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HCA 13/71 f.511r Annotate
First transcribed 5 December 2012  +
First transcriber Alex Jackson  +
Folio 511  +
Parent volume HCA 13/71  +
Side Recto  +
Status Uploaded image; transcribed on 05/12/2012  +
Transcription To the Interrogatories. [CENTRE HEADING] To the Interrogatories. [CENTRE HEADING] To the first Interrogatorie hee saith that hee hath bin about two<br /> monethes in possession of the said ship as Commander thereof, and saith<br /> they sawe two thousand ffrancks (part of the summe payable for the<br /> said shipp) paid by the said Peter Goret to the said Vincent Aufrey at the<br /> house of the said Peter in Saint Malo's about two yeares since after the<br /> building of the said shipp was finished and there shee was launched,<br /> and saith shee belongeth wholly to the said Peter and Stephen Goret<br /> who hee saith were and subjects of the king of ffrance, And otherwise<br /> saving his foregoeing deposition whereunto where hee referreth himselfe hee cannot<br /> despose. To the second hee saith that the selling and buying of the said shipp being<br /> soe made and agreed on by and betweene the said persons, this deponent<br /> was present and heard the discussions given to the Notary for the drawing<br /> the Act or Instrument of the said sale, and when it was finished and<br /> passed their deponent sawe the same, and saith is was of the whole shipp,<br /> And otherwise cannot answere saving as aforesaid. To the third hee saith the said shipp was and is the burthen of seaventie<br /> tonnes or thereabouts, and was victualled at Saint Malo's for six monethes,<br /> with bread, beere, Sider, porke, wines, beefe fish, and other necessarie provisions. To the fourth hee saith there were six and twenty men in the<br /> said shipp the said voyage when shee was seized, being all of the company<br /> saving one of them was a passenger a merchant of holland, and<br /> otherwise hee cannot answer saving his foregoeing deposition, whereunto<br /> hee referreth himselfe. To the fifth hee saith the said shipp had six hundred pounds of powder<br /> or thereabouts aboard at the time of the said seizure, twelve muskets and<br /> firelocks, sixe pistolls, eight peeces of iron canon, and two brasse guns, and<br /> foure mu[?XXXXXe]rs, and noe horses, nor any other ammunition, saving meerly<br /> for the shipps service. To the sixth hee saith the said shipp the ''don de dieu'' departed and proceeded<br /> on the present voyage for the ports and places aforesaid<br /> on or about the first of december last new stile, thense bound first for<br /> Rosco, at which time of setting one and proceeding hee saith the said<br /> Peter and Stephen Goret and their deponent and others well knew and<br /> understood that the ffleete of this Commonwealth was before Cadiz and<br /> Saint Lucar or thereabouts, and visited all such shipps as were bound into<br /> either of those places. To the seventh Interrogatorie and the papers now shewed unto him, hee<br /> saith hee verily beleveeth then the said papers were all aboard and<br /> seized in his said ship, And otherwise cannot answer, nor knoweth<br /> saving his bills and and factories and french passes are true<br /> but for the generalitie of the papers hee doth not know the contents<br /> of them being letters which hee had sealed up. To the last hee saith hee well knoweth the interrogated Arnold P[?o]st<br /> living at Cadiz, and saith hee is a hollander of Amsterdam<br /> where this deponent hath seene and bin acquainted with him<br /> and<br /> and hath alsoe seene him at Cadiz where hee is a<br /> factor, but is a subiect of the States of the United Netherlands, And<br /> otherwise cannot depose. Repeated before the two Judges in Court. Francois gerváis [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]rt. Francois gerváis [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]  +
Transcription image [[File:P1140191.JPG|thumbnail|800px|none|link=Special:TranscriptionInterface/P1140191.JPG|[[:HCA 13/71|HCA 13/71]] f.511r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window  +
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