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HCA 13/71 f.74r Annotate
First transcriber Laura Seymour  +
Folio 74  +
Parent volume HCA 13/71  +
Side Recto  +
Status Uploaded image; transcribed  +
Transcription meanes was used, (but by whome hee knowethmeanes was used, (but by whome hee knoweth not) that more of the<br /> Nathalagoe Currants aforesayd could be gotten or were laden aboard the<br /> ''Cesar'' this hee deposeth being boatswaine and aboard the ''Cesar'' And further to this article hee cannot depose/ To the 21th and 22th articles of the sayd allegacon hee saith that hee being boatswaine<br /> and aboard knoweth that the sayd ffudge (and the says harbie with him) returned<br /> in the ''Cesar'' from Nathalagoe back to Petras to take aboard the sayd shipp<br /> the Currants of the Morea, and this deponent there sawe diuers of the Petras<br /> Currants steeved and a steeveing into Casks in the warehouses of the late<br /> Consull William ffowke, And saith that while the shipp ''Cesar'' lay there<br /> hee knoweth that the articulate hamet Bashaw and Constantine a Greeke (whome<br /> this deponent sawe formerly attend on the sayd Consull as his servants) came<br /> and brought in boates to the side of the ''Cesar'' Currants brought from<br /> the Gulphe articulate, and sawe Turkes who ought the sayd Currants<br /> coming in the sayd boates did of this deponents sight and knowledge in<br /> liew of their sayd Currants receave of the sayd Captaine ffudge or by his<br /> order the said cheste of Coffins and nyne baggs of pepper there deposed, and<br /> saith the sayd Turkes alsoe of this deponents sight and knowledge who helped to hand the sayd money over the side of the shipp ''Cesar'' carried away certaine money in baggs (but<br /> how much or by whome paid to hee knoweth not) and therewith departed<br /> And further to these articles hee cannot depose./ To the 23 article of the sayd allegation hee saith being boatswaine as<br /> aforesayd and aboard) that hee knoweth that all the Currants aforesayd<br /> brought from the Gulphe and laden aboard the shipp ''Cesar'', were stowed a<br /> board the sayd shipp in casks made of the pipestaves and hoopes and in other<br /> casks ready made by all brought in the ''Cesar'' from Castle de Marr articulate,<br /> and saith they were steeved by the Company of the shipp and one or two more<br /> sent from shoare from Petras to that purpose, but by whome sent hee<br /> knoweth not, and saith that hee knoweth for that hee was ashoare and sawe them in<br /> the warehouses of the Consull aforesayd at Petras and helped to fetch and sawe them<br /> aboard the ''Cesar'', that all the Curranse laden aboard the sayd shipp at<br /> Petras (except the Currans which came from the Gulphe as aforesayd)<br /> were brought in casks ready steeveed out of the warehouses aforesayd,<br /> and were got for the Accompt of the arlate Thomas Rowse and ffrancis ffowke as hee beleeveth as well<br /> And further to this article hee cannot depose/ To the 24th article hee saith that hee being as aforesayd boatswaine of<br /> and aboard the ''Cesar'' hereby well knoweth that none of the Curranse<br /> laden aboard the sayd shipp were put out hereof until they were<br /> discharged in the River of Thames And further to this article hee cannot depose To the 25th hee saith saving his foregoing deposition to which hee referreth<br /> hee cannot more fully depose to this article./cannot more fully depose to this article./  +
Transcription image [[File:P1130349.JPG|thumbnail|800px|none|link=Special:TranscriptionInterface/P1130349.JPG|[[:HCA 13/71|HCA 13/71]] f.74r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window  +
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