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HCA 13/71 f.474v Annotate
First transcribed 21 October 2012  +
First transcriber Philip Hnatkovich  +
Folio 474  +
Parent volume HCA 13/71  +
Side Verso  +
Status Uploaded image; transcribed on 21/10/2012  +
Transcription did accordingly, and saith that the sayd Mdid accordingly, and saith that the sayd Maundry seeing the sayd Master<br /> at a stand and uncertaine what to do having left the Company of the other<br /> shipps, sayd hee was willinger to worke out to sea then to work further<br /> in, and that hee had rather hee and his cloathes were aboard some fflemish<br /> shipp then on board the Owners Aventure though hee lost his wages,<br /> for hee supposed the danger soe great shee being soe farr in the Ice that<br /> the least gale of a Westerly winde would sinke the sayd shipp and<br /> stave her to peeces or to that effect and that it was imposible in<br /> his opinion for any shipp to gett into harbour in Greeneland<br /> that yeare or words to that effect, and saith the sayd Gosling and<br /> Maundry saving the words before mentioned did not at any tyme<br /> speake anything against or actually withstand the sayd Masters<br /> Commands touching the good of the sayd voyage ˹or incourage any other of the sayd shipps Company soe to doe˺ but did readily<br /> doe whatsoeuer hee commanded and did nothing in preiudice of the voyage<br /> other then what is before expressed And hee this deponent verily<br /> beleeveth and XX is perswaded ˹in his conscience˺ that the getting to shoare or harbour<br /> was a thinge ˹then˺ altogeather impossible, they haveing not then nor indeed GUTTER<br /> at any tyme after their first comming as aforesayd neere Bell Point<br /> the like faire oportunitie of getting into harbour as XXXXXXXX ˹at their being neere Bell Point as aforesayd˺ And<br /> hee the rather beleeveth that when the sayd shipp soe made back to gett to<br /> seas there was noe likelyhood of gaineing shoare for that the sayd<br /> damerell getting to seas againe and being cleere out of the Ice and<br /> there seeing that the sayd Master Pybus his shipp was ready to sinke<br /> by dammage receaved from the Ice, did thereupon openly upon the deck<br /> in presence of this deponent and divers others of the Owners Adventures<br /> Company saye that hee would not bee in the Ice againe soe farr<br /> as hee was for five hundred poundes, And gave this deponent<br /> and his mate Command being his Carpenters to goe on board the sayd Pybus<br /> to helpe to stopp his shipps leake which they did, And further<br /> to these articles hee cannot depose. sXXX/ To the 9th hee saith that the arlate Pybus Welch Child and Golding<br /> are able sea men and well experienced in the Greeneland ffishing<br /> this hee knoweth for that hee hath knowne them for these sixe or seaven<br /> goe Masters of shipps thither for divers voyages And saith hee<br /> hath heard the sayd Pybus Welch and Child since their comming<br /> home from the voyage in question saye that they held it a thing<br /> impossible for the sayd damerell (when hee left their Company<br /> and wrought further into the Ice) to gaine shoare or harbour for<br /> Bell Point bearing East south East and the Ice being soe thick<br /> and it being when hee was neerest shoare there ˹after hee left their Company˺ at least tenn<br /> leagues to shoare, and further saving his foregoeing deposition touching<br /> the hurt receaved by Pybus his shipp which hee heere alsoe affirmeth<br /> for truth hee cannot depose./ To the 10th and 11th articles of the sayd allegation hee saith that the<br /> sayd damerell with his shipps the Owners Adventure and Greyhound<br /> being gott out to sea upon or about the eighteenth of June last and the sayd Pybus his Leake mended the sayd damerell kept Company<br /> with the sayd Pibus and the other three London shipps from the sayd 18th of<br /> Junepps from the sayd 18th of<br /> June  +
Transcription image [[File:P1140116.JPG|thumbnail|800px|none|link=Special:TranscriptionInterface/P1140116.JPG|[[:HCA 13/71|HCA 13/71]] f.474v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window  +
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