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HCA 13/72 f.350r Annotate
First transcribed 18 September 2013  +
First transcriber Colin Greenstreet  +
Folio 350  +
Parent volume HCA 13/72  +
Side Recto  +
Status Uploaded image; transcribed on 18/09/2013  +
Transcription of October 1655 or thereabouts sold by theof October 1655 or thereabouts sold by the Commissioners for the<br /> English ffleete for America videlicet Maior Generall Sedgewick and<br /> Admirall William Goodson and Colonell ffortescue then commanders<br /> in Cheife for the arlate Mr William Watts<br /> and one Captaine Shawe and Company This hee the better<br /> knoweth for that hee was at the same tyme present when the sayd shippe<br /> was sold and tooke speciall notice of the sale thereof And further<br /> to this allegation hee cannot depose./ Repeated before doctor Godolphin<br /> as alsoe his precontest. Gill Cornelius. [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE] *************************** The 7th of March 1658. The office of the Judges against}<br /> Ellis. Baker. Smith.} Examined upon the foresaid allegation<br /> on the behalfe of Ellis. '''Rp. 3.''' '''Cornelius Bringmans''' of the parish of Saint<br /> Buttolphs Algate London Broaker, aged<br /> 40 yeeres or thereabouts sworne and examined. To the first and second articles of the said allegation hee<br /> saith and deposeth that hee well knoweth the dock and staires of<br /> Saint Catherins arlate, and saith that on a day happening about<br /> three yeeres since hee this deponent being a Broaker for<br /> Marchants and matters upon the Exchange and assistant unto<br /> Strangers, endeavoured to goe and was readie to goe through<br /> the house of the producent Jenkin Ellis (as often hee hadd donne) to speake with some<br /> masters of foreigne vessells that lay behinde his house and<br /> at or neare his wharfe, but the said Jenkin meeting this deponent<br /> as hee was comming in at the dore, and understanding<br /> whether hee was going, expressely forbade and would not<br /> suffer to foe that way, telling him that noe forreigne vessells<br /> or other should lie at his wharfe above three at a time or<br /> abreast, for that as hee said hee had received command and<br /> order from this Court to that purpose, and soe turned this<br /> deponent away and about that hee was forced to goe aboard<br /> in a boate, whereat this deponent (that had formerly used to<br /> goe through his house) tooke much distaste and was a meannes<br /> of removing all the dutch vessells that were there from his<br /> wharfe, the said Ellis having in an angry manner bidden<br /> and willed him to take them away, saying they should not lie<br /> there, for that the Judges of the Admiraltie (as hee affirmed)<br /> had commanded and ordered the contrary. And otherwise hee<br /> cannot depose. To the third and fourth hee saith that hee this deponent<br /> [?XXXXX] [?XXXXX] [?XXXX] aboard vessells of strangers lying thereabouts<br /> [?XXX}] knoweth that from time to time there hath not for all the<br /> [?XXXX}]arlate nor doth more hollanders in other vessells lie at or<br /> [?bfore] the wharfe of the said Ellis than at other wharfes thereabouts<br /> of the like extent, and that of late there have come but few<br /> hollandhere have come but few<br /> holland  +
Transcription image [[File:IMG_121_11_5025.JPG|thumbnail|800px|none|link=Special:TranscriptionInterface/IMG_121_11_5025.JPG|[[:HCA 13/72|HCA 13/72]] f.350r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window  +
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