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HCA 13/71 f.421v Annotate
First transcribed 13 October 2012  +
First transcriber Philip Hnatkovich  +
Folio 421  +
Parent volume HCA 13/71  +
Side Verso  +
Status Uploaded image; transcribed on 13/10/2012  +
Transcription To the 9th hee cannot depose/ To the 10thTo the 9th hee cannot depose/ To the 10th hee cannot depose./ To the 11th hee saith hee is an Anchor smith by trade and did serve as a<br /> Journeyman to the sayd Gough the tyme predeposed and saith hee is not<br /> of Kindred or all[e]gance to the sayd Gough nor indebted to him or the<br /> sayd Gough to him./ To the 12th hee cannot depose./ To the last hee saith in his foregoeing deposition hee hath satisfied the<br /> contents thereof soe farr as hee can./ Repeated before doctor Godolphin Thomas '''TP''' Powell [MARKE, RH SIDE] ************************* The 24th of November 1656. John Jesson Master of the shipp the ''Mary''}<br /> against John Jolliff Robert Caninge and John}<br /> Bence and Samuell Barnardiston and}<br /> Tho: Pilkington: Smith Suckley} Examined on an allegation given in on behalfe<br /> of the sayd Jesson 19th November 1656/ '''Smyth dt.''' '''jus''' '''John Phillpps''' of Greenewich in the<br /> County of Kent Mariner aged twenty seaven<br /> yeares or thereaboutes Boatswaines Mate of the shipp<br /> ''Mary'' the voyage in question saith as followeth videlicet/ To the first article hee saith hee this deponent was Boatswaines<br /> Mate of the ship ''Mary'' arlate the voyage in question which was<br /> made in the yeares and moneths arlate and knoweth that during the<br /> sayd voyage the arlate John Jesson did goe Master of the sayd shipp<br /> and tooke upon him the care and charge of her as Master all the sayd<br /> voyage and did remayne and abide with her in the Port of Smyrna<br /> arlate and saith during the sayd voyage the sayd Jesson was<br /> Commonly reputed to bee both Master and Part Owner of the sayd shipp<br /> And further to this article hee cannot depose./ To the 5th hee saith that after<br /> sayd shipp had taken in her ladeing at Smirna being the goods in question<br /> shee departed thence therewith and arrived safely with the sayd goods and<br /> merchandizes in her at this Port of London this hee knoweth for that<br /> hee served in her as Boatswaines Mate till such her arrivall here<br /> And further to this article cannot depose. To the 7th and 8th hee saith hee knoweth not to whome in particular the goods laden<br /> aboard the sayd shipp at Smirna belonged but saith that all the goods<br /> laden on board the sayd shipp ''Mary'' at Smyrna were heere at this<br /> Port of London delivered out of the sayd shipp cleere from the tackle thereof into<br /> lighters and other vessells sent to receive them, And that the sayd goods<br /> soe delivered were at the tyme of such their delivery soe far as this deponent<br /> could and did see and observe and as hee verily beleeveth and is absolutely<br /> perswaded in his conscience dry and well conditioned and in as good<br /> order and condition as they were receaved on board her at Smyrna this<br /> heen board her at Smyrna this<br /> hee  +
Transcription image [[File:P1140010.JPG|thumbnail|800px|none|link=Special:TranscriptionInterface/P1140010.JPG|[[:HCA 13/71|HCA 13/71]] f.421v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window  +
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