompt of the sayd delboe Middleton<br /> Temms Britton Taylor and Syon and tooke in pepper for their Accompt and some<br /> pepper and other goods for Accompt of this deponent and his sayd shipps company<br /> and for Accompt of the English East India Company and having soe done departed out of Bantam Roade peaceably<br /> and quietly therewith and with three thousand two hundred and odd peeces of Eight which shee brought from England bound for Europe And further hee deposeth not/ To the 6th Interrogatorie hee saith that the ''Postilian'' being come<br /> with her sayd homewards ladeing about three leagues from<br /> Bantam Roade, shee was then chased by fower dutch shipps belonging<br /> as afterwards appeared to the dutch East India Company and after<br /> a while shee was mett with by a dutch ffrigott called the<br /> ''Amsterdam'' (Cornelius [BLANK IN MANUSCRIPT] Master of her) who seeing<br /> the other fower dutch shipps chase the ''Postilian'' thereupon made<br /> divers shott with bulletts at the ''Postillian'' many whereof peirced the hull<br /> and tore and spoiled the sayles and tackleing of the ''Postilian'', and<br /> coming up beerer commanded this deponent to come aboard him<br /> and by violence disposessed this deponent and Company of the<br /> sayd shipp and her ladeing and the other fower ducth shipps coming<br /> up with the ''Postilian'' the Commanders of the sayd dutch shipps<br /> put men of their owne aboard the ''Postilian'' and the Captaine of<br /> the ''Amsterdam'' tooke this deponent and divers of his Company <br /> prizoners aboard his shipp of warr the ''Amsterdam'' aforesayd<br /> and at this deponents coming aboard her told this deponent that<br /> it was truth hee had done noe more (meaning in shooteing at and<br /> seizing the ''Postilian'' and her ladeing) than hee could answere<br /> but desyred this deponent to excuse him for that hee was but<br /> a servant and sayd that if hee had not done hee (their Admirall) one<br /> of the fower shipps who gave chase being in sight) hee must have lost<br /> his head And hee saith the ''Postilian'' and her ladeing being in hostile<br /> manneradeing being in hostile<br /> manner  +
Transcription image [[File:IMG_121_11_5378.JPG|thumbnail|800px|none|link=Special:TranscriptionInterface/IMG_121_11_5378.JPG|[[:HCA 13/72|HCA 13/72]] f.525r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window  +
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