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HCA 13/72 f.479v Annotate
First transcribed 22 November 2013  +
First transcriber Colin Greenstreet  +
Folio 479  +
Parent volume HCA 13/72  +
Side Verso  +
Status Uploaded image; transcribed on 22/11/2013  +
Transcription wherein hee acknowledged to have received wherein hee acknowledged to have received the said order of<br /> his said Correspondents, and also by a like letter of the said shipps Master<br /> intimating his receiving of the said packett (to witt the packett wherein the said<br /> Order was enclosed) and that he would deliver the same unto him, the said Policarpio upon his arrivall<br /> at Porto Porto aforesaid, And by this deponents pr[?e]mised<br /> observations, he saieth he is fully assured<br /> that the said Policarpio<br /> de Oliveira was at the time aforesaid much indebted, or had<br /> in his hands goods and effects of his said Correspondents of a great<br /> and very considerable value, and albeit he cannot particularize<br /> how much the same did or might amount unto, upon considerationn the<br /> quangtity and worth of the said Cargaison of sugars shumacke<br /> and Tobaccoes (much transcending the valew or proceed of<br /> the said Cargaison of fish) this deponent is further induced in<br /> Conscience to beleeve, That the the said Policarpio was indebted<br /> ingaged or intrusted to or by his said Correspondents to the summe<br /> or value of Two or three thousand pounds sterling. And further to<br /> these articles hee saieth hee cannot depose./ To the 6th article of the said Allegation hee saieth, That shortly after<br /> the receipt of the said shipps lading of fish from the said<br /> Antonio fernandez and of the order aforesaid in this deponents<br /> deposition to the next precedent articles mentioned, the said<br /> Policarpio de Oliveira with the proceed thereof and with<br /> the monies or goods belonging to the said Anthonie Rodrigues<br /> de Morais and Jeronimo and Raphael Rodrigues Lamego<br /> and which were by them as aforesaid ordered to be used and<br /> imployed for and upon the use and accompt of the said Antonio<br /> fernandez, did buy and provide two hundred twenty and two<br /> Chests of sugars, one hundred and thirteene baggs of Shumack<br /> and forty Rolls of Tobaccoes for the use and accompt of the<br /> said Antonio fernandez Carvajal, and did shipp the same<br /> on board the said shipp the ''New England Merchant'' for he[?e]<br /> the said fernandez Accompt and consigned the same to Roane<br /> in france there to be delivered unto the said Antonio Rodrigues<br /> de Morais and Jeronimo and Raphael Rodrigues Lamego for the<br /> proper accompt of him the said fernandez. The premisses, hee [?saieth]<br /> he is full assured to be true, for that hee this deponent in the<br /> quality aforesaid hath seene perused and observed both letter of<br /> advise of the said Policarpio upon his buyeing and lading of<br /> the said goods wares and merchanises on board the same<br /> (shippnises on board the same<br /> (shipp  +
Transcription image [[File:IMG_121_11_5285.JPG|thumbnail|800px|none|link=Special:TranscriptionInterface/IMG_121_11_5285.JPG|[[:HCA 13/72|HCA 13/72]] f.479v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window  +
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